Classroom of the Elite (LN)-Vol 17 Chapter 4.02: Chapter 4 Intro Part 2

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“So, are you finally gonna realize just how abnormal this guy is? You think you could dodge that?”

“… No, that would be impossible.”

“That’s right. An Average Joe would’ve been dripping wet before he even had time to react. No ordinary guy could dodge that, but this dude pulled it off like it was no big deal.”

“I admit he has insane reflexes but… what does that have to do with this discussion?”

“Don’t you get it? Let me break it down for you: Ayanokouji is Suzune’s Lethal Weapon. Of course she’s talking big after flashing her pistol at an unarmed enemy.”

“You ordered an orange juice just to test that? …Spare me, please.”

I knew something was off, and as usual he ended up doing something ridiculous. It was a good idea to keep my guard up until he drank what was an unusual drink for him.

“Why did you dodge it? If you just took it on the chin, you could’ve kept him from getting back at you.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. Even I don’t want to take a glass of juice to the face.”

It would smell awful, it would be sticky, and it wouldn’t come off easily. It would’ve been difficult to take it all unconditionally. I could’ve borne it if it were oolong tea, however. If you wanted to annoy someone by dashing them with a drink, orange juice was one of the best options.

“If you want to have a serious discussion, get Ayanokouji out of here. Then we’ll talk.”

He declared that the condition for continuing this negotiation was removing me from this place.

“How very like you. But I refuse. He is my classmate. Not only does he have a right to be here, I also have the right to invite him here. I have no idea what’s wrong with using every weapon in my arsenal during a negotiation.”

She really has gotten brave. Most importantly, she was able to come up with ideas she was never able to before.

And one more thing struck me, even though Horikita didn’t know about what happened between me and Ryuuen, she was finding out about it. Ryuuen had guessed that too. I didn’t know how much she’s found out, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she’d heard about the incident involving Kei on the rooftop.

Horikita had told me that I didn’t need to help out, I just needed to be here. She was keeping her promise even as she used me, so I had nothing to complain about.

“Our class is in a better position than yours, and yet we brought this proposal for a cooperative relationship to you. If that isn’t enough for you to agree, then I’d rather we pretend this didn’t happen at all.”

Ryuuen absolutely couldn’t team up with Sakayanagi, and even if he went to Ichinose, it was unclear just how many useful strategies that would unlock. If he made the wrong call here, even he couldn’t avoid the effects it would have on them from now on.

And even if it wasn’t likely, there still was the possibility that Horikita and Sakayanagi would form an alliance. If it would lead to Horikita’s class taking first place and Sakayanagi’s class taking second place, it wasn’t an entirely bad idea. But if he allowed that to pass, it would become even more difficult to overtake Sakayanagi’s class.

“Depending on how our discussions go, I think it’ll be good to join hands with your class. So, let me know your answer. Do you accept or do you not?” Horikita asked.

She put her next question not to Katsuragi, but to the leader, Ryuuen.

A few seconds passed in silence, and then Ryuuen made his decision.

“Fine. We’ll take you up on that.”

He replied, but he didn’t stop there.

“But I will add one condition. Once we have a cooperative relationship, our relationship should be stronger and more equal. Between us, whichever classes in whatever order take first and second place, we’ll end up with a difference of 100 class points. Whoever takes first place will pay private points to make up for that gap until March 1st, the year we graduate. I’m adding that condition.”

Ryuuen was trying to do something similar to what he’d done in his contract with Katsuragi in the Uninhabited Island exam last year. One side gains a lot of class points, and compensates for that difference with private points. Ryuuen, too, must have recognized that he was at a disadvantage. He knew that, and yet he was trying to force a little extra in the deal for himself. However, Horikita had already predicted this.

“Sure, that condition itself is very fair. But I refuse. We’ll fight tooth and nail to see who gets first and who gets second. It’ll be the result of a fair fight, and that’s all.”

If they were on equal terms with or without that condition, there was no way she’d add it after having determined she was likely to win.

Ryuuen chuckled. “No free lunch here, huh. But, in that case, there’s little meat on the bone for us.”

“It’ll be difficult to get any concessions out of Horikita. But I think we’ll get a solid partnership out of this.”

Katsuragi took a softer tone with Ryuuen, who was still unwilling to officially accept the partnership.

“Not enough. If you want to ask me for help, you’ve gotta show more sincerity.”

“Sincerity? Don’t I get to ask the same of you? If the plan works out and we’re able to push Sakayanagi-san’s Class A to last place, that’s minus 150 points for them. There’s plenty for you to think about in this strategy of working together. But at the same time, we’re also taking a risk,” Horikita rebutted, continuing, “The forever lingering doubt—can we trust you, or can we not? If we focus on team competitions so we can team up, we will have to neglect the individual events.”

It’s easy to see Ryuuen betraying us by making his class hold back during the team competitions or just straight up not show up for the competitions they signed up for. On the day of the test, leaders like Horikita would also be bouncing around between their own competitions, so it would be doubtful if they’d be able to keep an eye on all the events. We can’t keep our phones on us, so she couldn’t even coordinate over a distance.

“You’re not trustworthy, but we have to trust you. The fact that we’re bearing that risk is the biggest compromise I can make in working with you. I am not going to yield even an inch more than that.”

Those words must’ve been a painful truth even for Ryuuen. Even if a great strategy was available to our class, it had to deal with the basic fact that we couldn’t trust Ryuuen. Horikita was going to accept that burden, so she was telling him to be quiet and cooperate.

“That’s fair. We had no faith in the way you do things. We have no choice but to agree.”

“I didn’t expect you to trust me in the first place.”

Ryuuen laughed nonchalantly, but the tension in his shoulders loosened. Perhaps Horikita had gotten through to him.

“Can you really trust me?”

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I’ll believe in that convenient saying our predecessors came up with,” Horikita replied.

If you form an alliance that you don’t trust, then it’ll be difficult for you to use your full strength. Depending on the situation, you may end up having to watch your back on top of fighting your enemy.

“I don’t accept everything you’re saying, but one thing’s for sure—it ain’t a good idea to let Sakayanagi’s class keep running on ahead.”

Katsuragi and Horikita agreed with Ryuuen’s response, so they nodded without hesitation.

Letting Class A win. That was the act that—no matter what—they could not allow any more.

“Even if you say that you’re gonna hold off a direct confrontation with her until the end of the school year, you can’t overturn the difference in class points with just that.”

We could take for granted that they wanted to get within range of her by that time.

“You’ve been listening in silence, but it’s about time you let us hear your opinion, Ayanokouji-kun.”

Horikita’s idea and its risks. Looking at it objectively, should we accept this strategy or reject it?

“Regarding the pros and cons, cooperation isn’t a bad idea. There may be some objections, but everyone understands that Sakayanagi is the target we need to take down. Yousuke and Kei will surely back you up here as well.”

Horikita once again became more confident in her proposal. However, Ryuuen put the brakes on the proceedings.

“You want to move onto the contract, but not yet.”

“Not yet? Are you saying that you want to drag out more concessions?”

“Let me confirm one last thing. Are you the one who came up with this proposal, Suzune? Or, was it Ayanokouji, the guy who’s calmly observing the situation? Which is it?”

He was carefully verifying who the person was who came up with the proposal to form a united front with Ryuuen’s class.

“Will you not go along with it if it’s not from Ayanokouji? You and Ayanokouji-kun seem to have a relationship that you can’t let others hear about, after all.” Horikita replied in a way that left a lot between the lines. “I can tell that the two of you have recognized each other as strong enemies—and the fact that I am out of place as well.”

“Did I say anything about that? I’m just telling you to answer who it is.”

Ryuuen was a bit irritated, scowling at Horikita as he told her to get on with it.

“It was me. This time I asked Ayanokouji-kun to only be present, and even he hadn’t heard anything until we talked about it here.”

If he knew I spearheaded the partnership, Ryuuen might refuse. Hearing Horikita answer honestly while fully prepared for that, Ryuuen laughed.

“I see. I’m glad I asked. If that’s the case, I’ll take you up on your proposal.”

With that as the only deciding factor, Ryuuen officially agreed to join hands.

“… Why?”

“Why, you ask? Well, dunno. Figure it out by yourself.” He avoided answering her. “It would be better for both of us to have a proper contract in place, just to be sure. No, for your own sake in particular.”

“Of course we will. I intend to have Chabashira-sensei and Sakagami-sensei get involved in this as well.”

A contract formed with the teachers involved. Naturally, there would be stipulations for breach of contract included in it. Even Ryuuen couldn’t do anything if he were bound by unbreakable rules.

“Well then, I’ll leave the paperwork up to you, Horikita. Is that fine?”

“Yes. Would you perhaps let me bounce ideas off you for a bit, Katsuragi-kun?”

Katsuragi shot a glance at Ryuuen for confirmation, and got a response indicating he could do as he liked.

Ryuuen’s class was hard to trust, so having Katsuragi was a big deal for them. On top of being a quick thinker and trustworthy, he could state his opinion without a shred of fear, even towards Ryuuen. Ryuuen’s eye for when to put Katsuragi on the field and the degree to which he entrusts things to Katsuragi are nothing short of impressive. Meaning, he was surely worth the incredible pile of money they used to win him over.

“Alright then. After we’ve officially settled the contract, let’s take on the Sports Festival.”

Thus, it was decided that Horikita’s class and Ryuuen’s class would take on the Sports Festival with a united front. We would prioritize our own class’s victory to the utmost, but at the same time aim to coordinate with them.

However, this wasn’t the ending, as Katsuragi changed the topic.

“It’s great that we’ve finished our discussion regarding working together, but there’s now something that we must think about. One can easily think that Sakayanagi and Ichinose will join hands, so what do you plan to do about that?”

Fighting our alliance with an alliance of their own. That kind of development could well occur.

“That ain’t a problem. Even if Sakayanagi and Ichinose worked together for this Sports Festival, we still have the advantage. On top of that, Sakayanagi will have to throw away even third place. Just as you had doubts about second place if we joined with Suzune, if they team up, then Ichinose will have the advantage. In Sakayanagi’s class, there’s 38 people after Totsuka’s expulsion and your transfer. Sakayanagi is definitely not going to participate, so that makes 37 people. Ichinose’s class is 40 people. The three-person difference is surprisingly big.”

The athletic abilities of their classes were about the same. Therefore, the three-person difference in numbers could determine the winner.

“However, it’s Sakayanagi we’re talking about. She will have established a strategy to make up for her lack of people.”

“Have you not seen the rules for this time around? If you don’t participate in the Sports Festival, you have to stand by in your dorm. As they can’t use their phones, Class A’s head won’t work at all.”

“Have you grasped the rules? Sure, Sakayanagi can’t move her body to its fullest. However, if she officially joins, gains her five points, then gains the five-point reward for participating, then she can obtain a total of 10 points. If she fulfills the minimum requirements, she can continue to sit from the outside and give out orders.”

“There ain’t no way that prideful Sakayanagi would show us a powerless, unsightly display.”

No matter what kind of competition it was, Sakayanagi wouldn’t be able to fulfill its requirements, and it was inevitable that Sakayanagi would stand out.

“Things won’t line up so conveniently. We are given the right to resign from a competition. If she participates and then forfeits, then she can avoid embarrassing herself.”

“Would it count as a compelling reason? If she participates knowing the condition of her body, then they’ll want justification. After everyone finishes running in the 100-Meter Race, she has to run all the way till the end with her cane. You think she’s gonna make a spectacle of herself like that?”

“Indeed, if things were normal, then she would pass on participating given her personality. However, if she knows that we’ve joined up, then Sakayanagi would consider the risks of losing. I’m saying it’s wrong to assume that it’s certain. I was just speaking thoughtlessly, but what do you see the percentage of her not participating being? Answer seriously.”

“Maybe 90%.”

“So from your unsubstantiated and carefree view it’s 90%? If that’s the case, then the actual value is even lower. I’d say 70-80% at best.”

“Be happy with that number.”

“I can’t do that. If you want to talk certainty, then shoot for 95%.”

Setting us aside, Ryuuen and Katsuragi started bickering between themselves.

“Bullshit. But, if we want to be more certain, there’s a way. From now until the Sports Festival, we can thoroughly mock Sakayanagi. We’ll say that if she participates, then we’ll show up as a whole class during the competition and shame her. If we do that, then we’ll reach the 95% you mentioned.”

Ryuuen spoke of making her yield by threatening to trample on her dignity.

“From an ethical point of view, that’s unacceptable.”

“I agree. The school probably wouldn’t watch quietly either.”

Horikita and Katsuragi reject the idea though, saying that they wouldn’t accept it.

“In the off chance Sakayanagi does show up, we’ll crush her completely.”

“It’s not that simple, don’t forget that we’re sinking to the bottom class.”

If Sakayanagi did function as a commander, then there was certainly no telling what hand she would throw at us. Whether or not she participated would play a big part in our victory or defeat in this Sports Festival. On the other hand, if we could be certain she wouldn’t take part, then victory would be right before our eyes.

“Horikita. Are you factoring my contribution into our class’s victory?” I interjected.

“For the most part, I’m not considering it. I’m leaving you, and only you, with a special status.”

“That’s good to hear. If whether or not Sakayanagi participates is threatening our cooperation, then I may be able to be of help.”

“What do you mean?”

Katsuragi, who showed interest, stopped his conversation with Ryuuen and turned towards me.

“If you leave everything to me, I’ll make sure Sakayanagi doesn’t participate.”

“… Eh?”


Horikita looked shocked and Ryuuen was impressed. Katsuragi continued listening to me without saying anything.

“However, in exchange for making Sakayanagi not participate, I don’t want you to expect even a single point from me at the Sports Festival. That goes not just for Horikita, but you too, Ryuuen.”

“You haven’t been in my plans from the start. If you say you can hold back Sakayanagi, then that spares us some effort,” Ryuuen answered.

“I can’t even imagine what kind of plan you have, but if Horikita and Ryuuen believe in you, then I more or less don’t plan to say anything more than this on the matter. If Sakayanagi doesn’t participate, then pushing Class A to last place shouldn’t be that hard.”

“But can you really do it?”

“Yeah. There’s a high chance that she’ll sit out even if I don’t do anything, but you can leave it to me anyway. Also, I thought of this while listening to your conversation, but there aren’t many opportunities for the two of you to get together and cooperate like this, right? There’s a different matter I want to talk about, is that alright?”

In the midst of their discussion, I had thought of something a bit different from what the three of them had.

“What is it?”, Horikita asked.

As I began to verbalize my proposal, Horikita and Katsuragi crossed glances, and Ryuuen listened quietly.

The moment I finished my explanation, the ice cubes that had melted in Katsuragi’s glass clinked together.

“That’s an interesting idea, but…”

Not knowing whether or not he would accept it, Horikita looked at Ryuuen, bewildered.

“That certainly ain’t impossible going by the rules, but—”

“You’re not interested in any proposal that comes from me?”

Even though we were going to cooperate for the Sports Festival, if I was the one proposing it, then there was a chance he’d refuse. That was how he had been speaking, after all.

“Yeah, I’m not. Rejected.”

Ryuuen rejected it, but Katsuragi cut in.

“You can deal with your personal feelings later. But frankly, it’s not a bad proposal. We might need to discuss the details, and check the rules again but—no, it’s Ayanokouji we’re talking about. You’ve probably proposed this after confirming the rules properly.”

“There’s no problem as far as rules go. Instead of our class going alone, we could cooperate with the students in Ryuuen’s class to lead to a more powerful outcome. Isn’t that right?” I asked Horikita.

“Yes, that’s right. That would certainly…”

Horikita herself was well aware of the problems we were facing at the moment. If she could bring someone to fill in from elsewhere, then it’d be possible to alleviate her worries.

“Accept it, Ryuuen. We should be advancing our preparations right now for a direct confrontation with Sakayanagi.”

“You hear me, Ayanokouji? After I crush Sakayanagi, you’re next.”

“If you’re making your way up, then that’ll be inevitable.”

As if those words were enough to settle the matter, Ryuuen also accepted my proposal.

“Katsuragi, get things dealt with on your end.”

“I’ll do that.”

“Truly, a siege on Class A… huh.”

“However, before that, making Sakayanagi not participate in the Sports Festival is top priority. For both our cooperation at the Sports Festival and Ayanokouji’s proposal, if we don’t clear that first step, then the ball can’t get rolling.”

“I understand. As for that, leave it to me.”

I had a strategy to seal Sakayanagi that neither Ryuuen, Katsuragi, nor Horikita could execute.

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