MTL - After Dressing Up As a Stepmother, I Transformed the Whole Family Into Working In the Fields-Chapter 260 Drinking, playing cards and swearing at your mother

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Chapter 260: Drinking, playing cards and swearing

Seeing the hesitation of the guards, Qi Xianguan became angry.

 But Qin Yao was kind to him to help him out, and Liu Ji was her husband, so he still had to give him face.

He suppressed his anger and reminded Liu Ji that he would not miss the gift of thanks he deserved, and asked him not to make such unreasonable demands as being his master's disciple again.

 Liu Jicai didn't care about him, this little kid didn't have any say.

Looking helplessly at Gong Liangxiao, who never spoke a word from the beginning to the end, letting his apprentice blow his hair, and kept drinking porridge and watching the theater.

Qi Xianguan was sure that his master would not fall in love with Liu Ji, a free-spirited country boy, so he puffed up his chest with great confidence.

He heard Liu Ji continue to mutter, "This is the famous Confucian Gong Liangliao. If I can become his teacher, will I still worry about not passing the imperial examination?"

When Liu Ji said this, he looked proud that if he could wait for his husband to go to the toilet, his life would be complete. Even Qi Xianguan felt that if he rejected him, it would be a bit unfair for this country man who had never seen the big world. Too cruel.

Saburo liked to eat soft food, so he tore the scones into pieces and poured them into the soup. He used a wooden spoon to take large gulps into his mouth. He was sweating while eating, and it looked delicious.

As soon as they got up, they all packed their luggage. Now they stuffed it into the carriage, then put the tent away, took the horses out and put them on the carriage, and it was done.

Along the way, Liu Ji's hearty "hahaha" sounds came from the carriage from time to time. Occasionally, a few coughs from Gong Lianglian, who was obviously suppressing laughter, aroused everyone's eyebrows and curiosity about what he had talked to Mr. What.

Qi Xianguan raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect that Liu Ji was also henpecked.

 Suddenly, a cold question sounded outside the tent: "Where is the breakfast I asked you to make?!"

Liu Ji was so flattered that he almost shook the soup bowl in his hand. He quickly put it down and pointed at the tents, carriages, pots, pans, etc. that had not been tidied up yet, "Madam, our house hasn't been tidied up yet. I'll leave them." Isn’t it good for you to be alone?”

“My husband likes me to help him go to the toilet, so I won’t stop along the way. Guard brothers, just keep your husband safe, and leave the rest to me.”

The sun gradually came up. Seeing that Qin Yao had packed up, the Ding family and Liu Li's master and servant also sped up their actions.

Qin Yao's family of six sat around the door of the tent to have breakfast, a mouthful of scones and a mouthful of bone soup, which was delicious and fragrant.

 I thought the master would show disgust.

Gong Liangliao finished the porridge slowly and put down the porridge bowl. Then he raised his eyes to look at the big and small people in front of him. He covered up the teasing in his eyes and said, "You guys."

But Qin Yao didn't have much work to do. After breakfast, the four Dalang brothers and sisters took the pots and pans to the spring to wash them clean.

 The corner of the Taoist temple wall.

Before leaving, Liu Ji leaned into Qin Yao's ear and shared with her mysteriously, "Madam, do you know why your husband has the title of weird madman?"

 The Qi family walked in the front, followed by the Ding family, and then the Qin Yao and Liu Li families.

Unexpectedly, Master, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, as if he had discovered something interesting?


 He must have seen it wrong!

“Oh, we’re up. I’ll serve breakfast right now. Madam, please eat more. When we’re full, we’ll set off.”

He originally thought that Liu Ji was so flattering to his master that it was annoying, but he didn't expect that he would be so humble in front of his wife.

Everyone in the tent looked at Liu Ji who was clinging to Gong Liangxiao's sleeve, and saw that the man who had been shameless just now quickly let go of his hand as if facing a formidable enemy, picked up the obstructive scholar's robe, and rushed out of the tent. Got out.

Liu Li witnessed the whole process next to a family of six. He looked at Liu Ji and then at Qin Yao, who smiled and stood up to take the initiative to clean up the pots and pans. She was very supportive of Liu Ji and secretly clenched her fists, hating that she was too thin-skinned.

So Liu Ji sat on Gong Liangliao's carriage.

“Go and help the old man pack up his things. There’s nothing you can’t see.” Qin Yao decisively pushed Liu Ji out who was about to move.

After seeing Qin Yao patting her chest and saying that this would be left to her, she didn't hesitate for even half a second, "Haha" and walked towards the opposite side with a smile, grabbing every opportunity to get close to Gong Liangliao to do the work.

“What are you doing there?” Qin Yao asked in a low voice.

During the lunch break, Liu Jicai got down from the carriage for a while, prepared the lunch for his family, and then returned to the carriage to serve Gong Liangxiao.

Qin Yao slowly put the last piece of scone into her mouth, tilted her head, and looked at Liu Ji in disbelief. She was too small!

 She thought Liu Ji only wanted some gold, silver and yellow and white things, but she didn't expect that he still had such thoughts!

Liu Ji has not returned to his carriage since he was sent out by Qin Yao. From the moment he set off, he squeezed into Gong Liangxiao's carriage.

 After all, he just wanted to help his husband go to the toilet, so what bad intentions could he have!

Qi Xianguan shook his head vigorously and looked at his master's face again. Well, he was gloomy and indifferent, contemptuous of everything. This was the master he knew. He had indeed seen it wrong just now.

 Liu Ji was chewing on the scones, but his eyes were staring at the tent opposite without blinking.

“But madam, you look best when you are angry.”

 “Liu Ji!”

It’s so refreshing and funny!

Master hates spineless men the most. Thinking of this, Qi Xianguan immediately looked at his master's expression.

 Liu Li and Ding Shi just wanted to see Gong Liangliao, but failed to get in. This made him feel that he had great hope of becoming a disciple of the great Confucian scholar.

The speed is so fast that one can only see an afterimage, and he is afraid that if he is half a step slower, he will encounter some catastrophic disaster.

 At the Qi family's side, there were many people. They had already set up their carriages and packed their tents. They just waited for the master to finish his breakfast before setting off.

When the sun completely shines down, everyone is ready and sets off together.

He asked this question, but he had already taken a step back with his left foot, ready to turn around and go to the opposite side at any time.

"We saved them, but we can't save them in vain. I have to ask for some benefits." Liu Jixiao muttered. Qin Yao glared at him, and was about to say that he should not be too greedy, but Qi Xianguan had already said that he would give him a gift of thanks, so that was enough.

Gong Liangliao felt a strong wind blowing in front of his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, the person was gone and the fun was gone.

  Patting his chest, the little boy secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

There were five carriages and more than thirty people in their group. They looked like they were not easy to mess with. The refugees they met along the way no longer had the courage to come around and grab food. At most, some of them were holding children or supporting old people. Begging before.

 His reasons are also impeccable.

Liu Ji's hard-working and flattering voice came from outside the tent: "Madam, breakfast is here, here it is! I will take the pot to Brother Shitou and let us learn cooking skills from him. The big bones are boiling. Are the children up?"

Maybe it was because Liu Jijian had just finished cleaning the toilet. Qin Yao felt a strange smell when he was near him. She resisted the instinct to dodge and asked, holding her breath, "Why?"

Liu Ji was disliked by Qin Yao for more than once or twice. He didn't think much about it. He laughed awkwardly before replying: "Gong Liangxiao even curses his mother when he drinks and plays cards!"

 (End of this chapter)