MTL - An Impossible to Reject Confession-Chapter 12 asphyxia

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Xu Youyou doesn't know Go, so she just watched for a while and ran to help Ms. Ji entertain the guests. After Ms. Ji took over the pottery museum, she made a lot of improvements to the products in the store, and tried to combine the popular elements to design good-looking porcelain. In addition, the traffic in the ancient town has been good. During this time, the business of the pottery museum was quite good.

"The arbor at your table is a little different from what you described." Ms. Ji was talking to her daughter while replenishing the sold goods.

"What's the difference?" Xu Youyou asked.

"Mom, you are judging people by their appearance." Xu Youyou said.

"Is your mother such a superficial person? I mean his eyes are cold." Ms. Ji said, "Besides, if you really want to talk about looks, Qiao Mu is not bad."

Xu Youyou looked at Ms. Ji in surprise: "What do you say?"

Xu Youyou pursed her lips and smiled, and greeted two more waves of guests. It was not until the end of the game between the two that Xu Youyou ran over again.

"Who won?" Xu Youyou asked curiously.

"I lost." Qiao Mu said, raised his hand and picked up his schoolbag on the ground and was about to leave.

"Aren't you going to review it?" Li Xiuran asked.

"No, I wish you... a smooth decision." Qiao Mu paused and turned to leave. Before leaving the pottery museum, he even went over to greet Ji Leyao, which was very polite.

Xu Youyou stared at the chessboard for a while, she could not understand chess, she could only see the dense black and white chess pieces almost full: "Did Qiao Mu lose a lot?"

"Not much, just one son." Li Xiuran said.

This Li Xiuran is the first place in the dojo, and he is going to participate in the fixed stage chess player soon. Qiao Mu only lost one piece of chess with him, so Qiao Mu is also almost a professional chess player. As good as a chess player?

Xu Youyou silently evaluated Qiaomu's chess skills, then sat down on Qiaomu's position, trying to put the Go away.

"Wait a minute." Li Xiuran quickly stopped Xu Youyou, "My teacher wants to come over to watch the chess, and I will put the pieces away after I have read them. Can you put them on for a while longer?"

"Teacher?" Xu Youyou wondered.

"My teacher is in the dojo at the back and has already sent him a message, he will be there soon." Li Xiuran said.

About four or five minutes later, an acquaintance walked into the pottery shop. The teacher Li Xiuran spoke of was Mr. Wang who bought tea sets in the pottery shop.

Mr. Wang went straight to Li Xiuran's position after entering the door, stared at the chessboard for a while, and said, "Qiao Mu lost your son?"

"Teacher, you can see the strangeness, I think Qiao Mu deliberately lost to me." Li Xiuran said.

Xu Youyou came to bring tea to Teacher Wang, just heard this sentence.

Mr. Wang didn't drink tea, and motioned Li Xiuran to continue.

A white piece said, "Qiaomu stopped here for a while, and then I landed this piece, and I also slowly grasped the situation after this piece. In order to force Qiaomu to play chess with me, I told him that if I could not If I beat him, I won't be sure to win the fixed stage."

"So Qiaomu deliberately sold you a flaw here." Teacher Wang understood.

"That's right, it doesn't make sense to play the whole game, his only thoughtful move is actually a failure." Li Xiuran said with certainty, "And teacher, look, such a game of chess cannot be a six-game chess game. It was played by someone who didn't play Go in his youth. Although my chess skills have not matched Qiao Mu since I was a child, but now I have a chess skill close to that of a professional chess player. Compared with Qiao Mu six years ago, I am confident that I can win. So, teacher, Qiao Mu He's still playing Go."

When he said the last sentence, Li Xiuran was obviously excited.

Mr. Wang was silent for a while before saying, "You go back to the dojo first, and I'll take a look."

After Li Xiuran left, Mr. Wang sat by the window and watched the chess game for an hour before leaving.

Through the conversation between the two just now, Xu Youyou also heard that Li Xiuran deliberately went to Qiaomu today, and the reason is not because he said that if he did not win, Qiaomu could not pass the fixed stage competition, But to verify whether Qiao Mu really gave up Go.

Actually, Xu Youyou doesn't care much about Qiaomu's failure to play Go. Qiaomu was not a professional Go player in the last life, but he was sunny and cheerful and lived a good life. So in her cognition, Go is not very important to Qiaomu. But from Qiao Mu's involuntarily staring with the chessboard, and his bright eyes when he picked up the chess piece, Xu Youyou knew that Qiao Mu likes Go.

Or, the reason for this is the reason for the change of Arbor's character. Although I know that Qiaomu will be able to untie the knot in the future, but if it can be done a few years earlier, I can be more happy and less depressed.

"Mom, go and find out." Xu Youyou approached Ms. Ji and kept her eyes in the direction of the window.

"Why are you so gossipy."

"How can this be called gossip, I care about my classmates. I just turned this way, Qiao Mu is my first friend, I still want to go to his house to eat in the future." Xu Yuyou said.

Although Ji Leyao said that she didn't want her daughter to gossip, she still carried a fruit plate over there. When Xu Youyou was in school, her cold symptoms improved very quickly, and the arbor played a great role here.

Xu Youyou hurriedly followed, pretending to sort things on a nearby shelf, listening with pricked ears.

"Senior, were those two students just now?" Ji Leyao and Teacher Wang are alumni of the same high school.

"Thank you." Teacher Wang took the fruit plate and nodded, "Yes, both."

"One of them is Youyou's classmate, named Qiao Mu. I remember that Hongluo No. 7 Middle School only accepts children from our Hongluo Town. Whose child is he?" Qiao Mu and Xu Youyou was the same year, so his parents, Ji Leyao, probably knew each other.

"He is Yinghua's child." Teacher Wang said.

"Senior Sister Lu??" Ji Leyao was taken aback, "I remember that she seems to be married to City B. Why does Qiaomu go to school in Hongluo Town?"

"She got divorced, and later remarried, leaving the child to Teacher Chen." Grandma Qiao, surnamed Chen, was an art teacher in an elementary school before retiring.

"Qiao Mu is Teacher Chen's grandson?" Ji Leyao was stunned, and then said, "But they are all your students, why didn't they go to the dojo to play chess, but came to me instead."

"Because I don't want me to know that he is still playing chess." Teacher Wang sighed.

"What can I hide when playing chess?" Ji Leyao wondered.

Chess. Six years ago, I shouldn't have put him in the dan."

Teacher Wang's tone was full of regret.

"Failed? If you fail, come again. I remember you only attended twice before." Ji Leyao asked.

, "It's all my fault anyway."

Seeing that Teacher Wang was in such pain, Ji Leyao didn't dare to ask any more questions, and comforted her with Wen Yan.

"But there may be hope. He likes Go in his heart." Mr. Wang looked at the game of chess in front of him and said with relief, "As long as he likes it, there is still a chance."

You gave up Go completely because of a failure in a fixed stage match? Xu Youyou didn't believe it. With what he knew about Qiao Mu, Qiao Mu was not such a fragile person.

But Xu Youyou didn't immediately ask Qiaomu. With the current relationship between the two of them, asking this matter without an opportunity would be counterproductive. And respecting other people's choices is a basic courtesy, even if Qiao Mu is only a sixteen-year-old boy. As Teacher Wang said, as long as you like it, Qiao Mu will not give up.

Perhaps it was because of Xu Youyou's attitude that Qiao Mu relaxed in front of her. In the following period, Xu Youyou could occasionally see Qiao Mu burying his head in drawing chess during his self-study class.

Xu Youyou just came back from the cafeteria that day, when several girls in the class suddenly gathered around to look for Xu Youyou.

"You want me to take pictures for you?" Xu Youyou asked.

"Well, we saw the photos you posted in the Moments, and the photos of the ancient town you took are better than the ones on the ancient town's publicity website." A female classmate named Shen Lili said.

Xu Youyou suddenly realized that she took a set of landscape pictures of the ancient town on the first day she got the camera, and then posted it in the circle of friends: "But I haven't photographed people very much."

"That must be better than what we did."

"How do you want to shoot? It's too troublesome for me to go." The first time the classmates asked her for help, she refused to be unfriendly, but she didn't want to tire herself too much.

"No trouble. The Mid-Autumn Festival will be in two days. There are activities in the ancient town. We bought a few sets of Hanfu and plan to wear them to play in the ancient town. You will help us with your camera. Just take a few pictures, it’s easy.”

"Yes, and we will post it on Weibo. Lily's Weibo has hundreds of thousands of fans. Isn't your family opening a pottery shop in the ancient town? We will be in your store then Take a few pictures, and you can advertise your home." Another girl said.

"This is no problem." Shen Lili immediately expressed her cooperation.

I don't see it, the current high school students are quite business-minded. And hundreds of thousands of fans, more than she had on Facebook in her last life.

"Okay, but I will only help you shoot for two hours at most, so you can find a good place in advance." Ms. Ji shared a lot of money with her scumbag when she divorced, and now she is worth a lot of money , but if the pottery museum is doing well, she should be very happy too.

In the blink of an eye, it was the Mid-Autumn Festival. There were a lot of guests in the ancient town on this day. Xu Youyou slept until ten o'clock and went to the store in the afternoon to help Ms. Ji greet the guests.

"Youyou, take this box of moon cakes to Qiao Mu's house." At four o'clock, Ms. Ji gave her daughter a box of moon cakes, "Send it over and come back quickly, it's a festival today, don't eat rice ."

"Oh." Xu Youyou nodded, holding the moon cake and leaving.

"By the way, help me ask Mr. Chen how she thought about what I said last time."


"Design drawings." Ms. Ji said, "You didn't send a set of plates to Qiaomu before, but Mr. Chen came over the next day and asked me if I could draw by myself. I am very happy to see Mr. Chen drawing pictures, and it just so happens that I am too busy here, so I want her to come and help."

"Okay." Xu Youyou thinks that Ms. Ji's idea is good. If Grandma Qiao has something to do, maybe she will be better.

A black car was parked at the entrance of the courtyard, and the license plate should be from other places.

A guest?

"Fuck me."

It was Grandma Qiao's voice. Except for being stimulated in the dojo last time, Xu Youyou has never seen Grandma Qiao so gaffe.

"Mom, I did this for the arbor." A young woman's voice came from inside.

"I didn't ask Qiao Mu to play Go, I just asked him to get back what belongs to him?"

"What? How much money Qiao Dongyuan has? Lu Yinghua, how many years have you been divorced? Qiao Mu can't touch anything related to Go at all now, are you willing to kill Qiao Mu?"

"Mom, Qiaomu was born to me, how could I harm him. Qiao Dongyuan is his father, and the Yuanfang Chess Hall already has a share of Qiaomu." Lu Yinghua said, "I also hope that he will in the future No worries about food and clothing.”

"Get out of here, don't come back in the future, get out of here." After speaking, there were a few more cracking sounds of porcelain.

After a while, a beautifully dressed woman came out, and the woman did not speak when she passed Xu Youyou.

Xu Youyou was relieved to see that the woman ignored her. She was also very embarrassed when she encountered a quarrel. Xu Youyou originally wanted to exit first, and then go in after a while, but Lu Yinghua didn't drive away when she left the door, but continued to stand at the door. Xu Youyou was in a dilemma, and finally went in with the moon cake. To be honest, she was also a little worried about Grandma Qiao.

Xu Youyou entered the main house. Grandma Qiao was sitting on the chair with her chest covered, obviously not very angry. Qing is Xu Youyou, and his face is better: "It's Youyou, why are you here. Be careful, grandma accidentally dropped a few cups just now, don't step on it."

Xu Youyou pretended not to hear the quarrel just now, smiled and said, "My mother asked me to bring you moon cakes, and by the way, let me ask you how you thought about the last time. "

"Go back and tell your mother that I have nothing to do when I retire. If she likes my paintings, I will naturally be happy." Grandma Qiao took the moon cake with a smile, "Grandma also makes I ordered some snacks for the Mid-Autumn Festival, and I will ask Qiao Mu to deliver them to you later."

"Okay." Xu Youyou took advantage of Grandma Qiao's turn around to put the moon cakes, and went to the yard to get a broom and come in to sweep the broken pieces of porcelain.

Grandma Qiao didn't stop her when she saw it, and said with a smile: "Youyou, there is a lantern festival in the ancient town at night, will you go to see it?"


"Then I'll ask Qiao Mu to take you around." Grandma Qiao said immediately.

Xu Youyou understood what Grandma Qiao meant as soon as she heard it, she could bring her snacks back now. Let's go to the lantern festival with Qiao Mu.

"I was about to call him. I just came back from abroad and haven't been to the lantern festival yet, so I was looking for someone to accompany me." Xu Youyou said.

"I asked him to accompany you to guess lantern riddles." Grandma Qiao smiled.

When he came out, the car outside the door had already driven away, and Xu Youyou turned into the alley next to him to go home.

Only she turned in, and when she looked up, she saw a familiar figure, Qiao Mu leaning back against the wall, slightly bent over, looking a little strange.

"Arbor, why are you here? Arbor?!" As soon as Xu Youyou approached, the arbor with her back against the wall suddenly fell down, Xu Youyou was startled, and quickly reached out to think Hold people up. But Qiao Mu fell suddenly, Xu Youyou was not prepared at all, did not stand firm, and even fell to the ground with her.


"Arbor, arbor?" Xu Youyou quickly laid the arbor on the ground, the first step was to see if the arbor was choked by something, she tried to break the arbor and closed it tightly His lips, but Qiao Mu was biting so hard that he would not let go.

If a person loses his mind, it is impossible to bite so tightly.

Xu Youyou's heart moved, and she raised her hand and slapped Qiaomu's face with a slap. After a "slap", Qiaomu's tightly closed lips suddenly loosened, and then she bowed. He gasped and coughed violently on the ground, and after a while, his face flushed from suffocation gradually recovered.

"What happened to you just now?" Xu Youyou waited for him to calm down before asking, "If it wasn't for me, you almost suffocated yourself."

"I can't die." Qiao Mu sat up with his back against the wall, his voice was light, "I will breathe when I pass out."

"What's the matter with your experienced appearance?" Xu Youyou asked while squatting beside.

Qiao Mu lowered his head and did not speak.

"If you don't tell me, I'll ask my grandmother."

"Don't tell grandma." Qiao Mu grabbed Xu Youyou, his face full of fear.

Xu Youyou waited for him for a while, but Qiao Mu just pulled her without explaining, moved her lips and said nothing, her eyes full of struggle.

"Release." After a long while, Xu Youyou sighed and pulled the hand that Qiao Mu grabbed.

Instead of letting go, Qiao Mu held her tighter.

"I'm going home." Xu Youyou rolled her eyes.

Qiao Mu's eyes lit up, and stared at Xu Youyou for a while, as if to determine whether Xu Youyou lied to him, and only released his hand after about five seconds.

"I said you should lose weight, you almost killed me just now." Xu Youyou teased.

"..." arbor.