MTL - After Being Forced To Become a Boss, I Just Want To Be a Salted Fish-Chapter 1061 Block Rose Manor

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  Chapter 1061 Blocking Rose Manor

   This is not only the first time, they will be hindered in almost every mission after that.

  Lu Ning stared at it with frowned.

   "Organized and premeditated, you can fall into such a trap time and time again."

  She looked up and glanced at them.

   "From today onwards, all missions are terminated, and no one is allowed to step out of Rose Manor!"

  The hall master who came late immediately said sharply: "No! All the next tasks must be completed. Rose Manor never does anything without credit."

  Lu Ning looked up at him, his eyes were as cold as water: "Rose Manor never digs its own grave!"

   "Tasks fail one after another, is this credit! It's useless!"

   "Every time a mission is launched, there are people ambushing. Don't you all see the strangeness of this matter!"

  The hall master's face turned pale, and he was eager to argue: "I can see, but..."

   "I can see why I still want to go! Take everyone's life and pile up this task!"

   "It's not credit, it's brainlessness!"

   Lu Ning finished speaking in a deep voice, and got up directly.

   "From today onwards, the Rose Manor will be sealed off, and everyone is not allowed to go out. If you dare to disobey, let the Law Enforcement Hall take you away."

  After Lu Ning’s words fell, everyone trembled subconsciously. The door of the Law Enforcement Hall is not easy to enter.

  Looking at Lu Ning at this moment, no one dared to say a word more.

  Lu Ning walked away, passing by the hall master, both of them looked very ugly.

  The rest of the people looked at each other, got up and left without saying anything.

  The current Rose Manor really needs a leader to make decisions, instead of blindly continuing to issue tasks as before, which is not beneficial.

  The arrival of Lu Ning can be regarded as a stable point for everyone who is in a panic.

   Rose Manor urgently recalled everyone, and then sealed it off. Except for the guards outside, no one has ever seen anyone come in or out.

  Lu Ning learned about the current situation in Yizhou.

  Wolf League, Yi League, and Shura, the three parties joined forces, it must be to destroy the Rose Manor, and then the three parties will benefit, but now the Wolf League has been wiped out by Lu Ning, interrupting their plan unintentionally.

   The League of Legends and Shura should still be discussing new countermeasures. They didn't take action against Rose Manor immediately, but ambushed their missionaries.

  Now they dare not approach Rose Manor, probably because they don't know the situation inside Rose Manor.

   Probably waiting for internal chaos, and then killing with one blow.

  But with Lu Ning's reappearance, the blockade of Rose Manor disrupted their plans again.

   Rose Manor, which seemed to be in a state of disunity, suddenly blocked everyone from going out, which is very wrong.

  But the people from the League of Legends and Shura repeatedly inquired, but failed to find out why.

   This annoys people on both sides a bit.

  For a while, I couldn't figure out what the people in Rose Manor were going to do.

  Lu Ning has been investigating the situation of the League and Shura in recent days, and has also been questioned by insiders.

  There are many people in Rose Manor, everyone has their place, and everyone has a different sense of Lu Ning in their hearts.

  Take the blockade of Rose Manor as an example. Some people think it is right, but some people think it is a sign of weakness, which will make people outside feel that they are hiding.

  Lu Ning knew this but didn't care.

  She needs to make the most correct judgment after fully understanding the situation.

  (end of this chapter)