MTL - American Manga God-Chapter 17 Full compensation (thanks to the leader Ailubao)

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Fighting each other?

You have gone to the wrong set!

What does it mean when the martial arts style comes to the fantasy world?

Mei Mumu was very painful, but the explanation of the mechanical sound made him a little relieved: "The magic mechanism of this world is relatively traditional, and 99% of spell casting requires gestures. Even if the spell casting can be upgraded to instant magic, gestures can also be used. Enhance performance in all aspects. [Battle between left and right] belongs to the prerequisite skills of [Multiple Large-scale Magic], please ask the host to accept or give up."


There are three Destiny Points [Left and Right Fight], you told me to give up! ?

Are you kidding me?


In the novel, the old urchin Zhou Botong could use different moves with his left and right hands to deal with the enemy. That effect is definitely not as simple as one plus one equals two. From Mei Mumu's point of view, it is at least three, and it is no less than two twins who have the same mind.

As for the magic field, the effect should not be bad!

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Meimu read the [Left and Right Fighting Tutorial] in his mind.

"Please start your practice! First, draw a circle with your left hand and a square with your right." The mechanical voice prompted.

"But... my hands are shaking!" Mei Mumu said bitterly, his hands were not good.

"There is no influence. This system will automatically remove the influence of hand tremors and give an accurate judgment in the spiritual sea."

She bared her teeth, but Mei Mumu did as she did.

This is not a simple matter.

The human brain is divided into left and right brain. The left brain controls the right half of the body, and the right brain controls the left half of the body. Theoretically, the two brains can both coordinate with each other and be differentiated from each other.

After a person is born, from learning to crawl and walk as a baby, to running and jumping later, this is a process of exercising the brain, forming neural circuits, and developing movement habits.

Mei Mumu is now practicing [left and right fighting], which is completely subverting the ability that her body remembered in the past.

Only after practicing did he realize that it was not easy. Either the left hand and the right hand draw a circle or a square at the same time, or both the left hand and the right hand draw something that is neither square nor round.

But since he sent Moro away, he insisted on it before it was time to go to sleep.

Facing the trajectory on the retina set by the balance system in his field of vision, he kept practicing.

He didn't know that everything he did fell into the eyes of Gu Yi and Moro.

This is not uncommon. Gu Yi is a supreme mage, and he was originally the strongest master of space magic in the world. Kama Taj is her sanctuary, and theoretically, she can peep into any place inside Kama Taj as long as she wants.

Of course, there are special spells that can temporarily blind her to places she doesn't notice. For example, last time Casillas took advantage of one of her outings and raided the library.

Obviously, Mei Mumu can't possibly know this spell.

"What is he doing?" Gu was curious about Mei Mumu's actions.

"Some sort of neurological rehabilitation? He hurt his hands, didn't he?"

"No, he knows very well that modern medicine has no effect on his disabled hands." Gu Yi was very sure.

"Then... could it be... preparing to learn magic?"

His heart was suddenly touched, Gu Yi felt it, and Mordo said the truth: "Maybe it is. Interesting boy..."

Meimumu kept exercising until she was exhausted.

Before going to bed, he took out his mobile phone and entered the wifi password.

He immediately found that his Twitter and e-mail were almost maxed out.

The first was Kristin, she was very nervous and sent a lot of voice messages: "Meimu, are you alright? People from Blackwater Security Company called me several times first, and then everyone came to the emergency room. Ask me if I know. Don't know who you got into. Because the two security guards you hired in Kathmandu were killed. God! For God's sake, give me a message if you're still alive!"

There are also several speeches, most of which have similar meanings, but the tone is shorter than the other.

Mei Mumu sighed, he didn't know how Kama Taj dealt with it, it seemed to be handled badly anyway. After thinking about it again and again, he still sent a voice to Christine.

"I wanted to hire a bodyguard because my hands were crippled. Unexpectedly, I was in danger. It was a terrible robbery. The other side brutally killed two of my bodyguards. Fortunately, I met a noble. It happened to be Karma. Taj's people saved me. I'm safe now, don't worry about it. I'll take care of it on the Blackwater side."

Kama Taj is very strange here, there is wifi, but no mobile phone signal. Although Mo Du keeps saying that the people of Kama Taj are not primitive people, but without a mobile phone signal, Mei Mumu is also very desperate!

This pot can't be counted on Kama Taj's head.

In this poor place, Nepal, the economy, transportation, and communication are all very backward. Except for satellite phones, there is no signal.

However, Mei Mumu still used the email to contact Heishui.

Blackwater is crazy for sure.

A low-level security mission, lost two veterans to go in, and somehow didn't know what happened.

After Meimumu told Christine's broken excuse once, Heishui's various questions came.

"Mr. Mei, you are very dishonest and provided us with false information, which has led to a serious under-assessment of the difficulty of your security work. Because you applied for the lowest level of security, UU Kanshu You have nothing bad either. Records, so we have equipped you with ordinary security personnel. Even so, it is absolutely impossible for the two of them to be unable to cope with the thieves."

"The person who attacked you is definitely not an ordinary person. You are a professional surgeon, and you should know very well that no ordinary person can cut a human skull in half with a sharp tool. That is not even a chainsaw. Chainsaws are definitely not like that. smooth wounds."

"Please explain the possible identity and purpose of the attacker as soon as possible, and we are eager to meet with you so that we can reassess the situation. If it is indeed our security work, our company will trigger the security regulations signed with you in advance, Release you from being held responsible for the death of the security guard and pay you compensation.”

Heishui didn't say anything about the latter. If Mei Mumu concealed the information, it would be his fault.

Mei Mumu re-examined his contract and found that it was not expensive, even if he paid the full amount, it would be $100,000.

After all, this is the lowest security contract. And the United States is the country that pays the most attention to commercial insurance. As long as you are willing to pay, you can buy any insurance. For example, if the old American soldier fails in any case of attendance, he can have a 'life' insurance of 250,000 US dollars.

The people of Blackwater, written as 'security guard', pronounced as 'mercenary'.

When fighting Iraq back then, the United States was afraid of dying too many soldiers, so she actually hired tens of thousands of 'security personnel' to fight together, just because these desperados were cheap.

After thinking about it again and again, Mei Chuncao decided to pay for it all... That's weird!

He decisively sold Casillas.


ps, let’s talk about it. Thank you to the two old leaders who came over for the reward, and they will add more after they are on the shelves.