MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer-Chapter 47: Full Motherfucking Set! (Kinda)
As the butcher laid eyes upon the human flesh, a humongous grin blossomed on his face.
A regular player would have found the NPC's expression ominous. At this moment, he 100% looked like a villain. As for Jack? He grinned back, the both of them sharing a glance.
"I like your style, kid. At the end of the day, meat is meat, am I right?"
"Still, you should be careful with stuff like that. Some people wouldn't see too kindly to such….business. Lucky for you, we're the same, haha."
"That's why I came to see you." Jack winked, mustering his best salesman voice. "I'll have you know that this meat right here is fresh, organic, free-range, without additive and forest to table. Isn't it great!"
"Hahahaha! This is the freaking best! Turning braves into cattle would be condemnable everywhere, but I sure love the irony. The braves who indiscriminately destroy everything in their path, now suffering the same fate as the monsters they slaughter."
"You really dislike braves, eh?"
"Braves? No, not themselves. It's the hypocrisy that I loathe. I've heard many of them claim to be heralds of the gods, but all they're doing is follow our "dear" village chief's directives. They kill chickens and ask for free stuff in the name of the common good." He scoffed.
"So, can I trade this for the helmet?"
"Helmet? Sure, why not! Actually, I may have something else for you too, something that only butchers are allowed to use."
"Oh? Do I have a test to pass?"
"Please! I really doubt you received help obtaining that kind of special "product". Such a crime is not one that others would ever share with the world. It could only end in a catastrophe. Anyway, be right back."
Hide it from the world, was it? Well, it was true that collecting human meat was seen as vile by the general public. Yet fighting and killing one's opponents was seen as heroic. The world praised wasting resources. What a joke!
The NPC had left the helmet behind. Jack happily wore it, instantly noticing how peculiar it was. The blood and rust covering it made it look pretty much worthless. How long ago had it last been maintained?
But, as he equipped it, he couldn't help but smile. He was so damn glad not to have traded with the village chief. He would have ended up with a way shittier product.
Rusty Bloodstained Helmet
Rank F
Level 5
[Armor Rating] 1
[Armor Type] Plate
[Durability] Bad
[Attribute] +0 STR, +0 AGI
[Trait] + Blood Scent (+1)
This was so goddamn worth it!
This was pretty much the equivalent of a cursed item. Contrary to popular beliefs, some of the strongest items in Infinite were cursed items. It simply meant power at a cost.
Hell, the Herald of Light's power could have been considered cursed since he had to follow the goddess's commandments.
This Bloodstained Helmet had a low Armor rating (1 instead of 2), had low durability, and didn't give any attribute, but the trait more than made up for it. Blood scent was probably one of the loveliest traits.
Any time there was the smell of blood in the surroundings, it would buff one's stats. This meant that it would give +1 STR and +1 AGI whenever something was bleeding nearby. This was super easy to activate!
The butcher came back. "Here, try this too." He handed him a leather butcher's apron. Jack instantly noticed the heavy smell of blood on it. It was so strong and smelled so heavenly!
Why heavenly? Because such a heavy smell would freaking activate the Blood Scent Trait. How freaking awesome was that?! It was as if the two items had been made to be used together.
Uncommon Bloodstained jacket
Rank F+
Level 10
[Armor Rating] 3
[Armor Type] Leather
[Durability] Very Good
[Attribute] + Regeneration if 🩸 (—)
[Trait] + Blood Bank (🩸)
This was just getting better and better! A rare trait!
Blood Bank meant that it would store the blood that fell upon it. This was what gave it this heavy blood scent.
As for the attribute, it was a conditional one. As long as there was blood in the blood bank, it would boost one's regeneration. The regeneration was unranked (—) and wouldn't be noticeable in combat, but it nonetheless would be a big help.
Regeneration out of combat could be done with food, but there was always a limit to it. It precisely was what he needed! This would speed up the process and increase the potential hunting time.
"So, what do you think? It's a bit messy but—"
"I love it! This is way better than what I'd hope to find in a beginner village!" Jack praised.
"What do you mean beginner village?! The world doesn't revolve around you braves. It's my village. You can drop the beginner part!" The butcher mumbled.
"Sorry, you're right." Jack couldn't help but chuckle.
"Anyway, how much meat do you have? It would take about 100 pieces to be able to afford this, but I can—" He suddenly stopped talking as he saw Jack grab a ton of meat from his inventory. Thank god for the fact that ingredients could be stacked!
"How the fuck do you have so much of it?! How many braves did you kill to get that?!"
"Eh…all of them?" Jack honestly replied. Well, there were the Mighty Wolves that had survived, but that was pretty much it.
"I take it back. You and I are nothing alike! Fuck! You're freaking crazy!"
"Thanks for the compliment."
"It wasn't one, you bastard!" He then took a few moments to calm his breathing, mumbling a lowly "everything will be alright" to reassure himself.
They then completed the trade, with Jack being all smiles. He had gone from naked to fully equipped in one go! Hell to the fucking yeah!
But that's when an earth-shattering despair-induced cry resounded. On the floor was the little wolf who had been hopping around happily exploring this new human world. It was now staring at the hundred meat portions they were losing.
This was a catastrophe! They were losing all their tasty food, and for what? For an old leather jacket and helmet?! This was definitely a bad trade! Never had there been a more pitiful-looking wolf.
"Woo!" It began howling lowly in outrage. Its meaning was clear. "(Master, you have to stay strong and protect the meat!!!)"
The butcher began to guffaw as he went in the backroom for a second before coming back with a bit of cooked meat that smelled heavenly. It was a small piece of steak that just had the perfect juiciness to it.
"Here you go, little one. Try this."
"Woo." The little wolf looked at it suspiciously before tentatively taking a small bite with Jack's urging.
That's when the little wolf's eyes opened wide in utter shock as it licked its lips. It was its first time tasting a cooked meal, and it was completely mind blown! How could this taste so good?!
"Hehe, it's nice, isn't it? Want some too?" He offered Jack, and the three of them began eating in pure bliss. After a few bites, a system message he had expected appeared.
[Ate Home Cooking! Satiety Rising!]
[Well-Fed! Increased Regeneration!]
Well, there was also an additional message that made him double-check:
[Ate Human Flesh! Congratulation?]
[Acquired Title: Cannibalism! Dyspepsia Resistance!]
That's when Jack gave a second glance at the food he had been shoving down his throat….Okay, now that he got a good look at it, it seemed about right.
He did what anyone else in his position would have done. He shrugged nonchalantly. He would have unlocked the title at some point either way.
That's how a meal that anyone sane would have considered revolting ended up being shared in harmony between newfound friends. Ah, life sure was beautiful. Luckily for the other players' hearts, they were utterly oblivious to it.
This meal was a great way to celebrate Jack's success and had the slight side-effect of giving the small wolf a newfound appreciation for human flesh.
Yep, this new Status sure looked good!
Player: Jack' O Level 2
Class: None
Title: Anti-Chicken Militia
HP: 24
Mana: 12
Condition: Healthy
Armor Rating: 10 (50%)
Defense Type: Balanced
STR: 7 + 1
AGI: 1 + 3
INT: 1
SPI: 1 + 1
- Gathering F
- Well-Fed
- Regeneration (—)
- Blood Scent (1 STR + 1 AGI )
He couldn't help but happily nod as he checked his Status screen. His total stats had gone from 10 to 15, but more importantly, he now had an Armor Rating. An AR of 10 was OP for his level!
A level 2 player wouldn't usually have any damage resistance. This alone was already very strong, but one also had to factor in his shield and regeneration. He had just gone from glass-canon to beefcake.
The % of damage reduction couldn't be trusted since too many variables impacted it. It was only an approximation of how he'd fare against typical players his level.
As for the defense type, it simply meant that he would resist as well to magic as physical attacks. This was because most of his gear was leather.
Jack couldn't help but find it hilarious how his only skill was gathering. How would the others react if they knew this? Well, his butchering skill would likely reach the same level soon (aka level 5).
But, he couldn't help but feel that this was something he had to fix as he remembered the holy trinity for gamers!
XP ✔️ (Level 2 was a start)
Gear ✔️ (All essential armor pieces)
Skills —> Current Objective
It was time to learn a combat skill, one that would send terror into the hearts of his enemies, one that would make them all feel helpless...
[A/N] CA is getting a banner right now! 🔥 As soon as RPP reaches 5K monthly PRIVs unlocked = surprise for you all. (Not sure what yet, gotta think of something, haha)
Creator's Thought
I always enjoyed the cursed bloody sets. They're perfect for min-maxing. It's the type of set that becomes stronger the more you kill. It sucks in a 1v1 scenario, but it can show great prowess on the battlefield. As the Herald of Light, I sadly had to stay far away from such items, it was a huge fucking bummer!