Limitless The Strongest Revenant-Chapter 844: Coming for you for real [1/2]

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Having a handler and sponsor was a big deal for Reapers. Sadly, most of the girls and I never experienced having them. Both were quite similar but fundamentally different. I got lucky, but without either, newbie Reapers would have a hard time lasting in Hellsgate.

A handler was someone who acted like your backer. The best description of that meant having a shield. Should you encounter bastards that tried to pull rank and bully you. A handler would "handle" such issues.

If I had a handler, the Seeker war wouldn’t have happened. Primarily because my handler would be the one to throw down with Xander. But since I didn’t have one, I had to wipe my own ass and brawl with all of them. Although David sort of acted like my handler when he stopped Xander from interfering.

A sponsor on the other hand was just that. With the information I had on hand Sponsors would either be fans, supports, sugar daddies or sugar mommies. They were people that paid to give you shit that would ensure your survival.

Soulgear, blood vials of useful {fates} or {Kismets}, information and requests. Such were the things that would contribute to the growth of the Reaper but still keep him safe. I never had any of that so I had to fight with my life on the life all the time.

If you consider the armory I got from my father as equipment, then I guess he was my sponsor. but I didn’t have anything when I started. The July enlistment was hell. According to Phillip David intentionally tried to mimic the styles of Australia to create a few powerful individuals rather than an army of useless mobs

As my forces grew, I already gave Lucretia the details of the ones I wanted to include. If you add the humans of my officers we should have a fairly large group. Of course who to bring was up to them. I initially wanted to avoid doing this, but I do not think I have a choice.

After hearing what happened to Carlos or Reapers of Europe I made my decision. expecting Reaper matters to never affect Earth was stupid. South America used their own humans to control Reapers. They definitely would not hesitate with the humans of their enemy.

Europe was even worse. Due to being full blown Machiavellians, expecting honor was being delusional. It was like dancing in a gun fight expecting to not get shot. Add to that the fact that Hellsgate has the Poroniecs who hunt on Earth, then we do not have much of a choice.

At the back of mind, I also worried for my humans. The Simmons family specifically. At the moment I have the Bakers, Adam and Eva guard them. I already had the ability to provide for them till they died of old age. Having them remained exposed was a risk I didn’t want.

’Beloved, does that mean…’

’I do not think Ma would agree, Dearest.’

’Ain’t Ma Christian? What would she say Possum?’

’Ehhh…But Darling is right? They are in danger!’

’Calm down everyone. Selling your soul to humans is normally associated with Demons. Ma is quite religious. Honey, we ought to take proper steps to bring it up.’

’Husband, I believe in Ma. She will understand.’

’Anata, what would we do, if they do not agree? Do we force them?’

Quick on the uptake the girls hit the exact problem on the head. Reapers exclusively dealt with Soul. Whether it was soul energy or soulgems this single trait was what separated us from the humans. And on Earth, the only group who desired the souls were demons.

’Was this part something intentionally made by Trinity? To ensure that humans would never willingly sell their souls to Reapers?’

Noelle and by extension my entire adoptive family were all Christian. It was by far the most acceptable of the many religions of man. While they did have their own hypocrites and frauds they didn’t advocate killing people of a different religion.

However as most of civilized world was either Christian, Muslim or Catholic, all of which began from Abrahamic religions they treated souls the same way. It was something to be saved. And selling it or giving it to someone else was evil.

From such a standpoint how on Earth was I going to convince Noelle? Would she see turning to Reapers as something bad? What if she did? What if all four of them didn’t want to ascend to become Reapers? What if someone or something killed them before they could?

"I know you are a good kid Dipshit. After all I was the one who raised you. I wont force you to tell me immediately. But I cannot let this go, because I am your Ma and I love you. Do you understand?"

"Whatever you are going through, just remember two things son. One, you must keep standing. That is the only way to protect anything. Just keep standing you hear? And two, no matter what

This chapter is updated by freēwē

happens know you always have a place under my roof."

"It’s good to see you Johnny, welcome home."

"Stay longer…"

The thought of a Reaper or monster getting to my family made my body tense up. Unknowingly I began to unleash Death Resonance. Soft hands wrapped around the hands of each of my Avatars. Along with them were loving whispers from my harem.

Calm down. Nothing will happen. We will protect them. We will kill anyone who even tries. We don’t know if they will reject. Do no worry we still have time. We are here.

Such assurances and reminders came from the girls I loved. I calmed down greatly as they used their links to send positive emotions towards me. My girls were like Serotonin factories. My mood did a 180 just knowing they were with me.

When I was okay, they nodded and allowed me to continue my address to the officers. Much like Carlos and Herman, everyone returned to kneeling and were silent. They must have noticed my outburst and acted accordingly.

I remember Yvonne, Cynthia and Connie sharing their thoughts about my mood swings. Phillip probably instructed the rest of my forces to not panic and simply wait for me to calm down.

’Fuck, I’m like one of the arrogant company presidents now. Everyone is practically walking on eggshells around me. I should at least apologize,’ I thought inwardly.

"Ehem, sorry about that. Anyway, those are the matters for our rewards. Now we will proceed with the tactics. Carlos, Herman, Joshua, Phillip, Terence."

"Yes, my lord!" x5

The five of them shouted to tell me they were ready to receive orders. I already had instructions for Joshua, and Phillip but my next orders were just as important. As they were leaders of their groups, they be able should delegate tasks.

"Carlos, Herman. I want you to work with my officers. I want the Champions of Nerio’s army to be enhanced by utilizing weapons, armor and equipment for battle. We will supply you what you need. Phillip, Joshua, delegate your tasks as you see fit. Buy what is needed from Earth using Derycks."

My chief Administrator and the leader of Hellsend’s military screamed, "YES, MY LORD! BY YOUR WILL!"

"My lord, I do not understand. What do you mean? You want us to use Champions made from soul to use weapons made of metal and steel?" Carlos asked with a confused face.

Nodding at his question I elaborated, "Yes, much like Horses or elephants in war. You saw how Mike’s Wyvern Air Wing outperformed your Reapers right? Get the Summoners guns to protect themselves and mount guns, missiles launchers and armor on your tank type champions.

"Get metallic claws or something on your speed type champions. Train your flyers to drop bombs and turn them into heavy ordinance flyers. There are infinitely many things to do. Coordinate with Joshua and the 2nd Amendment. Terence, use your people to make their requests happen."

"I have received your orders my lord," Terence replied.

"We only just joined my lord. Are you certain you want to arm us with the firepower that can harm you or the rest of Hellsend?" Herman inquired with a stern face.

"If you think you have a shot then take it. Go ahead. But know that the moment your people do, the gloves come off. I will be coming for you for real. And I will not stop until all of you are dead."

Although I didn’t shout, growl or release Death Resonance, I saw Herman made a scared expression. He had my blood in his veins. Exa would tell me the moment he even tried to plan something. And all I needed to do was invoke {Sins of Limitless} and they would be no longer.