Dark Matter Ascension-Chapter 59: Soul Energy, gods, and magic
Jace was struck with a slight bit of concern, soul energy? He thought. What the hell is that?
Priam nodded as they began shimmying out of the tight lava tube alongside the rivulet of simmering magma. “The less of ‘you’ there is for your body, the weaker your soul energy is. It’s how you connect to the gods. Do you have gods on your world?”
“Not that I know of,” Jace replied.
“Their gods are dead,” Ollie replied. “They died during an earlier era.”
“We had gods?” Jace asked, shocked at the sudden revelation.
“A lot of them. But they only exist as long as they are worshipped. Earth is very agnostic or atheistic: as is the trend with most technology or magitech worlds.”
“Right!” Priam followed up. “Anyways, the more artificial parts, the weaker that magic manifests for you. That’s because you have less soul energy. Oh, when you use magic, that’s called a spell!”
Ollie interrupted, “Think of soul energy like compatibility with magic. So, your current soul energy is at around 25% due to your prosthetics, whereas Priam’s is at…150%?”
“That means that the Archmage stuff I can do once a day-”
“Is operating at 25% efficiency,” Ollie completed. “Whereas if Priam was using those Skills? Why, he would be moving mountains. However, your artificial form is much hardier and can take more punishment.”
“Why are they Skills and not something separate?” Jace asked.
“It is how The Cosmic System integrates them,” Ollie explained. “Magic, whether divine and granted by gods, or pure and native to that world - could be used in spells. Spells are the manifestation of magic enacted through will: and after Cosmogenic Merging, they were turned into Skills for classification purposes.”
“My clan were the god’s chosen servants…but they’re all gone now…” Priam trailed off for a moment before shaking his head and gripping his wide-brimmed hat, “Our soul energy is excellent.” He frowned and his voice dropped lower and became much softer, “But I’m the last one…”
Jace felt a pang of sympathy but needed to know more, so he turned to Ollie. “Give me an example.”
“Okay, so let us say that pre-Cosmogenic Merging, you could use a fire beam spell. Post-Cosmogenic Merging, it would become a Skill and be given a dedicated name if it did not already have one. If, say, the standard Skill manifested as a beam that was 10 feet in diameter, yours would be 2.5 feet, and Priam’s would be 15 feet. That is because of your soul energy.”
“That makes sense,” Jace replied. “Thank you for the example.”
“You are welcome!” Ollie said, patting Jace’s head with his little paws almost like he was a drummer.
“How do gods factor into all of this?”
Priam raised his hand, his head perking up. “I can answer that! May I, Ollie- erm, Oliver?”
Ollie nodded, “I give you permission to use my nickname. And yes, please do share your perspective.”
They exited the lava tube and began to prepare for another one of Jace’s jumps with the Dark Energy Mine. Priam spoke the whole time, even as they began their controlled gravity-less launch and fall.
“Worlds that are magic function off magic: like this world, with its World Pillars that I read about in a dossier: or gods and goddesses. Think of them like integral parts of the world. When Cosmogenic Merging hit, The Cosmic System co-opted them. So, a pure-magic user on Nihilethelea pre-merging would gain a few Skills even if they were not an Aspirant or Ascendant post-merging. Someone blessed by the gods from my world would have divine-magic converted into Skills. With me so far?”
Jace nodded, and Ollie quipped, “Yes, this does mean that some Civilians have Skills, but other than that tidbit - you are nailing it. Keep going.”
Priam grinned, “Thank you for the compliment! Right, so, some magic worlds have divine-magic, some have pure-magic. Some have both- ”
“Like the world your Anathema Arm comes from, Harkonon Secundus,” Ollie whispered to Jace.
“-And some worlds have none,” Priam continued.
“What about Earth’s gods?” Jace asked. “Ollie said they’re dead.”
“Gods only exist if they are worshipped. Stop worshipping, and their power dwindles until they stop existing,” Priam was spouting off information quite rapidly, and his sorrow from the earlier insight into his clan’s demise had all but vanished. “And like he said, magitech or technology focused worlds often forsake their gods in the name of scientific advancement.” Priam grinned, “I picked up a lot at school in Khrox.”
“Are they Civilians, Aspirants, or Ascendants?”
Priam screwed up his face as Jace landed and reactivated another mine-launch. “I don’t know that.”
“I do,” Ollie stated. “They are not considered ‘people’. Think of them as AI constructs that are sustained by the will of the masses. They were not integrated into The Cosmic System proper. They are also contained to that world.”
“Then how did Wricen become a ‘god-king’?” Priam asked.
Ollie frowned, “Well, he is not a real ‘god’ like the deities you worship. He is just an Ascendant masquerading as one. A strong Ascendant, too. Tier 5. He had to be that Tier at minimum as your world, Priam, is Tier 5 as well. He is a Signer for the Planetary Independence Pact. And only the same or higher Tier may take over their home world as the local administrator of The Cosmic System.”
Seems like all of them are selfish assholes, Jace thought. First this Yholl Archmage guy, and now this Wricen god-king. Makes sense; you would have to be really entitled to rule a whole world. The idea held no appeal to Jace at all. It sounded like a pain in the ass, being way too much work.
Priam continued his conversation with Ollie, “How would we stop him?”
“You kill him. He can die just like any Aspirant or Ascendant.”
“Oh…that’s…hmm…easier than I thought.” he tapped Jace on the shoulder, “I am guessing we are going to that desert tile next because you want to shatter the soul-prism to make him vulnerable?”
Jace nodded, “The plan is to give him the dungeon cores, get the Legendary reward, level up quickly so I close the gap between Tiers: he’ll still be 1 Tier above me, but I think I can take him with Arbiter’s Anathema shutting down his Skills. Especially if a lot of them are magic: the arm can negate a lot of it.”
“Bold plan. You’ll need backup!”
“I’ve got you now, and those shields,” Jace replied as he landed in front of another lava tube and Priam slipped out of the gap between his pack and his back. The thought of having a partner in this whole venture filled him with a sense of confidence that he hadn’t experienced in quite a long time. Jace tightened the straps on his pack and drew his sword. “Ready?”
“Yeah! My Skills are still active.”
Jace smiled, “Give me a moment for mine. Dark Matter Blade (Rank 5) [Rending], Dark Matter Shield (Rank 3).” The weapon blazed with its fury and his shield popped around him. He could make out the near-honeycomb structure of Priam’s barrier surrounding him. “Only two left on this tile. Let’s go.” He paused, “One more question though. If some pure-magic spells and divine-magic blessings become Skills…what about my Skills?”
Ollie raised his paw, “Those are powered by Cosmic Power: which is stronger than pure-magic and divine-magic. Think of it as being on a different level entirely. Soul energy coefficient doesn't matter to Cosmic Power."
Priam followed Jace down the lava tube. Bloopa was shimmering next to him in her fractal patterns. You should know that this Archmage Ascendant is quite powerful.
“Yeah, but if Jace thinks that it needs to go, then we’ll deal with it.” Priam was quiet enough that he didn’t think Jace heard him, but if he did there was no indication as the Dark Matter Aspirant kept walking forward alongside the lava. It wasn’t like he was trying to hide his conversation; but Jace didn’t need the distraction.
I also received news regarding your new accommodations. There are others there: other Aspirants and their companions that Jace has met so far. Quinn Cipher; a Signer for the Star Council, Greg Bhastal, who is not Signed yet, his Civilian partner, and Jace’s Civilian partner.
“Oh? Jace, you have a partner?”
“What?” Jace asked as he looked back at Priam.
“Bloopa, who is it?” Priam asked.
Someone named Shhiv.
“Someone named Shhiv,” Priam conveyed from the mass of shapes of his Wayfinder’s communication.
Jace’s face went red, and he looked back to the front as the chamber opened up, “I…well…sure- yeah, I guess you could say that.”
[Warning! You are about to enter a Complex!]
[This location has been marked by The Cosmic System as Tier 3.]
[Number of foes to clear out: 6.]
[Quest: Slay the Explosive Shardlings.]
[Time Limit: N/A]
[Reward: Epic (Skill Evolution) Boon.]
[Sender: The Cosmic System.]
Jace took up a ready stance and Priam hung back in the tunnel entrance. There was a bubbling pool in the center of the room that was the size of a small pond. I don’t see any enemies, Priam thought as he scanned the room.
His hat tugged on his head and he heard a whisper from his (Insightful) Dad’s Hat. “Look at the rocks on the ceiling.”
Priam glanced up at the roof and spotted a few odd clusters of rocks that had little, glimmering, red streaks throughout. “Is it those?” he asked.
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Jace looked up as well, “Maybe?” He threw his sword up at one of them: and the room exploded.
Priam’s barrier began to weaken, and he cursed as he waited for it to be just on the verge of collapse. Timing was everything. A second explosion went off, and he saw Jace standing in front of him; some weird outline of a large rectangle blocking off his body from most of the explosions. He must’ve swapped his Dark Matter Shield to something more direction-focused.
The cracks spread along the hexagon, honeycomb structure surrounding the two. “Pulsar Ward (Rank 20) [Multi-Target]!” Priam shouted.
The barrier structure was replaced in an instant with a full-strength barrier as another explosion went off. Jace tried to shout something over the din, but Priam was deafened by the raucous explosions. A third one went off, a tremendous boom that shook his teeth. Glancing at Bloopa, she was able to translate something of what he had said.
He says that there are three more; and wants to know if you are good to push through the last few explosions.
“I’m good!” Priam shouted as he held up his tome, “Just a little tired.”
Bloopa flew forward and moved in her geometric patterns. Ollie’s paw pointed up, and Priam watched as Jace threw his blade once more. A moment later, another enormous boom shattered through the space.
Priam saw the cracks appearing once more on the barriers. Timing is everything… a fifth boom went off, and the barrier began to shatter inward. “Pulsar Ward (Rank 20) [Multi-Target]!” Once more, the yellowish honeycomb structure reappeared around the two.
A sixth and final explosion echoed out before the noise began to quiet down. Priam’s hearing was shot, and it would take a while to come back. He saw Jace turn around and his mouth moving.
Priam held up his hand, “Pulsar Physic (Rank 2).” The Skill would cure a single injury and affliction on a target up to 30 feet away, and at Rank 2, could affect 2 creatures. He felt his hearing come back with a pop noise. “Okay…ow!” He also felt extremely sleepy and leaned against the wall, breathing heavily.
Jace chuckled, “Your barriers saved the day.”
Ollie nodded from inside the armored hood, “Yup! The shockwaves would have pulverized us in this circular chamber.”
“How were…we supposed…to fight these things?” Priam asked in between breaths as the pillar appeared in the center of the room.
[Quest Completed: Slay the Explosive Shardlings.]
[Time Limit: N/A]
[Reward: Epic (Skill Evolution) Boon.]
[Sender: The Cosmic System.]
Jace grabbed the golden orb, “53,” he stated as he pulled his backpack off and shoved it inside. “Well, I’d bet that you’re supposed to contain them somehow: maybe a wall or something like that?”
Ollie flew out from his neck, “Dust incoming!” There were bits of rubble strewn about the chamber, and it all turned to Stardust and flew into his hand. He then shot half of it into Bloopa.
[Stardust Acquired: 600]
He shook his head and headed out the tunnel. “Let’s go. Those booms would’ve echoed out across the whole tile. We don’t want to be here if someone tracks this place down.”
Priam nodded, “Can…sounds weird…can you carry me? I’m tired.”
Jace shrugged and loosened his pack’s straps, “Sure. Hop on.”
Priam did so and secured himself around Jace’s torso. He yawned, “What are you going to use your Skill Evolution on?”
“Not sure yet. You?”
Priam looked up at Bloopa, “I’d like to nap…but let’s…that Evolve that Smite thing…and level up. Another Rank…into Benediction.” He felt sleep drawing him on.
Name: Priam Westerfold (Aspirant, Tier 2)
Power [Class Level]: Pulsar [Priest 40]
Skills: Skill Name (Rank) [Evolutions]: Pulsar Ward (Rank 20) [Multi-Target], Pulsar Physic (Rank 10) [Contingent], Priest's Benediction (Rank 11) [Enduring], Priest's Smite (Rank 1) [Marking]
Stardust: 50
Equipment: (Light) Archpriest Vestments, (Conservation) Priest tome, (Insightful) Dad's Hat, (Light) Venture Pack, enhanced canteen, survival meals (x14)
Boons: Common (Information), Rare (Equipment Augmentation), Epic (Information)
Priest’s Benediction (Rank 11) - (Rank 11) As Rank 10, increases the target's sensory traits by a massive amount.
[Using Boon: Epic (Skill Evolution)]
[Applying to Skill.]
[Skill Name: Priest’s Smite.]
[Evolution Name: Marking.]
[Effect: Targets who are struck are illuminated by a mark. Any second attack or Skill inflicted by the user or any designated as allies will detonate the mark, dealing additional damage.]
Those are neat, Priam thought as his eyes fluttered shut and he surrendered to a peaceful sleep, feeling quite safe strapped to Jace’s back.
“It is adorable,” Ollie whispered as Bloopa vanished with a pop.
“What is?” Jace asked as he got out of the lava tube and checked the small map Ollie almost always had active just about at chest level: a quick glance down to view.
“You have a bunny on your back.”
Jace shook his head, “His barriers weren’t needed for me to survive that, but thanks for making him feel valuable.”
“You would be hurting pretty badly from the shockwave damaging your internal organs. Even with your Cosmic Infusion and armor, I would be shocked if you survived. Dark Matter Shield (Rank 3) would have protected you: why remove it in favor of the (Rank 2) version?”
I wanted to protect Verve, was what Jace was going to reply. But he corrected himself when he actually spoke, “I wanted to protect Priam. I was able to take the brunt of the blo-”
“That is not how physics work! Explosive detonations result in a shockwave that impacts and reflects off of solid surfaces! You were getting hit from all sides, not just the front! That’s where the heat was coming from: but most of the harm was focused in those concussive waves. If not for Priam…” Ollie let the thought trail off.
If not for Priam…I’d be dead, is what he’s implying. Jace cursed: not for the first time: at his lack of having an education. Being raised on the streets gave a unique skillset that definitely helped him survive. But situations like the one he just experienced? More and more he saw the value of getting actual education on how the world worked. “Ollie, can you do something for me?”
“Find a way to get me some schooling. Something fast. There are high-technology worlds, right? They probably have some type of tool that…I don’t know…downloads information right to my brain?”
“I will ask Xera.”
Jace nodded and took a deep breath, “Right. Let’s use that Legendary (Equipment) and the Epic (Skill Evolution).”
“What do you want?” Ollie asked.
“My armor is the top of Tier 1, but I want the top of Tier 2. I don’t want to drop all those (Equipment Augmentations) I’ve applied to my current gear. Will the newer (Equipment) Boon…roll the changes into the new one?”
“As long as it is the same type. Meaning (Light), (Medium), or (Heavy). Swapping types? You would lose them. Your prosthetics should be good to swap out as well. So your (Overclocked) Dragonclaw Devastation Legs would have the (Overclocked) Augmentation transfer over to a new set of prosthetic legs.”
“Give me that armor. And as for the Skill Evolution, I want to apply it to Dark Matter Cloak.”
“Roger! Here we go!”
[Using Boon: Epic (Skill Evolution).]
[Applying to Skill.]
[Skill Name: Dark Matter Cloak.]
[Evolution Name: Group.]
[Effect: The Skill may be applied to a group of allies (up to your level divided by 10) with no additional cost.]
[Using Boon: Legendary (Equipment).]
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Jace saw the sparkling all along his body and within an instant his whole outfit was changed. No longer the tiny, flexible scale-covered suit. It was a series of singular pieces, bound together with black threads.
“Aegisleather. It is (Medium) for the type, and still retains the (Snowguard) and (Burnguard) (Equipment Augmentations). It is the highest in protectiveness for a Tier 2 world.”
“So the only thing better would be another Legendary (Equipment) Boon from, say, Earth.”
“Yup!” Ollie nestled into the hood, “You won’t notice much of a mechanical difference, save that your innate protection due to the armor has gone up.”
“It should give me a once per day Skill, right? Since it’s a Legendary piece of gear.”
Ollie shook his head, “I…Huh, not this one. I will make sure to ask Xera why that is.” His eyes went black for a moment, and when they flashed back on he put on a pouty face. “Oh, so apparently the Legendary Equipment giving a Skill is not a guarantee. It is highly probable: 95% of the time, it does happen according to her numbers.”
“So I just got unlucky.”
“Yup. Sorry.”
Jace shrugged, “Shit happens. Can’t cry over spilled nutripaste. The ability to Cloak a group is…well, that’s big.”
“Especially when Xera sends you back to Earth,” Ollie replied.
“The (Terrifying) thing on my eyes, plus all of us being able to go around undetected? It’ll be a cakewalk.”
“Unless the world goes up a Tier. It depends on how quickly technology advances and if The Cosmic System re-categorizes it.”
“Then we’ve got to move fast. Do we have to wait until the Dungeon Run is over to claim the prize?”
“It ends early if there are no more dungeon cores to claim.”
Jace nodded, “Then let’s get a move on. One more for the volcano tile. Then, onto the desert and finding that soul-thingy.”