Fate Online: Shadow
The most feared Assassin in the world died because of vengeance.
- C.489 Reinforcements, Main Quest?
- C.488 Dark Days Ahead
- C.487 Past Conflict
- C.486 Blackskull Again
- C.485 Chaos
- C.484 Damn Big Lizard!
- C.483 Erebus
- C.482 Monster Horde
- C.481 The Start (3)
- C.480 The Start (2)
- C.479 The Start (1)
- C.478 Discussion (2)
- C.477 Discussion (1)
- C.476: Starting Soon
- C.475: Competition
- C.474: Abandoned Cave (2)
- C.473: Abandoned Cave (1)
- C.471: Super Saiyan?
- C.470: Abandoned Mine
- C.469: Keeping it Under Wraps
- C.468: Clean Up, End
- C.467: Hes Gone
- C.466: Its Over
- C.465: An Avengers Monologue
- C.472: Dark Fels End
- C.464: Good Evening Sir~
- C.463: So It Begins (3)
- C.462: So It Begins (2)
- C.461: So It Begins (1)
- C.460 - Won’t Be Doing The Same Mistake
- C.459 - No One Escapes Our Eyes
- C.458 - Two Peas in a Pod
- C.457: A Good Deed Done
- C.456: Surging Undercurrents
- C.455: The Three Families Gather
- C.454: Old Ghost
- C.453: Ten Seconds
- C.452: EXES
- C.451: Gyeoul Airport
- C.450: A New Kind of Monsters
- C.449: Shaman
- C.448: Comparison Hurts
- C.447: Territories
- C.446: Ancient Gear
- C.445: Looking for Clues and Trouble Brewing
- C.444: Fight!
- C.443: Last of the Family Tree
- C.442: The End is Nigh
- C.441: Villains Die
- C.439: The Ghost of the Past (6)
- C.437: The Ghost of the Past (4)
- C.438: The Ghost of the Past (5)
- C.436: The Ghost of the Past (3)
- C.435: The Ghost of the Past (2)
- C.434: The Ghost of the Past
- C.433: Into the Hood
- C.432: The White Man
- C.431: Kidnapping
- C.430: The Story Behind The M.T
- C.429: Monk and Genesis
- C.428: It Happened Too Fast
- C.427: Anti climatic
- C.426: Trouble Arrives
- C.425: Danger Lurking
- C.424: Pranks are Dangerous
- C.423: Ghost hunting?
- C.422: Troublesome Student
- C.421: Just an ordinary day at the beach?
- C.420: Meal
- C.419: Lurking Danger
- C.418 - The Island
- C.417 - Humanlike Monster
- C.416 - The Race
- C.415 - The Island
- C.414 - Tricked!
- C.413 - Strings Of Fate
- C.412: MT, Start!
- C.411: Rub an itch
- C.410: Early Morning, Unexpected News
- C.409: It Gets Muddier
- C.408: Lonesome
- C.407 - Holy Knight
- C.406 - Stalemate And The Charge
- C.405 - Isolated
- C.404 - Glory To The Empire!
- C.403 - Let The FEAST Begin!
- C.402 - Crack Unit
- C.401 - The Serum
- C.12: Shopping and Quest Grades
- C.11: A Dead Man Walking
- C.10: You Just Need To Do This and Everything Would Be Easy As Pie!
- C.9: The Three Guild Alliances
- C.8: Ray of Frost
- C.7: Meeting Amanda
- C.6: Perfect Stats!
- C.5: Ambush!
- C.4: The World Is Truly Small Between Us
- C.3: It's Him!
- C.2: Dive! Game Start!
- C.1: I Am Back!