Dungeon Life-Chapter Thirty-Six: Starting the Next Inspection
Chapter Thirty-Six: Starting the Next Inspection
Today is looking like itll be pretty eventful. Still not much delver activity, though Yvonne was able to confirm that most delvers are waiting for the inspection before returning. She also said the Dungeoneers Guild (or the Office of Dungeon Affairs, as I like to call it) expects him within the next few days to do the much anticipated look around.
No, the activity will be coming from Fluffles and the Enclave! Looks like both will be finishing up sometime today. I cant wait to see what my favorite noodle will be with the ascension finished. The Ratlings in the Enclave are also much different than my normal ratlings. I think Aranya is going to do some kind of ceremony with them once she wakes up tonight, so thatll probably finish that up.
I can feel my gates opening, which is a bit of a surprise, and I smile to myself as I see Elf Guy! As is tradition, Poe and all my birds start squawking, cawing, tweeting, and generally making a racket. He grimaces and looks up to Poe as two more sets of feet join him.
Rhonda and Freddie? He cant be planning to bring them on the inspection, can he? I tell the birds to shut up for a second, and the three delvers look around.
Whyd they stop? asks Freddie, looking pretty good in what looks to be fairly worn ringmail. He has a tabard over it with a crystalline shield, so I can only assume hes getting further with being a paladin.
Whyd they even start? follows up Rhonda, wearing the most classic of black mage robe and hat, and a short staff with a carved swirl on the top. Elf Guy just sighs.
The Dungeon knows and seems to approve of me, and shows it with the birds making noise when I show up. They stopped because I think it knows you two are coming along for the inspection.
Uh Poe? Would you kindly flap down there and get an explanation for this? Elf Guy likes to play with the more dangerous stuff, and I dont think the kids are ready for that.
The group freezes as Poe gives a louder caw and spreads his wings, casting them in shadow as he takes off. He circles a few times before gliding in and landing before them, the big bird much larger than any ordinary raven, or any bird back home, for that matter. Hes able to look him directly in the eye as he caws again at Elf Guy, who looks quite unhappy.
I know! Theyre kids! But theyre also the most experienced delvers in town! The guild hasnt sent anyone to back me up for this inspection, yet it requires I not inspect solo after what your big spider did!
Tiny, corrects Rhonda and Freddie at the same time. Elf Guy just points both hands at the kids in exasperation.
See?! They even know your spider Scions name! The kids exchange awkward looks while Poe continues to eye Elf Guy. Hes got a point, but I dont want the kids trying to get around the traps over in the crypt complex. Yvonne hasnt left for the day yet, though. Maybe she can help.
I mull it over a few more seconds before giving Poe the clear, and he caws at the kids once more. Elf Guy deflates a bit and nods.
Yeah, I know. Theyre my responsibility. I don't want them getting hurt any more than you do. Poe nods and takes off to land back on his nest, letting him observe the yard and beyond. The kids look to Elf Guy with wonder.
You can understand the dungeon?! exclaims Rhonda, looking like shes about to nerd out, and the elf holds up his hand to stop her.
Not in so many words. It doesnt have a Voice yet, so it has to speak with actions. It takes a bit of practice, and you have to get to know the dungeon a bit before you can interpret with any kind of accuracy, he explains, before pulling out his little talky thing which appears to be a magical rock?
Have entered Fourdock Dungeon via the main gate at the mansion. Dungeon recognized me, but seemed to want to know why I am not solo this time. I explained the situation, and it seems to accept. Proceeding with inspection.
I let them check out the yard and the manor while I have Teemo get Yvonnes attention. Shes probably a bit bored what with not being able to sleep anymore, so she follows him without much prompting. I wonder if liches delve so deeply into forbidden magic just because its something to do?
With the party, they take a quick look around the yard, and the kids point out the new cave to the underground area, which he notes into his rock. I dont send anything too mean at them, mostly because I dont have much mean in and around the house anyway. I have some plans for some stuff for later, but I need to get my mana production back up and running with that sweet sweet delver income. At least they do their part on that front by fighting encounters and gathering herbs and stuff.
The inspector spots the snake den, and stares for a few moments before pulling out the rock. Snake scion Ascending, looks like itll finish any minute now. Conduit title, so it was the one to drain Neverrests core. Consider this preliminary confirmation Neverrest is Subsumed.
Inside the house its mostly the same: fight things, loot things. I let them fight a nice swarm in the attic with lightning enchantment, and it goes pretty smoothly for them. Rhonda knows how to protect from lightning pretty well, and Elf Guy is some serious DPS. Freddie keeps the swarms attention and their spiders give what support they can.
I still get a lot of satisfaction that Elf Guy visibly waits to get the boss xp before opening the chest. Out the window and onto the roof, they get a few more encounters and poke around the belfry, and Rhonda spots some seeds she seems to like, before they head for the basement.
Basement stairs contain multiple rotten and squeaky floorboards. Rat Warren has overtaken basement entirely. There appears to be an entrance to the cave system, but there is too much rat activity to make it a viable pathway. Possible location of secret sanctuary, but too much activity to confirm.
They head up and out, and the inspector starts paying more attention, as this is new territory for him. Fresh cave system from the earthquake reported from the expansion. Many various mining nodes observed. Minor gremlin activity drawn by the nodes. Dungeon appears to maintain focus on eliminating invaders quickly and efficiently. Oozes abundant in caves, as well as more bat activity. Dungeon appears to be still working on fully utilizing the tunnels. Likely was distracted by encroachment of Neverrest.
He chuckles and pockets his rock. I wish I had been here for the fight. If Fourdock hadnt launched that surprise attack, it would have been in big trouble. I wonder if Neverrest actually knew most of the adventurers were gone that day.
It couldnt though right? asks Freddie, suddenly worried that the boneyard had been more informed than anyone had thought. The elf just shrugs.
Its hard to say, but Neverrest was pretty determined to cause trouble. It had wasps, too, to send on expeditions. They wouldnt be the best at gathering intel, but even they can tell when a guildhall is empty. The kids dont seem to like that, and Freddie speaks up again.
Do you think Fourdock keeps tabs on that kind of thing, too?
Probably. That raven Scion is a Marshall, so hes been managing a lot of expeditions. He chuckles at the kids. I wouldnt worry, though. This dungeon doesnt strike me as the type to actually spy on anyone. Besides, birds arent the best at that kind of thing. Better than wasps, but they still dont pay attention to the right things. Youre telling me, Elf Guy. I feel like half the things the bird expeditions want to tell me about are various shiny things they spotted, even when Im pretty sure theyre almost all just shards of glass.
Rhonda points down the tunnel theyre traveling in. We should be coming up on the spider lair soon. You can handle a widow, right? The inspector nods and pulls out the rock again.
This content is taken from freeweɓnovel.cѳm.
Approaching spider lair, guides warn of widow spawning. It will probably be spawning aranea soon, too. The Rat Warren was maxed out and spawning ratlings, so I doubt this one will be far behind. Widow spotted. Engaging. The kids eyes widen and they turn to face the threat. Freddie and Fiona keep it distracted and slowed with webbing, giving Rhonda a chance to freeze a few of its legs to the ground. A Shadow Blade from the elf, and soon theyre raking in the xp, and Im raking in the mana. Definitely going to need to get tougher delvers in to beat up more of the widows.
They only take a peek inside the lair before moving on, as there are a few more widows wandering around as they decide which tunnel they want to patrol. Further down the tunnel, Freddie points out the public war room.
Public war room confirmed, even appears to be furnished via ratling craftsmanship. Table is rough, but stable. Chairs similar. Large map of the surrounding area and dungeon on top. He takes a few seconds to look over the thing. Secret Sanctuary not included. Likey other details missing as well.
From the entrance comes the voice of my new Resident, and she seems slightly amused by the party. Is this an inspection, or a field trip? she jokes with a smile, and seems to understand why Teemo led her here. The kids are a little embarrassed, but the inspector is all business.
An inspection, good Resident. I take it youre to help with the more dangerous areas of the inspection? he asks in a formal tone, and my birb nods.
Yes. The crypt complex has a multitude of dangerous traps from Neverrest. The dungeon seems to intend to let them wear off, but it does take time. The inspector nods, and notices Teemo, his official demeanor faltering a bit.
Ah and the rat scion. Still no Voice, but its smart enough to communicate at least somewhat. He turns his focus back to Yvonne. Would you be willing to give information on the various scions?
Yvonne glances to Teemo, who nods before climbing up to rest on her shoulder, officially joining her to chauffeur the group. She returns her focus to the elf and the kids, and nods. Yes. It seems the dungeon isnt against sharing that information.
She doesnt continue yet. I dont know if its because she wants them to ask specific questions, or if shes distracted by Fluffles finishing his ascension. She definitely looks up that way, at least. Elf Guy follows her gaze before his eyes widen in realization.
I suppose Ill start with asking about the snake scion, then.