Dark Magus Returns-Chapter 896: Freeze The Battlefield

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Chapter 896: Freeze The Battlefield

An instant display of pure power was being witnessed by many. For one, right in front of the Behemoth Clan's eyes, they could see a man floating above the wall.

Flight without special weapons was not possible for Pagna warriors, so just seeing this was already breaking their beliefs.

It was when they looked up at the individual that they realized the rain had stopped.

Seeing both the floating man and the fact that the rain had stopped couldn't have been a coincidence.

"What is going on? Strange things keep happening in this fight, I'm telling you!"

"You're right-moving statues, strange arrows falling from the sky!"

"I'm starting to wonder if we might have angered the wrong person."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, is this all the Dark Magus's doing? Shouldn't we, the Behemoth Clan, have already taken out a small town like Flendon? Yet we're struggling so much-how do you explain that?"

"I've also been wondering about something else. Where is Sha Mo? Where are the Pillars? Surely, with how much we're struggling, they would have helped us by now."

"It seems he got caught up in some type of fight."

"And there's someone strong enough to fight him for this long? This is what I'm saying- something is up, and I don't like it."

While in the air, Raze extended his arms out, and a mist extended from his body, reaching out.

As it touched the raindrops, they started to harden, turning into small drops of ice, similar to hail.

The ice remained still in the air. After that, Raze twisted his hand, and the shape of the hail changed slightly.

The drops sharpened at the end, looking like bullets.

Looking below, there were still those fighting, and some of the warriors had gotten into the town.

One had bashed open the door to one of the nearby shops, and an almighty scream was heard from inside.

Immediately, images in Raze's head appeared of Sabrina on the floor in a bloody mess. Other images flooded his mind, of more who had lost their lives in front of him.

He wiggled his index finger, and one of the small ice drops moved. It reached the back of the warrior's head and pierced right through his skull.

Instantly, the warrior fell to the floor, his life lost.

The woman inside the building wore a look of confusion on her face as her attacker suddenly collapsed.

"First, I get rid of the troublesome ones," Raze said.

Some of the frozen ice in the air began to move, piercing the warriors on the wall and those who had made it into Flendon.

Behemoth Clan members were seen falling to the ground, one after the other.

Some of the warriors, seeing their nearby allies fall, started to be on guard.

"It's the raindrops!" one of the warriors said, flinging their sword, filled with Qi, at the right time, stopping the ice. But the ones who could do so were few.

There were still plenty of frozen raindrops in the air, but instead, Raze lifted his hand, and the entirety of one of his arms started to spark up. Forming in his hand was a blue thunderbolt, the same one he had used against Sha Mo.

He hurled it at one of the survivors, and it pierced right through the warrior's heart.

The shock went through his entire body, and unlike Sha Mo, the warrior's life had already ended, his body only being held up by the shock of the bolt freezing and hardening his muscles.

Unlike the ice rainfall, the warrior wasn't able to see this attack coming in his direction. Not only that, but right now, in Raze's hand, another lightning bolt had already appeared. "You made your decision the moment you entered the city-your actions are as clear as day." Another lightning bolt struck, killing another warrior. Loud bangs and flashes of light were seen all over the place.

The Behemoth Clan members still out on the field, those who had yet to enter and go past the wall, still didn't know what they were witnessing.

It wasn't just them. Andy and the rest of the guards were in awe.

"Who is this person who has come to save us? They're striking down all our enemies!"

"I think that's Raze," Fixteen answered. "I think that's the Dark Magus."

Andy wasn't too sure, and neither were the rest of the guards, because this wasn't the young man they had seen before.

This was an old man. It was quite clear that the level of power this individual held was on a different scale.

"It has to be him, right?" Alba asked, worn out with a few cuts on her arms. "No one else I know can do that and has a reason to fight for this town. But why does he look like that, and why does he have that look in his eyes?"

Raze had swiftly dealt with all of those in the town of Flendon, and then he turned his attention to the large army.

Swinging his hands down, the rainfall resumed as before, only now, it was small drops of ice.

Seeing what had occurred, the warriors braced themselves while others started to focus their attacks on the sky.

A large amount of Qi and skills were hurled above, and as a result, not a single one of them


After the ice fell, the rainfall became heavy, falling on the ground at a fast pace, so much so that water was up to their ankles.

"We stopped his attack!" the clan members shouted. "We can do this-keep pushing!"

But when they tried to move, their legs wouldn't budge. They tried to pull them a few times until they looked at the ground and saw that the liquid had frozen.

"Now that you are all still, it's a lot easier to deal with you," Raze claimed.

Included in those stuck in the ice were Simyon and the rest of the group.