MTL - 9 Heavenly Thunder Manual-Chapter 36 Duel instructors

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"Why has this matter never been heard from you?" Nuo Yilong asked.

"Uncle Nuo, this is three years ago. The duel between Cai Zhong and me is only a matter between the two of us, and will not affect the Dragon team and Wu Zong." Lei Yu replied.

"Childish!" Shangguan Xihong single-handedly slammed on the coffee table. "Did you know? You and Cai Zhong's duel is a mutual discussion, but in practice, the strength confrontation between the two forces of Wu Zong and Mingjiao?" Don't explain why this happens! "

"Uncle Shangguan, it's my fault, it's all because of me." Ai Er stood beside Nuo Yifeng and said softly.

"What is going on?" Nuo Yilong asked with a frown.

"It's like this ..." ...

"That's the way it is." Nuo Yilong, Nuofeng and Feng Yu gave gratitude to Lei Yu, but Shangguan Xihong, the supreme ruler of Wu Zong, still spoke coldly, "I don't know if you have this weight against Cai Zhong, To tell you the truth, Mingjiao has notified me of Wu Zong yesterday, the competition location has changed, and two other forces Xianrenge and Lei's family have been invited to watch the battle. Do you know what this means? His Mingjiao wanted to borrow This opportunity frustrates Wu Zong's spirit! "

"Sir, I will try my best to fight!" Lei Yu said with confidence.

"It's ridiculous! Can you be the master of a branch in Mingjiao, do you think the other party's strength is weak? This can't be defeated by your confidence! You know, it's about Wu Zong's face. If I defeat, I will not let go Pass you! "Shangguan Xihong exclaimed.

"Xiao Yu ..."

"Well, you don't need to say more." Shangguan Xihong blocked Nuo Yilong's explanation. "Naughty! Actually take the initiative and accept the challenge without my consent. You'd better be prepared, otherwise ... Hum! "His Majesty Shangguan turned around and left angrily.

"唉! Xiaoyu, you really should tell us about this earlier, why haven't you heard of it?" Nuo Yilong asked with a frown.

Lei Yu looked at the people present. He didn't know what he should say. It was originally an agreement between the two. I did not expect that it would involve the reputation and strength of Wu Zong and Mingjiao. This is equivalent to Lei Yu. He carried a heavy load on his shoulders.

"Uncle Nuo, it's useless to say more now. I have more than a month to practice with concentration." Lei Yu exhaled heavily and headed for the training hall on the second floor.

"Brother, don't you have confidence in Xiao Yu?" Nuo Yifeng asked.

"Yes, father, Xiao Yu is very powerful now, and is already the most powerful in the dragon team." Nuo Hu also said aside.

"It's not that I don't have confidence in Xiao Yu, do you know? Before the Shangguan Xihong came, he had called me. The branch church master named Cai Zhong had been promoted to the main church master of the Northern System. You know the meaning of the main church master. What? At least fourth- or fifth-order strength, Mingjiao is mainly dominated by cults, and the moves are insidious. Even if Xiaoyu has the same strength as the opponent, there is nothing to be sure of, and now we have no certainty about Xiaoyu's strength. He did n’t even know what level he was at. ”Nuo Yilong ’s worry is indeed reasonable. The demon is known as Yin, ruthless, and poisonous, and people like Lei Yu have always used strong power. There are indeed many disadvantages.

"So ... what about Xiaoyu's challenge with me?" Fan Hongchang asked at this time.

Yunuo Yilong thought for a while, "I think it is still necessary, at least we can know to what extent his strength."


"Just tonight."

"Well, I'll get ready, and notify Xiaoyu by the way." Fan Hongchang nodded and left.

That night, the training hall on the second floor was cleaned up. On the spacious blue carpet, Lei Yu and Fan Hongchang stood. This challenge has been postponed for a few days. It is a long-awaited event for all members of the Dragon team, so there is no absence. People, including two brothers and sisters Nuo Yilong and Nuo Hu and Ai Er.

"Xiao Yu, it's time to test your strength!" Fan Hongchang laughed.

"Fan instructor, please!" Lei Yu pouted politely.

Fan Fanchang is a descendant of an ancient Xiuwu family. With the inheritance of his family, he has reached the strength of a fourth-order martial artist in just over thirty years. This is regarded as an outstanding genius in China.

Often, martial arts practitioners will encounter bottlenecks that are difficult to break through during the third stage. Talents with very high talents may be able to break through smoothly within one or two years, while those with ordinary talents may be trapped for ten years in the third stage. Ten years or even a lifetime, the fourth-order breakthrough and the fifth-order are another Kaner. Fan Hongchang has spent some days in this Kaner, and he has not broken through from beginning to end. If it is the most difficult, then it is necessary to count the fifth-order to break the sixth-order. Long He Nuo Yifeng has been regarded as a top character in the Tenglong Kingdom. Of course, in addition to the leaders of the four major forces, Ko Nuo Yilong was trapped in the fifth stage for a full ten years, and there is still no meaning to break through. .

In this matter, Lei Yu had to say that she had lost her shit. In the process of breaking through the third order and the fourth order, he relied on the jade that his mother left for himself ~ ~ but only walked between life and death. After a successful breakthrough, perhaps Lei Yu felt only the kind of fear of life and death, but did not experience advanced hardships.

"Yeah!" With a loud scream, Fan Hongchang writhed through his body with a strong white qi, and the power contained in it implied ripples in the air, as if continually condensing to Fan Hongchang. The air was mostly evacuated in the hall. , Most people feel some breathing difficulties, but everyone is not ordinary people, naturally can easily withstand.

As always, Lei Yu waited for the change of Fan Hongchang to wait for the attack of Fan Hongchang. The vitality in the body also instantly rose up, attached to all parts of the body. Lei Yu, who had reached the stage of agitation, relied on the power of her own lightning. It is extremely perfect to hide personal strength, giving people an inexplicable sense of mystery, and it is this mystery that makes people have the illusion that Lei Yu is not a strong person.

Fan Hongchang's body moved, causing a rapid whistling sound, like a cheetah, rushing towards Lei Yu at a very fast speed, and his fist contained a powerful explosive force, but Fan Hongchang's strength came out only after careful consideration. He is not like letting Lei Yu have any irreparable damage, so he still saved some strength, but his concerns are superfluous. Lei Yu's degree is not inferior to Fan Hongchang's. He is already in the late stage of convergence and he can easily relax. Rely on your own gravity to feel the intensity of any attack.

Pout the corner of the mouth and gently pull up an arc. When Fan Hongchang was approaching, he seemed to easily lift his right arm, "bang"!

This book's first release comes from 17K Novel Network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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