MTL - Almighty Student-v9 Chapter 12313 trap

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"That's one of closed deaths, right!!" Xia Xia reacted.

He just killed a closed death some time ago, and he encountered another one here, so it can be guessed what kind of strength the other party is.

"Follow and see!!" Xia Xia quickly came out from the side, disguised as a human, and followed behind.

The Zerg here would never have imagined that there would be one more human.

As long as they see the emperor bone, they will not check the people around the emperor bone.

And Emperor Gu has something on his mind and keeps walking forward, and he doesn't notice that there is another person behind him unknowingly.

that's it.

They walked over quickly.

In the summer, they followed them all the way in.

Center Tower.

Although it is called a tower, it looks like a huge fortress. There are many holes in the fortress. Every hole can launch that kind of devastating attack. A Venerable killed directly.

That's the power of the Zerg Central Tower.

And there are many huge muzzles on it, which look even more intimidating.

"What's the matter with coming here in a hurry?" A worm mother wearing a gray robe came out from the inside. This gray robe does not look simple. It is made of a special material, and there is a black crystal on it. It's like a special energy spar.

"Wei Lan is dead!!"

"What?" The worm mother hurriedly waved her hand: "Come in and talk!!"

Emperor Gu walked in like this.

"A Tianluo, you should know that the four elephants are controlled by our four kings, each of whom has a share. Now that Wei Lan died suddenly, his elephant was lost!!!" Emperor Gu didn't feel bad for Wei. Lan's death.

He said that when Wei Lan died, it was more like he was scolding Wei Lan for being an idiot.

What he cared about was the elephant Wei Lan lost.

hear him.

Xia Tian also hurriedly asked: "Adiro, what are the four elephants he is talking about?"

"The Four Elephants and Eight Bears are used by the four closed kings and the eight Zerg emperors together. It is said to have great significance. I don't know exactly what it is, but it is very important!!" Although Adiro is also an insect mother, he At that time, I did not have access to that level of ability.


"It seems that I have to check the spoils in the future!!" Xia Xia understood that Wei Lan must have carried such a valuable thing with him. After beheading the opponent, he took away everything from the opponent.

under these circumstances.

He just asked Hongfeng to do a quick search to see which item had a special strength, and just took it out.

"I found it, it's this thing, it's very small, it's the size of a slap!!" Hongfeng immediately found the so-called elephant.

"It doesn't look like anything special!!" Xia Tian didn't know the use of this thing for the time being.

It's better to put it in the midst of everything.

"How did he die?" A Tianluo asked.

"I have inquired about them. When they went to Shenzhou, they were besieged by all the spirits there and died. The main shot was a person named Xia Xia." Emperor Gu said.

"Xia Xia, isn't this the human who almost killed Adiro?" Artiro had obviously heard of this name.

"You know him?" Emperor Gu was taken aback.

"I know, when we wanted to invade China from the border of China, and then seized the opportunity of China to enter other states, Adiro volunteered and passed, but he failed. At that time, the one who destroyed his plan was a person who was not even a spirit. The guy called Xia Xia, but later he had an accident and left, and I also heard that he went to seek revenge for Xia Xia, but he was almost killed by Xia Xia!!!" A Tianluo explained.

"We have only recently collected some information about him. He doesn't even have a spirit, but he is the guardian of the spirits of Shenzhou. In Shenzhou, his combat effectiveness is extremely terrifying. The most important thing is that he can accurately Find the node on the spirit's body." Emperor Bone explained.

"This kind of opponent is a bit troublesome. If he is guarded by the spirits of Shenzhou, then it will be difficult for us to kill him. He can escape if he beats him. We can't chase after Shenzhou." Tightly wrinkled.

"We inquired, he is very loyal, so we are going to start with his brothers. This time, I want you to send a few worm mothers with us, just in case. , to be the most lethal!!!" Emperor Gu reminded.


A Tianluo nodded slightly: "Alright, I have ten worm mothers under my command, and five are doing very important things now, so let the other five and your people go there!!"

"I also plan to make five here, let Xiao Gu go, there should be no problem." Emperor Gu said.

"Recently, the outside world has declared war with the closed four states, and you are under a lot of pressure!!!" Artian Luo said.

"It doesn't matter. With our technology and mecha, it's no problem to temporarily block them. For the time being, everyone will work harder. As long as Lord Qinglong is resurrected, then the other states will only be enslaved by us. Lord Qinglong can be enslaved with a single blow. Their confidence was completely shattered!!" Emperor Gu said with great anticipation.

The summer in the distance silently listened to all this.

He finally understood.

The one these people are going to resurrect is actually Xian Qinglong, one of the four holy beasts! !

"Interesting!!" A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.

"I didn't expect that guy was killed too, who would kill him?" Xian Xuanwu was also full of curiosity.

"It won't take long for us to find out, but I have to go back to China first. Since these people plan to take action against my brothers, their result is doomed. I will contact everyone and set up a trap in advance. When they come to dance, none of the five spirits and five-headed insect mothers who came this time will want to leave alive!!" Xia Xia has always attached great importance to intelligence.

This is why he always wants to go deep behind the enemy and ask for news.

If there is no such information this time, then his brothers are likely to be recruited.

Ten mighty spirits.

Not kidding.

But if he prepares in advance, it is equivalent to letting the enemy kill himself. Killing these ten spirits this time will not only weaken the combat effectiveness of the place, but also **** their spoils, and increase the confidence of the alliance.

After returning to China.

Xia Xia notified Changshengling for the first time.

When hearing the words of summer.

The longevity spirit was even more excited. He personally brought more than 20 spirits here, and they were all the strongest spirits in the alliance. Thirteen, Baichuan, and others also came.

Greedy Wolf and Nightmare didn't come, and the two of them seemed to have more important things to do.