Kiltering Mayhem-Chapter 18 - : An Old Forgotten Enemy.
Chapter 18: Chapter 18: An Old Forgotten Enemy.
Accepting my proposal, the members of the group lie down on the floor of the Library to sleep and try to rest after the ongoing Mudrain.
We are not the only ones who take this attitude, other groups and individuals separated from the rest decide to take a nap, only the Albine Young Man and a hooded person in the second floor keep themselves awake.
For about 2 hours, it is possible to hear the impacts of the Bismuthic Amalgamation in the distance, this precipitation continues as we had already supposed, and after another two hours, It becomes almost impossible to continue listening to the sound of this strange rain falling over all of us.
{I thought that the damage caused by a rain of a much denser solid than the frozen water from a hailstorm would be more devastating, or maybe the reason of the lack of damage lies on the material itself and its weird properties}
Another hour passes by without incidents, except for the occasional swooshing sound of something being sucked in as if a vacuum cleaner were being employed, an oddity I can't quite pinpoint its origin, and from what I can see, the hooded person is also intrigued by the noise, searching for the origin like me as soon as it starts again.
{The window, i am sure of it!}
With the interference of Clarattoia still in effect, plus my lack of information and almost full incomprehension over the capabilities possessed by the Bismuthic Amalgamation, it is difficult for me to fully discern with absolute certainty if I am correct or not.
However, my instincts and senses are kicking in with an intensity that is driving me close to the limit of turning into a complete kiltering beast for no apparent reason.
{I felt like this when the Farioth attacked me for the first time in the Northern Front with their Gasified Bioweapon}
If it weren't for my "Ascension Animal Affection" and the way it allows me to observe the "Footprint" or "Silhouette" of people based on the color of their Zöhår and Vyåhö; I don't want to even think about how many of my compatriots would have died at my own hands.
Good thing that the Farioth of the Northern Front are like the flame of a candle, with the difference that the fire burns with a magenta hue that is unmistakable.
{That is really weird, isn't it?, Their skin is lavender, and their hair isn't necessarily red, how come their Zöhår and Vyåhö is only Magenta?}
Being confused by something that must have captured my attention many years ago, I can't think of a single reason why the Farioth possess this feature, because it doesn't makes any sense!.
And much less I can't concentrate with that annoying buzzing sounding becoming higher and more constantly.
My alert comes a bit too late, as the windows of the second floor explode, scattering a completely dry and moisture free metallic burr soil that has the same hue as the Bismuthic Amalgamation.
However, that is secondary, since some Anthropoid creatures cross the window frames ignoring the flow crashing against them of the spilling metalized earth invading the Library.
These creatures do not possess eyes and appear to be made of some kind of earthy rust that is mostly coral colored, except for some grey or orange spots, resembling a metal vein inside of a mine.
{What are those?!}
My thought is answered by a function of Protocol, "Portrait".
§ Æzh'Xinder §
Rank: Unranked
Inclination: Full Offensive
Type: Mindless Spreader
One of this Æzh'Xinder opens its jaws, firing a ray of coral energy at the hooded person.
{It is because of the proximity, or why they attack this person specifically?!}
The hooded individual defends himself rapidly by casting a dark indigo purple [Rouleaux Barrier], being quickly overcome by the energy emission, making him retreat a few steps until he can manage to hold back firmly from the sudden and unprovoked aggression.
Which proves to be insufficient when other two beams of coral energy join the assault and hit the Barrier simultaneously.
Overwhelmed, the hooded person is pushed back without any opposition from his part, that ends up forcing him to throw the tables, benches and even some shelves that were behind him, stopping his advance only when he crashes against the wall, destroying another bookshelf.
The coral energy rays cease their attack and the hooded man loses his [Rouleaux Barrier] along with his balance, falling to the side and rolling down over the stairs to his left.
"—Give me one!"; Rapidly says Marckza at me, hinting that she wants one of my weapons; I grab my Reglamenary Rifle and pass it to her.
{Truth be told, aside my Combat Pistol and the Knife Flashlight, my other two weapons are basically accessories that just provide to me a little bit more of range and speed in my attacks}
As she holds the weapon, it deploys itself in the most efficient manner for the user, one of the advantages and disadvantages of the Kcrwlmndth Federation's weapons industry.
In my case, would have been a "Bullpup" design, but for Marckza, it becomes a "BRFDM" or "Battle Rifle For Designated Marksmen", practically the most powerful mode of the Reglamentary Rifle.
She shoots with masterful precision, landing fourteen consecutive shots of [Ionic Strikes] at a semi automatic rate against the three Æzh'Xinder, which should not be an easy task to achieve.
Two of the creatures die by the impacts, becoming a pile of coral ashes along with a transparent yet ethereal quartz dodecahedron that reminds me the "Endodecodex".
But the third one ducks down after receiving its second shot; Then, he proceeds to open its mouth, sucking in the rest of its peers, in an instant, he becomes beefier and larger, almost increasing 40% in his overall size.
{How in the Fecketh sake is that possible?!}
I don't have the time to get impressed or annoyed as another window explodes in the second floor, followed by one of the first floor and two on the ground floor.
"—You still can't take us out of here Book Keeper?!"; Exclaims the Blonde Young Man towards the Old Hag, who replies with a simple "—In two minutes!"; As she runs directly to the strange pillar in the wall.
The Albine Young Man cries out for our help to get the people on the upper floors out of the Æzh'Xinder assault.
{At least he's not stupid enough to not realize that these creatures will just eat each other and continue their attack}
Advancing forward, i rapidly run to assist, climbing up onto a table in one stride, and with another I go over a Bookshelf, from there, I jump towards the guardrail of the first floor, saying "I'll take care of the next one" as I propel myself upwards, landing on the second floor as I draw my Combat Pistol, firing at the bulky Æzh'Xinder a milky golden round of [Ionic Strike] before he can react and counterattack me.
This chapter is updated by freēwē
I order to the few people in here, as i shot to another Æzh'Xinder before he can devour the rests of the bulky one.
The coral beams of energy keep harassing the closest person relatively speaking to the Æzh'Xinder, and i understand the "Why".
{They do not care about their own safety, because they want to "Die", so others become stronger}
Clearing the second floor from civilians and momentarily from the Æzh'Xinder, I decent to the first floor to repeat the process, noticing the Bulky Fatty carrying two unconscious people while the Albine Young Man does something similar, but with one person though.
Backing them up eliminating the threat; I quickly scan the surroundings with my increase sight capability thanks to the "Ascension Animal Affection", along with the "Periphery" function of Protocol.
Seeing no one else here aside the hooded person, i carry him on on my left shoulder as i advance towards the ground floor.
"—I though she was death!"; Comment the bald shorty, so i reply "—She is not...".
{Wait, She?, *Sigh*, I hope Clarattoia stabilize itself quickly enough for me to not keep making this mistakes}
—Is ready!, "The alignment is happening!"; The Old Hag's words put a smile of relief on several people's faces, encouraging them to move faster towards the pillar.
Not understanding the situation, we limit ourselves to follow their lead as we fight back the ongoing wave after wave of Æzh'Xinder.
The weird pillar in the wall starts to tremble, releasing dust from its perimeter as a line divides the structure right by the center, horizontally and vertically.
The cross of dust is followed by each part of the pillar to move slightly forward and to the sides, revealing the frame of a door in its interior.
The stone surface of the umbral lights up with a peach energetic hue and with it, the Blonde Young Man jumps inside the ethereal anomaly, disappearing.
—Fast!, Everybody!, Cross the portal!.
The statement of the Old Hag is obeyed by all the presents, moving to pass through the umbral with a hastiness that is easy to comprehend; Being Queen Mireya, Marckza and Myself with the unconscious woman the last ones to cross to the other side.