Because I simply love you-Chapter 459: Frustration

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Chapter 459: Frustration


Jianyu and Serena got startled. They were lost in each other’s embrace when Chen Liling, hiding outside, couldn’t control her excitement.

“Oof Liling! You are such a party pooper! Couldn’t you have kept quiet for a few more minutes! They were having such a passionate moment! You ruined it all!”

They heard Liu Hai’s voice, too.

Jianyu and Serena were completely speechless.

“Are you two spying on us?” He asked in disbelief.


Jianyu’s mouth twitched. “Come out, you two.”

“Well, it’s not just us hehe~~”

The couple was even more shocked to see Nana and Jinhai and then the Huo family too.

Even Grandma Liu was there!

Huo Shen burst out angrily. “Xiao Fan! Look! I told you! That Chen boy took advantage of the toss’s win!”

“Mom, now you have to take the responsibility-“

“Zhilan, Congratulations!!”

Huo Xiao Fan ignored the father-son duo and straightway dashed to Serena’s side.

She embraced her in a tight hug. “Ah, I am so happy for you!”

Huo Shen and Liwei were dumbfounded.

“Mom…why are you all here…Nana, seriously, you too…”

Nana coughed and averted her gaze. “I couldn’t help myself. Aunt wanted to follow you, and we just went along.”

Chen Liling exclaimed. “We were too excited to let this chance go!”

Liu Hai patted Jianyu’s shoulder that was more of hitting the poor man. “Hohoho! Such an emotional proposal. And you did a good job with the kiss fufu~” He grinned as he elbowed him.

“Uncle, you saw that…”

“That was the main part, idiot. How could I miss that?”


That made Huo Shen and Liwei even more furious.

Kiss…that Chen boy kissed Zhilan!

Both were sending death glares towards him. Jianyu was feeling the invisible waves, but he simply cleared his throat and ignored them.

“How dare you ignore us!”

“Shut up, Shen and Liwei! Don’t spoil such a beautiful moment with your complaining,” Huo Xiao Fan glared at them, and they immediately shut up.

Chen Liling giggled. “Jianyu, you must have seen your face! You thought that Serena was going to break up with you, right? You looked so defeated.”

Liu Hai chuckled. “Poor Jianyu lost the living daylights out of him.”

Nana nodded. “For a moment, even I thought that Serena was really leaving him. Literally, my heart was in my chest.”

Serena widened her eyes. “Huh? You thought that I was going to do that?”

Jianyu coughed. “Well…I don’t know…I mean, I thought you wanted to leave the Chen villa with Zixin, and the way you were saying it, I thought it was for sure.”

Serena thought back to when she said all those things, and now that she remembered her words and tone, she agreed that it would indeed feel as if she is breaking up if the context was not clear.

She sheepishly smiled. “Ah…sorry…I didn’t know that you will misunderstand me like that. I was really nervous. I was worried about your reaction to my proposal.”

Everybody burst into laughter.

Nana hugged Serena. “Ah, I am so happy for you. I cannot believe that you decided to propose on the same day, and you both were unaware of it!”

Grandma Liu said, “Well, all well that ends well. Now, I can witness the wedding of my other grandson soon enough.”

Jianyu grinned. “I think we don’t have to wait for that soon enough.”

“What do you mean?” Huo Shen asked, feeling a little threatened.

Huo Xiao Fan elbowed him hard. “Don’t make him nervous!”

Jianyu said, “Well, I will show you.”


“Yes, I am coming!”

Jing entered a few minutes later, wheeling in a pole inside.

Serena’s jaw dropped as she looked at the wedding gown hung on the pole.

Jing proudly presented it. “Lo and behold! The wedding gown made by yours truly. Bro Jianyu suddenly asked me to make a wedding dress for sis Serena. Time was really short, but nothing is impossible for Liu Jing!”

One could see his nose grow bigger in pride.

Serena was spellbound as she looked up and down at the dress. Everybody gasped as they gazed at the sparkling wedding gown.


Jianyu held her hand, “I thought that if I proposed to you and you agreed to me, then why wait? We can have our wedding ceremony today too.”

Serena took a sharp breath.

“Are you for real!???”

Huo Xiao Fan covered her mouth in shock as this was completely unexpected.

Only Chen Liling and Jinhai knew his plan beforehand, so they weren’t surprised.

Nana’s gaze sparkled. “Serena!!! That means we will share the same wedding day! Oh, my God! This is so exciting!”

Serena’s irises teared up. Not in her wildest dream, she had imagined that Jianyu would be even ready with the wedding preparations. She was ready to be rejected by him, but he surpassed all her expectations in one fell swoop.

Rejection? What a joke! He was ready to take the wedding vows with her!

Huo Shen burst out, “I obj-“

But his wife suddenly stomped on his foot, and he once again shut up. He looked at her, feeling wronged.

“Xiao Fan…how can you do this to me? I am protecting my daughter.”

She rolled her eyes. “Just look at her tears of joy. Do you think she needs your protection now of all times?”

He pursed his lips.

Jianyu then panicked a bit. “I mean I-I am really sorry if I did it all too fast. If you need more time for the wedding, please tell me. I just got too excited. We can wait if you-“

“No,” Serena cut him off, “Are you kidding me? Why would I wait?”

Tears trickled down her cheeks. Her chest was overwhelmed with happiness that she couldn’t even describe it anymore.

“I waited so long for us to be back together. Like hell, I will wait anymore for the wedding. Sure, it came as a surprise to me, but I don’t mind at all!”

Liu Hai and Jing whistled and cheered. Chen Liling now truly felt relieved. She didn’t want to rush Serena and make her feel pressured, but now all of it just went poof!

She hugged her and smiled, feeling a little emotional. “Thank you dear. Thank you that you didn’t give up on my slowpoke son.”


Serena giggled. “I will never give up on him.”

Nana clapped her hands. “So, so! Ah, I am so excited! What are we waiting for? Let’s get the second wedding started already!!”

Outside at the top of the mountain, Shin was aimlessly sitting on the big rock and just staring at the sea ahead of him.

He heard soft footsteps behind him, and suddenly he got irritated even more.

“Mom, please! Can you not leave me-“

He turned his head and lashed out, thinking it was Liao Xiao Dan, but to his shock, it was Huian.


Shin pursed his lips and said nothing.

Huian blinked her eyes, feeling perplexed. She didn’t know why he was in such a bad mood.

“What is it?” his voice was a little cold and impatient.


A particular memory passed in their minds, and there was an awkward silence.

Huian finally broke the spell.

“A-are you alright? I saw you had a little argument with your parents…”

“So? What has it got to do with you?” Shin gritted his teeth and then murmured the later part, “not like we are in any relationship for you to care about me…”

But Huian clearly heard it. She stood frozen in her place.

“I-I was worried about you, so I came to check on you.”

“No, thanks. I don’t need your concern.”

This time his voice was even chillier and Huian couldn’t help but feel that he was angrier at her than his parents.

“Are you mad because of what-“

“Let’s not talk about that,” Shin cut her off.

Huian turned even paler, and she bit her lip.

It was suddenly quiet, so Shin looked back but was stunned to see Huian crying.

Panicked, he immediately got up on his feet. “Hey, hey, why are you crying?”

She burst into tears. “Then what should I-I do? You hate what happened t-that night, right?”

Shin froze. “It’s not because of that…”

“Then why are you talking so coldly to me?” Her shoulders were trembling.

“I….ugh damn it!” Shin cursed. “I was mad that you didn’t take part in the bouquet toss!”

Huian widened her eyes in disbelief. “Huh?”

“Yes. It was just a bouquet toss. What? You thought that if you caught it, then you might really have to marry? So, you got scared.”

Huian rapidly blinked her eyes. “Is that why you were annoyed until now?”

Shin snorted. “Yeah, sorry. Petty, isn’t it? Actually, I don’t have any right to be mad at you. Your life, your choice. Who am I to you anyway? Or maybe you are not ready because of your-“

“It’s nothing like that, you fool! You are an idiot!”

Shin was taken aback by her outburst.

Huian glared at him. “It’s not because of Jinhai or because I am not ready to be in a relationship or I was scared.”

He mumbled, “Then why didn’t you participate?”

“Because I thought it was dangerous to run around to catch the bouquet toss.”

Shin frowned. “Why would that be dangerous?”

Huian exclaimed in frustration.

“Because I am pregnant!”

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