DESTINY GAMES. It has been 85 years since Earth-11 became aligned with Yggdrasil and 73 years since Icon became the first demigod from Earth. Icon, as the first demigod, was privileged to weave the thread of fate for everyone. He was supposed to cut off Yggdrasil and free Earth-11 from the grasps of the other Earths and their god kings. That's why everyone helped him climb the tower of Destiny. But instead of ridding earth of Yggdrasil, he turned the destiny of mankind into seven rings of immortality. The first ring was for the immortality of power. The second was for the immortality of the knowledge. The third, fourth, fifth, and sixth were for the immortality of the mind, energy, body, and soul. The last ring, the ring of the paragon, was made to rule them all. Icon kept the ring of the paragon for himself and became a dictator. He ruled with an iron fist for many years. His was a reign of terror. But he was eventually vanquished by the collective effort of the world. It has been 62 years since then. Icon is no more, but the damage he had done still remains. Earth-11 is still connected to Yggdrasil. The deadly games of the Tower of Destiny still remain, and the fight for the seven rings of immortality still continues. Kelvin Thorn has just awakened his ability. It came at a good time too since he is running for his life. The ability he awakened saved him, but it came with a cost. He must climb the tower of destiny under the witness of the whole world and accumulate destiny, or he will die. His situation is not unique. Everyone that awakens, which is mostly everyone, must climb the tower of destiny. It is one of the curses that Icon left behind before he died. But Thorn is different because the seventh ring found him. The tower of destiny is where everyone granted power by destiny, be they humans, non-humans, or otherworlders, must fight in games of might, skill, and knowledge to gather the power of destiny. They will either die or eventually overcome death. Kelvin will be one of the latest in the line of billions of others in this struggle.
- C.289: Beyond RashNEW
- C.288: Symbiotic Abilities
- C.287: Surprising Wrath
- C.286: The End
- C.285: Regret And Despair
- C.284: Clash Of Titans
- C.283: Disappointed
- C.282: Final Phase
- C.281: Soil Stealers
- C.280 - 13 Years More
- C.279: The Four Phases
- C.278: Scouting Mission
- C.277: Justice For Kelvin
- C.276: Hail Mary
- C.275: Mortal And Divine Casualties
- C.274: Military Crime
- C.273: Public Enemy
- C.272: Prospective Game Points
- C.271: Destiny Report 4
- C.270: Hell On Earth
- C.269: Fighting For Time
- C.268: Surprised Everytime
- C.267: Danger Alarm
- C.266: Cheerleader
- C.265: Different Times
- C.264: Luxury In War
- C.263: No Fall Back
- C.262: Weather Transformation
- C.261: Secret Stash
- C.260: No Bravery
- C.259: More Merits
- C.258: The Tides Of War
- C.257: Mechanical Vs Biological
- C.256: The Trial To Remember
- C.255: Too Much Potential
- C.254: Wrath Was Right
- C.253: Thrown To The Wolves
- C.252: The Great Divide
- C.251: Ignorance Strikes Again
- C.250: Bots And Drones
- C.249: Destiny Report 3
- C.248: Kill Or Be Killed
- C.247: Merit Point Usage
- C.246: Big God
- C.245: Divine Favor
- C.244: Dangerous Knowledge
- C.243: Tree World
- C.242: The Plan
- C.241: Good Bait
- C.240: Divine Spark
- C.239: The Hammer Of Dawn
- C.238: Another Round
- C.237: Run Or Not?
- C.236: Polite Swordsman
- C.235: Running For Dear Life
- C.234: A Quick Turn
- C.233: Real Chance Of Defeat
- C.232: Another Day At The Office
- C.231: Responsibility And Authority
- C.230: Two Birds One Stone
- C.229: Strategic Objectives
- C.228: First Clash
- C.227: Air Defense System
- C.226: World At War
- C.225: The Green Star
- C.224: Yggdrasil
- C.223: Proper Introductions
- C.222: God Among Men
- C.221: Faint Or Flight
- C.220: Uniform And Cool
- C.219: Other Equipment
- C.218: Dog Tag
- C.217: New Things
- C.216: Unmet Expectations
- C.215: The Mortality Of Kings
- C.214: War Of Words
- C.213: Public Lashing
- C.212: Last Leisure Time
- C.211: Grateful Audience
- C.210: Blood Rush VS Joy
- C.209: Disturbances And Interruptions
- C.208: Embarrassing Victory
- C.207: The Open War
- C.206: The Most Important Rule Of The Army
- C.205: Hidden Infection
- C.204: Taking The Blame
- C.203: Playing Dead
- C.202: Ambush
- C.12: Tinder For The Spark
- C.11: A Divine Fire
- C.10: Many Troubles
- C.9: Wasted Potential
- C.8: Archenemies
- C.7: The White Augustus
- C.6: More Than Survival
- C.5: Destiny Theory Of Ravin
- C.4: Types Of Destiny
- C.3: Destiny Report
- C.2: A Changed Man
- C.1: Awakening