Bedding My Vampire Mate-Chapter 494 The Debate

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For a minute she had to pause and look at her surroundings after she realised that everywhere she went students stood in groups.

"I wonder who those bunch of gossips are talking about," She mumbled and retracted her attention from where three ladies stood close to a pillar chatting.

As she hurried to meet up with her classes which had already started, she paid no attention to the commotion happening around her.

On a long way, Joanna hid beside the door and peeped into the hall whose only voice that could be heard at the moment was that of the lecturer.

[I bet he is gonna be like other lecturers and reprimand me harshly just because I am the King's mate... As it is I am not cut out for all this so how am I gonna escape from this?]

Joanna peeped at the man in a brown suit as he walked about lecturing.

She was in the middle of coming up with a plan to get into the hall unnoticed when she saw Audrey secretly waving her hand at her.

"Wait. I will help you out," Joanna read her friend's moving lips since Audrey couldn't speak.

Although she was curious to know what Audrey was up to, Joanna took two steps backwards so the man wouldn't get a glimpse of her when he turned around.

"Mr Richard," Audrey sitting three rows from the back door called, her right hand raised to get the man's attention.

The man in the brown suit paused what he was doing, he spun and looked at the lady whose hand remained raised.

"Yes...," the man in the brown suit whom Audrey referred to as Mr Richard replied.

"Go on," He beckoned her.

"Mr Richard, I think there is a mistake on the third line," Audrey who was already on her feet declared and pointed at the whiteboard connected to the grey wall.

The moment the man turned around to confirm what Audrey said the smart lady beckoned Joanna with the movement of the hand to sneak in.

Joanna bent, almost crawling on the floor as she snuck into the quiet hall.

Before Joanna got to the seat Audrey spared for her, Mr Richard turned around, a frown plastered on his face.

"Miss Lopez, where exactly did you say there was a mistake?" He narrowed his eyebrows as he focused his attention on the lady whose index finger was still pointed at the board.

He was so distracted by the lady who was desperate to save her best friend to see the lady hiding beside a brown chair.

"T-t-that...," Audrey stuttered and snuck a peep at the spot Joanna hid.

"According to what I know, the past kings all died in their fourth years of reign from assassination so why does this particular King's cause of death vary from what is on the board?" Audrey asked a question that she wasn't prepared for.

"Can I ask you which source you got your discovery from, Miss Lopez?" Mr Richard quizzed.

How he stressed the name showed that he was on the brink of losing his cool if Audrey kept this up. 𝒃𝙚𝒅𝒏𝙤𝙫𝒆𝒍.𝙘𝒐𝙢

"The cause of the past king's death is something everyone in the kingdom is well aware of. Am I right guys?" Audrey turned to her colleagues for support.

An evil smirk plastered on Audrey's face when commotion arises in the hall due to her question.

There were arguments in almost every corner of the hall and because of this Mr Richard's attention got divided.

Joanna grabbed this perfect opportunity her best friend created with both hands. She snuck to the empty seat just behind Audrey's desk and sat.

Audrey tilted her head and stared at the lady trying to bring out her notepad from her handbag.

"What kept you...,"

"Order everyone," Mr Richard's stern voice interrupted Audrey's sentence. She was forced to retract her concentration back to the front of the class.

So many students kept quiet after he shouted while others acted as if they heard him not.

"I said shut the hell up everyone," He yelled a bit louder this time around.

His angry voice sent a message that whosoever dared to mess up will be asked to exit the class and none dared to utter a word afterwards.

"If you are tired of listening to my lecture, the door is open," he said and pointed at the brown door at his side.

"See yourself out right this minute because I am not gonna let you disturb others to get rid of your boredom," He charged. His fierce eyeballs mood from one row to the other and finally settled on Audrey's face.

"Miss Lopez, I asked you a question and you are yet to give me a reply so will you go ahead now...,"

"But I did...,"

"Yes you talked but that wasn't the answer to my question so go on," He interrupted her sharply.

"It's a renowned rumour that none could verify the mysterious and sudden deaths of our past kings so why is it that the specific cause death of King Zeke is stated on the third line...,"

"Are you trying to tell me that you disrupted my classes because of mere rumours?" He retorted, his piercing glares fixated on Audrey's face.

"If it's proved true that the cause of death of the previous kings was never uncovered and here you are giving us a specific cause of death of King Zeke. Isn't this considered distortion of history?" Audrey challenged the man in a brown suit.

"D-d-distortion of what?" Mr Richard growled, his deadly glares fired at the unfazed Audrey.


"Drey, what Mr Richard wrote is accurate," Joanna who foresaw how this would end stood up and interrupted the supposed debate which has almost turned into a battle.

"I have read the genealogy of the previous Kings and it's indeed recorded that King Zeke died a natural death...,"

"He was just a forty-year-old healthy and hearty young man so how could it be considered a natural death huh?" Audrey countered Joanna's point to the astonishment of the other students who were well aware of the two ladies friendship.



Hello lovely readers, so first of all I want to apologise for being away for three days without notifying you guys.

It was bad of me to do that so I apologized.

One more thing there is something on my mind and judging from the kind of person your beloved author is, I won't have peace of mind if I don't tell you guys about it.

Like I informed you guys, my birthday was on the 18th of March, and will you believe it if I told you that out of all the amazing readers I have that it was only two readers who wished me on that special day?

I was so goddamn disappointed if you may know.

Let's drop aside the fact that I got no gifts from all of you, but why didn't any of you wish me on that day?

It was my birthday after all and I informed all of you about it beforehand just to prevent this from happening so why...?

I will be a liar if I say I wasn't hurt and heartbroken by your actions. And I am still hurting from this even as I speak.

I really thought you guys would always have my back in everything. I believed in your love for me so much but...