Four Brothers and a Bride-Chapter 14 -
Chapter 14: Chapter 14
I'm not gonna lie, Demi is one fascinating woman. I am sitting here at the dinner table, watching her babble mom's praises like nothing happened, like she wasn't just scared shitless less than an hour ago. It's the boisterous laughter for me. I love a woman that knows how to make smart decisions. She understands her place now and won't dare cross the line.
Still, something bothers me. It's the fact that though she avoids meeting our eyes, she doesn't seem rattled or scared. Even a good actress will fumble at some point but this dinner has been the liveliest I have ever seen of her. I glance at Ashely. He is also watching her with worry lines etched on his face.
After dinner, Demi joins mother in her room to finish up their conversation. Ashely tries to go after her but I grab his arm and herd him to the game room.
"What's with the sappy look on your face? You looked like a lost puppy running to its owner." Ashely yanks his arm from my grip.
"Something's wrong with Demi. I can tell. Earlier, she looked scared to death and flinched every time I took a step close to her. Now, she's acting all hysterical."
I huff out a breath. "I have eyes too, you know. It's all good."
"Good?" Ashely barks. "I told you that was a bad idea. She's got nothing to hide but you won't drop your suspicions." He roughly brushes past me to lean by the pool table. "Why did you make me do that to her? She called me a freaking monster, Ash. And she's right. I am a monster for making her go through that. The way she looked at me when she thought I wanted to rape her..."
"Don't." I warn him.
"It's the same way I looked at Tobias when he loomed over me. I hate you for making me a monster like him." The sharp bite of his words and the anger blazing in his eyes hit me hard. "You're an asshole."
"I didn't exactly force you, Ashely. If I remember correctly, I wanted to get that shit done myself but you opted to do it instead."
"Because I don't trust you to not use unnecessary force."
Says the man who led Demi to believe she was about to be raped, I think to myself. Talk about unnecessary. I join him by the table. He totally regrets his action. "I'm sorry okay. I should have known you're too sentimental to execute this without your moral compass taking a blow."
"Stay away from her, okay. No more games. Don't even think of impersonating me to slide information from her. I don't think she has some sinister plans up her sleeve I mean why the fuck would she? She simply resents our guts, if anything. Just because she doesn't fawn over us like ninety-five percent of the women in this country doesn't mean she is our enemy."
I want to believe him but I'll just have to see and make double sure for myself. "Take it easy now. I hear you. I must have been wrong about her." I knead his tensed shoulders. Humor slides warm into my tone. "Now, just how good of an actor were you that you managed to scare the Demi Branson like that? Are my brothers getting better at playing me than me?"
Ashely doesn't indulge me. His frown remains glowing on his face.
"C'mon Ash, you're making it hard for me to believe you haven't fallen in love with this woman."
"If you can't tell the difference between being humane and being in love, then that's too bad." Ashely stands and looks around. "I need a fucking drink."
He strolls to the wall and presses a button, then orders drinks to be brought up to us. A servant appears a minute later with Brandy and snifters. Ashely dismisses him and pours himself a quick drink. "I don't know how I'll be able to face her with the guilt drowning me."
"You don't have to feel guilty." I tell him. "There's a bright side to our hasty plan; you were playing me! She doesn't suspect you; she suspects me! You have nothing to feel bad about."
"I'm afraid I might have derailed in playing you." Ashely stares dejectedly at his drink. "I might have been more of Ashton than Asher." My eyes bulge.
"What do you mean by that?"
Our heads snap towards the doorway where Ashton stands with both thumbs hooked in the pocket of his pants. Ashal is right next to him, a curious expression on their faces.
"Nothing." I quickly say. Ashton's eyes dim with suspicion.
"If it has my name next to yours and I can't fathom what you're talking about, it doesn't sound like nothing." He takes slow steps to us while Ashal trails closely behind.
We are standing with our shoulders squared now. I note that the annoyance that has been simmering in his eyes has risen to the surface. "Let's try that again." He glances at Ashely now. "What did you mean by you might have been more Ashton than Asher? Is this about Demi? What did you guys do?"
"Leave it, Ash." I try again. I don't like where this is going, especially with Ashton already pissed for some reason. It's futile reasoning with him when he's fuming.
"Maybe he shouldn't. He deserves to know what you got up to behind his back." I stare blankly at Ashal. What the fuck is his problem now? He's been acting weird since I botched his suicide attempt.
"Now what exactly is that supposed to mean?" I ask, walking up to him. Shockingly, he plants a firm stance to rival mine. His deep gaze is confrontational. Ashal hates confrontations because they can be a trigger for him. Tonight, he moves no muscle but stands with a silly smile on his face. He looks like a psycho killer.
"Ok, guys, cut it out." Ashely comes between us and shoves each person apart. Ashton insists on learning what was done to Demi and demands we tell him.
"Why don't you start off by telling us where you went earlier this evening? You didn't even tell Gris. What was so important that you kept everyone in the dark, huh?" His face hardens at my question.
Ashely shoots me a scorching look. "That's enough, Asher. Don't antagonize him. You know better. Ash," he says, turning to Ashton. "It's nothing deep. Asher was suspicious of Demi's true intentions and asked me to try to ferret some information from her. That's all." Ashton's heaves a breath and backs away.
Ashal chuckles. "Classic Asher, always playing people like a fiddle."
"Excuse me?"
"I didn't stutter, did I"
He's baiting me. I reel my hands backwards and slam my fist into Ashal's jaw. Blood sputters from his nose and broken lip. Ashley and Ashton rush to help him, screaming at me.
I wipe my sweaty forehead and plant my hands on my hips. Ashal totally deserves it for ruffling my feathers but before I can apologize, Ashal shoves our brothers so hard they fall like felled trees. Eyes wide like a madman's, his fingers close around the brandy bottle and once in his grip, he charges towards me. Purgatory flashes before my eyes as certain death approached.
We are all in father's study, our faces crestfallen like naughty middle school children who have been called into the principal's office.
Ashal took a longer time to wake up from his blackout, about two hours. He sits at the farthest couch from me, nursing his throbbing head where Ashton had knocked him out with a fist.
Everything had happened so fast. In seconds, my life flashed before my eyes; everything I had done and the ones I was yet to do. Whenever I think of dying, I imagine the cancer beating me. I have never imagined one of my brothers being the angel of death.
I steal surreptitious glances at Ashal and he locks eyes with me. The evil in his eyes has fizzled away, leaving remorse and shame in his bluish orbs.
"You all never cease to disappoint me." Father hisses from his high chair. "I honestly thought we were past the fights, especially with Ashal's peculiar condition. Asher, you are supposed to be the most responsible one. Yet, you stupidly let him prey on your pride? You could have been killed!"
I want to believe father is speaking from a place of care and normally I would bask under his worry for me but my eyes stray to Ashal instead. With his head hung low, he stares at the floor. My heart goes out to him.
"I didn't forbid the fights to stop you from bruising yourselves and making it easier for people to tell you apart, I did it for your own safety. With Ashal's condition, it's not a fight but certain death."
Ashal sniffles. I can't imagine how he's feeling right now. He literally just attempted suicide days ago. Being addressed as a monster will take a toll on his mental health.
"Dad, please." I interrupt, rising to my feet. "It's all my fault. We all had a tough day and I wasn't sensitive enough to not escalate a hapless argument. Please, don't heap this on Ashal. We all know he isn't to blame for his condition. I am to blame for triggering him."
With a low grunt, father turns away to make a call. We all lead Ashal to his room so he can get some more rest. I apologize tirelessly to my brothers for the way I handled myself. Before we all retire for the night, I make a mental note to talk to Ashal in private and get to know what is going on with him.
The next morning, I skip breakfast and head to work ahead of father. At work, I try to distract myself by studying business trends and the silent moves being made by our biggest rival, Spellman Group to knock us off our cherished first place position on Danvarr business rankings.
Nessa walks in, a somber expression on her face.
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One look at her and I know the easiest way to get my mind off things, especially as the glowing reviews on our rival's latest community development efforts is gaining traction. I push away from my desk and range myself in front of Nessa.
"Sir, you need to see this..."
My fingers cup her chin but the moment I lean down to kiss her, she wedges a hand between us, stopping me.
"It's urgent sir."
A knock interrupts us. Nessa moves to create a professional distance between us just as Josh walks in.
"If you're not here strictly for work-related purposes, I don't want to hear it, Josh." I circle back to my desk and drop into my seat.
"I'm only ever here for work, Asher. I don't know what you mean." His smile grates on my nerves. "I take it you haven't heard. That cockiness lends credence to the fact." I have no idea what he is yapping about. "I know Spellman group is steadily working their way up the business chain but now is not the time to put Rollins Group on the radar for..." he scrunches his nose, "...for non-business-related reasons."
"You better stop speaking in Morse code and tell me what the fuck you mean." Josh throws a look at Nessa who dips her eyes with an embarrassed hue on her cheeks. I don't get the weird energy in this office right now.
Josh taps his phone and then passes it to me. I take one look and my blood chills. It's the fucking video of Anna and I kissing, all zoomed close, on Billion-Err.
My eyes dip to the article that's been viewed by over a million people and garnered a over fifty thousand comments. Billion-Err calls out my family, accusing me and brothers of being shameless. The article hints that Ashely is a serial flirt and possible adulterer.
Demi is also dragged for her pathetic choice of a partner and challenged to quell the cheating rumors by proving within forty-eight hours that she can distinguish her husband Ashely from the rest of us. She is also tasked with exposing which brother is in the video. Else, it would be assumed that she is sleeping with all four of us.
"What the fuck is this?"
Josh snatches his phone. "You tell me. Look, I don't care what you and your brothers get up to. Frankly, nobody does but if you're going to indulge yourselves, try to be discreet so your actions don't come back to haunt this company and bite us all in the ass." He storms out after glaring at me.
Nessa's face is at the verge of tears but she shows admirable restraint, puts up a brave look before leaving for her desk. I ignore the calls coming through and hurry out. The entire office stares at me as I make my way to father's office. Josh is already by his side. They both turn to look at me as I enter.
Father slams the iPad in his hand on the floor. "Find your brothers and go clean up this mess! Now!"
The image of Josh smirking by father's side makes my head throb. On my way home, while zipping through the highway, I smile darkly. This is all the proof I need. Demi is not so innocent after all. She's the only one I sent that video to. If Billion-Err has it, then it can only mean Demi intentionally sent it to them. But why? She must have known that it will reflect badly on her too. The tagline of the article flashes through my mind. I also recall Ashely's little bedroom performance.
"Demi, you're one sneaky bitch." I blurt out before pounding on my horn to clear my path. Demi is smart. I'll give it to her. She used my own move to corner my brothers and I into revealing our distinguishing features. Maybe it's time she feels a few thorns like the other daughter-in-law of the Rollins family. Obviously, Demi has been pampered too much. She needs to be taught a lesson. As I pull up in front of the mansion, I change my plans and take a cue from her. As I step out of the car, I maintain a calm demeanor before walking in.
Mom, Demi and my brothers are in the drawing room on the first floor. Demi is working hard to play the hurt wife.
"You all promised this wouldn't happen. You promised to treat her with respect. How could you be careless enough to go back to that stigmatic Blue Cove. And worse still, you openly kissed her best friend knowing Demi is married into this family. Do you not see how bad this looks?" Mum sinks into her seat and blows out a frustrated air. Ashal goes to her, mutters placatingly. I watch Demi. She meets my eyes and holds my gaze firmly.
"I'm sorry mom. It's all my fault. I didn't realize we were being filmed. Demi, my deepest apologies. It was a spur of the moment thing between Anna and I. I shouldn't have let it happen. I'll fix this."
"How?" Mom asks. "Everyone wants to know how Demi can differentiate Ashely from the rest of you. Will you do that?"
I sigh deeply. "We have no choice. We can't let this fester for a day longer."
Demi glances at me as I crouch by her feet. This is where I plant seeds of doubt in her head that I didn't send her the video or plan to use Anna from the outset. I need to buy more time. "I'll handle the PR. This matter will be doused by nightfall. I'm sorry, okay. I didn't set out to embarrass you like this."
I know just how to pacify the people. They want to be able to tell us apart, I'll throw a bone at them to nibble on while I go fry bigger fish. Demi gets a call on her phone from Anna. Perfect timing. I rise as she excuses herself to go take it by the piano. I know exactly what this call is about. When Demi turns to us, I have already schooled my face to be blank. Her red eyes say it all. Donna has fired that bitch like I instructed on the way here. I turn to hide the smirk on my face.
"Mom, I'll just make a quick call. I'll be right back."
Down the hall, I turn into an empty guest room and shut the door behind me. The number I asked for has been forwarded. I dial it and wait while it rings.
"Hello?" A voice drawls.
"Hi. Is this Iman Burke, Demi Branson's ex?
Pause. "Who the fuck wants to know?" My lips curl in a smile.
"Someone who is about to make you very rich and help you get back at your ex, all with one move."
"Keep talking."