Adopted Soldier-Chapter 389

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Chapter 389

Anita, Rika, Michel, and the twins were currently in the living room having a lively conversation . While Lilitth, Niki and even Hina were outside training using the horse stance . They've been doing it for a few minutes now, but it seems like Hina was already reaching her limit .

Ever since Hina met Lilitth and Niki, she grew extremely fond of the two new big sisters . Still, most of the time the two big sisters were training, which made her feel left out . So she asked her new mother if she could start training as well . At first, Rika was opposed to the idea, since she believed that Hina would never need such abilities, especially with her around .

Yet Anita and even Michel convinced Rika that Hina learning to defend herself was necessary . It took quite some effort and time to convince Rika to allow Hina to join Lilitth and Niki's training . Now that Hina started training she felt a bit more energetic . Though she wasn't particularly talented or anything, she did try her very best .

While everyone was doing their normal everyday routine, Niki suddenly shouted something from the outside . "What's that?!" Anita and the others hearing the shout ran out to the backyard where Lilitth and the other children were training .

They saw Niki pointing at something, as Anita and the others saw what she was pointing at they were surprised . In a distance something weird was happening, the clouds were starting to move in a very peculiar way . They then started to form into one huge cloud that covered up the sky . Anita, Michel, and Rika felt that something ominous was about to happen and guided the kids into the house . It was then the cloud suddenly turned red and it started to rain .

At first, the adults in the room thought that it was simply a weird phenomenon, but then Rika who had the greatest sense of smell in the group noticed something different . There was a strange smell in the air . As she was about to say something to the others, Rika felt a bit groggy . This was a first for Rika, ever since she was a born most poisons do not affect her . Even if they did the effects were nothing that she couldn't handle . She was also someone who had ever gotten sick in her entire life, she was and always has been someone who beyond any normal human . So this was a first for her as she tried her hardest to keep her focus .

She noticed that everyone else was exhibiting the same symptoms but way worse than her . When she noticed this, she quickly dashed towards her daughter Hina, who was now unconscious . She tried waking her daughter, but no matter what kind of stimulation she gave, Hina just wouldn't wake up .

Lilitth, on the other hand, was heavily affected by the feeling of drowsiness, but she too noticed that something was different in the air, so she tried to expel whatever her lungs had intake but that proved futile, as her consciousness was slowly fading .

Anita and the others were also having similar problems . Michel was the one who was panicking the most as the twins were already unconscious their breathing was becoming a bit irregular .

Anita who could no longer think straight, reached deep into her pockets and took out a syringe, and injected herself . This was an adrenaline injection, this was Anita's last resort if all else fails . Yet even with using her last resort, her consciousness continued to flicker from conscious to unconscious . When her consciousness was about to blackout, the only feeling she had was worry . She was worried for her friends, and their children, most of all she was also extremely worried about her unborn child . Yet despite her best efforts she couldn't hold on and fainted on the spot .

. . .

Anita felt her head hurt a lot, as she saw only darkness . The area within her lower abdomen felt a bit of pain, She was also a bit confused as to why it was hurting . It was then she heard a voice calling her name . "ANITA! ANITA! ANITA! ANITA!" 'Why is Rika being so noisy?' Is what Anita thought as she tried to continue sleeping, but then she felt Rika shaking her a bit, which annoyed Anita .

She then stood up and shouted at Rika, "stop shaking me!" Anita who just woke up looked at the group that was staring at her . Her memories were a bit fuzzy at first, but then she remembered what happened before she fainted . As her memories returned she felt some pain in her lower abdomen, specifically where her baby was . When she noticed this, she had no time to worry about what happened .

"Rika, can you help me head to my clinic in the basement . " Rika who saw the serious look on Anita's face simply nodded her head and carried Anita to the basement . Michel and the children were still rather confused but followed as well .

. . .

When they got to the basement, the others aside from Rika and Hina, were surprised to see a fully functioning clinic . It even had the latest tools and equipment available . Anita told Rika to get the ultrasound scanner ready for use . Rika who has been helping Anita check her unborn child was already used to this procedure .

The procedure was quick, and Anita was able to see something weird was going on inside her body . After a more thorough check, she was shocked to learn what was truly happening to her body . There was a new organ growing within her . Not only that the position of the organ was risky as it was interfering with her unborn child . Due to the knowledge of the new organ that was growing in quite a fast pace was limited, she couldn't just remove it . So the only other option was for her to have a premature birth . If she could be a hundred percent sure that removing the new organ would not affect the child Anita would've done it without hesitation, but due to the limited information, Anita had no choice or time .

"Hey kids, can you please head upstairs," Anita spoke in a calm voice, in which the kids nodded Lilitth and Niki took hold of the twins as Hina followed, and left the room . Once the adults were the only ones left, Anita directly told the other two the problem she was having .

"I need you guys to operate on me, I will guide you as you do the C section . " Rika and Michel had no time to hesitate as they could only nod their heads .

Anita seeing their response thanked them then, she took some needles and lay down on a bed . She then proceeded to pierce her body with the needles, after some time everything from below her head became numb, and she couldn't move them .

"I disconnected myself from everything from below the head . This is so I won't move around involuntarily as you open me up . "

"Okay Michel, I need you to make an incision in my abdomen, you need to start from below my navel . " Anita then told Michel which tools to use as Michel tried her best to do this . Michel who had no idea what she was doing simply followed Anita's instructions to the letter . Once she was done making the second incision on the lower part of Anita's uterus, Michel then ruptured the amniotic sac and delivered the baby .

Rika was supporting Michel as she did this, which was as nerve-wracking . Rika then clamped the umbilical cord and Michel was the one who cut it . Anita then told Michel to gently remove the placenta, and once that was done she tightly sutured Anita's abdomen . The suture was rather good for someone who did it for the first time, this could be because Michel was not only a good fashion designer but an excellent seamstress .

Once the procedure was done, Anita who asked Rika to remove the needles in her body, looked at her son and noticed that something was wrong . Even though her son was born prematurely, he was too inactive . Anita then asked Michel to hand over her son so that she could see if there was something wrong with him .

'Don't you dare die on me! You're your father's son, and the son of that man would never give up!'

After a quick look, Anita was relieved to find out that everything was alright, so she quickly moved her baby into her infant incubator . Once that was done, Anita used everything in her clinic to see if there was something that had gone wrong with the birth of her baby . After a few tests, Anita noticed that her son also had the new organ that she spotted within her, but due to him being born prematurely, the organ wasn't created properly, it doesn't look like it would function the way it was supposed to . Anita was still very unsure about this new organ and had a lot of questions, still, she knew that humans never had this organ before and survived, so that's good enough for her .

Michel and Rika who were a bit tired congratulated Anita . After that Anita told Rika and Michel about the new organ . She then told them she wanted to check and see if they and the children have the same organ growing within them as well .

When the children arrived, Anita quickly started her tests, and as she expected each one of them had the same new organ, that appeared in their lower abdomen . Not only them even the twins the youngest of them had the same new organ slowly growing in their bodies . It seems like Anita needed to wait for the organ to fully grow inside their bodies before she could test to see what it was for .

Still, this was a weird occurrence . . . Was this perhaps related to the weird cloud she and the others saw earlier today? Will this be something bad for humanity or will it be something good, Anita didn't know .

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