Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 1829 Importance Of Networking

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Chapter 1829 Importance Of Networking

?1829 Importance Of Networking

Date- 17 April 2321

Time- 08:09

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, TSR Guild Headquarters, Blood Rock Caves gate dungeon, Seed World

Wyatt had the Hive AI scour the inter-realm network and VR universe information network to find any information about the item card 'World Decree.' The VR universe was a dead end, common people like Wyatt were not aware that an item card named 'World Decree' existed as for the inter-realm network the search yielded no results in all the prominent dark languages. The inter-realm network did not have anything remotely resembling these words. Leaving Wyatt right where he started.

Wyatt grew frustrated that his search on the item card 'World Decree' was leading to nowhere. Considering that the item card 'World Decree' was a native product of the card world depending on the devil merchant code for an answer seemed moot. So, Wyatt began to consider other options.

Since the Southern Royal family was directly involved in this, reaching out to them would be pointless but he had no other options. Should he reach out to Jill? Nah, they met recently but neither she nor her father thought to talk to Wyatt about the item card 'World Decree' when it concerned him a lot. Showing that they were leaning toward the Southern Royal family.

With Jill, out of the picture, Wyatt had no other high-authority trusted contacts in the card world. This was one of the many reasons why Wyatt wanted to develop in the central academic region, to increase his friend network.

Just when Wyatt was about to give up, he remembered he had one other connection that he could make use of, Aba Windsor. As the daughter of a renowned card demigod, she should know what the item card 'World Decree' does or have the means to find out about it for him. As someone who defeated the three mischiefs and rebuilt a new government in the Clown Mask's alternate future vision, Aba and her network were not to be underestimated.

Speaking of Aba Windsor, she seemed to be addicted to the VR universe having taken fancy to its Martial Arts the last time they met. Wyatt had a feeling that Aba Windsor might be online in the VR universe. So he asked Hive AI to find her. He was right, she was indeed online and according to the Hive AI, she was practicing Martial Arts on a secluded mountain range.

Wyatt chose to meet Aba inside the VR universe instead of texting her. As he felt guilty about not informing her about his safety after returning from the Yellow Plains. After all, that girl thought they were friends. He did inform Agatha later but that was not enough. Especially when he was reaching out to them for help. Besides a face-to-face explanation would appear more sincere and be effective.

Until now Wyatt was using the demon merchant codex and Hive AI to gather information from the VR universe but now that he wanted to meet Aba in it he equipped a VR slime card and entered the VR universe.

Entering his VR saferoom, Wyatt ordered the Hive AI to help him enter the VR Universe where Aba was located. With the help of the Hive AI, Wyatt arrived in the sky of the secluded mountain range where Aba was practicing her martial arts.

From the sky, Wyatt searched for Aba in the mountain range to find she was enjoying a BBQ with four other people, Agatha, Asong Young, Laura Hill, and a female NPC— native of the VR universe.

"Laura, I will definitely win next time," Aba announced having lost to Laura sixty-six times in a row with no wins to account for.

"Sure, we will see," Laura replied with a smile, she liked energetic Aba very much. Now they could be considered BBF. But she did not think Aba had the talent for sword arts let alone defeat her in terms of swordsmanship. But what she lacked in talent made up for it with hard work and her unlimited positive energy. Still, Laura did not think Aba could ever defeat her in terms of swordsmanship.

"Don't you patronize me, I will win one of these days," Aba yelled at Laura. She was not only her best friend but also her rival. With the passing days, her list of rivals was growing but she was nowhere close to closing the gap between either one of them. However, she was not disappointed but happy as she truly believed one of these days she would catch up to them.

"Aba, stop yelling and fan the fire. The charcoals are not hot enough," Asong who was in charge of grilling ordered Aba.

"Why me?" Aba asked, not that she thought it was beneath her but she did not know how to fan the fire without anything resembling a fan in sight.

"Losers get to do the menial job," Asong replied nonchalantly.

"But how do I fan the fire without a fan?" Aba finally asked for help the proper way.

Asong looked at Aba in disbelief and said, "I don't blame you," pausing in the middle she turned to look at Agatha and said, "I blame you."

"What did I do?" seeing the heat suddenly turn on her, Agatha scratched her head in puzzlement.

"You have pampered her too much. As a card grandmaster, she does not know how to fan a fire what have you been teaching her?" Asong looked at Agatha in disappointment as if she had let her down big time.

"Madam Asong, let me do it," Luara volunteered, only to hear Asong say, "No, you teach Aba. She has to learn the basics of grilling monster meat today. What will she do if someday she is lost in a dungeon or worse in the Way Beyond? Grilling is the card apprentice's most basic life skill."

"I will buy a high-level cooking occupation card," Aba muttered under her breath. Still, Asong's sharp ears heard her and she did not waste a to scolded her, "Are you dumb or what?"