MTL - 80’s Sweet Marriage: Struggle for a Good Life-Chapter 17 One day, three days of overcast

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The decoration market is a bit far away. Su Yang borrowed a bicycle and took Suno with him.

Sitting on the back of his brother's bicycle, Suno rejoiced like a child in a kindergarten. He clasped his brother's waist tightly with both hands, his face anxious to stick to his brother's back.

It feels great to have an older brother! Past life ... My elder brother was unfortunately in a car accident and has been away from her for a long time.

Suno was inexplicably saddened and secretly choked. But she cheered up right away, because this life would be different.

Su Yang occasionally turned back and smiled, teasing Su Nuo: "You are about to break your brother's waist. Besides, you are a big girl and you can't stick to your brother like this."

"No, I need to stick to you." Sunuo slaps his face on Su Yang's back and takes a hard breath, as if to **** the taste of his brother into the alveoli, "My brother looks the best He is handsome, has the best temper and the best learning. I like my brother so much. "

Su Yang shook his head funnyly, riding the car more securely, fearing to run Suno.

The brothers and sisters talked and laughed along the way, but did not notice a military vehicle driving from behind.

Gu Yanlan sat in the car bored, looking at the window with one hand on his head.

He was going back to Beihua, but he didn't buy a soft sleeper ticket. His young master said that he would not go back for anything.

Slightly well-known surrounding scenic spots were overcrowded, and Gu Minlan had to let the driver take him around the street.

Suddenly, Gu Yanlan saw the two men riding in front of him, and Su Nuo in the back seat smiled brightly, still clinging to the waist of the boy in front.

The intimate pose, the cute and flashing smile, suddenly felt dazzling in Gu Yanlan's eyes.

But in a flash, the car had already surpassed the two riders.

Gu Yilan looked back, frowned, and felt that the rider was Su Yang? But I didn't see it too clearly.

"Stop." Gu Yilan suddenly patted the driver's shoulder.

"Master, here it is ..."

"Let you stop and stop, there's so much nonsense." Gu Yilan was like a shaggy leopard, and the momentum suddenly became dangerous.

The driver did not dare to worry about any "No Parking" sign, and stopped the car by the foot with a brake.

Gu Yanlan moved to the other window and put his hand on his forehead, blocking most of his face. With only a pair of eyes exposed, he silently looked at the man who was cycling from behind.

Finally, I saw Su Yang riding by the car through the window, and in the back seat, there was Suno, who laughed heartily.

"Let's go." Gu Yanlan hooked his lips, his inexplicable temper disappeared, and he was a little proud.

After thinking about it, Gu Minlan patted the driver's shoulder again: "Send me home. I will give you a holiday today."

The driver agreed, but he didn't dare to ask a word.

The North China City Prince came to this place, and his temper was always uncertain. Now suddenly he took a vacation for himself, and he wished to hide away quickly.

Su Nuo was totally unaware of another encounter, and when he arrived in the decoration city, he and his brother went to choose paint.

Suno tried to choose cheap, fresh and beautiful colors, and also paid special attention not to exceed the formaldehyde content.

After comparing the dozens of homes in one breath, she bought the paint that satisfied her.

Not only Su Yang was surprised by Suno's performance, even the elder brother who sold the paint did not expect that the little girl was still an expert.

Su Nuo smiled and didn't explain much. She just wanted her family to be healthy and happy.