Dimension Weaver: My Wife Is The Dragon Empress!-Chapter 143 - - Horror

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(This chapter may contain some bad topics for some people. I tried to make it as censored as possible and there aren't any explicit scenes so there is your warning. It won't be a common theme in my story to do this, so rest assured :).)

The woman found herself completely terrified by Hyun-Jae's strong glare and could only look at Talon quickly to avoid it.

'Why is she angry…? Did I do something?' The woman asked herself as she gulped down a mouthful of saliva.

"Miss?" Snapping her out of her thoughts was Talon's soothing voice. Immediately, she turned around and spoke to him. The fact that he was treating her nicely made her feel a lot more at ease.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yes, yes, ehem, I'm sorry. Of course, thank you so much for the food… And thank you for saving my life. I owe you everything." She bowed deeply as she thanked him again and again profusely.

She couldn't put into words how grateful she was for what he did. So, all she could do was repeat the same words as many times as she could in hopes of it being enough to convey what she felt at that moment.

"It's fine, you don't have to thank me that much. I didn't do much." Talon replied as he shook his head. "Instead, I'm here to ask you about what happened back there. I'm really curious."

"..." Hearing that, the woman's expression immediately changed as she looked down again and hugged her knees.


"Take your time, no one is in a rush here," Talon said.

"... Sigh, ok, thank you." Then, taking a deep breath, the woman finally closed her eyes. "Where should I even start?"

"From the beginning if you don't mind."

"I understand… Well, as you probably know, after that disaster occurred a few weeks ago, my house was destroyed and I found myself on the street. All I saw were monsters and people running around. So, like everyone else, I simply ran away. I was close to death many times and for the next few days, I hid wherever I could and searched for anyone to help me.

I went to many police stations, but, I didn't find anyone there." As she spoke, the woman's voice wavered ever-so-slightly.

Talon and Hyun-Jae listened quietly to what she was saying.

"Then, a week after that, I already ran out of food I found and had to go out to search for more. But… I ended up being chased by a monster. I ran and ran till I was unable to move anymore and when I thought I was about to die, someone appeared and saved my life… He was very strong. He could kill the monster with one strike.

That was my first ever meeting with him… Cha Kwang." Just uttering those words made the woman's teeth clench and her face contort with hatred and anger. It was clear how she felt about this man.

"Cha Kwang… Hmm, I never heard of that name before." Hyun-Jae muttered coldly. "He doesn't seem like he's any known person."

"I really don't know much about his past… He is a very careful man." The woman shook her head.

"You said he killed it with one strike?" Talon raised an eyebrow.


'After only one week… I guess he isn't as simple as I thought.' The young man squinted his eyes seriously.

From what Talon knew, most people couldn't kill a single monster after one week so this man's achievement was definitely higher than ordinary.

"Continue please."

"He was apparently moving with his group and found me by sheer coincidence. I was terrified so stumbling upon his group was akin to salvation for me. I never knew that it was the biggest mistake of my life to join them. The group consisted of Cha Kwang, his guards, they were extremely loyal to him and were ready to follow every order he wanted and they're all very strong." She explained.

"And then, there are a big number of women of all ages… Most of them have good looks and those are Cha Kwang's women... His 'lovers'."


Talon and Hyun-Jae stared at the woman speechlessly.

"His lovers, huh…" Talon ran his hand through his hair. "That definitely sounds as shady as I expected."

"... From what I heard from the other women, Cha Kwang was obsessed with finding beautiful women and bedding them to make them his. Since most of us were in trouble when he found us, many fell in love with him at first glance… I was sadly one of those foolish ones." She added in a downcast tone.

'To them, he must've appeared like a hero in shiny armor. I can't blame them for thinking they fell in love with him.' Talon thought to himself without interrupting her.

"So, when he proposed to me to join his group and promised me safety, I agreed in a heartbeat. Everything seemed like it was perfect. I even cried from happiness thinking my nightmare was over."


"Then, the first night came, I was brought back to the place where Cha Kwang and the group were… A big supermarket west of Seoul. We had everything we needed there and more. It was the perfect place. I was given food, water, and clothes. There was even showers. I was able to clean myself and wear proper clothes.

But, when I thought I could finally get some sleep… Cha Kwang called me to his section of the building… Then, he…" In the end, the woman fumbled over her words and couldn't continue anymore as tears rolled down her eyes.

Talon and Hyun-Jae didn't have to hear the last part to know what the woman was implying. But, that still made them frown even harder.

Just a mere glance at the bruises and injuries on her body, Talon could imagine how horrible it was.

'Bastard…' He cursed in his head.

"*Hick* I'm sorry for crying… It's just… I can't stop myself…"

Sobbing silently, the woman covered her face with her hands. All the pent-up emotions she felt came pouring out endlessly.

The duo went silent as they waited for her to regain her composure. They had no idea how much she went through and how scarring it was. So, the only thing they could do was give her the time to cry it all out.

A few minutes passed like that before the woman finally regained her ability to speak a little.

"By the next morning… I was broken… I couldn't move… My body hurt and I was half conscious… Then, he told me that it was a great night before leaving… I was then given a healing potion and left alone…"

Pursing his lips, Talon sat down next to the woman. "It's ok. I'm really sorry you had to go through such an experience." Talon said with a sympathizing tone.

"... After that, for the next few days, he didn't call me again… I heard that he didn't like to spend the night with the same woman so he uses that opportunity to do it with all of them and they all end up broken… the next day… Just like me or even worse...

I tried to warn them, I even tried to resist and say that this isn't right… But, each time, he will threaten to kick me out or kill me if I don't listen… The other women couldn't speak and some even were disillusioned to believe that it was fine to do this…"

Memories of those hellish days came back to her head and sent a chill down her spine.

Meanwhile, the entire time, Hyun-Jae silently looked at the woman. Nobody knew what was going through her head.

"In the end… I couldn't hold on any longer… I had enough of it… So, one night, I decided to bring a knife with me… I thought I was ready to just kill him so that I could escape that hell and save everyone else with me… But… He was able to discover my intentions and I was immediately caught… I was beaten ruthlessly… And then, I was brought outside to get executed… That's when you found me…"

With that, the woman went completely silent as she sat there.

Nobody could really say a word at that moment. After all, what's there to be said? It was a tragic story from start to finish. The pain and suffering that woman had gone through was unimaginable.

A few moments passed in solemn silence before Talon finally spoke in a cold tone.

"... If I bring you along with me… Can you lead me to the supermarket you're talking about?"

The woman blinked in surprise as she stared at the young man. "I can…"

"Good." Standing up, Talon dusted his clothes. "Bring me there. I want to meet this Cha Kwang guy…" He said without looking back. "For now, you can rest and recover slowly. You have time."

Then, Talon started walking, only to stop when Hyun-Jae nudged him. "Are we going to attack them?" She asked.

Even though she already knew that they were bound to confront these people, she still wanted to make sure Talon knew what he was going to do. In fact, Hyun-Jae was more eager than he was to find that man and make him regret everything he did.

"No…" He replied as he gave her a small glance. "I'm just going to talk to him…"


Seeing that look in Talon's eyes, Hyun-Jae felt a chill run down her spine. For a moment, she thought that she was staring into the eyes of a terrifying monster and that's when she realized… Talon was completely outraged.

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