Ihoujin, Dungeon ni Moguru-Chapter 121: Adventurers’ Intuition II

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Chapter 121: Adventurers’ Intuition II

And the place we arrived at was……

「Lanseal, where's the place?」

……a section of the city walls surrounding Lemuria.

It was north along the walls from the main gate I usually passed through, and was an open deserted spot behind the city's commercial district. To begin with, no buildings were allowed to be built within 15 stals (30 meters) of the city wall by royal order for defense purposes. Consequently, the vicinity of the city walls were naturally open spaces.

She said that there was a place to live here, but I saw nothing resembling a house.

There was nothing but a snow-covered empty space and a narrow, nearly frozen waterway.

「Umm, please give me a minute. Let's see, the place should be……」

As Lanseal walked towards the walls, her body sank a little lower. I hadn't noticed it from a distance, but there was a recess in the city walls where a small staircase had been built.

I walked over to help her with her search. Due to the snow, I had no idea what she was looking for though.

With Rana's help, the three of us were able to clear the snow away fairly easily.

「Oh, found it」

Lanseal pulled a chain out from beneath the snow. When she pulled it as hard as she could, a portion of the outer wall shifted to reveal an iron door.

It was a secret room.

「Souya, here's the key」

I was handed an antiquated key. When I inserted it into the keyhole, I heard the soft click of a lock opening. I opened the cold heavy door.

The inside was constructed of stone like the city walls. It was not as cold as I thought it would be. It had a high ceiling. And it was well-lit.

「It has four floors in all as well as an expansive basement」

There was a skylight that provided light for all four floors.

No, it appeared that the skylight was not the only thing providing light. The walls and floor were also mysteriously radiating light.

The semi-underground ground floor that we were on had a small kitchen and an adjoining hall.

It was oblong-shaped and about twenty tatami mats in size(approx 330 sq feet). Although it was deserted, there was a table and six chairs.

The first thing I did was to rummage through the kitchen.

It had the standard sink and stove that was common in Lemuria. The sink was the type where the water was collected and poured from above. It did seem to be connected to the sewage system, but I would have to check it later to make sure it wasn't clogged.

The fireplace and the stove would also need to be checked for ventilation problems. There was a pile of firewood, but they looked a bit damp.

The countertop was fairly large, and there was plenty of shelf space.

This isn't bad. With some improvements, it can be better than the open-air kitchen at our camp.

But I suppose that one is better because there are no limitations with regards to fire. It's alright even if I try something wild and mess up.

「Dear, I'll go check out the basement」

「I'll leave you to it」

Rana went down the stairs in the corner of the kitchen and disappeared into the basement.

「Then let’s take a look upstairs」

Lanseal and I went up the stairs near the entrance.

The hallway was narrow and partly made of glass. Was what I thought at first, but it wasn't glass. It was a curious transparent material that felt rubbery, like resin or something. There were three rooms lining the hallway and it was just wide enough for Makina's pod to fit through.

「There are two bedrooms and a small storage room on each floor」

I opened the door to one of the rooms on the second floor.

It was a six-tatami(99 sq feet) room with a bed, a wardrobe, and a lantern. It was dimly lit and really only intended for sleeping. There were no windows and it was made of stone, so it looked like a prison cell.

Though there was a small opening to let some light in, it was merely a narrow hole plugged up with the transparent material. The ventilation wasn't very good either.

「I come by every once in a while to change the sheets, but it's a little dusty, isn't it?」

「Yeah, we'll have to clean this place up」

It felt like the kind of bedroom that Ea and Maria would be too scared to use. I also took a look in the storage room on the second floor and found it filled with cleaning supplies.

I took a quick look at all the other rooms. Everything looked the same on the third floor. But I found a room on the fourth floor that was astoundingly packed with books.

「Lanseal, what's this?」

「This was Alma-sama's room. I heard that she spent all of a fortune she acquired by chance in the past on building this collection of books. Moreover, I've heard that many of them have content that's frowned upon by the elves, so this is where she kept them」

The name of Rana's aunt popped up.

Which means that this place is……

「Did King Lemuria live here in the past?」

「Yes. This is a secret abode that my father inherited from my grandfather. Early in his adventuring career, he used this place as his base of operations. My father gave the key to Verxina-okasama, and after she passed away, it went to Nemosh-okasama. When she passed away, she gave it to me, saying, "Use it when you want to be alone"」

And now, I held that key in my hand.

「Something that’s so important, I can’t――」

「Please accept it. I'm a woman who can't be resolute if I know there's a place for me to escape to. Besides, managing this place on my own is a lot of work, and even if I wanted to sell it, I can't as that would have implications for the defense of the country. So it would be great if you would accept it」

If she goes so far as to say that, I can't possibly turn her down. It would shame her.


「Lanseal, how can I repay you for this?」

「………………How, I wonder?」

It's been said since ancient times that nothing is more expensive than something given for free.

There's the cost of maintaining this place. And I'm sure she'll ask for more later on.

「This place was too large and gloomy for me alone, but there's always a nice breeze whenever I come here」

We had gone up to the rooftop.

At the moment, the snow had stopped falling.

From the top of the city walls, I could see the whole city that was covered in white. Smoke rose from chimneys, and the sound of hammering rang out from the distant smithies. The damage caused by the dragon had been completely rebuilt, and the calls from the merchants and the flow of adventurers had returned.

Even in winter, human activity doesn't stop.

The towering dungeon, the Odoriji spire, is still the same as ever. Though I've heard that the houses near the dungeon are having trouble with the ice that falls off it.


「La, Lanseal」


……the wind on top of the city walls was very strong and extremely cold.

I see, these walls protect the people of Lemuria not only from invaders, but also from the wind.

I, I'm dying. My ears and fingertips hurt. I'll freeze to death if I stay out here for five minutes.

「Here you go」

Said Lanseal as she drew her tail around me. Her skirt got rolled up, giving me a clear view of her underwear.

That's one question answered. It is winter after all.

As I thought, beastkin underwear are V――

Rather than that, I snuggled up against her tail.

It's so warm and fluffy~. This is the kind of tail that ruins people.

「Dear, what are you doing?」

「Sorry, I couldn't help it」

Rana had lifted the roof hatch and was peering out.

「I found something interesting in the basement. Please come take a look」


I want to snuggle her tail some more, but well, my wife takes priority.

Lanseal and I made our way to the basement, where Rana had told us to go.

The basement was much bigger than the floor above. It was so big that I couldn't see where it ended.

It was dark around the stairs, but once we moved a little further, there was lighting that resembled sunlight filtered through trees. There must be some kind of mechanism that gathered light using a skylight like the one on the floor above.

We found water pipes running through, three flush toilets lined up in a row, and a spacious laundry area.

We went further in.

What an excited Rana showed us was a bath, though it wasn't filled with any water.

It was a large underground bath, about the same size as the ones in the public baths around the city.

「Oh, Rana, I'm sorry to tell you this, but the mechanism that heats the water is out of order, so the water won’t be heated if you try to fill it」

「This time of year, unheated water is a bit……」

That may be true, but……

「Lanseal, show me that mechanism」

「Yes, it’s over here」

We went past the bath and went even further in.

It's a bit like the dungeon here. The pillars are all lined up the same distance apart, and the whole place looks so similar that I can definitely see someone getting lost in here. fre𝙚𝓌𝒆𝚋noѵel.c𝚘m

「Here it is. I’ve tried to have it repaired several times, and have also shown drawings of this mechanism to many craftsmen. However, it seems to be different from the water heating system widely used in Lemuria now that uses Shougaku stones. And because of where it is, I couldn't bring anyone here in person. So it has remained a piece of junk for a long time」

「Yukikaze, I’m leaving it to you」

『Understood, indeed』

I unhooked the lantern, which was a disguised A.I. mini-pod, from my waist, and held it up so that it could scan the mechanism.

In a nutshell, the mechanism looked like two drum cans lying side by side. There was a pipe attached to it that ran all the way to the bath.

『Scan completed. This configuration is similar to that of a pressureless boiler. It can be repaired using Makina's tool arm. Estimated time for completion of repairs is 55 minutes. Improvements will require 300 minutes. The water pipe is in good condition. Composition of the pipe is unknown』

「So she says. We'll be able to use the bath, it seems」

『A bath in our own home!』

Rana and Lanseal clasped hands with each other in delight.

I feel like the two of them have been getting along very well recently. I wonder if they've formed a friendship through exchanging fists?

I sent a message to Makina asking her to get everyone to come join us.

Yukikaze rolled deeper into the darkness, eager to check out more of the basement.

It should be fine to let her go off on her own once in a while. Out here, even if the worst happens and the pod gets destroyed, she can still transfer her personality back to Makina.

「Well then, let's get this place all cleaned up」


After grabbing some of the cleaning supplies that had been stored in the home, the two women rushed down to the basement to clean the bath.

It seems that the bath is all they care about at the moment.

I got to work cleaning up the kitchen. Lanseal had been cleaning the place in her spare time, so it wasn't that dirty. There was some wear and tear from age, but nothing that would cause problems.

After scrubbing everything down, I filled up the sink then ran all the water out to make sure that there were no problems with the drainage to the sewage system.

I also tried lighting the stove. There were no issues with ventilation.

I'll have the A.I. scan everything later, just in case.

Alright then, next is to clean the bedrooms. We'll start this once Makina and the others have joined us.

Thinking that I should ventilate the whole place first, I went up and opened the doors of each room as well as the roof hatch.

Unexpectedly, a draft of wind swept through the rooms, sucking the dust and stale air upwards.

Is this………a functionality that's inherent to the design of this place? Or is it just a coincidence?

I'm glad I didn't open the door to Alma-san's study. The books would have flown everywhere.

After that, a quick wipe down with water, and the place was all cleaned up. It went much faster than I expected.

I pulled out a ballpoint pen, spread out a suitable piece of paper, and started writing.

【Fourth floor】 C1 C2(Study)

【Third floor】 B1 B2

【Second floor】 A1 A2

【Ground floor】 Kitchen, Dining and Living area

【Basement】 Bath, Toilets, Laundry area

There will be six of us living here: me, Misuranika-sama, Rana, Ea, Lanseal, and Maria. If we clear out the study, there will be six rooms, allowing us to divide the rooms up nicely.

The storage rooms on the third and fourth floors should be big enough to fit a bed as well.

I would feel bad if the two children didn't get to choose the room they wanted. But Misuranika-sama takes priority.


No, first of all, I need to decide where to put Makina. I'll just put Yukikaze in my room, but I need to decide the location of the Makina pod.

「This spot should be fine」

I cleared a space next to the sink and used strips of tape to make a circle.

Makina was originally marketed as a cooking robot, so I think that this is the perfect position for her. I mean, she's not going to ask for a room of her own, right?

「Would she?」

No no no, there's no way.

Rana and I can be in the same room, seeing as that's how it is now. But it's scary the things a person can get used to. When I think about it, living in the same space with such a cute elf every day is quite a terrifying thing. Could this actually all be a dream? Am I still sleeping on the plain right now? There's no way, I suppose.

Also, Ea and Maria also sleep in the same tent for some reason. Along with Lanseal.

As can be expected, three people to a room will be too cramped, so they'll have to be split up, I guess.


It's hard to decide without asking them what they want after all.

Right on cue, I got a message from Makina.

It was a request to be shown the way in since they were already close. Also, I was notified that Maria had returned from the left continent and had joined them.

I went outside, spotted the carriage, and approached it. First, I checked on Ea and took her temperature.

Her fever had risen to 37 degrees Celcius.

I’ve made a mistake, haven’t I?

Would it have been better to let her stay in the camp for at least one more day? Moving her might have been a bad idea. She looks pale and exhausted.

「Makina, prepare a place for Ea to sleep. That takes top priority」


Carrying winter gear and bedding, the Makina pod rushed ahead and went through the open door.

There was none of that old robot movie stuff where the robot would stumble down the stairs and fall over.

I carried Ea in my arms and followed her.

「Ea, are you alright~?」

Maria was looking at Ea worriedly.

Misuranika-sama had turned back into a gray cat.

『Wow, Souya-san, what a lovely and spacious place』

「It's pretty interesting. The basement is amazing」

『Yes, Yukikaze-chan has informed me about it. The boiler needs to be repaired, right? But before that……』

Makina moved the table and chairs to the kitchen area, pulled a blue tarp over the living area, and placed a mattress on top of it. She then covered the mattress with a rug, and laid out a futon and blanket beside it.

I set Ea down on it, rest her head on her favorite pillow, then pulled the futon over her.

『Makina will go check out each of the rooms』

「Oh, wait a second」

I showed Ea the room assignment chart.

「Ea, sorry to bother you when you're not feeling well. Just tell me which room you prefer」

I’m sorry, Misuranika-sama, but my sick sister takes priority.

「A room on……the second floor」

My sister replied weakly.

「There are also rooms on the upper floors, you know? Are you sure?」

「The second floor is fine. I mean, I can't sneak a snack otherwise………」

Even at a time like this, she's prioritizing her appetite.

She doesn't sound like someone who’s barely hanging on, does she?

「Makina, prepare A1 for her」

「Wait, Onii-chan. Here is fine for today」

Oh, of course.

When you're feeling sick from a cold, you'd rather not be alone, right?

『In that case, Makina will have a look at the fireplace. We'll need to warm the place up』

「I'll leave it to you」

Makina went to the kitchen and examined the fireplace.

After checking the structure of the fireplace and the ventilation, she swiftly whittled the end of a piece of firewood and scattered the wood shavings all over the fireplace. She lit the wood on fire and dropped it into the fireplace. The fireplace glowed as the fire built up.

As expected of her. It's something ancient, but she's able to use it without any problem.

I'm feeling a little envious.

Maria was snuggled up to Ea, who seemed to be suffering.

I'm worried about her catching Ea's cold, but it's such a heartwarming sight. I guess it would be wrong to stop her for whatever reason. At the very least, I should cook some food that bolsters her immune system.

「Misuranika-sama, which room do you prefer?」

I showed the room assignment chart to my god, who was curled up beside Ea's pillow.

「The basement is fine. Prepare a number of baskets for me to sleep in」

「Wouldn't you prefer a private room?」

「I don't like feeling confined. I prefer sleeping wherever and whenever I want」


Misuranika-sama, who usually roams about freely, isn't leaving Ea's side either. Even though the two of them must be itching to take a look around our new home………

『Due to the discovery of steep stairs, Makina will now transform. Caution, those behind me, caution』

After quickly organizing the kitchen, Makina transformed in front of the stairs heading upstairs.

Her face(the part with the screen showing her emotions) turned to face upwards, and then she laid down on her side and L-shaped limbs extended from the side of the pod. Using those limbs, she scuttled up the stairs.


Everyone who saw her probably thought the same.

“How creepy”

With a swoosh, a mini-pod leaped up out of the basement stairs.

Oh, it’s Yukikaze.

When did she add a jump functionality? These two are both breaking every article of the law. They've modified themselves to the point that anyone who inspects them would likely die of apoplexy.

If the company asks for an explanation, I’ll simply say, "I don't know.” You guys are on your own.

『Mapping of the basement and the surrounding area has been completed. There are many areas that are completely sealed off, but by Yukikaze's estimation, the whole underground area stretches across all of Lemuria』

Yukikaze rolled over and displayed a 3D map using her projector.

「What the heck」

Spread out underneath Lemuria like an ants' nest is a vast subterranean complex. No, not just the city, it extends all the way to the plain.

『According to the information given by Makina, it might be connected to the Great Goblin Underground Empire』

「Well, in a way, it's nice to be able to hang out with the neighbors, I suppose」

Misuranika-sama spoke up as she pawed at the projected image.

「I believe this is the ancient city of Beliale」


That's a name I've never heard before.

「Three great nations once prospered on the right continent, Beliale, Rubelzon, and Rossian. In other words, it's one of the three Misuranika countries」

It's said that three nations were destroyed by Misuranika-sama.

But the only ones spreading that around are the knights of Elysium. Just the people of the St. Lyridias Order.

It’s a story spread by the enemy. I cannot accept it so easily.

The word "Misuranika" is a very old word that means『Forgotten』. Upon hearing my god's name, Maria, a person from a bygone era who had emerged in the present, had taken that word to mean "forgotten one".

There are hardly any people in present-day Lemuria who know the names of those three ancient countries. So I will take what she said to mean "the three forgotten countries".

Personally, that makes it easier for me to accept.

Even if she is truly the god of misdeeds, it is but the vain wish of followers to beautify their god.

「What? Are they your countries, Misuranika?」

「As if that were possible, you fool」


Maria was cuddling Misuranika-sama.

Misuranika-sama has become 30% more fluffy because of her winter coat. I want to cuddle her too. Or rather, even gods have winter coats, huh?


Makina came scrabbling down the stairs.

As I fought to keep a straight face, Misuranika-sama hissed threateningly, and Maria and Ea got a fright.

You're kinda moving like a monster, you know? I mean, all I can think of when I see your appearance is a cursed god.

「Umm, what? What's the matter?」

『Please give Makina an order to start construction work. What's with the rooms upstairs?! Is this Alcatraz?! Is this Abashiri[1]? There's no way everyone can sleep in rooms like that! Let's start renovating! At a minimum, a place for humans to sleep must have windows! Please give the order!』

This is the first time she has asked for something with such intensity.

Oh wait, this has happened before, hasn’t it? Regardless,

「Y, yeah. I'll leave it to you. But fix the boiler downstairs first」

『Gotcha! Makina will have it fixed in 20 minutes! Please lift the restrictions on the usage of supplies!』

「Yes, approved」

She must have accumulated a lot of stress since she hasn't been of any help on our adventures recently.

Just do whatever you want until you're satisfied.


Makina left the home and then came back with tools and supplies strapped to her body. In total, she made about six trips to and fro.

It seemed dangerous, so we huddled further into a corner. In front of us, Makina swiftly set up a kotatsu.

When they had finished cleaning the bath downstairs, Lanseal and Rana joined us, and we all got into the kotatsu. We huddled together and made ourselves snug and warm.

As we looked after Ea and watched Makina work, night fell on our first day in our new home.

Because it was too much of a hassle, we just had instant food for dinner.

Rana made porridge for Ea.

After dinner, Ea fell asleep and the other women headed straight for the now-fixed bath. f𝙧ee𝘄𝐞𝚋𝐧૦ѵeƖ.c𝘰𝓶

The mixed bathing event will have to wait for another time. I'm looking forward to it.

But this isn't bad.

Living in a tent and sleeping under the stars wasn't bad either, but the feeling of home here is really nice.

The sense of peace and warmth is different.

It's really not bad at all. I won’t complain if we continued to stay here for a long time………………

[1] I don’t need to explain Alcatraz, do I? Similarly, Abashiri Prison is a famous prison in Japan, in fact, the only one to have a prison museum. The interesting thing about it is that it was originally a prison village, and it was totally self-sufficient as the inmates would do all the farming and other work. It was made popular by a series of yakuza films in the 1980s and is now a tourist attraction as well as famous for the nipopo dolls carved by its inmates. In more recent fiction, it’s the prison that one of the protagonists of Yakuza 5, Taiga Saejima, escapes from. In a 2014 episode of Blacklist, Mako Tanida, the titular yakuza boss also escaped from this prison. The manga Golden Kamuy also features this prison as one of its major plot points.

I bet that went by quickly, but if you take a moment, you’d realize this chapter is really long! It’s almost as long as the dragon fight lmao. Also, author has been leaning into the “that's a story for another time” recently. It’s just me, but I think that’s the author saying, “The main plot is progressing, I’ve got no time for side stories!” XD

Still, Souya has finally gotten the home he has been talking about getting for multiple volumes. And it’s a pretty interesting place with its own story and mysteries, isn’t it? Of course, I think everyone sorta has an idea of the author’s style by now and I think you’ve probably realized that the author loves hiding important hints in slow chapters like this.

Well, more on their new life next time! Stay tuned!

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