... eased a signal to O’Brien, and then O’Brien immediately moved over. This place was only a bit over a kilometer from the small town, and since they could snipe down an enemy, they could similarly be shot down. Even though he didn’t fear snipers, regardless of who it was, no one liked to be pointed at by a sniper rifle. Through his binoculars, O’Brien unexpectedly discovered that the small town was unexpectedly cold and cheerless, not a single person in sight. The empty streets were full of paper ...

Rather Than The Son, I’ll Take The FatherChapter 180: Ending

I became a side-character who died in anguish because of her good-for-nothing husband.

If I can’t avoid getting married, why don’t I change who I marry instead?

“Excellent, marriage sounds good.”

“Wise choice. Then let’s have a wedding ceremony that isn’t too ceremonious. Following that, I’ll need you to go down to the Fief and behave like the lady of the house until I call for you. Naturally, there won’t be any time to spend in leisure whilst dousing yourself in luxuries.”

“I’m not marrying you, but your father instead.”


“I’m not going to marry you. Do you have a problem with that?”

A Naive Short-tempered GirlChapter 967

One night she gets drunk and mistakes the most well-known Mafia boss for a Host* and intends to sleep with him.

MTL - Being Reborn And Starting Off By Not Being A Simp~ postscript
Urban Life

Liu Qing resigned.

He wrote on the reasons for his resignation:

“I’m going to inherit hundreds of millions of properties.”

- Description from novelbuddy

I Became The Novel's Biggest AntagonistChapter 157: Black Night In Dreonah [1]

As if becoming the [Final Antagonist] of a novel wasn't enough, Ivan had unfortunately or not also the memories of 6 other Antagonists of the six other Novels he had read.What happens when the mind, strength, goals, and pride of 7 Antagonists merge?It didn't matter to Ivan.All he wants now was to protect his Faith and for that he'd continue in then same path as he took in the novel with the difference than he wouldn't let the Protagonists kill him.For that first he must join the Exorcist Academy!The problem?He was possessed!