Dimension Weaver: My Wife Is The Dragon Empress!-Chapter 128 - - Dream

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Rubbing his temples, Talon contemplated his next move carefully. He had to be extremely careful with what he asked her. If he got too curious, he might end up falling into a trap.

'Not to mention that she could definitely try to make me know too much just to get me in trouble.' He frowned when he realized the huge dilemma he was in.

If Talon had truly wanted to know what he wanted to know without putting himself at risk, he had to give the woman a proposal far more inviting than a painless death.

'Ugh, this is so annoying. It would've been easier if I could just torture her for information. But no, it has to be ten times more complicated. Great!'

"Sigh… Ok, first of all, what's your name?" He asked.

"Terren… You can call me that." She replied.

"Terren, huh… Ok, my second question is, where are you from?" He asked.

"I'm from planet Earth-447."

"Earth-447?" Talon raised an eyebrow at the unexpected answer.

'There is more than one earth?'

"Earth has many variations of it across dimensions. Yours isn't anything special. If anything, it's one of the worst versions of Earth. Earth-8884." Terren added with a cold expression.

"I assume the reason it's a bad version is because it's not as advanced as the Earth you came from?"

"We're hundreds of years ahead in that regard. But, since we received the Core Dimension's link at the same time, we're not that far off in power."

'Ok, this is getting a little confusing. If there are potentially thousands of other Earths… Does that mean?' Suddenly, Talon had a hunch.

It was an idea that he didn't contemplate before and yet when this topic was brought up, he could only have a suspicion that it was possible. After all, no matter how he thought about it, everything seemed to lead to one single conclusion.

"So, you said that you came from Earth-447 here. For what reason?"

"I wanted to fulfill my master's dream." She said with a serious tone.

"..." Talon stared at her silently. He couldn't see any hints of lying in her voice. She was telling the truth as far as he could see.

"And what dream is that?"

"..." Terren went silent for a moment as her eyes flashed with a weird glint. "To topple down the Core Dimension…"

Talon looked at her with a frozen expression. "To topple down the Core Dimension? Are you crazy?"

"When did I say I wasn't?"

"... You have a point. But, it's still a wild idea. You're most likely going to die before you can achieve that." Talon replied honestly.

Even though he wasn't someone to mock another person's dream, he knew that it was simply impossible for her to do it. Unless a miracle happens which he highly doubted considering the fact that he wasn't going to let her live.

"I already did the first step… Another person will do the job after me." She replied with a simple shrug. "I knew that I wasn't going to last long. But, I did my part and that's more than enough."


Talon would be lying if he said that he wasn't impressed by her response. If he was asked if he would be satisfied with having his dream cut off mid-way, he would've shook his head furiously.

A dream is one's biggest desire. Achieving it is akin to reaching their true purpose in life. So, consequently, realizing that your dream is impossible to achieve within your lifespan… It was devastating.

Yet, for some reason, Terren didn't seem like she had any regrets. That required a level of confidence far beyond what Talon understood.

"And who that person might be that's going to finish your work?" He asked.

"I don't know… But, it's going to happen. My master told me that one day, someone with enough power to rival the Core Dimension would appear and finally put an end to its sovereignty. It's just a matter of time."

As she spoke, Terren's eyes closed and her expression relaxed visibly. It was clear that whoever her master was, she was very fond of them.

'So even a monster like you can make an expression like that.' He thought to himself as he exhaled a small breath.

"And what do you think would happen when the Core Dimension gets taken down?" Talon asked.

"... When that day comes… Everyone will finally be free from their shackles… They will finally be able to live the way they wanted, not guided by a higher power to do what they wanted."

"What an ambitious statement." Acrypha whistled with an impressed look. "She dreams of a hero of freedom to come and save the day… For someone as smart as she is, her dream is pretty naive."

The otherworldly beauty clicked her tongue with an annoyed look. If there was one thing she hated, it was optimistic ignorance. She knew better than anyone else how ridiculously powerful the Core Dimension is. To topple it down was dam near impossible at their current stage.

But, even if that happens somehow, that doesn't mean everything will be rainbow and roses all of a sudden.

"If there is one thing worse than the Core Dimension… It's the people that thrive in it. They're greedy monsters with no morals. The Core Dimension is putting their ambitions under control somehow. If that thing vanishes, one of those old monsters will most certainly try to take its place."

Talon looked over his shoulder at his companion. As harsh as her words were, they made a lot of sense. Terren's goal sounded really foolish for many reasons. It was based on the idea that the sole source of evil in this world is the Core Dimension. When in reality, evil exists in people far more prominently.

If anything, the Core Dimension simply gave them a tool to show their true colors… It gave them the key to endless strength and it simply left them to do what they wanted. What happened after that was just a manifestation of the dark side of those entities.

But, in the end, even knowing fully well that it was a useless idea. He decided not to tell her.

Instead, Talon slowly stood up as he cracked his neck. 'She can die thinking her dream could be real. I don't care.' He thought to himself as he coldly pointed his spear at her.

"I've known enough. I respect that you didn't make it harder for me to know." He said.

Terren looked at him with a small, sarcastic smile on her face. "Oh, how great of you to respect me before I die. It's an honor."

"It doesn't need to be an honor. But, with what you did… Having an ounce of respect from me is certainly not something I was expecting." He replied.

"Haha, had anyone told you before that you're a bizarre human?" She asked.

"More than once. I'm starting to believe that it's the case."

"I expected that. Well, can I ask one thing from you before I die?" She asked with a tired sigh.

Her body was completely weakened by the injuries she sustained so she could barely speak even in her condition.


Terren moved her hand slowly as she put it in her pocket. Then, out of it, she pulled a bloody piece of paper. Then, she slowly extended her hand to Talon.

"Take this… But, don't read it till after you finish your first gate."

"..." Talon squinted his eyes as he looked at the paper for a moment. "And what if I read it right now?"

"... You won't understand a single thing. It's going to be just another useless piece of paper to you until you finish your first gate. When that happens… Things will make sense."

The young man went silent again as he contemplated her words.

'Is she trying to pull another trick? No, I can't sense any hints of lying in her voice, and even if she's still going to resist, I should be far stronger than her.' He thought to himself.

"..." In the end, he extended his hand and grabbed the piece of paper as he inspected it with his eyes before he pocketed it. "I will keep that in mind."

"... That's good…"

After that, Talon lifted his spear and looked at the woman with a cold expression. "May you repent for what you did."

Then, the girl closed her eyes. 'I'm sorry master… I'm going to follow you sooner than I expected… I hope you won't mind… But, I think I have finally found a very special individual… It might be the one we've been looking for, master… I have given him the piece of paper… I hope… I wasn't… wrong…'



"Hnnng…" Hyun-Jae's eyes opened slowly.


When Chin-Hwa noticed that, he quickly rushed toward her. "Are you ok? Do you feel anything abnormal?"

Hyun-Jae shook her head and slowly rose up. Her vision was still blurry and it was hard to see. But, she wasn't completely blinded like before.

'After killing that troll… Ugh, I can't remember anything…'

Then, she slowly lifted her head and looked around her in confusion. All the remaining students were there. The atmosphere was very gloomy and the tension was high. But, out of everyone there, she noticed someone missing instantly.

"Where… Is Talon?"

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