MTL - Across the Sky From the Stop of Time-v5 Chapter 1063 Home in this world is not good~~

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  Chapter 1063 My hometown in this world is not good~~

  Ladon flew all the way to the west, countless mountains, rivers and seas passed by quickly! Hao Shuai stood on top of Raton's head with his hands behind his back. No matter how strong the wind was, he remained motionless!

  Only the clothes behind him were rattling by the wind, while Hao Shuai overlooked the magnificent scene of the whole land, and couldn't help but feel a sense of heroism in his heart.

   This is the pomp that a cool mount should have!

   It stands to reason that this is not the first time for Hao Shuai to fly on a mount, so he shouldn't be so excited. But before, whether it was Xuanyu, Ugly Eagle or Nine Heavens Yellow Bird, they were all so small that Hao Shuai could only stand on their backs.

   You know, standing on the top of the head and standing on the back, the style is completely different.

   Besides their size, Xuanyu's speed cannot be compared with Raton's. Xuanyu’s flying speed is 700 to 800 kilometers per hour, but as the king of the sky, Raton’s flying speed can easily catch up with supersonic fighters. It is conceivable that its speed is at least Mach 2 Above, that is, 2500 km/h.

   This flying speed is more than three times that of Xuanyu and others!

   Besides the difference in speed, there is also a difference in comfort.

   For example, Hao Shuai is standing on top of Raton's head, right in the middle of the two dragon horns above his head!

  When Hao Shuai stood here, he felt that this position was tailor-made for Raton's master! It happened to be the only relatively flat place on the top of Raton's head, even slightly sunken downwards! This place is about ten square meters, and Hao Shuai won't feel cramped at all when standing on it, and it won't be a big problem even if there are more than ten people sitting on it!

So much so that Hao Shuai decided in his heart to find a way to fix the table and chairs on Raton's forehead when he was free, so that next time he can take Dongfang Bai and the others to drink tea and chat while driving, and even have a barbecue meeting .

  Ladon didn't know that his master was thinking of a way to weld tables and chairs on his head. At this moment, it was obeying Hao Shuai's order and flying towards the west, the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

  As Hao Shuai moved, countless high-level officials were closely watching Hao Shuai's every move.

  When they found out that they were flying all the way west, their think tank soon analyzed that Hao Shuai's destination should be the country on the other side of the ocean.

  This discovery made the high-level leaders of many countries very happy, and they hoped that Hao Shuai would make a big fuss there, and fight with that country.

  This will not only weaken the strength of competitors, but also allow them to have a deeper understanding of Hao Shuai's strength, so that they can formulate action plans against Hao Shuai.

  No way~~

  Although from the current point of view, Hao Shuai, the **** of the world, has not shown any hostility to human beings, but has been arresting giant titans.

   Even so, the high-level human beings are still panicked, fearing that Hao Shuai, the ‘god’, has settled the titan, and the next step is to spread faith and rule mankind.

   This makes the high-level human beings who are used to being the boss of human beings and domineering like this very worried. After all, no one wants to have an extra **** above their heads.

  God can exist, its function is to lead people to be good, but it cannot really exist.


  Hao Shuai didn't know the little Jiujiu in the hearts of some high-level officials in some countries. At this time, he was constantly urging Raton to speed up in order to test the limit flight speed.

  After receiving Hao Shuai's order, Raton suddenly waved his huge wings as if he wanted to show off his strength in front of his new master!

   Originally, the speed was only Mach 1, but it suddenly increased again at this moment, until it was close to the speed of Mach 2, and then stopped growing!

  At this moment, Raton spread his wings and flew a distance of thousands of meters in the blink of an eye. His huge body brought gusts of wind, leaving behind him red lights like flames, which is really beautiful!

  At this moment, it seems that Raton really lives up to the title of King of the Sky, just in terms of flying speed, there is really no titan that can compare with Radon.

  This time, Hao Shuai's destination is the flower planter's Dian Province, where the target monster queen of Hao Shuai's trip - Mothra.

  As early as 2009, through research on the mythology of the flower planter’s temple, Chen Ailin, a researcher of the Imperial Organization, discovered a series of strange sound wave disturbances in the rainforest of the flower planter’s Yunnan province.

After her team discovered ancient temples to a giant moth-like M.U.T.O, Dr. Emma Russell and her team tracked a mysterious bioacoustic signature to a previously undiscovered megalithic temple containing There is a giant cocoon, within which a racing heartbeat is detected, and this titan is none other than Mothra.

  From the Mexican island of Mara to the Yunnan province of the florist on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, the journey is more than 10,000 kilometers long. Even at the speed of Raton, it took four or five hours to see the South China Sea coastline of the florist.

  The country on the other side of the ocean has entered the highest level of alert for the arrival of Raton and Hao Shuai.

  With Hao Shuai's divine sense, he naturally found the guns and missile vehicles erected by the sea, as well as the fighter jets hovering not far away.

  Looking at the models of those fighter jets, he frowned, his hometown in this world can't do it!

  The aircraft carrier Argo from the United States is flying all over the world, and the fighter jets here are not even fifth-generation aircraft.

   What an embarrassment to my hometown of Ten Thousand Realms, the Great League!

  Thinking of this, Hao Shuai shouted towards the ground: "Let the highest person in charge here come out to see me."

  Although Hao Shuai’s voice is flat, it reveals an undeniable meaning~~

  In the battle hall in the distance, many high-level officials were shocked, and then turned to look at the leader, an old man in military uniform.

   Regardless of the wrinkles on the old man's face, no one dared to underestimate him.

  He looked at the screen, with his wings gleaming with fiery red magma, and Hao Shuai standing with his arms behind his back, and nodded solemnly: "I'll go see him."

  Although the other high-level officials do not want to let their chiefs meet with the enemy without knowing the situation of the enemy and friends, there is no way.

  The speed of the people in my hometown is really fast. Hao Shuai didn’t wait long before he saw an armed helicopter fly to the coastline and land. An old man in military uniform with three stars on his shoulder got off the helicopter.

  Seeing that the Lord was coming, Hao Shuai immediately flew down from Raton's head. Before leaving, he sent Raton away and let him find a small island to hide.

  When Hao Shuai fell to the ground, the old man walked up to him and asked with a serious face, "I wonder what your Excellency is doing at our border?"

  Hao Shuai didn't answer the old man's question right away, but said with a smile: "Is this how my hometown entertains visitors?"

   "Guests? Hospitality?" The old man was taken aback for a moment, then he was overjoyed, and said with a smile: "It's my fault. I didn't know that a distinguished guest came to the door, but I still looked at Haihan. Please come with me to sit at home."

   After finishing speaking, the old man politely made a gesture of invitation to Hao Shuai.

  (end of this chapter)