A Record of a Mortal's Journey to Immortality: Immortal Realm-Chapter 694: Frozen

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Chapter 694: Frozen

Han Li's brows furrowed slightly upon seeing this, and a sense of foreboding welled up in his heart.

In the instant that the tip of Shi Chuankong's came into contact with the silver lute, its strings abruptly shuddered slightly, seemingly having been strummed by an invisible hand.

A melodious note rang out as a burst of silver light erupted out of the lute before sweeping forth in all directions.

Shi Chuankong was the closest to the lute, so he was struck first by the silver light, and his eyes widened in surprise as he was sent flying back, only to then be suspended in mid-air in a complete still fashion.

Before anyone else had a chance to do anything, the burst of silver light swept through the entire palace, and everyone rose up involuntarily into the air like Shi Chuankong. Regardless of how they struggled, they could only flounder on the spot, unable to move forward or descend back down onto the ground.

Immediately thereafter, the golden plate at the center of the array also seemed to have been triggered by this burst of power, and it began to revolve rapidly while a burst of golden light erupted out of its center, then also spread through the surrounding area like the wave of silver light.

Everyone could only look on helplessly as the wave of golden light washed over, following which they were all immobilized in mid-air.

In that instant, it was as if time had completely stopped. Even the vast cloud of gray mist outside the palace had fallen completely still, standing on the spot like a dirty gray wall.

Everyone had dazed looks on their faces, as if even their consciousness had been frozen, and only Han Li's eyes were still trembling slightly, but he was unable to move them at all.

Even so, he was already in a much better state than everyone else. At the very least, his consciousness hadn't been frozen, so he was still able to think, albeit only very slowly.

This wasn't because there was anything special about Han Li. Instead, it was simply because his compressed time spirit domain had acted as a barrier around his body to help him somewhat withstand the detrimental effects of the waves of silver and golden light.

A strange silence descended upon the entire palace, and everyone was hovering in mid-air in a completely still fashion.

Right at this moment, the space within the palace suddenly began to tremble violently, and a black spatial rift that was several dozen feet in length suddenly appeared behind the gray-robed elderly man, releasing bursts of formidable spatial fluctuations.

At the same time, another black rift that was around three feet in length abruptly appeared beside Feng Lin's neck, and it extended further to slice a gash into her ear.

However, both of them remained completely immobilized, and it seemed that they were oblivious to what was happening around them.

Han Li knew that there was a very good chance that the spatial balance in the entire set of ruins had most likely already been broken, and that this space was going to completely collapse soon.

With that in mind, he began to channel his Mantra Treasured Axis with all his might, but under the dual time and spatial restrictions, his consciousness and immortal spiritual power were both moving extremely slowly. As a result, his Mantra Treasured Axis was also failing to respond.

Right at this moment, a burst of dull rumbling rang out within the palace, and the two spatial rifts shuddered in unison before expanding at a far quicker rate than before.

Immediately thereafter, the black rift behind Feng Lin's ear abruptly swelled to several times its original size, forming a flat black hole that decapitated her in the blink of an eye.

Her head was hovering above the black hole, while her body remained beneath it, and it was as if they were separated by a black light barrier. There was no sound, nor any blood flowing out of her body, presenting a very strange sight to behold.

On the other side, the black rift behind the gray-robed elderly man had also expanded by about twofold, and it had torn through his chest like a spear, slicing through both his heart and his ribs, but there was also no blood flowing out of the wound.

The tip of the black spatial rift had already reached the back of Shi Chuankong's chest, and if it were to elongate any further, then it would impale him as well.

A hint of urgency surfaced in Han Li's eyes upon seeing this, but all he could do was channel his immortal spiritual power and his Mantra Treasured Axis with all his might in an attempt to regain his mobility. At the moment, his body was still completely immobilized, but he was now able to move his eyes left and right, and the rate at which his consciousness was recovering had also sped up significantly.

However, right at this moment, the dreaded rumbling rang out once again, but this time, the two existing spatial rifts remained very stable, and they posed no threat to him for now.

However, as he cast his gaze down below, he was horrified to find that a black rift that was around ten feet wide and over thirty feet in length had appeared beneath him.

It was like a gaping black mouth that was eager to devour him, and Han Li continued to channel his Mantra Treasured Axis with all his might, but progress was agonizingly slow.

In the past, he had been able to forcibly free himself from certain restrictions using his Mantra Treasured Axis, but this time, things were looking dire.

He was beginning to feel extremely agitated, unsure of what to do as he had never encountered a situation like this, where his will and his body were completely out of sync.

Right at this moment, a thought occurred to Han Li, and he began to channel his Spirit Refinement Technique, but once again, he was only able to do so very slowly.

As he did this, the same dull rumbling rang out a third time, and a spatial rift appeared beside Immortal Lord Hot Flame as well.

Han Li drew upon his spiritual sense with all his might, and a slight gleam suddenly flashed through his eyes as his Spirit Refinement Technique finally began to function.

With the help of his Spirit Refinement Technique, his consciousness was restored to normal, and the rate at which he was able to channel his Mantra Axis Scripture was sped up significantly. Finally, he was able to actually sense the Mantra Treasured Axis in his body.

All of a sudden, the spatial rift beneath him lurched open while also expanding upward by several feet, sucking in a corner of his robe.

Han Li's heart shuddered upon seeing this, and finally, a burst of golden light emerged behind him, following which his Mantra Treasured Axis appeared.

As soon as the axis emerged, it immediately began to radiate countless rays of golden light, and working in tandem with his time spirit domain, they were able to create a small area of golden light to resist against the restrictive law powers within this space.

As a result, Han Li was finally able to regain some of his mobility, and he was able to lift the fingers of his sword-wielding hand ever so slightly.

However, this was still nowhere near enough to free him from his current predicament.

Right at this moment, two of the time law threads wrapped around his Mantra Treasured Axis lit up at his behest.

Initially, they were only glowing very faintly, but the light quickly began to grow brighter and brighter until it appeared like a smoldering golden flame.

The flame analogy was quite apt here as Han Li really was burning his time law threads in order to release the time law powers imbued within them.

As the two time law threads were set alight, the Time Dao Runes on the Mantra Treasured Axis began to light up one after another, glowing far brighter than they ever had as they released bursts of extremely formidable time law power fluctuations in all directions.

Han Li attempted to move his own body, only to discover that everything still felt incredibly heavy, and even the slightest movement felt downright impossible.

He looked down at the spatial rift below, which was close to reaching the underside of his feet, and he gritted his teeth as a third time law thread around his Mantra Treasured Axis was set alight at his behest.

With the release of the time law powers that it contained, the golden light radiating from the Mantra Treasured Axis grew even brighter, and it began to tear at the surrounding space like a golden saw.

A hint of elation appeared on Han Li's face upon seeing this, and he began to move to the side with immense difficulty.

The invisible barriers formed by the time and spatial law powers in the palace were torn apart bit by bit in the face of the Mantra Treasured Axis, and Han Li began to move with great difficulty, as if he were trudging through a swamp.

After finally escaping from the spatial rift down below, Han Li immediately began to make his way toward the three treasures at the center of the palace without any delay.

At this point, the rumbling in the surrounding space was becoming more and more frequent, and Han Li's brows were furrowed tightly with concern, but there was a determined look in his eyes.

He had chosen to venture deeper into the palace instead of immediately fleeing as the three immortal treasures were extremely alluring, and on top of that, he really had no choice.

He had no idea just how large an area these restrictive time and spatial law powers encompassed, so blindly fleeing the palace would be no different from suicide. Hence, it was a much better course of action to try and secure the three immortal treasures, then attempt to disable the restriction from there.

Even if these ruins were about to completely collapse, at the very least, he could try to flee through a spatial rift.

Upon arriving by Immortal Lord Hot Flame's side, Han Li hesitated momentarily, then decided to take the time to grab onto Immortal Lord Hot Flame's shoulders before moving him several feet to the side, out of the way of the black rift that was posing an imminent threat to his life.

Thanks to the influence of the Mantra Treasured Axis, Immortal Lord Hot Flame's consciousness was temporarily restored during the brief moment in which he was in close proximity to Han Li, but he was still completely unable to move or even speak.

As Han Li continued onward, his consciousness was frozen once again.

After what seemed like an eternity, Han Li finally arrived in front of the three immortal treasures.

This chapter is updat𝙚d by f(r)eew𝒆bn(o)vel.com