MTL - A Rural Life in the 70s-Chapter 19 (four more)

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Small autumn is not a child, she can't put down her sister after all, regardless of whether she ran out.

Standing against the wall for a moment, she turned over and took out a piece of rock candy, held it in her hand and sent it to her sister: "Xiao Xia, see if this is awkward? Come, you lick, sweet?"

Looking at Xiaoxia's weak and uncomfortable, but still because a rock sugar bent his eyes and nodded, Xiaoqiu's heart was so bitter and resentful that it was insignificant.

She covered Xiao Xia's line of sight, and the nurse pulled Xiao Xia's arm behind her back and did a skin test.

Anyone who has done a skin test knows that the needle does not hurt very much, and it will only burn after the subcutaneous injection.

Xiao Xia couldn't help but wow, crying, Xiaoqiu quickly took care of her sister's hand, not letting her move, and sent the rock sugar to her sister's mouth: "Little summer don't cry, you don't cry, my sister will give you sugar. Eat ha!"

After a while, Xiao Xia stopped crying, and when he carefully wrapped the sugar candy, his eyes were full of two tears!

There was no allergic reaction in the skin test, and Xiaoxia finally injected penicillin smoothly.

Xiaoqiu sighed with a sigh of relief and watched Wang Limin hold a small summer to rest in the observation room next door. The smile on Xiaoqiu’s face was also light. I still refuse to take care of her...

Wang Lijun came over and patted Xiaoqiu’s shoulder and whispered: "Autumn, you didn't rest for a night, but you also feel bad about Xiaoxia. It's not really annoying you, don't be uncomfortable..."

Xiaoqiu swayed his head and immediately shook a hint of helplessness. "Da Bo, I know, I won't vent my anger with you... You don't sleep, and you have to rest for a while, I went to my sister's house and got some food!"

Wang Lijun looked at the big niece and looked tired. He couldn’t bear it, but there was no better way. He didn’t have any relatives in the town. Don’t talk about the roots, it’s a normal day, and there’s no food on the street. Yeah. Hey, Xiao Xia will have to wait for another shot in the afternoon to go back. If they don’t eat for one day, the two of them can still bear the patience, but the two children can’t stand it!

Wang Lijun also said that with Xiaoqiu, but was rejected by Xiaoqiu, she had to pay attention to her safety, and then watched her out of the gate of the hospital.

After a lapse of twenty years, Xiaoqiu has not remembered the way to go to the family. She has to rely on her to go to the house... This situation cannot be known to the uncle, so only one person can go.

When the grandfather Song Shengshu was young, he had a good family life and went to school. Later, even if his family died, even if the villain was reportedly interrupted by the villain, he was still kind and relaxed. Xiao Yan also inherited the good genes of his grandfather, tall and high-profile, five-minded and clear-minded, his character was not affected by family encounters, and his face always had a gentle and calm smile.

Such a family, the last life is like that...

Xiaoqiu's excitement and sorrow in his heart, propped up a child's expression, climbed up and greeted the grandfather's leg injury, and then said Xiaoxia's illness.

He quickly packed up the food for use, let Song Xiucheng send it, and then left Xiaoqiu at home to wash and eat.

Watching Xiaoqiu eat a lot of bowls and chopsticks, his face is very tired, his eyes are fast and can't open, Zhong Yuqin quickly greets Xiaoqiu to go to sleep for a while.

When Xiaoqiu lay down, she sat next to Xiaoqiu, and she was a good quilt for Xiaoqiu. In the end, she did not hold back and asked, "How come you pick up Xiaoxia in the middle of the night?"

Xiaoqiu licked his mouth, or decided not to hide it, and said that Grandma intends to send Xiao Xia to Dagu.

Zhong Yuqin was angry and rushed. In the autumn, she did not say much. She only snorted a few times and patted Xiaoqiu to sleep.

Xiao Qiuben was tired and sleepy to the extreme. He was kneeling beside him, and there was a warm and soft bed. When she almost finished speaking, she immediately slept.

Watching Xiaoqiu fall asleep, Zhong Yuqin no longer suppresses the anger of his face. He gets up and squats, while wearing cotton-padded cotton shoes, while taking two pieces of sponge cake on the low cabinet next to the old man, he said: If you are hungry, you should take this pad first. I have to go see the lotus... I am not worried about the chrysanthemum with her. The old-fashioned wife knows that Xiaoxia was brought back by the people, and she was not willing to go to the streets. The sisters of the lotus chrysanthemum couldn’t stop it..."

Song Shengshu read the book, but he did not stick to the heights. He also knew that his wife said that he was reasonable. He said: "You should go to the hospital first, and it is best to let the lotus girl go to her big brother."

Song Shengshu still thought that if Wang Lijun could go back and let his own boy go over, it would be enough. They are going to protect the prostitute, but not with the wife of the royal family, facing the street, not to be ugly, just because it is not worth it. It’s not only the individual strength, but also the anger. The body of his wife’s body looks very tough. He knows in his own heart that these years have not been less wronged, and his body is not as good as it was.

Zhong Yuqin and Song Shengshu have spent half a lifetime together. If the old man said something, she couldn’t understand it. She only remembered her two daughters. She couldn’t go to care for herself, so she didn’t pick up the old man’s words, only nodded and took a scarf. When I wrapped my head, I hurried out.

Besides Xiaoqiu, it is not a child. My sister is in the hospital, my mother and my younger brother are at home. She is not at ease at both ends, and naturally she sleeps shortly. She wakes up for an hour.

When Song Shengshu, who was sitting in Shantou, saw it, he said, "You didn't sleep well last night, don't you sleep a lot? It's still early, it's less than twelve!"

Xiaoqiu smiled and shook his head: "I feel a spirit when I sleep, don't sleep! What am I?"

"You remember Xiao Xia, go check it out, and come back later." Song Shengshu answered the words of his granddaughter. In fact, he probably knows that his wife stayed in the hospital even if she didn't go to the big woman's house, otherwise it would be so long. It's time to come back.

Looking at the New Year, the steamed bread and the vegetables are all prepared. Xiaoqiu washed his face and took the sleeves to make lunch. The dish is fried meatballs stewed with cabbage noodles, smashed the noodles and taro, and smashed a pot of rice porridge. Xiaoxia gave the grandfather a meal, and slammed a few bowls of vegetables. Going out the door and going to the hospital.

As a result, I haven’t waited for Xiaoqiu to cross the bridge, and I heard the hospital’s direction faintly screaming and crying... She didn’t care at first, but when she stepped onto the higher bridge deck, she was taken inside and outside the hospital. The crowded, bustling and lively situation was shocked!

In this era, there have been medical incidents?

But these days, I have not heard of any medical accidents in the hospital?

Although Dr. Zheng’s medical skills can be trusted, after all, the hardware conditions of the hospital are limited. Dealing with a trauma, suturing a wound and licking it is really a big operation for laparotomy. The hospital can’t really do it. They all sent to the county hospitals and regional hospitals early.

Then, the problem is coming, there is no medical accident, and how is the medical incident caused?

So thinking about it, Xiaoqiu's footsteps involuntarily also accelerated. Xiaoxia still had a burning, if it was scared by such a big battle, it would be worse if the illness worsened!

"Isn't it a gimmick? Isn't it the only one, you still be a baby? The first one, I didn't say it to your sister? You two nieces, added a little boy, it was hard to live. If the children are not enough to eat and are not warm, then what is the rest of her aunt? Is that your sister, the child’s pro-aunt, can still be slow to the child...” The voice is too familiar La! Not Xiaoqiu Grandma Li Xiuying can still be!

Her grandmother actually came to the hospital! A person coming? Still bring aunt, mother and daughter doubles?