MTL - Am I God-v2 Chapter 1071 in-depth

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Genius remember the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads!? Zhao Yao manipulated the eye-sized space door to penetrate the layers of armor plates, and quickly moved away from the battlefield behind him, comparing in his mind The map changed direction while rushing towards the target's core laboratory.

However, staying in the space gate, Zhao Yao felt that the speed of the journey was too slow.

Although the speed of the space door is already as fast as a galloping horse, it is definitely not as fast as his own.

And in a huge space like Chaos Fortress on a planetary scale, it is obviously too slow to travel at such a speed.

So Zhao Yao called the briquettes and asked her to control the space door to move forward in a straight line, while he came to Cat Island and grabbed Yuanyuan.

Zhao Yao pinched the back of Yuanyuan's neck, shook the other side and said, "X! Have you evolved Yuanyuan's ability? Now it's not only optical stealth, but also penetrating matter, right?"

X was startled, and immediately said: "What X, I don't know, I'm Yuanyuan, Zhao Yao, don't talk nonsense."

"Tsk." Zhao Yao was too lazy to argue with the other party. Anyway, the other party was always under his surveillance, so he said directly: "Anyway, you will activate your ability next and sneak into the alien cat's base with me."

"Can you not go? I have a stomachache today." X's face was bitter, but he felt the power from the back of his neck, but he had to compromise, and nodded with a bitter face: "I see."

So Zhao Yao held X in one hand and rushed out of the space door, his body turned into an invisible existence, penetrated the armor plates one after another, and rushed towards the core area.

Zhao Yao secretly said in his heart: 'This ability is really convenient. The invisible ability of the key Yuanyuan is not only invisible to himself, but an invisible force field that can transform everything he wants to be invisible within a certain range. become invisible, and...'


Zhao Yao slammed on the wall with one foot, and the whole person rushed out like lightning.

'Visible and intangible, all in one thought, you can pass through various obstacles without a shadow or form, and you can also grab Yuanyuan, step on the ground, and use it to steal... Oh no, it's really useful to pick up things. ’

Zhao Yao is advancing at full speed at this moment, which is much faster than the speed of moving the space door before, especially the body is invisible and invisible, without considering the air resistance, he is almost constantly accelerating, there is no speed limit, the whole person It is getting faster and faster, and it is rapidly approaching the core experimental area.

'I can't accelerate any more, I've reached the limit of my reaction. At this speed... it will only take a few minutes to circle the earth. ’

After a while, Zhao Yao's thought had opened a portal, and he slammed into the portal with the X in his hand and into the dimensional stomach.

Then his head appeared in the position of the space door, carefully looking outside.

Because of the proximity to the core area, Zhao Yao entered the space gate himself, just because he was afraid that if he stepped on the place where he touched, he would be discovered.

So after getting close, he hid behind the space door and slowly approached the laboratory.

After a while, he could see steel gates appearing in front of him, and Zhao Yao used the space gates to pass through various monitoring and defensive measures.

Then a huge space appeared in front of Zhao Yao.

Artificial daylight, huge lawns, simulated coastlines, and a patchwork of buildings.

If the core test area in front of him is not without the sky, Zhao Yao simply thinks that he is in a resort area in the region.

Zhao Yao's eyes swept over the buildings, and finally looked at the tallest building that looked like a mage tower from a distance.

The giant pagoda is about 1,000 meters high and more than 500 meters wide. The pagoda is shimmering with blue patterns, as if they are mysterious marks. All around the pagoda are small floating buildings.

"Really, don't tell me where I'm looking... Then you, it's very important to see this tower."

Zhao Yao also knows that this is probably a very secret area of ​​the long-haired people, not ordinary people can come. People from the Cat Leather Society have never been here, and it is normal to know nothing about the intelligence here.

Zhao Yao stood behind the space gate and approached the tower in the distance little by little.

But just after moving forward more than 100 meters, the entire underground space began to light up with red light and alarm sounds.

Zhao Yao's face changed: "I rely on it, isn't it? Could the system here be able to detect spatial fluctuations?"

It was too late to think about it now, Zhao Yao simply grabbed X, turned on the invisible state, sprang out of the space door, and flew straight towards the tower in the distance.

With a burst of acceleration, Zhao Yao saw countless brilliance lit up from the tower, all kinds of sound waves, electromagnetism, space, thermal energy, mass, gravity... The detection mechanism and defense system that Zhao Yao did not understand and did not understand were fully opened, Completely shrouded the giant tower.

On the ground, the dense mechanized troops rose into the sky like dark clouds, scattered throughout the giant space.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yao said nothing, picked up X, and threw X away.

X roared: "Fuck!"

However, he also reacted immediately. If Zhao Yao died, it would be very troublesome, but if he died, he could be resurrected by Zhao Yao using the gate of eternal life.

Although he thought, X was still full of dissatisfaction, and could only bite the bullet and watch as he broke through the layers of defense and detection, and finally crashed into the inside of the tower.

And Zhao Yao also followed closely, frowning at the complex structure like a honeycomb in the tower.

At the same time, his ears trembled slightly, and he could hear many vibrations and slams that were constantly approaching his direction.

'Can you feel it even in such an invisible and invisible state? There is no way, even if it is invisible and invisible, whether it is exchanging gas with the outside world, heat energy, magnetic field, photon or change of force, although I don't know which one is, but after all, the defense system here is so strict...'

Zhao Yao secretly said in his heart: 'Then we can only hurry up, I don't have time to entangle with the defensive forces here...'

After thinking about it, Zhao Yao's soles exerted a little force, and he rose directly into the sky. Along the way, with his invisible and invisible body, he directly crossed the countless obstacles in front of him.

Along the way, he saw something like a filing cabinet or a computer, all of which were sucked by his mouth and swallowed into the dimensional stomach.

He just picked up random things along the way, looking for anything that looked more valuable along the way. Because of the alarm, he didn't have time to check it too carefully, so he could only roughly go all the way up.

However, it was suddenly dark in front of him, Zhao Yao looked up and looked shocked.

Then he saw the densely packed cabinets appearing in front of him like a beehive. They were neatly arranged in front of Zhao Yao, all the way to the top, as if hundreds of coffins were constantly stacked up, with almost no end in sight.

And in these coffin-like cabinets, there are all little girls who look exactly like Tianshang.


Genius for a second to remember the address of this site: .. Mobile version reading website: m.