Hard Enough-Chapter 225: Ace low
I ignored the crowd that roared their approval at my pokemon taking to the field, just as Giselle seemed to be ignoring the cheer squad. They’d formed up around Joe, as while he’d been thrown off by Giselle laughing at him, he’d decided to commit himself to the act.
It was probably the best move he could make after having her burst out laughing like she had. Other people might have run but he’d once more proved that there was more to him.
That… or he was just way, way too smitten with this girl.
I had my version of events and I was sticking with it.
“Goooo Brock!” cheered another section of the stands which did draw my eye. On it stood a few of my siblings bar Salvadore, who had moved over to talk with a few of the still-seated Institute students.
Suzie, Cindy, Tommy, and Billy were all happily waving little flags with the Pewter Gym symbol on them which warmed my heart.
Next to them, Yolanda, Greta, and Crystal were all standing with their arms crossed and stoic expressions. I rolled my eyes and shook my head at them before turning away from their trolling.
They’d done that little intro of theirs to tease me, I had no doubt.
If it wasn’t so adorable and I was a more tyrannical Gym Leader, I’d have them run laps for that sort of cheek.
Instead of doing that I’d just make them fight a gauntlet of trainers tomorrow with only two pokemon. It was time they tried having the shoe on the other foot and working on their endurance like A.J. was doing.
Still, that wasn’t to be my focus in the here and now. I looked up and locked eyes with Giselle.
She took a step back before straightening up her chin lifting in defiance. I gave her a small nod of respect as A.J. acting as today’s referee began to drop the flags.
“Begin!” he called.
As was customary, I allowed the Challenger the first move.
“Nasty Plot!” called Giselle and I held in a whistle. If her pokemon had learned that naturally, then that meant her Persian was very well trained. I also approved of a buff move being her first choice.
She was well-read to go for boosting special attacks in this scenario as well with Rock pokemon possessing a naturally strong defense.
Still, if she wasn’t going to come to me, I’d have to force her hand. “Stone Edge,” I said.
Sudowoodo swept his branch-like limb low into the ground and carved a deceptively shallow cut into the ground only to suddenly hurl a huge boulder up into Persian.
The cat-like pokemon blanched at the oncoming rock and Giselle twitched in surprise.
“Protect!” she cried out and I smirked, glad that I’d gotten that move out of her now.
“Close!” I said and Sudowoodo dashed across the intervening space, his thin limbs pumping in an exaggerated manner that made him look all too comical.
What wouldn’t be comical would be if he got within close range of Persian, a normal type.
Giselle proved to be well aware of this threat as she had her pokemon get out of there with a hurried substitute. I once more held in the whistle I wanted to release. Another good move and one that was impressive for its utility.
A facsimile of Persian appeared as a blur took shape behind it only to vanish in a burst of speed a moment later. It vanished so quickly I couldn’t track it. I still tried though, and I gained a general idea of the direction that Persian had moved in.
“Abort! Shift soft right!” I called. Sudowoodo, as I’d taught him and other stronger pokemon to do, veered right. Soft right was a call to move roughly thirty degrees to the side. A ‘hard right’ would get them to charge sixty degrees and a ‘juke right’ would see them turn a full ninety degrees.
Sudowoodo careened on, dropping the mocking run and instead spreading his arms wide, his smile turning sinister.
When nothing eventuated I could only click my tongue in disappointment. We’d missed our chance and now we were left with a mere illusion. One that cost Persian a portion of its health, or in this case energy, but still merely an illusion.
“Low Kick into a Sandstorm,” I said annoyed at having to do this. Sudowoodo didn’t work great in situations where he couldn’t close with his foe and playing a game of chase in a sandstorm wasn’t my ideal way of winning.
Still, it was a way to win, so I couldn’t avoid it.
Sudowoodo dropped to his hands and spun, kicking out like a twiggy break dancer causing dirt and sand to be kicked up and a moment later a howl overtook the arena as Sandstorm came into effect. I leaned forward, ignoring the harsh sting of sand across my face.
My attention darted this way and that, tracking for any sign of movement.
When nothing was revealed I gained a sneaking suspicion. “Hammer Arm into the ground!” I ordered and Sudowoodo didn’t question me, he threw his fist into the ground.
The earth split, sending chunks flying up and a rumble to buckle outwards.
Persian shot out of the earth with a hiss having gotten close but not close enough. If I could have seen Giselle I would have given her another nod.
That had been a good plan, she’d sequenced her moves into each other well. It seemed the title of Ace of the Institute wasn't a hollow brag on her part.
“Stone Edge!” I ordered once more, seeking to pressure her.
“M-match it with Power Gem!” ordered Giselle with a hitch. Still, she’d surprised me as she didn’t try to evade by recalling her pokemon.
She’d been so hesitant to take even a smidgeon of environmental damage against Greta and Yolanda. It seemed that she’d adjusted after Yolanda called her out on her habit.
Sadly it might have created a trap situation for her as she tried to avoid dodging the environmental damage. She might have been better off sticking to swapping out her pokemon.
Ah well, it wouldn’t be the first time a trainer has been put off by a stray comment I or one of my trainers had said.
I’d seen enough about that. It was time to test her in other ways while progressing this match.
“Lazy toss into a Hammer Arm,” I said, giving another conditional order that had Sudowoodo smirking. He reached into the ground and grasped up another boulder making it as if he was about to use Stone Edge.
Instead, he ripped up a much larger rock and tossed it up into the air, but he did so with a slowness that made it easy for him to leap up a moment later. Both rock and rock pokemon hung in the air for a second, letting Giselle and her Persian see what was coming.
Then Sudowoodo lashed out and a scattershot of rock fired out.
“Power Gem again!” Giselle said as she tried to intercept most of the oncoming attack.
Sadly for her, the rocks didn’t come at her in a straight line but instead arced resulting in a wave of rocks crashing down on Persian and eliciting a yowl of pain.
Sudowoodo landed close and once more without being prompted he charged with his arms pumping as he chanted “Su-su-su!” like he was trying to perform a world record sprint.
“P-protect!” shouted Giselle as she was once more caught out.
I leaned forward with anticipation as the dome formed up.
Would it fail?
Sudowoodo cocked back a fist and threw a powerful punch right into it only for the Protect to release a crackling noise.
I clicked my tongue as it held and Sudowoodo made a show of pulling his limb back and rolling his shoulder while glaring at the obviously fatigued Persian.
We had them on the ropes. I had a potential solution for another Substitute if she tried it, not that I thought she would with the cost being too high, but now she needed to find something else.
Another way to claw victory or some result from this exchange.
While this played out the Sandstorm continued around her pokemon, threatening a touch more damage.
Giselle’s eyes darted around and she swallowed. “Persian drop the Protect and go on the attack with Metal Claw!” she ordered.
Her pokemon crouched down and then threw itself into a leap just as the Protect dropped. This might have caught another pokemon by surprise, but Sudowoodo was a pokemon that sparred constantly with some of my fastest pokemon in close-range brawls. A leap that was telegraphed? All too easy to put down.
Sudowoodo bowed like a willow branch, but unlike that flimsy tree, Sudowoodo did it to leverage his frame to multiply the force of the Hammer Arm that swung up and clocked Persian in the mouth.
Persian went soaring out of the arena and rolled a few times.
Impressively it tried to get up once before falling on its side, defeated.
A.J. shot his flag up into the air. “Persian is unable to battle!” he announced.
I nodded. “He’s well trained,” I said.
Giselle merely nodded as she returned her pokemon. Her hands hovered about, assessing the field.
She palmed her next choice and released it to reveal her Cubone. “Cubone! Use Earthquake!”
“Leap!” I shouted as Cubone adopted a two-handed grasp on his bone, raising it up before slamming it down into the ground to cause a quake to run the course of the field.
I felt the podium buck underneath me but a simple flex with my knees had me riding it out well enough.
You couldn’t train with Rock-ground pokemon almost every day and not learn how to handle an earthquake or two.
Sudowoodo soared through the air like a javelin.
Giselle snapped her hand up. “Bonemerang!” she said and Cubone spun, swinging his bone up and around before unleashing it. It spun end over end at Sudowoodo and I clicked my tongue.
Clever girl.
“Bat it away with Wood Hammer!” I called, causing a smirk to break out over my features as Giselle gasped.
Sudowoodo swung his arm, glowing green at the oncoming attack and both attacks hit. Sudowoodo was knocked slightly off course but Cubone’s bone was sent careening across the battlefield before clattering down, well out of reach of Cubone. Sorry Giselle, you’re not that clever.
“Bone!” shouted the little pokemon as it twitched towards its bone.
“Hold! Don’t go for it!” Giselle said making sure her pokemon didn’t blind itself.
Sudowoodo landed slightly off to the side but still well within intercepting range. He shook out the hand he’d used to bat the offending ground attack away with. Apparently, he had come off with a bit of damage from pulling off that trick.
I shot my hand forward. “Close!” I said.
Sudowoodo, as he had for so much of the fights thus far charged in and Cubone was left floundering for a move. It was without one of the key pieces of its arsenal without the bone.
Giselle gritted her teeth. “Stomp your feet and use Stomping Tantrum! Gomba stomp it!” she called.
I felt a little amusement as Giselle revealed that she must have played Super Mario Bros to know that particular term.
Reading on this site? This novel is published elsewhere. Support the author by seeking out the original.
Once more her pokemon jumped, leading with its feet as it sought to ‘Gomba stomp’ my pokemon.
Well, if she wanted to trade blows, I was more than happy to match her with a Shoryuken.
“Rising Wood hammer!” I shouted while doing an uppercut, getting a little into the spirit of things.
“Suuuuuuuu!” Sudowoodo roared, showing that he was affected by this fighting spirit just as much as I was.
Both pokemon came together, the Sandstorm dying away around them as they did so, allowing a perfect view for the crowd as our pokemon clashed.
Cubone fell like a descending meteor, feet emitting Ground energy as Sudowoodo rose with a glowing green fist and a roar of defiance.
Both attacks slammed into each other and a detonation of energy went off causing both pokemon to be blasted away from each other.
As they shot away I ran some mental math.
Cubone had STAB and type advantage against rock-type pokemon, while Sudowoodo had a type advantage for the move at least and was probably a higher level.
Both pokemon hit the ground.
I blinked in surprise as Sudowoodo stayed down, while Cubone rose, amusingly enough he must have angled his attack so that he’d land close to his bone as he used it to crutch into a standing position.
When it spotted its downed foe Cubone threw back its head and roared a tiny victory warble.
The crowd joined in with their applause and their own whoops of delight that only grew as Cubone began to shine with the light of Evolution.
Its form grew sturdier while rising up as the light intensified.
I’d read an interesting few theories about how Cubone are ‘created’ regarding Kangashkan, but none of them were entertained as much in this world from what I’d been able to pick up. Perhaps a deeper dive of the pokedexes that I’d been provided by Samuel might shed some more light on the species.
I did find it interesting that the bone also grew with Cubone, forming what appeared the perfect weapon for the pokemon with how it shifted to accommodate for the newly evolved pokemon’s larger, stronger grip.
I wonder if a bone densitometry test had ever been conducted on the bones pre evolution and post evolution?
My thoughts were brushed aside as Marowak appeared with a bark. Giselle stood taller and if anything seemed more relaxed with her pokemon success, but I wasn’t too worried about Sudowoodo going down like he had. He’d cost her yet another pokemon, and Marowak for all that it was riding high was obviously running low after all the fights it had taken part in along with the build up of damage.
She was two pokemon down with Graveler and Marowak already tired.
Time to increase the pressure. “Let’s go! Quirrina!” I shouted, sending out my next pokemon.
The floating representation of the sun appeared and rose elegantly, his eyes locking onto Marowak who raised his own bone in challenge.
I considered the field, knowing that technically Marowak was now at a disadvantage on paper due to my Solrock being ‘immune’ to ground type moves. That however did not account for a very specific move which could hit hovering pokemon.
I felt a memory stir of how, in the anime, Ash had shown that Cubone’s signature move wasn’t without faults. I had to wonder if that lesson had been taught to Giselle in other ways?
I decided to try my hand and see.
“Quirina! Rock Polish!” I ordered, deciding to stack the deck in my favour.
“Close in!” Giselle shouted with an energy that had almost been lacking in our fight and compared to her fights against Greta and Yolanda.
Hmmm, it seems she had some of her confidence back. She had good enough poise that it had only become obvious now when she was really leaning into the match that she’d been struggling.
Must have attended a good deportment school.
Marowak charged in, bone raised in preparation to deliver what I had no doubt would be an almighty bonk to my pokemon if it could.
“Rise to me,” I said and Quirina did so, turning to give me a look to which I merely winked.
In the space of time he turned and followed my command, Giselle’s eyes glittered with glee. “Bonemerang! Now!” she called and Marowak followed.
Its arm pulled back before unleashing a powerful throw that saw the bone sailing through the air with a whistling howl that came and went as the bone spun end over end.
“Confusion,” I said with a firmness that could hold mountains in place.
Quirina didn’t have to question what my target was as he instantly locked onto the projectile that was bearing down on him.
The bone glowed with a pinkish-blue light and the whirling bone slowed until it got within touching distance of Quirina.
It halted for all of a breath, allowing everyone to witness the ‘catching of the bone’ that had occurred.
Then, with an ominous slowness, the bone began to whirl back the way it had come.
Only it gained speed quickly.
Before people could realise it was unleashing a deafening howl as it swept in and slammed straight into Marowak’s shiny new dome, crowning the ground-typed pokemon and sending it reeling with a headshot.
Marowak fell to the ground and didn’t get up.
I nodded. Hmmm it seems with Forrest’s inclusion, Ash and Misty hadn’t taken the road less travelled, or at least they hadn’t veered off to the Institute this time around.
Which was something of a feat now that I thought about it, what with the institute episode happening after Cerulean.
Weird that.
Giselle swallowed and once more showed the poise that I was starting to expect, only this time I could see the fragility in her. The quiver in her hand as she returned her Marowak and the way she wet her lips as she reached for her next pokemon.
Only she paused and did so for a full thirty seconds.
She was starting to crumble, time to nudge her back on the path.
“Do you think this is enough to earn my badge?” I asked, cutting through her hesitation.
She then looked up sharply, her eyes dilating slightly before she could control herself.
“Pardon?” she asked politely.
I waved a hand at the battlefield. “You obviously haven’t prepared as much as you thought you had. You expected this to be easier,” I said by way of explanation. “Only it’s not and you’re coming up short. So, the big question now becomes, what are you going to do?”
I gestured behind her. “Call it in for another day?” I said before leaning in and letting out a smile full of teeth. “Or are you going to fight?” I said as I spread my arms out.
“FIGHT!!!!” called Joe only for Giselle to only have eyes for me and my grin.
Fire entered Giselle’s gaze not because of the crowd but rather from something going on within her heart. It made my grin turn into an honest smile.
Giselle’s eyes darted down before she wet her lips, her hand grabbing her next pokeball which turned out to be her Graveler.
I grinned and set to work on her.
“Quirina! Morning Sun!” I ordered, planning to show her how wrong it was to bring out a Graveler of all things in my gym while facing me.
“Stealth Rock!” Giselle called and I smirked. So, she thought she could still fight through.
Sadly, she was far, far too late. “Solar Beam,” I said pointing at Graveler.
Quirina unleashed a powerful beam of light that cast everything around us into shadow. The roar of the beam caused everything else to be lost, however Graveler was able to react by throwing itself into the ground with a dig.
I nodded, it was a good move to dodge Solar Beam, but sadly for her, it played right into my strengths. I didn’t say a word for my next command, merely pointing a finger down.
Quirrina didn’t even need to look. He merely dropped like a meteor into the ground, causing an Earthquake to erupt from where he impacted the ground.
The earth once more shook and rocked with more and more rocks being turned up to cause the field to look more and more like a destroyed quarry rather than a battlefield.
Dust filled the battlefield only to be extracted quickly.
It revealed a Graveler that was just poking out of the ground. It shook itself off, revealing that it had sturdy, Giselle straightened up. “Rock throw!” she shouted and Graveler got off a close range barrage that slammed into Quirina.
It merely annoyed him as a moment later my pokemon lifted Graveler out of the ground with a telekinetic grip using Psychic. Then he slammed Gravler back into the ground, ending Graveler’s momentary resistance.
Giselle’s shoulders dropped minutely but her clenched jaw remained. She looked up with me defiantly as she didn’t hesitate to pull out her second to last pokemon to reveal it to be a Smeargle of all things.
I blinked, having not expected that.
That was a hell of a twist for her.
“Water Gun!” She called, taking advantage of my surprise.
I waved a hand. “Solar Beam,” I said, not at all bothered by the oncoming bullets of water as Quirina countered with a powerful blast of grass-type energy that tore through them and then slammed into the unprepared Smeargle.
“Recover! Now!” Giselle called before any dust had settled and I had to frown. That had come quickly.
She must not have been as confident in her pokemon if she chose to do that so quickly. Perhaps it wasn’t up to the level of her other pokemon? She didn’t have faith in it at any case.
“Hammer it with Earthquake!” I called, causing Quirina to once more plummet.
“Aerial Ace up high!” Giselle called before my pokemon could hit and from the dust, a flash of light emerged as Smeargle vanished from the ground to appear high in the air.
It hung there for all of a moment with its arms spread wide like it was expecting to hover only to begin falling.
“Stomping Tantrum!” Giselle called as her pokemon descended onto mine.
If she thought this was going to play the same way as it had earlier, she was fooling herself and forgetting what Quirina could do.
“Psychic,” I said.
Smeargle lurched to a stop as Quirina directed his mental might against his foe, right before hurling him into the ground.
“Rest!” called Giselle desperately.
“Solar Beam!” I called quickly, my eyes darting to the fluttering orb of fire that was Morning Sun that was sputtering even now. Quirina got off a final, powerful Solar Beam that nailed the still recovering Smeargle, knocking it out of the field and out of the match.
Giselle shut her eyes and sighed before returning it as around us people began to realise the writing that was on the wall.
Giselle had a single pokemon left to my three.
She met my gaze and sent out her final pokemon.
“Furr-et!” called her final pokemon as the little Furret was revealed.
I hummed and shot her a look. She’d left this for last? Interesting.
“Fling!” called Giselle as she once more showed that she wasn’t without fangs. Furret grabbed a nearby rock and with a full body flick, sent it hurtling into Quirina, who for the first time reacted with a cry of pain.
Giselle perked up but I was quick to point my hand at her pokemon. “Stone Edge!” I called unleashing a powerful wave of rock that saw Furret battered and beaten.
When it was done it struggled to rise only to collapse leaving Giselle out of pokemon and shaking slightly.
I rubbed my chin in thought. Right… I’d just beaten the Ace.
She looked like she was one stiff breeze from being knocked over and joining the other kids still in the medical bay…
So, how did I want to play this?
Giselle shook. This… this was the tremors that came in before a potential white out.
She’d read about this… but she’d never had to endure this.
She swallowed and stared at her quaking hand. She found she didn’t much like it.
There was a hollowness within her that she knew in some unknowable way, represented the lack of energy in her pokemon to fight for her any more.
Giselle felt her breath hitch as the podiums slowly lowered. Desperately she grasped the rail so that she wouldn’t fall and shame herself further.
She kept her eyes down and pushed all noises out of her mind as she focused on one thing.
She’d lost.
She, the Ace and pride of the Pewter Technical Institute.
She giggled deliriously and tried to pinch herself. This had to be a bad dream, right?
A shadow fell over her and without looking she knew Brock, the Gym Leader had reached her.
She kept looking down, not able to meet his gaze.
“Hey, you did great out there,” he said kindly.
His mere voice caused a reaction in her, Giselle found her head rising like it was being lifted on preset railings until she found herself looking up into Brock’s kind face. He met her gaze with warm eyes.
“You have a lot of potential as a trainer. You do have some rough spots to work on, but we can talk about that later when you—”
Giselle found herself unable to hear what he was saying, as instead of words she found herself staring at his smile. Damn, that was a nice smile.
Her eyes tracked down as she took in his body. Oh, hmmm yes, this was a much nicer view than what they had in the Institute.
She giggled and a worried expression appeared on the Gym Leader’s face. His hand shifted to support her and she felt warm where he touched her.
Hmmm this would—
‘You’re being delusional because you lost all your pokemon and are in the process of whiting out.’ said a voice directly to her mind.
Suddenly Giselle found her head wrenched to the side and without knowing why, she looked up to find Sabrina the Gym Leader of Saffron City.
Oh, that wasn’t good. Giselle couldn’t help but think.
Even from where she was standing she thought for a moment she could see Sabrina’s lips quirk upwards. Don’t let it bother you. I understand the appeal, but perhaps look a little closer to your own age range and not while you’re in a bad headspace.’
“Really?” she said with a slur. Most of the boys in her school idolised her.
Updat𝓮d fr𝙤m ƒгeeweɓn૦vel.com.
‘You need to sleep,’ said Sabrina into her mind. ‘
Brock must have thought she was speaking to him as she found herself shifting into a laying down position atop a stretcher with Brock on one end while a Chansey carried the other. At her side, the kindly Mrs Hooper was there holding her hand and telling her everything was alright.
Giselle relaxed and let herself fall to sleep.
When she woke up it was to a ceiling that was unfamiliar to her. The smells of a medbay were slightly more familiar to her but never as the patient. She’d always taken her duties seriously and gone in to visit other students. Now that she thought about it. Joe ended up there a lot from messing around during Physical activity and pokemon battling lessons, didn’t he?
Giselle shifted, feeling the stiff sheets and mattress move with her.
“Oh! Shut your face she’s awake!” said a girl that Giselle wasn’t familiar with.
She looked to the side, expecting to see Mrs Hooper or perhaps even her secretary of the Student council but instead, she found herself looking at a trio of faces, only two of which she recognised.
“You’re…. Greta and Yolanda?” she said slowly.
The girls, who’d been reading something that looked like a pokedex, looked up. The purple-haired girl smiled after a moment of inspecting Giselle.
“You’ve got spunk girl!” she said. “Wanna join my gang?” she said.
On either side of her Yolanda and Greta groaned. “This isn’t what we agreed on when we said we’d watch over her when Rachel asked us!” Greta said.
Yolanda merely pinched the bridge of her nose. “That, and we’re not a gang Crystal,” she said.
Crystal ignored them, instead smiling widely at Giselle. Giselle felt an odd feeling in her chest as the girl invaded her private space, she grasped Giselle’s hand in hers and said, “Come ooooon, you want to be friends with me, don’t you?”
An odd longing filled Giselle and she found herself blinking back tears which caused Crystal to blanche and pull away. Giselle wouldn’t let her though.
When had been the last time someone had asked her to be a friend?
“I’d like that,” she said.
And perhaps it might have been the odd emotions from being knocked out after her loss, to suddenly finding herself with three people who said they wanted to be friends, but she suddenly wondered if perhaps, just maybe, maybe she hadn’t gotten more out of losing than she would have from winning against Brock.