I Became a 6★ Gacha Character-Chapter 317: The Carriage of Madness 2

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Chapter 317: The Carriage of Madness 2

TL/Editor: raei

Schedule: 5/Week Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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Talking about politics is inevitably a headache.

It’s not about the real-world left and right wings, the care Han Se-ah must take as a streamer, political scandals stirring up the community, or the updated documents on incidents and controversies.

A princess suddenly popped into existence in the royal family.

The political foundation of the kingdom I knew was only about the 1st Prince and the 2nd Prince. Even that was just hearsay from the social circles and the Order of Knights. The appearance of a princess with ties to the temple threw over 90% of my knowledge into the trash.

"One thing is certain, though. Those guys moved like that for political reasons."

"The southern nobles are always so complicated. The north doesn't have such issues."

It seemed clear that the squires had been mobilized instead of soldiers for political reasons. Whether they were trying to score points in political battles or the nobles were up to something without the princes' involvement, I didn't know.

Katie murmured disdainfully, and Irene tilted her head cutely in curiosity. The north, being the homeland of characters like human-shaped polar bears, was naturally a place where political intrigue was replaced by drinking and dueling.

Isn't the Northern Duke a doting father whose daughter ran away to become an adventurer? f𝐫e𝚎𝘄eb𝚗o𝐯𝐞𝐥.𝐜𝚘m

Anyway, the reason wasn't important. The problem was that due to some political influence, not just a few knights but an entire order, including squires, was mobilized.

"And when the Royal Order of Knights moves like that, the Temple Knights will definitely respond."

"The brothers of the temple? Why would they?"

There are plenty of original fanatics to be provoked by this.

I was sorry to Irene, but honestly, saying the Temple Knights were a bit off the mark was putting it delicately.

While priests and nuns lived their lives in service with true religious spirit, the Temple Knights served with their swords.

Even if they are allies of justice, those who prove their faith through violence can hardly be considered normal.

Moreover, both groups have a strange pride, so they are 100% likely to compete.

"So, we need to gather as much information as possible from the guild. Since the Harpy Empress insulted both the royal family and the temple, cooperation would be ideal, but…."

Would these two prideful groups really cooperate?

The probability is high that they will try to prove their loyalty and piety by beheading the Harpy Empress as if it were a time attack.

The Royal Order of Knights will act out to prove their loyalty, the Temple Knights will act out to prove their faith, and the nobles will manipulate and backstab for political gain. This has created a very troublesome situation due to the potential for massive profits.

Considering the merchants coming and going, it was inevitable. The tower had become a promised land flowing with milk and honey. If the inside of the tower is considered territory, it’s like having a gold mine that pours out gold coins by the wagonload every day.

"Come, come! Pendants crafted by stone dwarves, only two gold coins!"

"Precious items that even noble ladies find hard to get!"

"Oh my, these gems are so big."

We could see it right away as we walked towards the guild.

Large merchant groups swarmed in like waves to trade mana stones. Following them were medium-sized merchant groups and traders, targeting the laborers they brought. Where adventurers and merchants gathered, prostitutes also flocked like ghosts.

With the excuse that time is money, laborers and intermediate-level adventurers, aroused by the sight of the Harpy's breasts, generously opened their fat wallets to the pretty prostitutes. The prostitutes then used that money to buy expensive adornments that were hard to find outside the tower.

A huge flow of gold was created between merchants, laborers, and prostitutes. Amidst all this, various incidents occurred, such as someone getting enchanted by a harpy and getting kidnapped by the empire.

"It really looks like it's outside the tower. Depending on the lights since there's no sun, it feels like the night market festival I went to as a child."

"A night market festival? With a circus and all that?"

"In the north, it gets dark early, so we rely on magical lighting. They say the festivals just naturally shifted to nighttime."

"Heh, that's how it is in the north."

While prostitutes, revealing their cleavage, held up necklaces to their chests, we continued forward, talking about the north. They were used to seeing prostitutes in cities outside the tower, so it wasn’t anything new.

Past the group of scantily clad prostitutes enjoying shopping from the late morning, we arrived at the temporary Adventurer's Guild building, already dreading what we saw.


Raei Translations


In the underground city built by stone dwarves, there were various buildings.

As a commercial city that dealt with humans, elves, beastmen, and other races even before being forcibly relocated to the tower, the stone dwarves had also delved into real estate, renting out buildings.

It was laughable not to have a system for renting studios and offices when the first floor had an open café terrace.

"Did the knights buy a building?"

"No wonder there were so many squires gathered."

But I didn’t expect them to do it so openly.

The building that would serve as the 43rd-floor branch of the Adventurer's Guild had been purchased from a stone dwarf. Ellis mentioned they managed to get it cheaply by highlighting that most of the people who hunted the underground tentacle monster were adventurers.

Next to the Adventurer's Guild's 43rd-floor branch, familiar armored people were swarming.

With doors and windows wide open, supplies being carried in, squires sweating as they cleaned, and knights spreading out to survey nearby buildings and facilities, it was clear they were moving in.

…When did they even buy a building?

"The knights really do act quickly."

"Indeed. Even the brothers of the temple took over a week to secure a site and start building."

Katie and Irene murmured nonchalantly, but Grace, being perceptive, glanced between the temporary headquarters of the knights and my face as if sensing something was off.

"Is this direct pressure? It’s not just nearby, it’s right next door. Even in other RPG games, buildings aren’t placed this close."

-It’s not like they’re your boss sitting next to you, lol. This is absurd.

-But from a player’s perspective, having two buildings right next to each other is super convenient, right? Easier to plan routes.

-How do you know if they’ll bully you or give you quests?

-It’s scary to see them buying a building and setting up shop just to catch a harpy.

-Lol, why would knights chosen by the Goddess bully the hero?

As Han Se-ah and the viewers muttered, the knights buying a building right next to the Adventurer's Guild overnight and moving in all their supplies felt like pressure.

Though called an order of knights, it was essentially a power group of second and third sons from noble families. Before the princess existed, there had been intense battles of words instead of blades in social circles to see which orders supported which prince.

Seeing some knights confidently heading towards the adventurer building like bandits ready to plunder information rather than knights, my worries didn’t seem unfounded.

“Roland, the person who just entered the Adventurer's Guild… Isn’t that the huge knight commander we saw this morning? The one who took your friend.”

“Yes, that’s him. He’s so big that he stands out immediately.”

“The way you put it sounds rather peculiar.”

I couldn’t predict how the story would unfold. While I paused in this unexpected situation, Grace and Irene naturally approached and hooked their arms around mine.

Glancing around, I saw Katie examining the strategic supplies the knights were moving as if she were a housewife checking out the fresh produce section at the market.

Meanwhile, Han Se-ah was, as usual, trying to figure out how to collect money from viewers with peculiar s*xual desires.

Thanks to that, the fierce gazes of the squires moving the supplies turned toward us… only to lose their spirit and fade away.

“Hey, over there….”

“Is that a war hammer and shield…?”

“I heard they were on the 43rd floor.”

No, instead, they were even more fired up.

Grace clung to me playfully as always, while Irene shyly tried to mimic Grace.

Even on Earth, Han Se-ah’s unedited captures would be used without permission in fake news, labeling her a celebrity or a model due to her beauty. It was only natural that squires, filled with heroic aspirations, would send passionate gazes her way.

Yes, it should be natural.

“And those people, they’re all looking at you, Roland.”

“Maybe they’re looking because you two are beautiful?”

“Oh my…, thanks for the compliment, Roland. But I think they’re looking at you.”

Just as Irene mischievously smiled and said, for some reason, the gazes weren’t directed at the two beauties beside me but at me. Seeing those intense gazes, a thought suddenly came to mind.

The 2nd Order of Knights included James Sullivan, who was quite chatty despite his size.