MTL - Am I God-v2 Chapter 1113 comfort

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In the end, the later force field directly shattered the President's offensive.

The president's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at the golden-armored man who appeared behind Matcha.

"Zhao Yao!" Matcha screamed, rushing over and hugging Zhao Yao's thigh tightly.

Zhao Yao touched Matcha's head: "How is it? Are you okay?"


Zhao Yao continued to touch Matcha's head, and at the same time his ears shook slightly, and he could already hear the groans from Zhao Xue and Bai Quan in the distance.

‘Using the effect of rebirth from a drop of blood, did you leave a part of your body for backup in advance? Still a little brainy. ’

Then he looked at the Pharaoh whose limbs had disappeared: 'Fortunately, it is only the limbs. With Pharaoh's body, although it will take some time, it can grow back. ’

After confirming that there is no major problem with the cats and people on his side, Zhao Yaocai turned his eyes to the president: "Hey, you hit my cat, then my sister, and finally my staff. "

"Fine, you're fine."

"I'll let you know how expensive you are in a few minutes."

Matcha's head stretched out from behind Zhao Yao's legs and shouted: "Wait for a lifetime of work, you!"

The President snorted in the mecha, and with a wave of his hand, the world-destroying substance swept towards Zhao Yao.

But the next moment, the heaven and the earth stood still, and time was suspended again.

Zhao Yao actually planned to come back as soon as the briquettes and the others sent the message.

But when he returned to the material world and felt the comfort of his body being scorched by the sun again, he was suddenly addicted.

Only later did Zhao Yao discover that because of being pushed all the way by the explosion inside the sun, after his body penetrated into the sun, the super-fast regeneration of the body was used to the extreme, which led to the increase of the pleasure to the extreme.

The pleasure that is a thousand times stronger and ten thousand times stronger than drug addiction is constantly rushing in the body. Zhao Yao keeps telling himself to leave immediately, but he is always too lazy to leave and does not want to move.

It was not until the continuous enhancement of the body that the damage was reduced, the super-fast regeneration was weakened, and the pleasure was weakened, Zhao Yao immediately woke up, quickly put on the God King cat armor, opened the space door, and returned to the cat island.

And when he came back, what he saw was the previous scene.

'My current level... Let me see, matcha has been listed as LV107? ’

'Well, in that case...'

Matcha of LV107, plus the level bonus of the armor of the **** king cat, that is LV117.

This represents a time stop of 2106 seconds.

There is also a 117x speedup.

And a 73-minute respawn cooldown.

So after facing the attack of the President, Zhao Yao directly chose to stop.

After the pause, Zhao Yao first threw Lucifer to the matcha, then opened the space door and sent all the cats on the cat island, Zhao Xue, Bai Quan and the others into the dimensional stomach.

Then while walking out of the space door, he waved his hand towards the matcha that bit Lucifer: "I'll leave it to you here."

Matcha said with enthusiasm: "Leave it to me! Zhao Yao, you must teach that dead cat a good lesson!"

Zhao Yao walked out of the space door and looked at the president in front of him. He walked up and looked up: "Is it LV105?"

Then he stretched out his hand and squeezed lightly, tearing open the joints of the mecha on the president's body one by one, and peeled off the entire mecha first.

After this period of time when the sun hangs up, Zhao Yao's physical body has improved again, and has completely surpassed all super cats and entered an incredible realm. The super alloy created by the most cutting-edge material science of the Long Hair Sect looks like paper in front of him. Just as crisp.

Then Zhao Yao took out the dragon-slaying knife that he had not used for a long time, and the consciousness of matcha LV117 was directly attached to it, and the long hair aimed at the president was a burst of cutting.

As time flowed again, the president screamed and fell directly to the ground, looking at Zhao Yao with dark eyes: "You... what did you do?"

The surrounding inextinguishable matter trembled slightly, and then dissipated directly into the air.

Zhao Yao smiled and grabbed the president: "Dear, you are my cat from today on, study hard, work hard in the future, and stop learning from others and mess around. By the way, what's your name? "

The time stop came too suddenly, the failure of the President happened almost instantaneously, and when all this happened, it was already unstoppable.

The soldiers of the Long Maozong were still waiting in the spaceship for the triumphant return of the President, but they saw him lying softly in the arms of the human being, being held and touched.

"Ah! The President has been caught!"

"Hurry up and save the president!"

The white-handed ancestor also looked at the surveillance screen in surprise, and his thoughts were churning: "What kind of ability is this? To kill the president in an instant?"

In an instant, the spaceships that were originally scattered in every corner of the earth radiated light, and after a twist, they jumped over the cat island.

For a while, a large shadow appeared over the cat island, and spaceships appeared as if covering the sky and the sun, UU read www. completely shields Cat Island and the surrounding waters.

Looking at the dense spaceships in the sky, Zhao Yao laughed while touching the president in his arms.

Side quest: Placate the Earth.

Mission objective: The earth is attacked by alien cats, and the world is in chaos. You are needed to comfort them. Defeat the Long Maozong fleet in front of the people of Earth.

Mission reward: 100,000 experience points.

Failure penalty: None.

"It's exactly what I want. Well, everyone must be very scared and apprehensive right now. I need to comfort them." Zhao Yao snapped his fingers and saw a space door open behind him.

"Doll, briquettes, cooperate with me. Next, take pictures of my battles... Remember to turn on the beauty and filter. Hmm... I allow you to use three space doors."

So next, a space door stands behind Zhao Yao, and the other two space doors are controlled by briquettes to move around. The doll's robot cat controls the camera to stand behind the space door to shoot, taking pictures of the battlefield from all angles. Happening.

At the same time, the doll once again hacked various famous websites around the world and began to live broadcast the battle of Cat Island.

And just before they did these things, the whole world was shocked by the disappearance of the space battleship.

Then the armies of various countries conveniently discovered that these spaceships did not leave, but were concentrated over an island in the west of the Pacific Ocean.

Just when they didn't understand what the aliens wanted to do, live broadcasts on the Internet began to appear.

Lao He: "Fuck me, Zhao Yao, this guy has stabbed a hornet's nest."

Puzai: "These guys really came to find Zhao Yao, I knew it, I knew it! It must be because Zhao Yao stole their spaceship, and that was why they were found all the way by the aliens!"