MTL - Across A Millennium to Love You-Chapter 74

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Sima Qiang frowned, this girl is really Luo Luo. But it's not right to see her dressed up. If you watch it at night, I'm sure what rumors will come out. Had to turn around and go find the girl's clothes in the house and throw it to her. Xiao Wu immediately got dressed and hurried out through the back door. Sure enough, after walking behind the back door for less than ten meters, she met the night watcher, and according to Sima Qiang, she sent her back to Liyuan.

Sima Qiang returned to the bedroom glumly, seeing that Ruby had fallen asleep, and her hands were on the bed, she had a red and swollen appearance, and she did start to get pussy. It should not be wrong, but why can't I find Li Fei poisoning or Sima The reason for poisoning?

The Taiyi also said today that the second princess had infected the wound with some bad things, so she became purulent and had cleared the wound. Ruby seems to be hiding something. When she cleans her wound, Ruby's face is pale. It feels to Sima Qiang that she is not hurting, but she is afraid. What is she afraid of?

That little five doesn't look like he's lying.

Sima Qiang was gone, the talents behind the tree came out quietly, not too bright in the moonlight, a smiling face with a clear smile, there were dark clouds in the sky, but he couldn't cover his glory, and Taohua had a deep affection in his eyes. With a cynical look, her eyebrows are light, her tongue can't be teased, her lips are slightly frizzy, a cold, lazy smile is revealed, she is in a plain clothes, clean and dust-free, although she has been hiding behind the tree just now. , But not a little embarrassed. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem to be an observer. It seems that you have strolled here accidentally and enjoyed the scenery by the way.

Sima Rui smiled slightly. That little five was not a timid person. What he said was OK. What is Zuihualou? What kind of character is Yuejiao? In that kind of place, beside that kind of character, even if it is only half a year, it is hundreds of times stronger than the experience of children in ordinary people's homes. Even that Sima Qiang also confused.

Back in the house, Murong Feng had fallen asleep, and the house was quiet.

Sima Rui hesitated, not knowing how to place himself where to rest. I can't always stay in the study, but I promised that Murong Feng would never force her. I can't help but smile a bit, I didn't expect that I would be planted in the hands of such a quiet and peaceful woman.

However, it was found that Murong Feng had left a lamp for him on the table in front of the bed. On the wide bed, Murong Feng only slept on the inner side of the bed, and a new bedding was laid on the outside. Murong Feng slept quietly. However, the expression on his face was gentle and gentle, and a piece of blue silk was scattered on the pillow, with a little laziness and a little inexplicable temptation. Because of the unintentional, it adds a little seductive charm.

Sima Rui was shocked, and even some inexplicable emotions came to her heart. She also knew his embarrassment, and knew how he treated her, so careful that he felt intimate and moved.

She must have done these things after he went out, knowing that he must come to see her when he returned, so he left the weak lights and left him a bedding for rest. Listening to the sound of the autumn wind outside the window and the sound of the autumn bug, my heart was really warm.

Lying quietly on the bed, Sima Rui did not wake up Murong Feng, but just looked at her gently, listening to her thin breathing, smelling a scent of fragrance, a faint smell of osmanthus. It was found that some sweet-scented osmanthus was placed in the pillow of the original pillow, and the taste was sweet and faint.

Gently smile, remembering the unwillingness in the eyes of Uncle Huang, how could he not understand, the uncle who has been playing the rivers and lakes, originally loved this woman, but just as an elder, even if he likes it, he just presses it in his heart, not showing it I just hope she is happy. So I sent him the sweet-scented osmanthus, and hoped that she would be sweet and happy in her life.

Can't help but reach out and gently stroke Murong Feng's hair, her hair slipping from her fingertips. Murong Feng seems to be aware of it, her eyelashes tremble, and she murmurs slightly, her head buried in the pillow. Continue to sleep.

Sima Rui smiled slightly, no longer disturbing her to rest, lying quietly thinking about her mind.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Wuhui poisoned Ruby so soon. To his surprise, although the wound was not deep, Li Fei said that as long as there was a trace of blood, it was enough. As for what will happen to Ruby, Sima Rui is not worried. After all, there is Li Fei, and the consequences can be expected. All he wants is for Ruby to try the suffering of Yuejiao at that time.

Waking up early in the morning, Murong Feng hasn't woke up yet, Sima Rui has got up, although she didn't sleep long last night, but she is in good spirits.

Yan Yu came in and said to Sima Rui, who was grooming, "The Prince is here and is waiting for you in the hall. Would you like to call the Prince?"

Sima Rui shook her head. "Let her sleep for a while. It doesn't matter if you wake up."

In the front hall, Sima Zhe was sitting and thinking. Seeing Sima Rui coming in, he immediately said, "Four younger brother, listening to the doctor, I went to the Prince's House last night. It seemed to be Ruby. I heard that a girl was scratched by the back of her right hand, but she had pus. —— "

Sima Rui frowned, and said impatiently, "I don't care about Ruby."

"However, I heard what Taiyi said. It seems that the symptoms of Ruby are the same as those of Yuejiao. Have you got involved in this matter? Why is it necessary to hurt Ruby again because of the old things? She was also innocent. She was only drunk by Sima. Forced his body— "Sima Zhe said.

Sima Rui looked at Sima Zhe coldly, and her tone was cold: "I just said, I'm not interested in Ruby. She used to be your woman. What did you do with Sima Rui? In the future, don't do her thing again. Annoy me. What symptoms does Yuejiao have? What symptoms does she have? Where did you hear it? I ran to me early in the morning to confess my teacher. "

"I'm just worried." Sima Zhe saw that Sima Rui was angry, sighed in her heart, and slowed down, "I know that you have been blaming Ruby because of Ruby, but you can't really blame it she was--"

"Well, Sima Zhe, are you bothering? Come to me early in the morning and talk about these things. I said that I'm not interested in Ruby. If you are upset, go to Ruby and complain. Don't be sloppy here, "Sima Rui said coldly," I'm only responsible for Yuejiao's affairs. As for the rest, you take care of yourself. "

Murong Feng stood outside and listened, and she felt a bit of pity for Yue Jiao. That infatuated woman, for this man, about all her thoughts were used. In the end, she ended up in such a mess, but abandoned. This Sima Zhe is obsessed with ruby. Sometimes love is injustice. The person you love doesn't love you, but the one you don't love prefers you. If you think about it, you can only sigh the depth of your fate.

But isn't Murong Yu poor?