MTL - American Comic: Create An Oasis at the Beginning, and the Rise of Mutants-Chapter 83

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The invisible fluctuations swept across, and the agents woke up one by one.


"what happened?"

"What happened before?"

"Great gift crab special! What are we doing?!"

The control of the spiritual scepter will not erase the memory of the controlled period. Therefore, all the agents looked at each other and quickly recalled everything.

In an instant, cold sweat was streaming down everyone's faces!

On the big screen in front, several red dots representing fighter planes are rapidly approaching the target, and they are about to drop bombs at various positions... And their expected target is the official building of each country!

The White House, bear the brunt!

S.H.I.E.L.D. belongs to the World Security Council and has access to many countries, which undoubtedly gives them a chance!

Once the attack is successful, the command systems of various countries on the earth will collapse in a short period of time. This will undoubtedly make the attack of the Chitauri army even more powerful!

"Call 7-A-1-1, give up the mission immediately!"

"Call 7-A-1-"Five Seven Seven" 2, give up the mission immediately!"

"Call 7-A-1-3, give up the mission immediately!"

Hill's face turned pale, and he immediately called the pilot of the fighter plane, while the other pilots who were also awake responded with great fear.

This is so... almost left a name in history!




The six fighters were ready to return immediately.

Only then did Hill breathe a sigh of relief: "Contact Director Fury immediately..."

Before the words fell, a top-secret communication channel rang.


Hill's face changed slightly, but he didn't think much about it. S.H.I.E.L.D. belongs to the World Security Council. It's normal for the mothership to have been missing for such a long time. It has been trying to get in touch.

However, what she didn't expect was that.

As soon as the communication channel was turned on, dozens of faces appeared on the screen!

"S.H.I.E.L.D. Mothership Commander Hill Maria!"

The speaker was not the Secretary of the Security Council, Alexander Pierce, but President Matthew Ellis: "Where is the current location of the mothership? Is it possible to drop a nuclear bomb on the contract?"

"Drop...a ​​nuclear bomb?!"

Hill's heart trembled, and he thought he had heard it wrong.

"That's right, a nuclear bomb!"

The voice of the prime minister of the foot basin country was translated simultaneously: "In the current situation, besides nuclear bombs, is there any other way to destroy that damned space channel?!"

"Your Excellency, Twisting City has a population of more than eight million!"

Hill didn't care about being polite, and exclaimed: "If a nuclear bomb goes down, how many people will die in the entire city? Besides, the power of the nuclear bomb, whether it can destroy the space channel created by the Rubik's Cube is still unknown!"

"Isn't it all because of your S.H.I.E.L.D.'s dereliction of duty?!"

Another head of state snorted coldly: "When S.H.I.E.L.D. was established, various countries invested a lot of money and resources, hoping that you could deal with this unexpected situation... But now? The alien army has come in, You are missing!"

"And Nick Fury, whether he is dead or alive, our Security Council doesn't even know!"

The fourth voice came to his ears, and Hill didn't even have time to see which country's head it was.

"Is now the time for accountability?"

Hill was stunned: "Besides, the X-Men are desperately resisting, depending on the situation, they even summoned a large army, not to mention destroying all the Chitauri, at least they can get us enough Time, find a way to destroy the space channel..."

As she talked, she couldn't go on.

Because in sight, the faces of all heads of state, including their own president, are getting uglier.

Hill suddenly woke up.

"The nuclear bomb was dropped not only because of the Chitauri, but also because of... mutants?!"

Her voice suddenly became extremely difficult, and her expression was extremely complicated: "The power they displayed is really too powerful, isn't it?"

There was a brief silence on the comm channel.

"This is not something you should consider, Commander Maria!"

A leader said lightly: "SHIELD only needs to report now, whether it can close the contract in a short time and drop the nuclear bomb..."

"If you want to drop a nuclear bomb, you must not only have one twist!"

President Matthew Ellis interrupted him abruptly, his face expressionless.

As soon as these words came out, other members of the council changed their expressions: "The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is in New York. As long as the main channel of the space channel is destroyed, the other channels will disappear immediately. We only need one..."


Matthew Ellis said resolutely: "What is before us now is not just the issue of alien invasion. The power of mutants has far exceeded our expectations. They have been clearly hiding their strength, Lied to us, if let them fight off the aliens..."

"Everyone knows what the consequences will be!"

"So what's the point of targeting just one city if you're going to drop a nuke?"

"Only when five cities are launched together, can the elite of the X-Men be wiped out!"

"In this way, the mutant's power will be lost by at least half, and he can no longer be so arrogant in a short period of time, but can only obediently hide in the shadow corner like before!"

When it comes to the issue of dropping nuclear bombs on their own territory, these high-level officials who are usually secretive have no scruples in speaking.

Hill's scalp tingled when he heard that.

As a strong contender for the deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D., she certainly knows the dirty and dark side of politics.

But she never expected that at this moment when the life and death of all human beings are at stake, these people are still fighting for power and profit. On the one hand, they want to backstab the mutants, and on the other hand, they want to avoid losses!

It's outrageous!

"This is impossible!"

"As long as the main passage in New York is destroyed, the space passage above the neon will disappear. Why should we bear the loss of destroying a city?"

"That is, the root of the problem is in New York!"

"If five cities are to drop nuclear bombs together, unless the council members vote to reach a result!"

The heads of countries where the other four major battlefields are located immediately jumped out to oppose.

Matthew Ellis said coldly: "If you disagree, we don't mind launching a nuclear war after the matter is over!"

This is a naked threat!

The four council members who opposed immediately shut up.......

Although everyone looked extremely gloomy, they still nodded in agreement after a brief silence: "In this case, the five cities together..."

"You guys are crazy!"

Hill couldn't bear it anymore, and the birth interrupted them: "Just to eliminate the X-Men, five cities and tens of millions of people's lives are the price?!"

All eyes focused on her.

"Commander Maria, you should understand that if the X-Men fail and the Chitauri continuously increase their troops to attack the earth through space channels, the consequences will be that the entire earth will be reduced to ruins!"

I don't know who it was, and said: "This is a sacrifice that must be made for the safety of more than 6 billion people in the world and the continuation of human civilization..."


Nick Fury's voice suddenly appeared on the communication channel.

He was covered in blood, his windbreaker was covered with dust, and he looked extremely embarrassed, as if he was fighting the Chitauri: "Your Excellency, my people have already tried to destroy the space channel, and according to my recent According to the investigation, the mutants have no intention of launching a war..."

He didn't finish his sentence.

Matthew Ellis interrupted him coldly: "They can summon an army! An army that beats the Chitauri back steadily! And our army has nothing against the Chitauri. Fight back!"

After all, the official attitude towards mutants has never changed!

In exchange for a little time, they can accept the establishment of the Mutant Affairs Bureau, allowing the mutants to gain some political power. That is because they believe that as long as they are fully prepared, the removal of the mutants will be a matter of course!

But now...

They suddenly discovered that the strength of mutants is much stronger than expected...

How can this be tolerated?

What's more, there is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in front of you to wipe out all the elite X-Men in one fell swoop!

And the price...

0.6 It's just a few cities!

They have been poisoned by the flames of war!

Even in order to destroy the space channel, these nuclear bombs were supposed to be launched!

So, kill two birds with one stone, why not? !

"Well, I know I can't convince you..."

Nick Fury seemed to have expected this for a long time, but he was not angry. He just said word by word: "But according to the investigation by S.H.I.E.L.D. Nukes can't kill the X-Men!"


This remark caused ridicule from all the high-level human beings.

For those who have never seen the truly extraordinary world, is there a mutant in this world that a nuclear bomb can't solve?

If so, then come a few more!

Nick Fury said lightly: "In this case, I hope you will not regret it!"


Hill muttered to himself with a pale face.

In a trance, she finally realized that SHIELD may have been formed to protect the interests of the earth, but it directly leads the Security Council of SHIELD, and every director is a politician...

And politicians for power...

Anything can be done!

They are trying to die! .

Chapter 102 Where is Lynn's true self...? !

"Reed, Susan, the World Security Council has just passed a resolution depriving me of the command of S.H.I.E.L.D. They want to use nuclear bombs to destroy the space channel of the Rubik's Cube!"

"So now, you're in trouble!"

"There are five nuclear bombs heading towards five cities, and they are expected to detonate simultaneously in two minutes and thirty seconds!"

Nick Fury's voice suddenly sounded in the communication channel of Fantastic Four.

"Great gift crab special!"


"Those politicians whores!"

"Are you crazy?!"

The four superheroes cursed almost at the same time, and the voice from Thunderbolt's mouth reached Tony, Thor, and Lynn's ears immediately.

Loki heard it too.

It was at this very moment that he clearly saw the fleeting light in Lynn's eyes!

"Fuck! This guy has been waiting for a nuke?!"