MTL - Am I God-Chapter 68 maid

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In the outskirts of Jianghai, in an empty factory building, the windows of the entire factory building were sealed, making the interior look dark.

And in this darkness, dozens of men and women in black robes crawl on the ground.

In the central position around them, a large pot of flames was burning, and above the flames, a funny head with two demon wings attached to it was hanging in the air.

Below the funny demon, Bai Quan was the only one standing, chanting words in his mouth, as if he was leading the crowd to pray to the funny demon.

In fact, since he started helping Zhao Yao deal with Mango's diarrhea, although the other party kept asking him to go back and study hard, Bai Quan, who thinks he is on the side of hell, has secretly contacted the members of the Brothers' House in the past, and secretly gathered together to engage in A cult of funny demons.

Because in the old building I saw the funny demon floating in the air with my own eyes, these believers in front of me can be said to be extremely pious.

But in this quiet space, the sound of the phone vibrating suddenly broke everyone's prayers.

Bai Quan hurriedly turned on the phone, and when he saw the caller ID above, he answered the phone excitedly: "Hello? Teacher Zhao? Are you looking for me?"

This was the first time Zhao Yao called himself since he called the other party.

What's more, every time I go to Zhao Yao's house, Bai Quan will feel a kind of comfort from head to toe. According to Zhao Yao, it is called **** breath, which can enhance the physique of living things, which makes him yearn to go to Zhao Yao's house even more.

"Well, I have something to trouble you, can you come to my house?"

"Okay, I'll be right there." After hanging up the phone, he immediately walked towards the outside of the factory. A believer in black stopped him and said, "Bishop, what's the matter? Are we not continuing the ceremony? "

"Hell is calling me."

Seeing Bai Quan's pious face, the other believers immediately showed serious and envious expressions.

A believer asked: "Sir Bishop, can we also see the funny devil again?"

Looking at everyone's expectant gaze, Bai Quan shook his head and said, "I understand your urgency, but if you are not religious enough, you will only burn yourself when facing the flames of hell.

When your beliefs are firm enough, I will take you to meet Lord Demon. "

Leaving a handsome back, Bai Quan hurried out of the factory, took off his robe, took out his mobile phone, and started to take a taxi.

"Come on, it's too remote here, you can't even hit a car?"

Two hours later, when Bai Quan arrived at Zhao Yao's house, Zhao Yao's house had almost been cleaned up, but the TV had been taken away by the collectors and needed to be repurchased.

The leather sofa is too expensive, Zhao Yao was reluctant to throw it away and buy it again, so he left it there and used it reluctantly.

Seeing Bai Quan coming, he waved his hand and said, "Oh, Bai Quan, you came just in time."

Bai Quan ran up happily and asked, "Mr. Zhao, is there anything I need to do?"

"In this way, I have some things to do when I go out during this time. You can stay at home and help me take care of the cat." Zhao Yao said.

Hearing these words, Bai Quan, who originally thought that there was something big and good, immediately collapsed: "Take care of cats..." How can I need a future like him, a pioneer in hell, to take care of cats.

Zhao Yao's expression became solemn, and he said, "Don't underestimate this kind of work. Let me tell you the truth, they are not ordinary cats. And in order for you to be able to protect them, I decided to give you special powers."

Hearing this sentence, Bai Quan immediately said with bright eyes, "Give me strength?"

"Yes, it is also a power you are familiar with." While speaking, Zhao Yao had already activated Elizabeth's illusion, then he picked up Yuanyuan, who was still watching the play, and walked to Bai Quan: "Dear, Yuanyuan, You lend him stealth for 24 hours."

Yuanyuan rolled her eyes, a little reluctant, but when she saw Zhao Yao staring at her, her body trembled, and she immediately pressed her fat palm to Bai Quan.

The next moment, the ability belonging to Yuanyuan was shared little by little in Bai Quan's body.

During the whole process, Bai Quan, who was immersed in the illusion, saw that Zhao Yao pressed his palm on the top of his head, and the golden flames continued to pour into his body from the other party's body, and it slowly dissipated after a long time.

"Okay, you already have the ability to be invisible. Next, in the days when I'm not here, you should use this ability to protect this house, the cats in this house, if they have any problems..." During the speech, the flames formed His wings rose to the sky from Zhao Yao's back, and the smell of volcanic sulfur continued to enter Baiquan's nose with the olfactory illusion.

One after another ghosts appeared on Bai Quan's body, and Zhao Yao said slowly, "I'll let you know what real terror is."

"Don't worry!" Bai Quan patted his chest and assured: "Anyone who wants to hurt them must step on my face!"

Next, Bai Quan experimented with his stealth ability, and found that it was even more powerful than what the gods had given him in the He could not only hide himself and his clothes, but even the things he threw out.

This is actually because he is more devout in facing Zhao Yao, and has no heart to resist, so the ability borrowed from Yuanyuan is more powerful.

Bai Quan, who had tested his abilities, became more and more excited, and only felt that his decision to follow Zhao Yao was the most correct decision in his life.

With Bai Quan taking care of him at home, he installed a camera bought online the next day, and after connecting the camera to the APP on his mobile phone, Zhao Yao can also observe the situation at home anytime, anywhere.

After doing all this, Zhao Yao finally had no worries, and continued to focus all his attention on the layout of the cat cafe.

With Xiao Shiyu's help, Zhao Yao still has 800,000 to 900,000 funds in his hand, and the cafe's foundation is already good. After a week, all the arrangements were finally completed.

In Zhao Yao's house, Bai Quan was stuffing his nose with a tissue, wearing gloves on his hands, and wiping the dry stains on the cat's toilet with a wet tissue.

Although it is said to be an automatic cat toilet, the stains in some dead corners are obviously unable to be cleaned by the cat toilet itself, which requires manual operation.

The original Zhao Yao was naturally unwilling to do this kind of thing, but now that there is Bai Quan as a free labor force, naturally he doesn't need to do it.

The matcha on the throne of the massage chair happily called the glory of the king. Recently, Zhao Yao spent a lot of effort and finally brought him gold.

At this rank, the quality of his teammates is much higher than before. Matcha relies on lying down to win and the winning rate is even higher than before, which makes him feel good about himself and play more vigorously.

Yuanyuan kept typing on her phone, as if she was communicating with some cats in the group.