First Demonic Dragon-Chapter 634: I Found You.

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Abaddon had forgotten, but he actually did tell Nyx and Yemoja to come over today.

He just wasn't expecting for them to come over first thing in the morning.

Or together for that matter.

Even after Thrudd had long since left the room, he and Sif were still glued together as they stared at the unlikely pair of primordial deities.

"Might there be something interesting on our faces?" Nyx asked as she tilted her head.

Sif answered before Abaddon could. "We're waiting on you to get out so that we can continue where we left off."

"Don't let us stop you. I enjoy a bit of voyeurism." Nyx sat down and smiled.

Only Yemoja was being reasonable… or at least her version of it.

"I would leave you be, but I'm quite anxious to be in this predicament with my own man sometime soon. So I confess I will be staying here to make you both uncomfortable until you decide to help me."

Sif started dropping the temperature in the room even lower than before.

Abaddon laughed to himself as he started to get out of bed.

Emphasis on try, because Sif held him down like a giant polar bear.

"Where do you think you are going?"

"With our friends." Abaddon smiled.

"They can wait a bit longer, it won't kill them. But even if it does..." Sif shrugged innocently.

"Are you intending to keep me here?"

"I am."

"Cute, but ineffective."

Abaddon started to get up despite Sif clinging to him.

In a moment of desperation, Sif used a card from when they were married.

Her body grew well past six feet until she was over nine feet tall and larger than Abaddon.

Her musculature, chest, and even the horn in her head all grew to match her new size.

Her skin turned a deep blue color more beautiful than the sky, and the golden hair she was so infamous for fell past her feet and spilled to the floor.

"Ha! You never could go against me when- Wait, wait, wait!" Sif nearly cried when Abaddon was still getting up despite the additional weight.

"Have you forgotten I'm not so sickly anymore?"

"God damnit! I miss having a skinny ex-husband!!"

"I am unsure how to feel about that..."

Once he was fully standing up, Abaddon dropped Sif on her head in the middle of the bed.


"Oh? Sounds like you don't want me to come back later."

Sif fell silent as she reverted back to normal. "...You'd better not take too long."

Chuckling, Abaddon gave her an apologetic kiss on the cheek before leaving with Yemoja and Nyx.


On the day of the peace summit before everything went to hell, Yemoja had asked Abaddon for a very particular favor.

Specifically, she wanted help finding the man who would be her next husband.

The only problem was, he was supposedly very far.

As in not in their universe far.

Primordial gods can do lots of things, but most cannot casually navigate the vast endlessness of the multiverse, nor can they so easily tear open the fabric of their own to travel.

This, perhaps more than any other, is what makes Abaddon's role within the multiverse so special.


The abyss sits beneath all.

It exists in each and every universe simultaneously- which is the reason why the passage of time has no real meaning or value; aside from the whims of Abaddon himself.

As Uma-Sarru, Abaddon is responsible for ensuring that every realm remains free of the scourge of the eldritch horrors, and thus he is not only given total access to the gateways between realities, but he can navigate them and conjure them up quite easily.

Currently, Abaddon was standing in the observatory in the highest room of the manor.

He and Nyx were watching a tearful goodbye take place as the twins embraced Yemoja.

"Do you really have to go, Auntie Yem?" Ever the sensitive one, Yemaya looked like she was on the verge of tears.

"Y-Yea, why can't you just pick out a husband off the street or something?" Yemaja wasn't one to typically wear her emotions on her sleeve, but even she looked upset by this.

A warm motherly smile formed on Yemoja's face as she pulled both girls in to her embrace.

"Now, now, there's no need for all of this crying, dearies. I'll be back when I can to visit you both. Hopefully with my new husband in tow."

The water goddess was very close to the twins.

She not only taught them about the best way to properly use their divinity in tandem, but she also acted as a mature, all-knowing elder.

If the two of them weren't at home or out causing mischief, they were usually with her.

Not being able to go over to her house whenever they liked would most certainly be a loss.

But as Yemoja said, she wouldn't be gone forever.

She would likely still pop in from time to see how they were doing and get a hug or two in.

After reaching Abaddon, Yemoja gave him a curt nod. "I'm ready. Please begin, my friend."

"Alright... Open your mind a moment."

Abaddon closed the distance between himself and the goddess.

Gently pushing aside her watery hair, he pressed their foreheads together and began peering through her mind.

She must have been worried that he would see something embarrassing, because she hurried to volunteer the memory of her vision so that he wouldn't see anything else.

Abaddon could see the silhouette of a man who vaguely looked like a fox spirit.

The unique vision Yemoja had also contained a specific energy or frequency that he alone could track.

"I see..."

Abaddon snapped his fingers and filled the room with millions of twinkling lights that appeared to be glass shards.

He began walking around the room with his eyes closed; trying his best to match the energy from her vision to the different energy of these realities.

Since it was so faint, it took upwards of ten minutes before he could find them, but eventually he achieved a breakthrough.

His body stopped on it's own and his eyes slowly opened with clear satisfaction in his gaze.

He dismissed all of the other portals except for one, and willed the last little shard to float towards his palm.

Once he found it, he enlarged the it until it resembled an enormous monitor that everyone in the room could view.

Yemaya: *Whisper* "...Dad is kind of cool when he does stuff like this."

Yemaja: "Shhh! He'll hear you and you'll make his head bigger than it already is."

Abaddon pretended that he couldn't hear the two of them, but the increased pace at which his tail swayed betrayed him. freewēbnoveℓ.com

Now that he had pinpointed exactly what universe the man was in, pin-pointing the world was even easier.

Though... This realm was certainly a unique one, he didn't spare it too much of a second thought.

Making a widening gesture with his hands, he zoomed in to the surface of the 'planet'.

Surprisingly, the man wasn't 'in' his world, but in a pocket dimension.

They found him and several others fighting the largest qilin that Abaddon had ever seen.

"That's him!" Yemoja said excitedly.

"Ohhh, he does kind of look like big brother." Yemaya realized.

"Only softer and more mannerable... I guess I would approve of this." Yemaja had to tone down what she normally would have said because her father was ten feet away.

Abaddon rolled his eyes at his daughters; unaware of the massive bullet to the heart he had narrowly avoided.

He watched the broadcast for a moment longer before a brief flash of green hair caught his eye. 'Wait...'

Tilting the focus a bit, he could then see a very familiar young woman.

Only she was't quite so young anymore.

The last time that Abaddon saw Lucia was back when she accidentally intruded into his mind on earth.

Their conversation was cut short moments later by Asherah, because Abaddon was apparently getting too close to something he wasn't quite ready for.

Later he would learn that this was the existence of the eldritch horrors, and Lucia's husband had apparently ingested the blood of one of them.

And somehow hadn't died or ceased to be himself.

Which meant only one thing.

The creature wanted to be assimilated.

"Girls... I need you to step back a bit."

Nyx, Yemoja, and the twins didnt understand Abaddon's sudden change in demeanor, but they knew better than to second guess him at that moment.

Once they were a safe enough distance away, Abaddon swiped at the air with his claws and created multiple 'gashes' in the room.

Exactly five familiar faces appeared within the spatial tears.

And Abaddon couldn't say he was happy to see even one of them.

"Lord." The five of them bowed in unison.

"Are you lot having fun playing around on your vacation? Do you enjoy seeing the sights and running around like chickens with your heads cut off...?"

Nyx and Yemoja were slightly taken aback.

They had never once heard Abaddon speak to a subordinate with such a complete lack of compassion or warmth before.

He truly seemed to loathe them.

"Surely you jest, my master... The multiverse is vast, and exploration of it for the horrors is a lofty task. They've hidden themselves well." Maliketh said eloquently.

"A trifle we would have no need to deal with had you all not released them in the first place!" Abaddon snapped.

Unbeknownst to him, his teeth had sharpened into a point and the floor underneath his feet had started to crack.

Resembling a shining black knight, Fatum lowered his head as he removed his own helmet."...We apologize yet again for our foolishness, master... We believed it to be your wi-"

"If you utter that insanity in my ears again, I will burn you from the inside out until you are incapable of remembering your own name."

The former kings fell silent as sweat ran down their backs.


Yemaya snuck up on Abaddon from behind and took his hand.

Through sheer effort, he was finally able to reign himself in and regain some semblance of normalcy.

A feat he likely wouldn't have been able to accomplish were he here on his own.

*Sigh* "While you lot were fucking off doing god knows what, I found one of the beasts you released without even trying. So which of you wants to start cleaning up your mess first?"

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