MTL - After Becoming a Male God, I Broke Three Big Guys-~ I skipped the second class and left. "

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The beautiful young man in front of him had such an expression on his face, he nodded and said, "Okay, I understand, thank you."

"Do you have anything to do with him?" Ye Xiaoxiao squeezed the blackboard brush, "If there is an emergency, I can give you his phone number."

"Ah, no need." The boy curled his lips helplessly, "He won't take it."

Ye Xiaoxiao hesitated: "If there is an emergency, I can help you."

"Really?" A playful smile appeared on his face, "Then I'll trouble you."

"Boye, I'm Ye Xiaoxiao."

"I'm fine, someone is looking for you."

With that said, Ye Xiaoxiao handed over her mobile phone to Bai Qing.

Bai Qing took the phone and smiled softly, "Hey~, brother."

There was no response, and the phone was hung up with a beep. Bo Qing had expected it early, and returned the phone to her indifferently.

"...You are Bai Ye's younger brother?"

Bai Qing tilted his head, "Is it hard to tell?"

"You guys don't look alike..." Compared to Bai Ye's invincibility, the young man in front of him was more like a noble boy from an oil painting, who seemed approachable but unattainable.

"I don't think so either." The corners of his mouth evoked a mocking arc.

I counted it, including everyone's comments, a total of 82~( ̄▽ ̄~)~ But although there is no big fat chapter, I updated the duck in advance! I'm awesome!