MTL - After Refusing To Attack the Film King, Salted Fish Became Popular-Chapter 31 thirty one salted fish

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After the first group of guests left, Shen Yueyue couldn't help laughing.

She really didn't know what to take, so she took a shuttlecock casually. I didn't expect it to be very comedic in the end.

The audience is also very supportive. The barrage is either [this match is interesting], or it is [a bit funny], [one wants to play a romantic game, but the other is very pragmatic, hahaha. 】.

After the first group with a tacit understanding of 0, the second group soon followed.

The second group is the group of Ning Yuwei, Ling Zige, and Xiaowei.

Ning Yuwei took her limited-edition bag, the kind that even if she had money, she couldn't buy it. Ling Zige also carried a limited edition briefcase.

[Women's bags and men's briefcases are matched. 】

[Full marks for tacit understanding! 】

[It's just that the things you take are not very interesting. 】

[Although the brainwaves of the two are synchronized, they lack a bit of character. Not easy to remember. 】

For Ning Yuwei and Ling Zige's catwalk this time around, the audience has received mixed reviews.

The fans of Ning Yuwei and Ling Zige praised them as the best in the world, but the passers-by and the audience didn't buy it.

[Next group, next group. 】

The third group is Xi Rui's group.

Xi Rui is holding a feather duster, which is the most important thing for cleaning in the B&B.

Her partner is Shi Chao.

It's a pity that Shi Chao didn't take a mop or a broom.

He took the children's favorite snacks.

[Laughing to death, the things the two of them took are far from each other, they don't match at all. 】

[The history of the first group seems to be repeating itself hahaha. 】

[Feather duster with snacks, perfect! 】

[Actually, it's okay, after cleaning, eat some snacks! Hahaha. 】

After seeing what each other was holding, the guests themselves couldn't help laughing.

The tacit understanding between the two is indeed a little bit worse.

But it is still better than the first group.

The two held the children's hands and walked the red carpet together.

Soon it was the turn of the fourth group.

The fourth group is Mu Jiajia's group.

She was holding a pot in her hand, which she took from the kitchen of the homestay. Her partner got succulents.

[Guozi and succulent, hahaha, it seems that the guests don't know each other well enough, the program group can't do it, and the guests need to have a deeper understanding of each other. dog head.jpg]

[Upstairs, suddenly racing? I... I like it! 】

[Although it is a dating variety show, good morning and good night every day, doing tasks together is really not enough, far from enough. 】

[The program team hurry up and make trouble! 】

After the Mu Jiajia group, two guests in the fifth group, one holding a cartoon doll and the other holding a clothes hanger, led Mr. Ning's daughter, and walked onto the red carpet with long legs.

【666. 】

[The drying racks are here! 】

[So the second group has the highest tacit understanding, right? The tacit understanding is 100%, except for a little lack of novelty, there are no other problems. 】

[Guests stand up quickly! 】

[Laughing, looking forward to the surprises that the next group will bring us. 】

After all five groups of guests walked the red carpet, it was finally Ning Xiaoyu's and Lu Jingdu's turn, the Xiangxiang group.

When Ning Xiaoyu walked to the red carpet with the birdcage, she couldn't help being stunned when she saw the things in Lu Jingdu's hands.

[Love System: Who said that the second group has the most tacit understanding! I am the first to refuse! Obviously, you two have a tacit understanding! 】

[Girl, I can already foresee the days after you and the film king retire! 】

[The days after your retirement will definitely be sweet! 】

What Ning Xiaoyu took was a birdcage, and there was a starling in it, which was raised by the owner of the homestay for many years.

As for Lu Jingdu, what he took was a wooden barrel and a fishing rod.

The two looked at each other, each took Xiangxiang's hand, and walked Xiangxiang down the red carpet.

[Laughing to death, look at Mr. Huo's expression on the side. 】

[Tsk tsk tsk, doesn't Mr. Huo regret participating in this variety show? Who would have thought that a baby variety show would be linked with a dating variety show? So when variety shows are so popular, anything can happen. 】

[I can't regret it, Huo always misses Mrs. Huo. 】

[Xiao Yu, the film king, and Xiang Xiang would not feel disobedient if they were said to be a family. Mr. Huo was probably jealous. 】

【Mr. Huo is jealous 1】

[One for bird walking and one for fishing, it's ok. 】

[So Xiaoyu's attributes are already obvious, health-preserving salted fish. 】

[The film king is about to be distracted by Xiao Yu, happy to hear. 】

[Sure enough, the most interesting ones are always played last! 】

After a round of red carpet came down, the test of tacit understanding among the guests also had a rough result.

Apart from Ning Yuwei's group, the sixth group had the best understanding.

But from the point of view of fun, the sixth group is much ahead of the second group.

On the whole, the performance on the red carpet this time is still the most eye-catching in the sixth group.

Shen Yueyue clicked his tongue twice, walked to Ning Xiaoyu and said, "Xiaoyu, if I were in a team with you, our tacit understanding must be very high!"

Even so, the picture of Ning Xiaoyu walking the bird with the birdcage this time was far beyond her expectations.

Ning Xiaoyu's interests and hobbies seem to be different from those of ordinary people like them?

Shen Yueyue asked curiously, "How did you come up with the idea of ​​walking a bird on the red carpet?"

Ning Xiaoyu pursed her lips, "I've been coveting it for a long time."

Since moving into the B&B, Ning Xiaoyu would see this shiny starling raised by the owner every day when he went in and out.

She has always wanted to walk the bird, but unfortunately she has never had the opportunity.

The master treasures it very precious.

Just at this time, the program team gave her a chance.

Then she must catch it.

Walking the red carpet is just a small game. After the small game, there is a small interactive session.

The fathers continued their holidays, and the guests continued to work in groups of two, bringing the children to do handicrafts, so as to experience the fun of bringing the children in advance.

The program team prepared a lot of materials, allowing the guests to choose what they need.

Ning Yuwei chose some wool, pearls and other accessories, "Handmade bags are very popular recently, let's make bags. Bags are very simple to make."

Xiaowei scratched her head, "Sister, I'm a boy."

Ning Yuwei smiled sweetly, "Boys can send their sisters away, don't you have a sister?"


"Then make a bag."

Similar conversations are going on in other groups as well.

In addition to making bags, there are also diy mobile phone cases.

And Lego.

When it was Ning Xiaoyu's turn, she took a bundle of ski ropes, some needles and threads, and a piece of elastic canvas with sewn edges, and she was done.

[? ? ? What the other groups are doing can be seen at a glance, what are Xiao Yu and the actor group going to do? 】

【It's not what Xiao Yu and the actor want to do, but what Xiao Yu wants to do. 】

[Can't guess. 】

[So far, among the twelve guests, the only one who makes me not sure about the routine is Xiaoyu. 】

【Yes, Xiao Yu's idea is really just three words: Don't guess. 】

[Don't guess, you won't be able to guess anyway. 】

What Ning Xiaoyu has to do is not too difficult.

Xiangxiang is only four years old this year, so she is not suitable for some particularly difficult crafts.

Ning Xiaoyu held the things and looked at his team members, "So, do you know what to do?"

Xiangxiang shook her head honestly, "I don't know."

Looking at these materials, Lu Jingdu had a guess in his heart. But in order to maintain a sense of mystery, he did not say the answer.

Ning Xiaoyu took his two team members to find a place between two trees.

While other guests were making handmade bags and mobile phone cases, Ning Xiaoyu took the lead and started to work.

"Here, get the rope in."

"Here too."

"The head part is more complicated, I'll do it."

After a while, the audience knew what Ning Xiaoyu was going to do.

[Is it a hammock? It's a hammock, right? 】

[It should be. 】

[Other guests: Let's make a beautiful bag/mobile phone case/Lego. Xiaoyu: Let's make a hammock. What does a hammock do? Of course it's for lying down. 】

【No wonder Xiaoyu chooses to do handwork in the middle of two trees, I understand. 】

After a while, the simple version of the hammock is ready.

Moreover, it has been firmly fixed on the trunk and is ready to be used at any time.

And at this time, the love mission of the love system also follows.

[Girl, this is the first time you have completed a handicraft with the film king, Xiangxiang, which has a unique meaning to you. The relationship between people is deepened little by little in getting along again and again. Without getting along again and again, where will the stories and wine come from? At this time, you can-

A: Naturally, he praised his teammates to his heart's content.

B: Naturally, give your teammates a loving hug.

C: Of course it’s a love note for teammates. 】

After finishing speaking, the love system waited expectantly for Ning Xiaoyu's choice.

Xiangxiang is so cute, how could the host resist giving Xiangxiang a love note?

If Xiangxiang was given a sticker, then the host would definitely give another team member a sticker of love.

So, stick it! Stick it!

Throw sugar at it as much as you like!

Ning Xiaoyu naturally couldn't guess what the love system was thinking.

Different from the love brain system, she usually doesn't bother to think about such romance, nor is she too lazy to think about some things that are there or not.

Under the expectant eyes of the love system, Ning Xiaoyu did not hesitate, and chose an A in seconds.

In this world, there may be no hugs or stickers, but there must be compliments.

Learning to praise others is also a compulsory course in life.

No matter when, don't be stingy with complimenting others.

Ning Xiaoyu clapped his hands, "The hammock is finished, everyone is awesome! The three of us worked together to complete the handwork so quickly. This is the result of everyone's hard work. But the safety of the hammock has not yet been certified, it doesn't matter, I will immediately Just help you test it."

The turning point in the last sentence was far beyond the expectations of the love system.

[Love System: Ah, this...girl, you...]

After finishing speaking, Ning Xiaoyu turned around quickly, and three seconds later, she was lying comfortably on the hammock.

Naturally, there is no problem with the safety of the hammock.

Strong, secure and comfortable.

And the canvas pattern provided by the program group is also very fresh, not tacky at all.

It's getting late since the show was recorded.

It's walking the red carpet again, and doing handwork again. In addition, Ning Xiaoyu had been away for a long time today, she wanted to lie down a long time ago.

Although she rested in the car for a while, she was not as comfortable as lying down to rest in the car.

As soon as he lay on the hammock, Ning Xiaoyu felt a lot more relaxed.

Who can refuse to lie down!

Anyway, Ning Xiaoyu couldn't.

She didn't lie down for too long. After lying down for a while, she let her two teammates go up to experience it one by one.

Xiangxiang usually travels in and out of millions of cars, and when she is out in the wild, she sleeps in custom-made sleeping bags.

This was the first time she was lying in a hammock.

It has to be said that her four-year-old short life has added a novel experience.

The recent novel experiences were all brought to her by Ning Xiaoyu.

Whether it's digging a sand hole, riding a tricycle, or now making a hammock, it's the first time in Xiangxiang's life.

This sister seems to be different from others.

What is different, she still can't figure it out in her small head, but at least one thing she knows very well, that is, she likes this elder sister.

After Xiangxiang experienced the hammock, Lu Jingdu was naturally not left behind.

In order to allow his teammates to experience the hammock comfortably, Ning Xiaoyu deliberately chose the largest piece when choosing fabrics.

[It’s been a long time since I slept in a hammock in the park, and this week I’m going to revisit the feeling of lying in a hammock. 】

【Xiaoyu said just now, to help test the safety, and then immediately lay down, I can only say: It is indeed her. 】

[It's really not surprising at all, hahaha. 】

[Laughing. 】

[As expected of her. 】

The love system, who had been watching from the sidelines, also followed closely behind the team, and said loudly, [Girl, you deserve it! 】