MTL - All Over the World To Save My Wife-Chapter 146 God and God of War (6)

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Go back to the abyss of gods and demons, but there is no difference from when Gu Zhong left.

"God, is this?"

Seeing Gu Zhong leading a group of mighty immortals to suddenly descend, the soldiers on duty today were puzzled.

"How about the barrier?"

Gu Zhong asked in a serious tone.

"Nature is safe and sound."

The soldier felt very strange when he heard his question, but still replied respectfully.

She walked towards the barrier, reaching out and stroking it carefully.

As the slender fingers swept across the light curtain, one after another of undulating fine lines continued to emerge.

Although everyone didn't know the reason why she did this, they still held their breath and watched her movements quietly.

Suddenly, Gu Zhong stopped moving her hand, and her eyes glanced at a corner of the ground.

She bent over, and lightly placed her hand on the ground that seemed to be intact.

Seeing the scene in front of them, everyone exclaimed.

"What's going on?"

Young Jun stepped forward, looking at the empty pothole in disbelief, the magic stone disappeared.

She turned her puzzled expression to Gu Zhong, as if expecting an explanation from her.

Gu Zhong turned black, she stood up, looked at the barrier, thought for a few breaths, and then hit the light curtain hard.

—what was previously intact was also an illusion.

Dense black mist was lying on the light curtain, constantly infiltrating towards the God Realm, interweaving into a huge black net, and it was constantly expanding, making people feel chills down their spines.

According to this trend, in a short time, the border between gods and demons will be completely broken.

What is even more terrifying is that under the uninterrupted efforts, there is a demonic energy in the face of the gods and gods, which is gradually expanding through the crack, and Gu Zhong immediately swings his sword to smash it beheaded.

However, before that, how much magic energy has penetrated successfully and sneaked into the heavens and the world, no one knows...

As long as a wisp is needed, this world will be wiped out by life.

Unbelievable almost drowned Gu Zhong, how could this be? It was so silent that she didn't even notice it?

It has been tens of thousands of years, and it is impossible for the demons alone to have such ability - the gods are different!

She glanced suspiciously at the tents that were stationed here. Will the soldiers she once trusted, collude with the demons?

"Gu Zhongshenjun, this matter - I'm afraid you have to give an explanation."

Seeing the intimidating scene in front of him, Shaojun took a deep breath.

"Young Master!"

Hearing her words, the faces of those immortals who came from the realm of the gods changed.

However, they are used to being pampered, and they have never even participated in the battle of gods and demons.

However, in a critical moment, they can't be allowed to push three or four, if the demons seriously invade, without the assistance of these extraordinary gods, the heavenly soldiers here may have to die in vain.

"Force Majeure!"

The barrier was filled with more and more black like a splash of ink.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Heavy impact again and again, as if hitting everyone's atrium, driving the heart to beat violently.

The news that Shaojun brought back to the realm of the gods is not wonderful, the barrier of gods and demons will be broken, which means that tens of thousands of years of singing and dancing will be peaceful and peaceful years will be completely eliminated.

The nine-fold bell in front of the Nine Heavens Hall that has not been struck for tens of thousands of years is as bright and clean as ever, as if it had been waiting for today, waiting to ring for nine days again.

The entire God Realm suddenly gathered a solemn atmosphere, and the immortals rushed to Jiuxiao Temple in anxiety.

The discussion of the gods was reopened in front of the Jiuxiao Temple, and the emperor sat on the steps of the temple, overlooking the gods. Shaojun stood on the left and Ling Yan stood on the right, complementing each other.

"The barrier of gods and demons will be broken, can the gods have insight?"

The first sentence of the God Emperor was like a gust of wind blowing up a dusty desert, throwing everyone's thoughts into a chaotic whirlpool.

The silent hall suddenly became noisy.

"How-how did it break?"

"Does it have to be another battle of gods and demons?"

"Can you find out why?"

"Now, planning how to resist the attack of the demons is the top priority!"

"The barrier is inexplicably shattered, inappropriate, I'm afraid—"

"Afraid of what? It can't be the work of the gods, right?"

Many immortals and gods have their own theories and ideas, and they quarreled when they caught a few people beside them, instantly turning the solemn Jiuxiao Temple into a noisy frog pond.


Seeing His Highness hype the crowd with red faces, some people even disregarded their manners and started fighting.

The Emperor slapped the table heavily, and the already weak and cracked crystal table case completely turned into powder.

Let's not say anything about the cause of the thorough investigation, with their unmoved brains for many years, I am afraid they can't find out anything.

"Father, why don't I go and investigate the cause of the broken barrier, and the other gods take turns to go to the abyss of gods and demons and do their best to fight."

Shaojun stepped forward at the right time and said that the call of these immortals today was not to listen to their decision.

They just have to listen.

"But Young Master, I have never been on the battlefield—"

When they heard this proposal, many people turned pale in shock, and some people bit the bullet and raised objections, trying to avoid such responsibilities.

For tens of thousands of years, the realm of the gods has never fought against the realm of the devil, and when I get used to the ordinary life, I don’t want to go to death again.

What's more, in the battle of gods and demons, gods are really going to die. No matter how tragic it was back then, it will not be easy this time.

"I believe in Gu Zhong Shenjun. She has always managed the army well, and all the gods will definitely become qualified soldiers. The safety of the gods is tied to you."

"Just do it!"

Without waiting for the rest of the immortals to refute, the **** emperor immediately made a final decision, and he was full of approval.

"God Emperor - Demon Emperor is visiting!"

At this moment, a messenger rushed into the hall with a tone full of embarrassment and panic.

—Demon Emperor? What is he going to do now?

The gods and officials in the hall looked at each other, but a bad premonition rose in their hearts.

"God Emperor, long time no see!"

With the wild laughter, a fiery red bird came straight into the hall and overturned all the gods and monarchs to the ground.

Whether it is words or actions, there is no respect for the God Emperor and the God Realm.

Since the beginning of chaos, after the evolution of the heavens and the myriad realms, the three realms of gods, demons and demons have sat on the top of the myriad realms.

In addition to the God Realm, the Demon Realm is the largest. If it weren't for the laws that let the gods rule the world, the demon emperor would also be qualified to compete for the supreme position of the **** emperor.

However, after the battle between the gods and demons, the demon world was sealed, and the vitality of the **** world was greatly damaged. Although the demon world has never had an open relationship with the **** world, it has become more and more rampant.

"Demon Emperor? What are you doing?"

The Emperor squinted his eyes, his face full of displeasure, and he was already full of vigilance in secret.

"I heard that the barrier of gods and demons is broken?"

The red bird rushed up the jade steps and landed in front of the **** emperor, transforming into a man in a golden robe.

He has red-red hair, vigorous like a lion's mane, thick eyebrows and red eyes, and the pupils in his eyes are pure gold.

He was looking at the God Emperor mockingly and defiantly.

"Nothing, where did you hear that?"

God Emperor stood up and asked in displeased and vigilant.

"The source doesn't matter - ah, by the way, you probably didn't know it, it really broke - just a while ago-"

The demon emperor waved his hand, transformed into a jade chair, and sat down, looking like he didn't plan to leave for a while.

"God Emperor! The barrier of gods and demons - broken - broken!"

As if to confirm the words of the demon emperor, the second messenger rushed into the Nine Heavens Hall, and the first words were shocking words.

The God Emperor's face turned completely dark, he gritted his teeth and looked at the Demon Emperor and said.

"So, are you here to watch the show today? Or is it all the work of your demon clan?"

"Hahaha—God Emperor, isn't what you think is too outrageous? What is the benefit to my demon clan when the demon world is unblocked? Don't forget that we also had a share in digging the pit."

The demon emperor covered his stomach, laughed loudly, and continued to mock the emperor.

"So, what are you doing today? If you have nothing to do, please visit another day."

"I still know the reason why lips die and teeth are cold, so today, I'm here to marry-"

The Demon Emperor sat up straight, looked at the God Emperor, and said word by word seriously.

"What? Union-marriage?"

The Emperor digs his ears, wondering if he misunderstands "alliance" as "marriage".

"I, the demon clan, want to marry you from the **** realm - Lingyan God."

The Demon Emperor turned his gaze to Ling Yan who was standing beside the hall, looking out of the way.


The author has something to say:

Ahhh! a little late...