MTL - Adopting and Raising the Male Lead and the Villain-Chapter 20

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Lang Jinzhi closes the phone and whispers: "The news of Zhong Yuhuan."

Lang father sighed: "Oh, what kid are you kidnapping?"

Lang Jinzhi nodded.

Lang’s father paused and asked: “After attending the funeral of your little sister, isn’t there no longer?”

"Help her do something, and in the name of Ding Jia, adopted two children."

Grandfather responded with a cry: "Hey. Zhong Chi has indeed passed the fire. It is good to adopt two children to be able to accompany her."

Lang Jinzhi responded and thought about it. He added another sentence: "I went to eat with my grandfather last time. She also came and gave me a present."

Grandfather was surprised and said: "Is it? If she is free, she can invite her to have a meal at home."

Lang Jinzhi nodded.

Then the two did not talk about it again, but talked about other things.

However, Lang Jin is silently remembered in the bottom of my heart. can be better for the little cousin later.

After several times, Zhong Yuhuan did not succeed in going to Lang family to eat, either she was too busy, or Lang Jinzhi was too busy.

Did not wait for this meal, but first waited for the son of Xu Wei. Xu Wei dragged her suitcase and came back from school.

Zhong Yuhuan was on the railing of the third floor and looked down lazily.

"See what?" Huo Chengming came out and handed a plate of clean strawberries.

Zhong Yuhuan took a hand and put it in his mouth. He smiled and said, "Look at the son brought by Xu Wei."

Huo Chengming whispered: "If he dares to find you trouble..."

"He didn't dare." Zhong Yuhuan said, raising his hand and taking a shot of Huo Chengming's arm. His arm was slightly tightened and raised, covered with a thin layer of muscle belonging to the young man. Zhong Yuhuan was really surprised. He couldn’t help but sigh: "Wow, Cheng Ming’s brother has arm muscles."

Huo Chengming’s thoughts were suddenly stalked by her words.

His neck was red, and he said with a low voice: "Well."

During the speech, the footsteps of the downstairs have already sounded footsteps, and Xu Xiao can't hide the laughter.

"You didn't read it before, you went to school. Come over, let's go to your room first..." Xu Wei's tone is gentler and more loving than usual.

Xu Wei was thin, wearing glasses and carrying a schoolbag. There was no extra look on the face. For Xu Wei’s gentleness, he did not have any extra performance.

Xu Wei caressed his face with some distress and said: "I knew that I should not let you go to this school. It has been so long, black, thin, how it has become like this."

Xu Wei still didn't talk, but he looked up slightly and looked over the railing on the third floor.

Zhong Yuhuan looked at him with a high altitude and released a cold look unceremoniously.

Xu Wei is still chattering: "It is better to change school. Change to Murphy Middle School. Your father's friends, their children are studying in Murphy, just as you can familiarize with them, and more and more..."

Xu Wei said for a long time and found that Xu Wei did not respond at all.

"What do you see?" Xu Wei looked down at his perspective and looked up.

Xu Wei saw Zhong Yuhuan in this eye, and Xu Xiao’s smile on his face almost could not be maintained.

"Oh, she is the same age as you, but a few months older than you, you have to call your sister." Xu Wei said.

Xu Wei still did not say anything.

Xu Wei was a little angry now.

Xu Wei ignored her, and it was nothing. But in the face of Zhong Yuhuan, this is not the same. Zhong Yuhuan’s heart is not allowed to tell how to laugh.

Xu Wei pushed Xu Wei to the sofa and said, "Well, let's not go to the bedroom first, sit down and talk."

After that, Xu Xin looked up and screamed at the third floor of Zhong Yu: "Huan Huan, you will talk about it later."

Zhong Yu sang slowly and screamed: "Okay."

When she finished, she turned and asked Huo Chengming: "What about Li Jinyuan?"

"I don't know what I am doing."

"Call him, let's go down together." Zhong Yuhuan said that he opened the door to the stairs on the third floor.

Huo Chengming nodded and turned to call Li Jinyuan.

The three people slowly fell underground.

At this time, Zhong Chi also came back from the company.

Zhong Chi did not see this son for a long time, of course, the face of the father's smile was revealed.

"Well, this year, we will be together!" Zhong Chi said happily.

Xu Wei only responded with a low voice.

This made Zhong Chi a little disappointed, and a loving father immediately went five points.

Especially waiting for Zhong Chi to see at a glance, sitting on the opposite sofa, Zhong Yuhuan three.

Huo Chengming and Li Jinyuan were brought back from the welfare home, but they all have outstanding looks and put on simple sweater trousers. It is really a bit of a genius.

On the contrary, Xu Wei, wearing a school uniform of the thirteenth in the body, but he is also very thin, it seems that there is a kind of incomprehensible feeling.

No matter how you look at it, it is not like a young master.

The contrast is so strong, Zhong Chi's heart is even less happy.

So he sank his face and said: "How many times have I said that reading is appropriate, and good grades, it should be what you have to do. But should not be read as a nerd. What is the use of nerds? Do you rely on the knowledge of the book in your head to manage the business?"

The look on Xu Wei’s face was even more gloomy, and he slowly responded: “Well.”

Xu Wei did not intervene.

She would like to be able to fulfill her father's duties now and teach more about Xu Wei.

The more severe Zhong Chi is, the more it shows that he has expectations for his son?

Zhong Yuhuan looked at this scene and felt funny.

It turns out that this "family of four" is also full of thoughts, not really close.

Xu Wei did not understand the thoughts of her son and daughter. The son and daughter could not understand her. They could not reach a consensus with Zhongchi.

All of this is just barely supported by Xu Wei alone. On the surface, it looks like a happy, but in fact, with a finger, it will go down.

In the evening, everyone sat down to eat together.

The table manners of Huo Chengming and Li Jinyuan are all taught by Zhong Yuhuan. Where else will it be worse?

On the contrary, Xu Wei was once again compared.

The face of Zhong Chi is getting darker and darker.

He can't stand his son, but he is better than the kid brought back by the welfare home!

Xu Wei saw that Zhong Chi’s face was not good, and he did not dare to mention it at this moment. He recognized Xu Wei as a member of the Zhong family.

This meal, Zhong Yuhuan three people had a very good meal.

Others, but no one has eaten well.

Zhong Yuhuan put down the tableware in his hand and wiped his mouth. He whispered: "We went upstairs first."

Zhong Chi deliberately wants to teach a teacher Xu Wei, and immediately does not say: "Go."

Zhong Yuhuan is now the soul of an adult, so it is possible to clearly distinguish between good and bad, and can endure many things, such as studying hard, watching countless hard books...

Huo Chengming and Li Jinyuan have a natural aura. Of course, learning things is especially fast, and no one needs education.

Xu Wei is different. He has no aura, and his body is still the soul that is old enough. The stricter education and reprimand of Zhong Chi will cause him to rebound.

So Zhong Yu smiled and said, "Goodbye."

After they got upstairs, it didn't take long for the effort to break the cup.

Fortunately, two years ago, the more things Zhongchi grasps in his hands, the more dictatorial his dictatorship becomes, and the more and more patience. The cup is light.

Waiting for the floor, Li Jinyuan suddenly stopped Zhong Yuhuan.

"Well? What happened?" Zhong Yuhuan looked at him in confusion, waiting for him to say.

Li Jinyuan smiled softly and slyly: "I am ready, when will we go together?"

Zhong Yuhuan licked his head: "So fast?"

Li Jinyuan whispered: "Unhappy, 130 days, 3120 hours. You can do a lot of things."

Huo Chengming said on the side: "I am ready."

Zhong Yuhuan blinked.

It turned out that it has been so long.

Has it been so long since she adopted them to the Zhong family?

"Let's wait." Zhong Yuhuan said.

"Why?" Li Jinyuan asked in confusion.

"In the future, I still have to go back to China. The circle is very important. All the students I have come across will become your circle in the future. It is better to wait until you are more familiar and then leave." Zhong Yuhuan said.

She did not know how the original Huo Chengming started from scratch.

But if there is a natural aura, plus a strong circle of people, will the future possibilities not become bigger?

Li Jinyuan is the same.

With a large number of contacts, in the future he will enter the entertainment circle, it will not be as hard as he did in the original.

"Listen to you." Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming said almost in unison.

Zhong Yuhua nodded and said: "Go, go to sleep."

There is still sound downstairs.

But Zhong Yuhuan has no intention to listen.

In short, after the original body was replaced by her, now Zhong Yuhuan and Xu Yuxi, Xu Wei and others are not at all a level.

They are counting on the things that Zhongchi is counting, just thinking about it, not thinking about self-reliance.

They make friends with each other.

And Zhong Yuhuan is different.

In the future, Huo Chengming and Li Jinyuan will be different.


Xu Wei returned to the school in Zhongji Villa not long after returning to school.

He said that the school asked to return to school earlier, but Zhong Yuxiang guessed that he could not stand the lessons of Zhong Chi.

Xu Wei also began to knock side-by-side hints, let Zhong Chi take the lead to transfer Xu Wei to Murphy Middle School.

Zhong Chi also had such a plan. He did not want to recognize Xu Wei in the future and set up a banquet. As a result, Xu Wei came out and was rustic, which led to the whole upper circle laughing.


Zhong Yu finished his third day and went to high school.

Xu Wei and Xu Yuxi read the five million that Zhong Yuhuan got at the beginning. As a result, the memory of the present, Zhong Yuhuan has not moved out.

Xu Wei is not good at Zhangkou and Zhong Chi.

Zhong Chi had forgotten the five million.

After all, since then, Zhong Yuhuan has not tossed much. It is also a good thing for him to change his mind.

Xu Yuxi can not care about Xu Wei’s troubles at this moment, and he will not think about caring for his younger brother.

She couldn't catch the young master of South, but after many blind date, she finally caught the younger brother of Nanxiao, Nan Xuyang.

And Zhong Yuhuan took the first place in the new exam.

A group of small rich second generation squatted to help her to run a small party to celebrate the first place.

When it was time for the party, Yang Sen asked her: "When is Zhong Yuhuan going abroad?"

"Look again, what about you?"

"If we prepare for another half a year, we will almost be able to leave."

It was only after Zhong Yuhuan’s reaction that they were eager to go abroad, just waiting for her letter.

Zhong Yu laughed: "Okay, then it's all ready now, see you abroad."

The author has something to say: Zhong Yuhuan: There is no _(:зゝ∠)_