MTL - 70s: Raising a Baby-Chapter 15

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   Chapter 15

   "Woo-" The sound of the train whistle sounded.

  The train that lasted for two days and two nights finally arrived at the sea market at 7 pm.

  The crowd was crowded, and there were heads everywhere. In order to prevent people from getting scattered and children from accidents, Ye Jinzhi and the others walked last.

  I have been on the train for so long, no matter how much I love to be clean every day, but there are few resources on the train, and it is very inconvenient to wash and so on.

   I feel that there is a stinky smell on my body. Several children have loved to be clean since they were young. It is the first time for Ye Jinzhi to experience such an embarrassment. Don't feel too uncomfortable.

  Although it was dark in the summer, but when I walked outside, I found that the sky was already dark.

   On the street, the crowd has gradually decreased, and there are very few people on the road. On such a hot day, everyone is reluctant to go out to be exposed to the sun. Besides, if you sweat again just after taking a shower, it is not a waste.

  Lin Dong arrived a few days earlier than them, and was waiting for people outside the train station, standing on tiptoes from time to time, looking up, for fear of missing out.

   Yuan Shaochen and his party of five people, with excellent appearance, sometimes attracted people in front of them to look back when they walked on the road, but they did not have this self-awareness.

  Ye Jinzhi grew up with everyone's attention since she was a child. She was a goddess in the eyes of many people at school. Later, she took over the company. She often attended various occasions, appeared in financial magazines, and was surrounded by people everywhere.

  Lin Dong saw them from the crowd and ran over: "Brother Yuan, Sister Ye, here."

   While running, he shouted and beckoned, for fear that they would not see.

   Ye Jinzhi was stunned when he saw him, but he didn't expect someone to pick them up.

   She really couldn't carry it, but Yuan Young Chen had both hands full, and he was embarrassed not to.

   looked up to Lin Dong: "Thank you, how did you know we arrived today?"

  Lin Dong smiled and held the luggage in his hand: "Mr. Zhou ordered me to come. He told me that your day will be here today and let me pick you up."

   Ye Jinzhi didn't expect that Uncle Zhou was so careful, and thought that he would lose contact in the future. Although she had something to look for before she left, she was not very familiar with him, and Ye Jinzhi didn't plan to look for him again.

   looked up at the man walking beside him, Yuan Shaochen seemed to have a feeling, just raised his head, and the two looked at each other.

   took over the topic: "Is Mr. Zhou in the sea market now?"

  Lin Dong shook his head: "Mr. Zhou has returned to Beijing. He called me to tell me this news. Let me wait for you to settle before returning to Beijing."

   "Mother, I'm sleepy and want to sleep." Ah Hao took Ye Jinzhi's hand and leaned against her.

   Ye Jinzhi couldn't think about it too much. Seeing that the three children were sleepy, he asked, "Are we going to the guest house tonight?"

  Lin Dong helped them open the door and shook his head: "Mr. Zhou instructed that your father has a house in Haishi, where it is cleaned all the year round, and there is no shortage of things, just let you live in it directly."

   Hearing that there is a place to live, Ye Jinzhi remembered that Father Ye seemed to have said it before, but she forgot it, so she did not refuse. Since she has a house, she can live in her own home, which is convenient.

  The three children fell asleep on their parents. Yuan Shaochen saw that Ye Jinzhi was a little tired, and there was an outsider, so he couldn't open his mouth, he just stretched out his hand to let her lean on his shoulder.

   Ye Jinzhi was not polite. She was indeed a little tired. Although she could lie down on the train for so long, it was not as comfortable as at home, and she kept shaking and making noises.

   After about half an hour, the car stopped in front of a bungalow.

   On this road, almost all the lights on the road went out, and every household was reluctant to waste electricity, except for the house in front of me, which was still brightly lit.

   Ye Jinzhi didn't expect that the house that Father Ye was talking about turned out to be a bungalow, which made her once again surprised by Father Ye's financial resources, and even more curious about Father Ye's background.

  Although she was surprised, she didn't look at it much. After all, she had many such houses in the later life. Back then, her mother's family was in Haishi, and her mother's inheritance left her with bungalows.

  Thinking like this, I saw an old woman running towards the door. The old man was obviously very old and his hair was gray.

  Ye Jinzhi was afraid that the old man would fall, so he quickly stepped forward to support her, and saw the old man's face full of excitement, grabbing her arm with both hands very strongly.

   "Zhi, you are Miss Zhi." The old man's eyes were filled with tears, his eyes just fixed on her face, and he didn't leave for a moment.

   Ye Jinzhi was a little confused by her. Just as he was about to ask, he heard: "God bless, I didn't expect to see Mrs.'s child again in my lifetime."

   He folded his hands and muttered, then took her hand and looked at her face carefully: "Like, really like, exactly the same as Madam when she was young."

   Ye Jinzhi also figured out from her words that the person in front of her should be the servant of the original mother's house, who should have been in this house for all these years.

   "You, who are you?" A voice interrupted the old man's sight.

   "Oh, look at me, I'm so confused. I'm your mother's nurse, so just call me Rong Ma." Rong Ma quickly introduced herself.

   "Mother, mother." Ah Hao woke up and found that there was no one around, so he subconsciously called out to mother.

   The two older brothers were also awakened by Ah Hao's cry, and both sat up in a daze.

   Ye Jinzhi heard the cry of the child, and hurriedly walked into the car, and after a while, she heard her voice to comfort the child.

   Yuan Shaochen, who has always been the background wall, stepped forward at this time, and Rong's mother noticed that there were still people, and just heard a child calling Ye Jinzhi "mother".

   guessed: "This must be the uncle."

   Yuan Shaochen heard the conversation between the two just now, and knew that the person in front of him was Ye Jinzhi's biological mother, and his tone was respectful: "Yes, the big night boss has come to rest for you."

  Rong's mother saw that this uncle was tall and tall, and she didn't appear impatient when she was left alone just now. Now she talks to her with respect, and is naturally very satisfied.

"No trouble, no trouble. This is your home. If you go back to your own home, don't disturb me. My wife has been waiting here for more than 20 years, and finally she is looking forward to her return." He said with a choked voice. .

  I didn't want the junior to see my disgrace, so I quickly wiped the corners of my eyes with a handkerchief.

   Yuan Shaochen turned around and pretended not to see it. Out of the corner of his eye, he was still paying attention to the movement in the car. Rong Ma sorted out her emotions and saw such a picture.

   The corners of his mouth raised a smile, and he nodded secretly: "Master, the room is all tidy up, I'll take you all to go and have a rest."

  In the car, Ye Jinzhi coaxed the child: "We're here, do you want to come down and have a look, this house is big and beautiful."

   When Ah Zhao heard that the house was big and beautiful, she couldn't sit still, she took Ah Xu's hand and was about to get out of the car, while Ah Hao hugged Ye Jinzhi and didn't let go, acting like a coquettish hug.

   "Ahao, don't act like a spoiled child with your mother. It's not ashamed." A Zhao was almost dying when he saw his brother didn't move. He had never seen a tall house.

   When Ah Hao heard his brother laugh at him, he couldn't care less about acting like a spoiled child, so he would quarrel with his brother.

  Axu sat on the side and watched his brother and brother get angry again, staring at the show, not in a hurry at all, leisurely.

   Ye Jinzhi regained his energy just by looking at the three children, and there is still a soft and cute look just woken up.

   "Okay, stop arguing, let's go down, there's a grandma waiting for you all the time? Do you want an old man to wait? That's rude!"

  A Zhao stopped arguing when they heard it. They were taught to be polite and not be rude to their elders.

   All obediently got out of the car at this moment, and saw a grizzled grandmother standing beside Dad, each sweet-mouthed grandmother long and short, coaxing Mama Rong with laughter.

   Entered the house, and the luggage was taken by Lin Dong long ago. When they came in, they were about to leave: "Brother Yuan, Sister Ye, rest first, and I'll pick you up tomorrow."

   In the car just now, Lin Dong told them that he had a place to live in Haicheng, and he didn't leave him at will.

   The inside of the house is European style, the house is well protected, and the things inside are similar to the new ones. If she hadn't known that such old houses are generally old, she almost thought the house was new.

  This house has three floors, the first floor is for entertaining guests, the second floor is for bedrooms, and the third floor is supposed to put musical instruments for entertainment.

  The bedroom also has its own bathroom, and the master bedroom also has its own cloakroom. Ye Jinzhi found that there were clothes in the closet of their room, both adults and children. Obviously, someone was carefully arranging these.

   Ye Jinzhi looked at the overall layout of the house and felt that this was not the decoration that her parents should have had in her parents' era, and it was actually not like the decoration of this era.

   Like those crystal chandeliers, sofas, two-meter beds, and even tatami, these are more like the decoration of those houses in later generations.

   Yuan Shaochen was shocked when he saw this house. He didn't expect his father-in-law to be so generous, and he knew about this house.

   Once when I went home, and when I was going back to the army after my family leave, my father-in-law avoided his wife and gave him a letter and asked him to bring it to someone, saying that he would have the house redecorated.

   He didn't think much about it at the time, he just thought it was an ordinary house. He handed the letter to the receiver and didn't ask any questions. He didn't expect that his father-in-law was talking about this house.

  Azhao likes this house very much. There is a room full of toys, all of which are liked by boys. There are a lot of toy guns and imitation cars. Grandma Rong said it was specially prepared for them by grandfather.

   Ah Hao was already sitting on the toy car and couldn't get off. He wanted to drive the toy car, but unfortunately his mother wouldn't let him. He said it was too late, so he had to play again tomorrow and reluctantly left.

  Axu couldn't walk in the children's books, which was so attractive to him, there were a lot of good-looking colorful cartoon pictures.

   Rong's mother has been taking them to visit each floor. Seeing the expression on Ye Jinzhi's face, she knows that she has doubts, and she does not hide it from her.

   "This was ordered by the husband two years ago, saying that the young lady and uncle might come back to live in the future and have to rebuild the house." Rong Ma recalled.

   "This house was also completely completed at the beginning of this year. It's just waiting for you to come. All the things here are brought back by the gentleman. I'm very concerned. Do you want to send a letter to ask about the progress of the house?"

   Ye Jinzhi didn't expect Father Ye to put so much effort into the house. He knew from memory that during that time, Father Ye was often in poor health and often slept during the day.

  No wonder, no wonder, Father Ye must be afraid that she will see it, and must write a letter to the secret reader at night, thinking about decoration.

   Her eyes were slightly red. She had never enjoyed a father's love. She didn't even know that a father thought about his own children at the last moment of his life, and did many things silently for his children.

   Everyone, please comment.



   (end of this chapter)