Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix-Chapter 212: Next path

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After mulling over his thoughts for a while, Rain realized that his approach needed to be both careful and stealthy. He understood that taking down someone like her required a strategic approach. He contemplated the possibility of orchestrating her demise in a way that appeared accidental or tragic, leveraging her own fame to seal her fate.

It was a calculated scheme that hinged on exploiting her reputation, a notion that held a certain poetic justice to Rain's intentions.

"That is all," Branden said. "I will be busy in the next few months, but I will be sure to pass the message in case I think we should change our next steps."

"All right," Rain said while thinking about the incoming future.

After Branden left, Rain began to pack his things for the mission. He didn't need much, but it was something that he had to do in order to make sure that he wouldn't miss anything.

"I don't have issues with anyone in this world for now, but I truly feel like I should get rid of that woman… the problem is what Branden said," Rain thought. "It might cause more problems than help."

It dawned on Rain that he had forgotten to consult Branden for insights about the border situation. Despite his relatively young age, Branden's role as a royal advisor could offer valuable information.

Simultaneously, Rain recognized the potential drawbacks of his own growing reputation. He pondered how his consistent collaboration with Jori's group during the war might have raised eyebrows among those observant enough to notice. This newfound realization introduced an element of complexity to their situation.

With a somewhat weary exhale, Rain found himself grappling with the weight of his responsibilities. He acknowledged that his life in this world seemed increasingly defined by his concerns for others. While his intentions were pure, the consistent burden of caring for those around him wasn't without its challenges.

The next morning, when the sun was rising, Rain was already dashing toward the border even before the gates could have been opened. He smiled in satisfaction, knowing that no one could see him leaving and returning to the capital now. That sure will be an asset for him in the future.

Level 30: Artisan's Insight - Develops a deeper understanding of the craft, uncovering hidden techniques and methods, with a 5% per level chance to discover rare and valuable crafting secrets.

Level 35: Collaborative Projects - Enhances collaborative skills and the ability to work with other artisans, fostering creativity and teamwork, providing a 5% bonus to cooperative projects per level.

Level 40: Quality Assurance - Ensures the highest standards of quality in craftsmanship, reducing the chance of flaws or imperfections in the artisan's work by 5% per level.

Level 45: Efficient Production - Increases production efficiency without compromising quality, enabling the artisan to complete tasks 10% faster per level.

Although he did that only as an experiment, the results were better than Rain had expected. He got twenty levels in the Artisan Path in two weeks just because he was making something interesting under his home.

It was a bit late for that, but after seeing his dexterity increase that much in a short window of time, Rain learned that it could improve his magic skills as well… to the point that he could create things out of earth quite fast. Rain could even refine ores without using fire and then attach the minerals together to take the shape that he wanted.

"Blacksmith path, here I come…" Rain thought while smiling.

Without a doubt, that would be the path he will unlock once the Artisan Path reaches level fifty. In any case, Rain's good mood disappeared when he reached his destination when the sun was starting to set.

"While I am called like this… I really don't like this kind of weather," Rain thought when he arrived at the border.

The border region was shrouded in a cloak of overcast skies, lending an air of somber anticipation. In the distance, Rain's sharp gaze caught sight of a storm rapidly advancing, its darkened clouds a harbinger of imminent turmoil.

As he ventured closer, Rain's attention was drawn to a camp that materialized against the backdrop of the landscape. Sturdy walls had been conjured through the mastery of earth magic, only on one side of the camp, though, complemented by bricks forming a protective barrier.

Approaching the camp, Rain couldn't help but notice the weariness etched across the faces of those within. A pall of subdued mood hung over the encampment, casting a shadow of despondency. The cumulative exhaustion seemed to have left its mark, perhaps indicating the toll of their recent struggles.

The signs were unmistakable: these people had endured a significant amount of trouble, likely caused by the very magic wielders who were at the center of Rain's concerns.

"It seems that they aren't around… so I will have to look for the captain of the camp," Rain thought.

Rain knew that there were several camps like that along the border since the war ended, and the people stationed there had to take constant scouting missions to make sure that all areas would be protected and free from enemies. Maybe the weather conditions and that kind of job have been. Wearing them down… they have been doing that for almost two months already, after all.

Some people recognized Rain, and most of them were too tired to care, but others didn't look pleased when they saw him. Rain immediately realized that everyone there was a soldier, and not a single member of the organization was there… while they had the title of knights, few people respected them as such.

Rain made his way towards the largest tent situated prominently within the encampment. Upon entering, his gaze fell upon a relatively young captain, comfortably seated in a chair, leisurely sipping from a goblet of wine. Despite the weariness that seemed to permeate the rest of the camp, this particular individual exuded an air of calm detachment.