MTL - After Playing the Fool and Marrying the Blind Villain [Transmigration]-Chapter 79

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The figure only lingered in Pei Yi's peripheral vision for a second before disappearing around the corner, hidden by the wall without a trace.

Li Yuan took two or three steps forward, only to realize that his friend hadn't followed, "Will, what are you looking at?"

"It's nothing, maybe it's a mistake?"

Pei Yi followed, thinking honestly that he could not hide anything, "Liyuan, I always thought I saw Ke Ming just now. Do you know that he will come to participate in the competition this time?"

"Ke Ming?"

Li Yu'an heard this long-lost name, and unconsciously felt a chill between his brows, "I don't know, since "The Last Mist" got busy, I haven't paid attention to him and his studio for a long time."

Since the last round of the gm competition, they hadn't seen Ke Ming again. Even Xiang Nansheng, who had previously worked with the other party, was hired to Ywy studio after leaving.

"I heard that there was a server bug in "Looking for Another World" last time, which caused Youming Studio to lose a lot of money."

"Except for brother Xiang who was 'forced' to resign, even the investment partners of "Alien Beast" they found also ran away."

Li Yu'an told all he knew about the situation, but also kept a trace of vigilance, "How about I call Brother Xiang and ask him to help inquire about the situation?"

Pei Yi shook his head, "Forget it, don't bother him so late, we will know the situation tomorrow at the latest."

Li Yu'an stopped thinking, "Then let's put it aside, whether he comes or not, we still have to go through our own process."

This time it is not a competition of "choose one from two", but "choose three from twenty". As the participating producers, they are under more pressure. At the same time, the organizers will also pursue fairness and justice.

After all, this game design competition has been held for the eighth time, and the word "original" is the first one—

If Ke Ming still used the level of plagiarism in "Alien Beast" to cheat and cheat, he probably wouldn't get any rankings.

With the same thought in mind, Pei Yi patted his friend on the shoulder, "Let's go, go have a late-night snack, I can already smell the aroma from the restaurant."

Li Yu'an smiled back, "Okay."

On the first night in Haishi, Pei Yi still couldn't fall asleep quickly.

But fortunately, the jacket he brought has the familiar scent of his lover, and after falling asleep, he feels more at ease than when he is in a strange environment.

The alarm clock rang exactly at eight o'clock.

Pei Yi was forced to wake up in her sleep, and instinctively mumbled, "Second brother, shut it down."

It's just that as soon as he said these words, he was half asleep and half awake, and realized the environment he was in—

This is not Bo's house, and Bo Yueming is not by his side.


A trace of indescribable loss shook in Pei Yi's heart. After fumbling to turn off the alarm, he forced himself to sit up.

He patted his sleepy eyes, and shouted to his friend who also liked to sleep under the quilt in the next bed, "Liyuan, it's eight o'clock, it's time to wake up."


Li Yu'an, who was huddled under the quilt, responded and remained silent. Obviously, he also had trouble getting up.

The opening ceremony of the competition is scheduled at nine o'clock. I heard that there will be media reporters and live broadcasts. As representatives of the ywy studio, they can't be late for their first appearance.

Pei Yi remembered the business, turned over and got out of bed, "I'll go wash up first, Liyuan you are also sober."

Li Yu'an leaked half of his head from under the quilt, and was about to wake up, "Yeah."

When Pei Yi came out after washing, Li Yu'an had already got up.

The eyes of the two faced each other in mid-air.

Li Yu'an saw his friend who had tidied things up properly, and there was a trace of admiration in his sleepy eyes, "Are you usually not lying in bed at home? How can you just get up when you wake up?"

Pei Yi thought of her "no hands and no feet" when she was at home, raised her eyebrows and bragged, "Yeah, isn't it amazing?"


Li Yu'an nodded weakly, but did not delay the business, "Give me fifteen minutes, I am used to getting up early, taking a shower to wake up, and re-doing my hair by the way."


Pei Yi picked up the phone and glanced at the time, "I'll call you when the time comes, it's just right to leave twenty minutes for dinner."

Wait until the bathroom door is re-locked.

Pei Yi, who had nothing to do, fell back on the bed again, and touched the coat on the bed with his fingertips. He couldn't help turning his head away, and buried his head in the coat childishly—

The light ebony mixed with a hint of mint is their breath.

"I don't know if the second brother is awake?"

Just as Pei Yi vaguely uttered these words, the vibrating sound of the mobile phone came over. He realized something with a tacit understanding, and clicked on WeChat to see—

Sure enough, it was the message from Bo Yueming: "Little cat, are you up yet?"

Pei Yi thought of her friend in the bathroom, so she hid in the cloakroom while making a video call.

It took less than three seconds for the call invitation to be sent, and the other end was connected.

Pei Yi looked at Bo Yueming on the screen, the corners of her lips raised, "Second brother, good morning."

When Bo Yueming saw his lover who was rare to get up early at this hour, he let out a smile, "Good morning, it seems that you didn't sleep in today?"

"I'm afraid I'll be late to sign in at nine o'clock, and I don't dare to sleep in without you by my side."

Pei Yi's ending sound also has a hint of coquettishness, which is a small tone that only Bo Yueming knows.

Bo Yueming asked again, "What's the arrangement for today?"

"The morning is the opening ceremony, and it seems that there will be a live broadcast of the whole process, and the exchange meeting will be in the afternoon."

Pei Yi briefly outlined the schedule, then put the phone on the cabinet again—

"Second brother, help me choose, which one is more suitable to wear today?"

With that said, he picked up two sets of clothes.

Bo Yueming laughed, "How old are you? Do you want me to choose clothes?"

Pei Yi was not convinced, "This is called—even if you are in a different place, you have to participate in each other's lives, understand?"

When he first confirmed that he wanted to pursue Bo Yueming, he read a lot of love secrets on the Internet, some of them were ridiculous, but this one still made sense.

Bo Yueming was persuaded by him, and chose a suit together, "Wear the beige coat, I will find a similar color to wear later."

When Pei Yi heard the second half of the sentence, she immediately smiled, "Okay."

Video calls are short and sweet.

Pei Yi who hung up the phone quickly got dressed, but still wore an extra layer of mask and peaked cap. He and Li Yu'an ordered out the door, planning to have breakfast at the last moment.

—Ding dong!

The elevator doors swung open.

The two had just stepped out of the elevator when a familiar greeting sounded, "Hey, isn't this Mr. Li? Long time no see."

I haven't seen each other for nearly four or five months, but Ke Ming's face is still so annoying.


A trace of disgust flashed across Pei Yi's eyebrows and eyes hidden under the peaked cap, and she couldn't help but look at her friend.

Really narrow road, bad luck.

People who are also in the game production circle, the reason why they can appear here is nothing more than that-Ke Ming really brought his project to participate in the original game design competition!

Ke Ming's eyes fell on the heavily armed Pei Yi again, and he couldn't recognize him for a while, "Who is this?"

Li Yu'an took a quick step forward obliquely to block Ke Ming's view of his friend's inquiry, "Mr. Ke, it's been a long time, and I didn't expect to meet you here."

"I don't know what game masterpieces Mr. Ke has developed by himself during this period of time?"

When Pei Yi heard Li Yu'an's "connotation", the corners of his mouth hidden under the mask raised.

He has been in contact with cooperation for too long, and he almost forgot his friend's venomous tongue. This time when he met Ke Ming, the familiar feeling returned.


How could Ke Ming fail to hear Li Yu'an's yin and yang aura?

When he was bidding for capital in GM, Lou Yang accused him of plagiarizing the "Alien Beast" produced by You Ming Studio on the spot, which not only lost his investment, but also ruined his face.

Ke Ming held back his anger, pretending he didn't understand, "Mr. Xiao Li was joking, since he was lucky enough to be shortlisted for this year's competition, the big guys naturally have works, and you want to come to your company for the game "End Mist", right? "

Before the lingering sound landed, Ke Ming pretended to make a mistake, "Oh, I'm sorry, I heard that Mr. Li had some family accidents some time ago?"

"Now Liming Games is not your company anymore? So what is W Studio?"

Seeing Ke Mingming's mocking face, Pei Yi's eyes turned cold.

Li Yu'an asked, "Mr. Ke, what do you want to say?"

"I didn't want to say anything, I just wanted to encourage Mr. Li." Ke Ming approached, and patted Li Yu'an's shoulder without waiting for agreement, "I firmly believe that no matter how small a studio is, it can be done under your leadership." grow into a big company."

Pei Yi let out a sneer.

Ke Ming's attention shifted over, he saw Pei Yi's eyes covered under the peaked cap, there was always an indescribable sense of familiarity.

But in an instant, those seemingly warm eyes turned cold by a degree—

"From a studio to a big company." Pei Yi's voice was slightly lowered, and he asked deliberately, "How many years has You Ming Studio been established? Why hasn't it developed into a big company under your leadership?"


Pei Yi imitated his tone just now, "Oh, I'm sorry, it should be that Mr. Ke hasn't encouraged him enough?"

Li Yu'an curled his lips and said sarcastically, "Where does Mr. Ke have time to encourage? He specialized in studying the works of his peers and studied hard."

The two of you glanced at me and said a word, and sent the ridicule into Ke Ming's ears.

Ke Ming's face turned green, and he felt an indescribable aggrieved feeling of being belittled.

Li Yu'an was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with him, "Mr. Ke, excuse me first, let's save our real skills and see the real chapter in the competition."

Pei Yi agreed with his friend, and left Ke Ming in tacit agreement with him, and walked towards the restaurant.


Ke Ming looked at the backs of the two, and cursed depressedly, "Fuck, what are you talking about?"

No matter how bad Liming games were in the past, it would be considered a well-ranked production company in the Huaguo game circle if you look back a decade or so back. Reporting past performances can still support the scene.

What is left of Li Yu'an now?

A little-known game studio, still thinks it has a big company as its backer?

Don't you just know that you have no reputation right now, so you want to use this competition to gild the title of the studio? What are you putting on here!

The assistant who stayed silent at the back came forward and reminded with a blank expression, "Mr. Ke, there are only fifteen minutes left before the opening ceremony. Shall we go up now?"

Ke Ming looked at the assistant sent from the headquarters to help, and he felt relieved, "Yes."

& No matter how powerful the business investment is, it is only a company outside the circle after all. How can it compare to the backer he has found now, which is the real capital of the game circle!

We'll see!

He will get back all the humiliation he suffered when he lost the competition for capital in this competition!

In the 24-hour cafeteria.

Pei Yi and Li Yu'an only chose a few simple meals, and chose to sit in the farthest corner by the window.

Li Yu'an took a sip of soy milk and asked in a low voice, "Will, do you think Ke Ming..."

Pei Yi chewed a poached egg and said, "It's cheap."

"I'm not talking about his character." Li Yu'an laughed, trying to find a suitable way of expression, "I think when he talked to us just now, he was clearly superior to others?"

What small studio? What big company?

Pei Yi swallowed the poached egg, and guessed intuitively, "He should have attracted a very good investment or partner for the studio, at least the other party's influence in the game circle is higher than that of the second brother and their gm, and even—"

Li Yu'an was brought into his thoughts by him, "Even what?"

"It's very likely that it will be a big shot in the industry, or the current top game team." Pei Yi said his inner thoughts in detail, "What do you think?"

Li Yu'an remembered the sarcasm in Ke Ming's words, "I think we need to find someone to find out, Ke Ming is definitely not a magnanimous and easy-going personality."

You must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart to guard against others.

Now that Yuanjialuzhai met again, what if the opponent made another move in this competition? Being prepared is never a bad thing.

Pei Yi nodded in agreement.

Li Yu'an took out his mobile phone, "Then may I trouble Brother Xiang to inquire about it?"

"You can ask, but brother Xiang alone may not be enough."

After all, the other party had left You Ming's studio for a while.

Pei Yi stuffed the remaining half of a poached egg into his mouth, and took out his mobile phone. He quickly searched for Lin Zhong's WeChat account, and typed a line—

"Lin Zhong, are you there?"

"If you have time, find someone to help me check the content of Ke Ming and his studio. The more detailed the better."

Bo's network of contacts has always been the widest. Apart from looking for Xiang Nansheng who once worked with Ke Ming, he had to rely on this kind of external force to inquire.

Lin Zhong's news came quickly—

"Okay, little sir!"

"I will arrange it when I arrive at the group later, and I will give you an answer before five o'clock today at the latest."

Pei Yi finished the brief assignment and glanced at the time at the top of the screen, only the last three minutes were left.

"Liyuan, are you full? It's almost time to go."

Li Yu'an also sent Xiang Nansheng a WeChat message, and drank the remaining half cup of soy milk, "Well, let's go."

The opening ceremony will be held in the stage hall on the seventeenth floor.

When Pei Yi and Li Yu'an arrived, the staff responsible for signing in immediately greeted them, "Hi, are you Mr. Li and Mr. Will?"

"Yes." Li Yu'an took the initiative to speak, "Sorry, are we the latest to come?"

The staff quickly explained and led them to the check-in office, "No, no, the two gentlemen came just in time, and there are others who haven't arrived yet."

The two quickly completed the check-in under the gesture of the staff.

Pei Yi turned around sharply, but accidentally bumped into someone else's shoulder.


The other party gently grabbed his arm, then politely let go, "Sorry, I was in a hurry and couldn't stop in time."


Pei Yi returned lightly, looked up,

The other party wore a dark blue suit and looked refined.

After the two of them nodded at each other, this little accident was overturned.

Under the guidance of the staff, Pei Yi and Li Yu'an found their own positions. In the middle of the fifth row, the overall vision was pretty good.

Li Yu'an looked at the camera seats on and off the stage, as well as the media reporters scattered on both sides, and sighed to his friends in a low voice, "It seems that the organizer really attaches great importance to this competition."

Just an opening ceremony took a lot of manpower and financial resources.

Pei Yi replied in a low voice, "Think about it, as long as there is a blockbuster in a session, the organizers will be able to make money back."

Li Yu'an smiled lowly, "That's right."

The high-intensity exposure of each competition is accompanied by certain equivalent exchange conditions.

The game projects shortlisted in the top three will sign an advertising agreement with the final sponsor, in other words—

The producer needs to hand over 30% of the advertising copyright after the game is released and within one year.

In this way, the interests of both parties are tied together.

The preheating of the exposure of this wave of opening ceremony seems to be the organizers making wedding dresses for others and driving the expectations of the game players in front of the screen. In fact, the organizers are considering long-term interests.

Pei Yi asked casually, "Did you see Ke Ming?"

Li Yu'an whispered to him, "The fourth from the left in the third row."

Pei Yi looked in the direction indicated by his friend. Just in time, the staff led the man in the dark blue suit whom he had seen outside the arena just now, and the man sat in the middle of the third row.

A trace of consideration flashed in Pei Yi's eyes, "Liyuan, do you think this location arrangement will be particular?"

Li Yu'an shook his head, "I'm not sure about this, the organizer shouldn't watch people order dishes, right?"

As soon as the voice fell, the lights of the audience were completely turned on.

The opening ceremony of the 8th Original Game Design Contest officially started, and the overall process is not too complicated—

First, I recalled the history of the previous seven sessions, the final award-winning production of each session, and the current situation of the game.

In addition, we will introduce the company studios of the 20 shortlisted producers one by one, as well as the exposure treatment and support of this year's winners after winning.

"—Xingyun Fun Tour, "Trace"."

When Pei Yi heard the familiar name of the studio, her eyes froze slightly.

Li Yu'an on the side also reacted, "Will, this company bought the game you designed before, right?"

There was a hint of a smile at the end of Pei Yi's eyes, "I said it took so long to warm up years ago, why didn't I post it all the time? I'm just waiting for this wave."

Although the name of the game has been slightly changed, it literally means that it should be the mobile game of "finding traces at the scene of the crime" that he constructed.

Li Yu'an joked, "Mr. Will, do you think "The Last Mist" can beat "Trace"?"

Pei Yi joked back, "The palms and backs of the hands are full of meat, how about winning the prize together?"

"So confident? Are you afraid of being overheard by your peers?"

"It's okay, you asked first."

The two chatted a few words in a low voice, and then heard the host introduce on the stage——

"Cicada's studio, obliterate the strange beast."

Li Yu'an frowned slightly when he heard this sentence, "The studio has changed its name?"

Pei Yi answered, "But it sounds like the game related to 'Alien Beast' has changed a lot."

Li Yu'an hesitated to speak.

Pei Yi saw his friend's doubts, and signaled him to be calm with his eyes.

It will be the host's turn to introduce their studio soon, and if you have any questions, you have to wait until the opening ceremony is over.

The opening ceremony is over.

Pei Yi and his friends returned to the hotel room, took out their phone and took a look.

Bo Yueming sent him a screenshot of the live broadcast half an hour ago, "After watching it for so long, I only had two or three seconds of footage when I introduced your studio."

Pei Yi took off her sultry mask, smiled and resumed typing, "Bo Dong, aren't you concentrating on your work? Why are you peeking at such a boring live broadcast of the opening ceremony?"

Not long after the text message was sent, Bo Yueming received a video call.

Pei Yi connected, "Second brother, why are you still making video calls? Are you really not busy today?"

"It's almost lunch break, and didn't you tell Lin Zhong to help you find information?"

Bo Yueming moved his eyes to the screen, and then walked to the rest area of ​​the office with the computer on the phone.

Lin Zhong's figure appeared in the video immediately, "Mr. Xiao, some basic information has been found. Director Bo is afraid that you will be anxious, so let me give you a general overview, and we will continue when there are more supplements."

Pei Yi was thinking about business, and greeted Li Yu'an who was beside him, "Li Yuan, come and hear about You Ming."

Li Yu'an approached and revealed, "Brother Xiang is telling me that Youming Studio has a new investment partner, and the name was changed a while ago."

"The "Obliteration of Alien Beasts" we heard not long ago is the one they were going to release before."

I'm just not sure if the settings in the game have changed, and how much.

Pei Yi put her hands on the table and said, "Lin Zhong, what did you find?"

Lin Zhong on the screen took a look at Bo Yueming, and repeated in agreement with the other party's eyes, "Mr. Li, Mr. Li, you should know the two top game production companies in China right now."


Weiyi Game and Xunya Technology, the two companies occupy more than half of the entire Huaguo market.

Especially in the past five years, various games under the two brands have been fighting each other.

A thought flashed through Pei Yi, "What? Did Ke Ming get investment sponsorship from the two of them?"

"Not quite."

Lin Zhong didn't play charades anymore, "I checked Youming Studio for the first time today, which is the current stock composition of Chanming Studio—"

The first legal person and shareholder is Ke Ming, and the second shareholder has been changed to You Chang.

"You Chang?"

Pei Yi heard this strange name and looked at her friend.

Li Yu'an also shook his head, "It is said that he is a person in the game circle. I should have heard of it more or less, but I am also unfamiliar with this name."

"This shareholder's name may be unfamiliar, but he should have heard of the game company under his control." Lin Zhong found out by following the clues, "Youchang has a game company called Nanchan."


Li Yu'an realized in an instant, "A subsidiary of Xunya Technology?"

Lin Zhong nodded, "Yes."

From the early days of Nanchan's establishment, it mainly focused on single-player mini-games. In the past two years, it has been tepid, and almost all the development costs invested in it were in vain.

Later, Youchang invested and took over the studio, and one of the stand-alone mini-games exploded.

Of course, because they are backed by Xunya Technology, they can almost make huge profits in the short term through the free publicity through various channels of their backer.

Pei Yi had a vague impression of the company "Nanchan", "I remember that the games they have always seemed to have nothing to do with plagiarism?"

"Where is the edge, they are exactly the same, and they only pick overseas small games." Li Yu'an's eyes showed shame—

Change the icon npc a bit, change the game interface, change the bgm a bit, and it can be put on the shelves as a brand new mini game.

Once words such as "plagiarism" are exposed, they will be taken off the shelves directly.

It seems that netizens successfully resisted, but what's the use?

The short-term popularity is enough for their producers to make enough money, and after two or three months, they can make a comeback with other small games.

As for the behind-the-scenes producer of "Nanchan", one is that netizens who follow the trend of playing games rarely remember it, and the other is that it is escorted by Xunya Technology, and it is still very stable until now.

However, after working on short-term small games for a long time, it is estimated that I want to upgrade and open up new paths towards mobile games.

"One has the prototype of the game, but lacks investment; the other is not short of money, but lacks the game structure."

Li Yu'an roughly guessed the reason for the cooperation between the two parties, "I guess that's how they see each other."

Look at each other?

Pei Yi recalled the disgusting plagiarism of "Alien Beast" at the beginning, and said bluntly, "It's not like a family doesn't want to enter a family."

what is this?

They are gangsters, gangsters of the same feather!