I Became a Villain's Hero-Chapter 52: Go away, you’re a nuisance (7)

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Chapter 52: Go away, you're a nuisance (7)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/week, Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Here

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It was because of me?

Song Soo-yeon was incredulous.

Not Solace, but me?

She was the cause of the graffiti, and she was the reason why Jung-gyeom was angry.

It wasn't Solace who had been a nuisance.

It wasn't Solace who had harmed Jung-gyeom.

Song Soo-yeon quickly turned to Jung-gyeom, wanting to explain.


But she couldnt find the right words.

In front of his furrowed brow, all her words faded away.

Only anxiety remained.

She feared that he might utter the words she had said.

Go away, you're a nuisance, Soo-yeon.

Imagining that voice, Song Soo-yeon couldn't stand still.

She had to act.

She pushed the two men out of the restaurant.

I, Ill go out.


The men, and even Solace, were pushed outside by Song Soo-yeons sudden action.

Ah, mister, just wait a moment...!

She told Jung-gyeom not to follow, creating a brief moment.

Closing the restaurants door, she asked again in a situation where Jung-gyeom couldnt hear.


The men nodded their heads, still in disbelief.


And not... not un-Solace?

Song Soo-yeon also changed how she addressed Solace.

She didn't particularly want to care, but she couldn't risk showing closeness to Solace, fearing it might harm Jung-gyeom.

But then she hesitated to hear the answer.

No, forget it. Shut up.

She didnt want to hear it.

Especially not in front of Solace.

She didnt want confirmation that she had been the one causing trouble.

Song Soo-yeon looked up at Solace.



A subtle exchange of glances occurred between the two.

Song Soo-yeon was the one retreating.

Solace remained the same, but Song Soo-yeon's heart was faltering.

...Solace, please get rid of these guys.


Solace nodded mechanically, not saying anything to Song Soo-yeon.

And just as she was about to make them float, like Jung-gyeom before, Song Soo-yeon stopped them again.

Just, just a moment.


...Solace, please give me some time to talk with these guys.


Yes. Just, just a moment.

...It might be dangerous.

If something happens, Ill call... please.

Song Soo-yeon asked, swallowing her pride.

She needed a moment.

Solace just looked at her silently.

She didnt offer a quick response as usual.

Finally, she let go of their hands and quietly whispered as she passed Song Soo-yeon into the restaurant.

...Call me if something happens.

-Ding! Ding...! Ding....!

As the restaurant bell rang, Song Soo-yeon looked at the men.

She could feel her burning hatred towards them.

She hadn't expected such a bolt from the blue.

Why did she keep forgetting?

The world was so full of garbage.

There was no need for a lengthy conversation.

After all, this wasn't the time to have such a discussion.

Even though Solace had entered the restaurant, given her abilities, she could likely hear every conversation.

This was just a formality.

Song Soo-yeon pondered for a long while.

What should she do?

Was this the right thing?

Time passed as she faced the men.

But having made up her mind, Song Soo-yeon, swallowing numerous words, said to them.

...Give me your number.


The men's faces, previously grim, brightened significantly.

As disgusting as it felt to Song Soo-yeon, this was a necessary part of her spontaneous plan.

She needed to meet them again.

And for that, their numbers were essential.

I wont ask twice. Give me your number.

Oh, yes!

With brightened faces and giggling, they took out their phones.

Their numbers were entered into Song Soo-yeon's phone, which previously only had Jung-gyeom's contact.

Song Soo-yeon felt as if her phone was being tainted, but again, she clenched her teeth and suppressed her emotions.

In fact, these dark emotions were familiar to her.

They were feelings she had endured countless times at home and school.



After Song Soo-yeon pushed the men out and left, Solace entered the restaurant a short while later.

...Wheres Soo-yeon?

Seeing Solace enter alone, I expressed my curiosity, to which Solace replied lightly.

...She said she needed some time to talk.


...She must be shocked.

I nodded.

Yes, it must be shocking.

After saying such cruel things to Solace.

All the words she had uttered had come back like a boomerang.

It was bound to be embarrassing and painful.

Solace briefly tousled her hair and then pulled off her mask.

Min-Bom's face was revealed.

Lost in thought for a moment, she then asked me.

...But oppa, about the hand?


Her expression softened, erasing the previous restless atmosphere, and she asked gently.

Her guilt towards me seems to have lessened.

The men earlier said they got angry seeing you and Soo-yeon holding hands.


Somehow, I felt a need to explain.

There was no need for her to misunderstand my relationship with Song Soo-yeon.

I was helping her overcome her hatred of men. She was feeling guilty for not being able to kiss yesterday and causing a fight.


I added more, hoping that Song Soo-yeon and Solace would become closer.

It's true. Even this morning, Soo-yeon told me she was going to apologize to you.

...But then this happened?

Yeah. And-

-Ah, oppa?

Solace suddenly interrupted me.


She hesitates for a moment, looking down, then speaks softly to me.

...You dont need to make excuses for Soo-yeon. Even if you do, I wont hate her.


Solaces candid words struck me with a shock.

I hadn't anticipated this at all.

I was more shaken than by the motives of those men earlier.

It was the first time I saw Solace express negative emotions towards someone, and so directly at that.


I didn't understand. I had seen many unexpected human sides of her before, but this felt different.

Maybe because she usually showers everyone with affection.

Or is it because I genuinely like Song Soo-yeon as a person?

I paused and blinked.

Solace laughed awkwardly.

Ahaha, why are you surprised, oppa... Im a human too, you know.


...Soo-yeon doesn't like me either... Especially since Im a hero.


When I thought about it, it made sense.

I couldn't argue with her words.

The malice Song Soo-yeon had shown up till now wasn't light.

To reassure me, who was without a response, she said,

Don't worry. I wont show it. I just wanted you to know.

I just looked at Solace silently, unable to say anything.

She said,

...Isnt it enough if I dont show it?

It sounded like an excuse to me who was silent.


I nodded reluctantly, but Solace continued as if that wasn't enough.

Even if it's an act, theres no problem as long as we get along.

I moved my lips slightly.

Why wouldn't there be a problem?

I hope for no one to be unhappy.

I hope we can all be together, laughing and chatting.

If it's like this, won't someone always suffer?

But even this is my selfishness, my insistence.

I can't impose this on others.

Solace continued,

...Even if its hypocrisy, as long as we can keep up the act, its good.

At that, I looked up at her sharply.


Min-Bom was looking straight at me.

The more I got to know her, the more unexpected aspects of her surfaced.

Solace saying such things.

I wasn't disappointed.

Just surprised.

She felt more human to me.

I was getting to know her deeper, maybe even feeling closer to her in some aspects.

...But one thing was confusing.

Was she always like this, or was she changing as she grew?

Whatever it was, her words resonated deeply with me.

It even felt like a statement to me, who had been a villain.

If someone who knew me before the regression saw me now, they might think of me as a hypocrite.

Eventually, I nodded to Solace's words again.

Yet, clinging to a lingering hope, I expressed my wish.

...Still, I hope you get along with Soo-yeon.

Solace let out a small laugh.

...Im trying, you know...?



After Solace took the men away, Song Soo-yeon remained in the restaurant, looking at me with deer-like eyes.

She was restless, unable to sit or settle down.

Why are you standing there? Sit down, Soo-yeon.


She takes a step towards me, beginning to ramble her excuses.

This... this can't be... Can you believe it's because of me? Just because they saw me once at the baseball field...? Are you saying they've been stalking me since then?

...They are actually the people I met at the supermarket today. They must have followed me from there.

But still. It doesn't make sense... to ignore Solace and be jealous of me...!

...Soo-yeon, dont try to understand. If they were normal, they wouldn't have done the graffiti.

I tried to reassure her, but her excuses only grew more fervent.

It's not that...! Those guys, they must have lied because they were scared of Solace...! They blamed me instead, thinking theyd get hurt if they said it was because of her...!


Or maybe...! Maybe...! Solace told them to lie like this-

-Song Soo-yeon.

I call her name in a slightly stern tone.

Song Soo-yeon finally steps back and closes her mouth.

She looks at me pitifully, biting her lips in anxiety.


Now I see.

I understand why Solace dislikes Song Soo-yeon.

Even now, shes blaming Solace.

...Soo-yeon, stop trying to blame everything on Bom.


...Im not blaming anyone right now. You did nothing wrong. The ones at fault are those men. Why are you blaming others?


...I understand you hate heroes. But I wish you'd at least try to get along. Im tired of fighting like this all the time.

She clenched her fists and lowered her head.

This might be the first time I've spoken to her so directly.

I don't know how shell react.

Will she curse? Run out? Throw a tantrum?

Song Soo-yeon just stands there, then turns silently and leaves the restaurant.

I let out a long sigh.

Seems like shell need time this time too.

But a few minutes later, I hear a scraping sound outside.

Curious, I open the door of the restaurant, and there she was, eyes reddened, cleaning the graffiti with a bucket and mop she got from the bathroom.

Occasional sobs are part of the package.

Without looking at me, she spoke.

....I'm sorry. I'll... I'll clean it all up, mister.


...Don't say I'm a nuisance for being here...

Now I see, she relies on me a lot.

Her beautiful appearance, cold expression, and harsh words make it hard to see this clearly.

She seems proud enough to live on her own.

But Song Soo-yeon is afraid of being rejected.

Considering she even asked me to help her overcome her hatred, she must be relying on me.


I took her hands, already red from the cold winter.

Song Soo-yeon looked up at me.

...I would never say that, Soo-yeon.


...Come inside, it wont clean up like that. Come in and calm down.



Late at night.

Song Soo-yeon was waiting for someone in the darkness.

It was a place far from her one-room apartment.

An eerie, deserted lot with no passersby.

There were no CCTV cameras, nor did the moonlight reach this place.

It might have been scary in the past, but now she had a purpose.

How long had she been waiting?

Two men, giggling, approached from a distance.

Wow, shes really here...?

She did give us her number after all.

Song Soo-yeon suppressed her revulsion.

She really needed to satisfy her curiosity, or she wouldnt be able to sleep.

As they approached, she stepped away from the wall.

Before she could speak, the men flaunted their frivolity.

Wow, you're even more beautiful up close. Im speechless.

Seriously. You might be the most beautiful person Ive ever seen.

Song Soo-yeon didnt respond to their compliments.

Instead, she asked what she had been wondering.

Is it true? Was it really because of me?


Did you graffiti the restaurant because of me?

The men blinked and exchanged glances.

Shouldnt we exchange names first?


When Song Soo-yeon didnt reply, they sneered and answered her question first.

Of course. Why would we lie about that?

Song Soo-yeon clenched her teeth, then bombarded them with questions.

You ignored Solace and were jealous because of me? Does that even make sense?

Uh, youre making us nervous asking like that...

One man expressed his confusion, and the other elbowed him, saying,

...Hey, hey, just answer her. Its not that hard. She came out to see us, after all...

...That's true.

They looked back at Song Soo-yeon and said as if it were obvious,

How could we be jealous because of Solace?


We dont dislike Solace, but honestly... we dont even know what she looks like. Shes from a totally different world, a hero.

Song Soo-yeon listened blankly, not getting the answer she wanted.

We dont care who a hero kisses. And a woman stronger than me... not my type, heh heh.

They took a step closer to her.

Stuttering as they spoke, they began to extend their fingers one by one.

Unlike Solace, you are a normal person like us. We know your face. You're pretty. And that guy with you didnt seem like your boyfriend, so we thought we could get to know you.

Song Soo-yeon burst into incredulous laughter.

She finally got it.

So, Solace is an unattainable hill, but I seemed climbable...?

One of the men snapped his fingers.

"That's right. So seeing you holding hands with someone irritated us."

Song Soo-yeon blinked and asked them,

"What makes you think you could get close to me?"

He spread his arms wide.

But here we are, getting to know each other on a secluded night, right?

Suddenly, I could hear his inner thoughts.

You will be mine.

That was the last straw. Song Soo-yeons patience snapped.

She was tired of being treated like a trophy by men.

The familiar humiliation, always having to be endured, was too much.

She was disgusted by the unsolicited sexual advances that came without her consent.

Too many beasts in the world have tried to touch her.

This was the end.

No more.

The men approached her.

So, now that weve answered your questions... how about a drink?

My place is nearby. We could go there and-

Song Soo-yeon interrupted.

-Fight until one of you dies."

Her hands were glowing purple.

For a moment, the mens eyes shone the same color.

After a brief silence, one man naturally swung his fist at the other.


And then the sounds of hitting and punching filled the dark sky.

-Thump! Thump! Thump!

There were no words, no screams, just the sounds of the men beating each other.

It might just be a release of pent-up anger.

Song Soo-yeon watched them for a moment, spat on the ground, then turned and began to walk away.

She turned on her phone and called Jung-gyeom.

The sounds of the fight gradually faded.

After a short wait, his voice came through.

Hey, Soo-yeon?

She briefly recalled the moment he jokingly asked her not to become a villain, but she brushed that memory aside.

A small smile appeared on Song Soo-yeon's face.

Mister, what are you doing?