MTL - Am I God-Chapter 26 revenge

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"So sweet."

"Your husband really loves you."

"Mary, has your husband bought a car?"

When she finally waited for the other party's question, Yuan Ying said with a little smugness, but she said implicitly, "Yeah, I told him not to buy a car, but he wants to buy it.

You said that we all work in the city center, there are subways and buses, so what's the point of buying a car? "

A colleague on the side said, "It's still convenient to buy a car."

"You can also go out for a self-driving tour."

"It will be easier to take children out in the future."

"By the way, Mary, what car did your husband buy?"

Hearing that the other party finally asked the point, Yuan Ying pretended to recall, and said hesitantly: "It seems to be some kind of BMW, sigh, it costs three or four hundred thousand, I don't understand cars, I really don't understand what he bought. What's so expensive?"

The female colleagues on the side had envious looks on their faces: "Such a good car, your husband is really capable."

"Oh, my family still drives a car of more than 90,000 yuan. I'm too embarrassed to go to my relatives' house during the Chinese New Year."

Yuan Ying said: "I tell the truth, don't be angry.

If you want me to say, a car under 100,000 is also called a car. When my husband didn’t buy a car before, I told him to buy a car over 200,000. I wouldn’t take a car under 200,000. The following is even more frightening. Look at those 80,000-90,000 domestic cars, and the whole thing is deformed when you hit them. You can't be scared to death when you sit on them. "

The female colleague on the side turned black when she heard this, but she was speechless.

Another female colleague said: "Speaking of Mary, your husband is capable enough. He is only 30 years old this year, right? You are the best married among us."

"Hehe, it's just good luck, their company is doing well this year." Yuan Ying said with a slight smile, but her heart was gloomy.

At this moment, a Porsche Panamera slowly drove past the bus stop in front of everyone, heading towards the door of the office area.

Looking at Zhao Yao and Song Jiayue behind the car window, Yuan Ying and several female colleagues present were all surprised.

"Zhao Yao?" Yuan Ying looked at the sports car in front of her. Although she didn't know this model, her unique shape and smooth lines told her that the car was worth a lot of money.

Seeing the leaving car shadow, a female colleague around immediately started gossiping.

"That's Zhao Yao? Why did he drive a sports car?"

"I know that car, isn't that the car that Liu Tao drives?"

"Liu Tao?"

"It's Andy in Ode to Joy, have you seen Ode to Joy?"

"Yes, yes, Andy is driving this sports car, and it costs more than one million."

"I see Song Jiayue is also in the car!"

"Nonsense, if someone drives this car to ask me, then I will get in the car too."

Listening to the discussions of the colleagues around, Yuan Ying looked at the passing sports car with a somewhat ugly expression. She suddenly understood in her heart that what the other party said didn't care about the thousands of dollars was not hard-lipped, but true.

Her actions were just like a clown in the eyes of the other party, which made her extremely uncomfortable and jealous.

At this moment, Yuan Ying's cell phone rang. She looked at the caller ID, answered the phone and asked, "Hello? What's the matter?"

"Mr. Yuan, it's not good. The code and data on our server have all been deleted, and even the data in the standby database is not left."

"What?!" Yuan Ying suddenly felt a pain in her head, and said with a pale face, "Don't hang up, I'll come right now."

The latest version of the code and data on the server has been deleted. Even if there are historical versions kept in the developers' computers, it may take a week or two of work to restore them. As a result, the progress of the project will be delayed again. Yuan Ying herself The performance figures have become even uglier.

Thinking of this, her face became even more ugly.

At this moment, the words Zhao Yao said before suddenly flashed in her head.

"...But this matter, I don't plan to just let it go."

She frowned and said angrily in her heart: 'Could it be that he did it? ’

But Yuan Ying didn't have the slightest evidence. Instead, after some investigation, she found out that it was the server where her computer logged in and did the delete operation.

Yuan Ying, who got this result, only felt her face darken. Looking at the surprised eyes of the people around her, she almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

On the other side, in Panamera's co-pilot seat, Song Jiayue glanced at Zhao Yao and said, "Are you not on good terms with Manager Yuan?"

Zhao Yao thought about it and felt that there was nothing he couldn't say, so he replied, "I said that I actually asked for leave, but she was angry that I was leaving, so she deliberately counted me absent from work and deducted my bonus, believe it or not. ?"

Song Jiayue looked at Zhao Yao, but she was thinking of Panamera in front of her. She felt that there was no need for a rich man who drives such a car to lie about such trivial matters.

"I believe you." Nodding, Song Jiayue said, "I'm sorry, I wrongly blamed you before."

Seeing Song Jiayue's embarrassed look, Zhao Yao only felt tears streaming down his face.

'This is the persuasive power of a sports car. With a sports car, will she believe anything I say? ’

Song Jiayue on the other side asked curiously, "Did you resign for a new job?"

"No, I don't want to work for others anymore. UU Reading plans to start a business." Zhao Yao said with a smile.

"Entrepreneurship." Song Jiayue envied: "Did you pull it into investment, or at home..." Looking at Panamera in front of her, she felt that Zhao Yao should be a rich second generation, so that he could resign and start a business at a young age .

"My family is very ordinary." Zhao Yao shrugged and said, "I didn't find any partners, but I made some money myself in the past few years, and I plan to use it as start-up capital."

Although Song Jiayue is not optimistic about Zhao Yao's entrepreneurship at such a young age and has no background at home, she still admires the courage and ability of the other party.

The two chatted and arrived at the airport. Song Jiayue got out of the car, waved her hand, and showed a sweet smile: "Thank you, if it wasn't for you, I would have missed the flight this time."

"Small things."

Seeing the figure of Panamera leaving, Song Jiayue suddenly reacted and patted her head: "I'm sorry, why did you forget to give the money." Her little mouth pouted, and she looked annoyed. I don't want to be taken as an intentional advantage by the other party.

Zhao Yao on the other side didn't care about this, but made a call.

"Hello? Brother Fei? Are you here?"

"Well, I'll be there in about half an hour. Don't hurry, you don't have to hurry."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Yao drove towards the agreed restaurant. This brother Fei was his good buddy in the same dormitory at the university.

Because the other party's father and uncle are both police officers, and the other party also became a police officer after graduation. Although he is not a high-ranking person, he is well-informed.

He was looking for the other party this time because he wanted the other party to help inquire about the murder case.


Thanks to the leader of 'Brightening Dawn of the Sky' for the reward.

By the way, it's Monday. By the way, I ask for a recommendation vote. If you have a vote, please vote.