MTL - Arrival of the Wealthy Wife-Chapter 12 Harm others to harm oneself]

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When the first crack appeared on the door, Li Jinger had to make a painful decision. Although she didn't want to do it, she still made up her mind when she saw that the thick door panel couldn't stop the external force and the latch was bent due to the impact.

She pulled the three children in front of her, stroked Shuangming's head first, then touched Shuangzhen's face, with tears in her eyes, and looked and looked with a strong nasal voice.

"Shuangming, you are my elder brother. Mother told you a secret in our family. Listen carefully. Go to the end of the hole on the left, and you will find a dark tunnel. Didn't mother make love with Shuangzhen for you? The same rucksack? You each take a set of thick clothes and put them in, and then put a few pieces of dried meat and flint..."

"Mom, what are you going to do?" Shuang Ming's face was as white as paper, and he tried not to cry.

"Grit your teeth and go over there. It's very cold in the cave. Put on the little lamb hat made by your mother. You and Shuangzhen will walk through the tunnel. Your mother will follow after a while..."

"Mother..." He suddenly grabbed Mother's hand and kept shaking his head.

Shuang Zhen on the side cried silently.

"Listen to what mother has said, mother will definitely follow you, mother can't rest assured, but if unfortunately you get separated, didn't mother engrave numbers on the wall and teach you to recognize them? You find the numbers and go down, first go to the village Find Master Niu, and let Master Niu drive you to Renxintang Drugstore in the city to find shopkeeper Zhang, tell him your father is Xiao Jingfeng, and ask him to help you find your father..." At this point, Li Jinger choked up and said no speak out.

"Mother, I want to be with you, I don't want to go..." Shuangyue cried.

"Mother, don't go, let's go together..." Shuang Zhen burst into tears.

"Hey, be obedient. If you don't go anymore, you really won't be able to go. Because you are walking slowly, Mother let you go first. Mother has long legs and needs to run. She will catch up quickly. Don't delay, or else you have to go." Wait for you, you will be caught." She coaxed the child.

"Really? Mother." Well, Mother is taller than them and walks very fast.

"Really, mother never cheats, and mother still holds Sister Yue in her arms, so we all go to find father." Don't lie, only fool others, who told you that you are too simple.

"Okay, I'll listen to my mother, hurry up, mother! I will protect my sister."

Shuangming and Shuangzhen first put on clothes, moccasin boots to protect against the cold, furry lamb hats and leather gloves, a set of change of clothes and jerky in their rucksacks, one with a small dagger, and the other holding a beloved silver Comb, ran into the cave, turned back three times, and disappeared into the dark corner.

Yue Juan'er, who would have played noisy with her older brothers and sisters, had to be quiet, and followed her mother without making any noise, her little face was tense.

"Is Shuangyue afraid?" Her daughter! The little ball in the swaddling baby can now walk and run, and can even call mother.

"Your mother is here, don't be afraid." Tong Zhi's voice echoed loudly.

"Okay, be good, mother will watch over you." Mother will not let anyone hurt you.


At this time, a hole was split in the door panel, dazzling light came in from outside the house, and the sound of falling axes continued, and many small holes appeared on the door soon.

From the rotation of the light, we can see those people walking back and forth outside. After the hole is opened a little bigger, a human face can be seen vaguely, and a big eye is looking inside, trying to get a clear view of everything inside.

It was snowing outside, and it was shining brightly, but in fact, it looked dark from the outside. Unless you burned firewood, you couldn't see anything, only a few shadows.

But it is very clear when looking from the inside to the outside. As the cracks in the door become larger, the more you can see how many people are at the entrance of the hole and what they are doing, and even the sound of conversation can be heard.

At this time Li Jinger jumped up suddenly and did something that caught people off guard. She took a bag of red fine powder and threw it through the hole without any mistakes. The fine powder was blown away by the wind and sprinkled on most of the people. Painful screams sounded immediately.

"Ah! What is this thing?"

"It's so spicy, so spicy, my tongue is numb..."

"I can't open my eyes, it hurts so much, I'm going blind..."

"Ah! It's chili powder, don't rub it! The more you rub it, the more uncomfortable it gets... Cough! Cough! It's spicy, it's choking...cough..."

The last female voice was Chen Yulian. When she was about to die, she actually helped the people of Fengguo, instead of taking the opportunity to escape, she told them that it was not poisoning.

But this can delay a little time, right? !

Seeing that the other party was about to break into the door if he didn't leave, Li Jinger quickly picked up his daughter and ran into the cave. Before leaving, he glanced at the dried mushrooms placed on a high place, grabbed a handful and threw them into the room where he hadn't finished drinking yesterday. soup, and then disappeared into the shadows.

All of a sudden, a bone-piercing chill rushed over, so cold that it made people shiver. The frozen animal meat was piled high, and even the stone walls in the cave were frozen, making people's palms red from the cold.

On the coldest and most cloudy bottom floor, there is a small hole less than half a person's height. It can be seen that it is a tunnel dug by man. It is slightly damp inside, but there is no water. The space is only big enough for one person to crawl. Found, about five miles in length.

She walked through and could lead to the outside world. The stone house was originally located between two mountains. Once you go out of this tunnel, you will be on the east side of the other mountain. It is separated from the stone house by dozens of mountain roads.

Maybe it was because of a rainy day, maybe because she thought too much, she sprinkled lime and realgar in the tunnel to prevent snakes, and marked the tree marks outside the tunnel. Survive the wild.

I didn't expect to use it at this moment, which was also unexpected.

"Mom, don't hug me, I'll go by myself."

Sister Yue slid down her mother's embrace with a whimper, and ran forward with her two short legs. The stone wall was made of unknown material, but it gave off a faint light, so her little figure could be seen running.

Li Jinger, who was dumbfounded, was stunned. That child who ran faster than a rabbit was her daughter?

She couldn't help laughing, and soon discovered the fact that the person who dug this tunnel must be a dwarf, because the height is just enough for five or six-year-old children to pass, and adults have to bend half of their body to walk, otherwise they have to crawl go ahead.

Wuli said it was not long, and soon came out of the cave, her waist was almost unreal. Li Jinger saw her daughter waiting outside the cave, and couldn't help but hugged her with red eyes.

"Let's go, let's go find our brothers and sisters, they must be crying."

"En! Looking for my brother and sister." For the first time, Sister Yue didn't yell "Guokuo", she articulated clearly.

Shuangming and Shuangzhen, who left half an hour earlier, held hands. They went to find the number their mother had given, but a snowstorm turned the ground silvery white, and they lost their way as they walked. They all look similar, so I have to go down the mountain first.

It’s just that for two five or six-year-old children, the mountain is too big and the snow is too deep. After walking a few steps, they get stuck in the snow and cannot move an inch.

At last they found a tree hole and hid themselves so that no one could find them.

"Sister, are you hungry?"

Shuang Zhen nodded after eating a few chestnuts, "Hungry."

"Brother brings you jerky." Shuangyue opened the rucksack and took out the smoked jerky rabbit meat, but when she saw it, it was frozen and hard as a rock.

"I can't eat..." In fact, she was not too hungry and could hold back.

"Who says you can't eat it? I have a small knife that my father gave me. I cut up the meat and eat it in small bites." He proudly took out the small dagger to show off.

But Jianli, who is always better than others, the frozen jerky is too hard to cut open with his strength. One hand slipped too hard, and the sharp point of the knife scratched the tiger's mouth of the other hand. The fur cover was still scratched, and bright red blood burst out instantly, staining the snow all over the ground red.

The little brothers and sisters were frightened.

"Brother, are you bleeding?"

"Oh! It doesn't hurt, it's just a little bit..." It hurts so much, will he die? Lin Ming, who couldn't shed tears, pretended to be strong and tried not to cry.

"Brother, I miss my mother..." Why didn't my mother come?

As soon as he talked about his mother, his tears finally flowed down uncontrollably. "I miss my mother too."

"Will mother not find us, and leave us behind like my mother before?" The shadow of being abandoned floated over Shuang Zhenxin's head again, and she hugged her knees with her hands and cried.

"Mother before, we are just one mother, mother is very powerful, she can do everything, she will definitely find us." Mother, come quickly, Shuangming is really scared.

"What if I can't find it?" She was so scared that she would starve to death.

"My brother is here, and my brother will take you to find your mother." He is the brother and wants to protect the younger sister.

"Yeah!" She nodded anxiously.

In the small tree hole, two small figures cuddled together to keep warm, like two cubs lost with their mother bear, you leaning on me, I leaning on you, pushing and squeezing.

When Li Jing'er hugged Sister Yue and found them, the two of them fell asleep crying like little cats. There was a piece of hard jerky at their feet, with saliva marks left on it that could not be bitten. Frozen, forming a row of millet tooth marks.

"Shuangming, Shuangzhen, wake up, can't sleep, mother is here, quickly open your eyes and look at mother, mother has found you..."

Mother's voice?

She is coming…

The two children struggled to wake up. They opened their eyes, but their eyes were still a bit dazed. After feeling someone touching their faces, they realized that there were two very similar faces, one big and one small, looking at them with a smile. Excited and aggrieved cry out.



"Good boy, mother didn't miss the appointment, isn't this here?" Li Jinger, who was almost thrown to the ground, caught his son and daughter and hugged her.

"Brother, brother..." Shuang Zhen was sobbing that she couldn't speak clearly.

"What's wrong with brother, did you bully you?" I cried so sadly.

"Brother, he..."

"It's okay, mother, I'm fine, my sister can't find mother, so cry." Lin Ming, who was afraid of mother's worry, retracted his injured hand. But his small movements could not escape the sharp eyes of Li Jinger, who was careful, she took his hand as soon as she saw something was wrong. "injured?"

The wound was a bit big, but fortunately the blood had coagulated.

"It doesn't hurt, mother, really." It seems that it really doesn't hurt.

"It's not that it doesn't hurt, it's that the weather is too cold and the wound is frozen. If you let it go, your piece of flesh will be cut off." It's also fortunate that it is winter, otherwise there will be more bleeding.

"Scared! Cut... cut off?!" He was so frightened that his face turned paler.

"Just tell your father that you can't give your child a knife that will hurt you. He just doesn't listen. He also said that every boy should have a knife. He was not very disappointed when he was a child..." Li Jinger carefully took off the knife while nagging. The son's leather gloves, tore off his own dress and wrapped them into strips, wrapped them around the wound, and then put his own cashmere gloves on to keep him warm.

Because of this incident, her left hand was frostbitten. In the days to come, as long as winter came, her frostbitten hand would be numb and throbbing, as if being poked by a thin needle.

"Mom, I don't want to cut my hands..."

Li Jinger slapped him on the forehead amusedly. "Who said you have to cut your hands, but remember to keep warm in very cold places, don't freeze, we will die if we are too cold like fish and rabbits, if your hands are as hard as stones, then The hand is dead and cannot be used, and unless it is removed, the person cannot live."

"Mom, I won't play with knives anymore." It was so dangerous, he almost lost his hand.

"Hmm! Can you still walk? Let's find a place to avoid the snow. My mother has never been here before. Look for any mountain walls or cracks in the rocks, so as to avoid the wind and snow." She picked up her son's dagger , Carved an "arrow" indicator on the trunk of a person with both hands clasped together.

"it is good."

Finding the child is not difficult, just follow the footprints. Although it has been covered by a little snow, they can find people by following the snow caves in the way they walk three steps and one step down.

However, it was difficult to find a shelter from the wind. The snow was deep below her calves, and it was difficult to walk. Li Jinger, a woman who had to take care of three immature children, gradually became powerless, and her steps became heavier and heavier. She suspected that this life was coming to an end. I can't stand it anymore.

If it wasn't for the excessive physical strength the night before, she must have the strength to hold her eldest daughter, but at this time, her back is sore and her legs are weak, all relying on willpower to support her.

"Mother, rabbit." Sister Yue suddenly yelled.

"Rabbit?" Li Jing'er concentrated his attention, and sure enough, a snow-white rabbit jumped in front of him, but disappeared behind a big rock in an instant.

So she carried one on her back, and held one in each hand, and the girls walked to the place where Uncle Rabbit disappeared, and suddenly found a cave, which was not big, just big enough for four people to squeeze in, and there was still a small space in front of it.

"Shuangming, take my younger sister in for shelter first, and mother to find hay to make a fire..." She carved another "arrow" on the big rock.

The fire is lit, warmed up, the dried meat is roasted on the fire, the meat is soft, the children eat happily, and the clean snow in the snow melts in the mouth and turns into water, quenching thirst and hunger, a difficult moment In the past, the sky will be green after the rain, waiting for the dawn.

After a day of horror and fear, the children were all tired, and they slept in Li Jinger's arms one by one. She looked at them with her arms around each other, but she was also exhausted, but she couldn't sleep. She stared intently at the children's sleeping faces. Wake up immediately if something is wrong.

Anyone with mountaineering experience knows that you must not sleep in a place where the body is too cold to bear and there is no way to replenish the heat source. Once you fall asleep, you may not be able to wake up, and your body will gradually cool down until you stop breathing. .

When Xiao Jingfeng led people to find her and the child, she was so stiff that she could barely move. His two big hands kept rubbing her body and limbs, and the slow-flowing blood gradually warmed up, and she was able to move her fingers and toes a little. Not frozen, still good.

In the end, Li Jinger was carried back by Xiao Jingfeng, and the three children were held by the soldiers he brought, and the group went down the mountain as fast as possible.

Instead of going back to the stone house, they went to the house down the hill, because...

"Chen Yulian is dead?!"

She had anticipated this possibility, unless someone from the Feng Country took a fancy to her and wanted to take her away, otherwise she would have no choice but to die, a worthless hostage is a burden.

But upon hearing the news of this death, Li Jinger still felt a little uncomfortable. After all, no matter how odious Chen Yulian was, she was the mother of two children. With this death, what should the young children do?

It's just that who can be blamed for her own crimes? Originally, she wanted to harm others, but instead she harmed herself. She probably never thought of others in her life!

"Hmm! When he died, he was completely naked, without a single thing, his whole body was covered with bruises and bite marks, his lower body...uh, it was horrible, and he couldn't find a good piece of skin..."

Chen Yulian was gang-raped to death by seven or eight men. Her body, legs, mouth, and even the backyard were full of men's semen, and obscenity flowed all over her body.

When she died, her eyes were wide open, and she had a strangely happy smile on her face. She died when a woman was aroused, and a white saliva flowed from the corner of her mouth.

It can be seen that she is happy, and enjoys the man's wanton pursuit of pleasure on her, one after another, or one by one to everyone, in pursuit of the ultimate love in the entanglement of the flesh, she has already crazily ignored it, as long as the man's shock.

She has had **** with every man, and her lower body was torn because of the intensity. The big bed in the stone house was covered with her blood before she died. The blood was stained and shocking.

"Her brother must be very sad!" No matter how tricky and willful she is, she is her own sister, and no one wants to see their relatives die.

"Sadness is inevitable, but it's more about relief. If she doesn't die, I will kill her even if I turn against Zhenfu." How could she actually bring the enemy up the mountain because of her own selfishness, and wanted to kill his wife and children? unfavorable.

Xiao Jingfeng, who had lingering fear in his heart, still had a terrified look on his face. When he saw the door that had been chopped down to only the wooden slats, his heart seemed to be caught by an invisible hand, almost crushing it. He was so frightened. Dare to enter, stood outside the door for a long time.

There was a thin groan in the room, it was a woman's voice, he rushed in blindfolded, and shot an arrow through the throat of the man who was straddling the woman, and the man fell back without even a cry of pain, Facing upwards was Agulie with a treacherous smile.

At that time, he stepped forward with difficulty, thinking that the tortured woman was his wife, and the pain like a knife invaded his whole body, and he fell to his knees in pain.

One of the soldiers who had been to the stone house suddenly yelled "It's not my sister-in-law", and he seemed to have come back to life from the dead. He hurriedly checked who the dead was, and he was relieved to find that it was really not Jingniang.

"Forget it, don't take it to heart if you're dead, she deserves her retribution, my child and I are fine, so don't worry too much about it, we still have to go on with our lives..." Li Jinger held his hand, and suddenly felt a sore nose, A little moved, the matter was over, and his hands were still trembling with fear.

"Jingniang, I can't live without you, you are my life, I... don't leave me, promise me." With tears in his eyes, he said choked up.

"Well! I won't leave, I will be with you for the rest of my life, and I will be your wife for the rest of my life." She accepted, and his bunch of top relatives also accepted her.

"Yeah!" He hugged her for a long time.

I'm afraid of losing, so I have to hold on tight. Suo Jingfeng is now a bird of fright. If he misses the woman he loves by mistake, he becomes flustered, and feels like his heart is dead again.

He was frightened by Chen Yulian's death, thinking that if it was his woman who died tragically on the stone bed, what would he do?

"Jingfeng, does Agulie's death mean that the peace talks have broken down and a war is about to start?" The main combat faction of Fengguo must be furious and vowed to fight to the death.

He nodded and took him into his arms. "A Gulie was killed by me, but the others died for unknown reasons, and they all foamed at the mouth before they died."

Hearing this, Li Jinger smiled triumphantly, "They definitely drank that pot of soup."


"We didn't finish the eight-treasure bamboo fungus chicken soup the day before. Before I left, I sprinkled a handful of poisonous mushrooms that were supposed to poison rats. Eating those mushrooms would cause hallucinations, excitement, and blood vessels to expand, making people think... er , doing that kind of thing, a small amount of it can paralyze the wound, if it is used in excess, it will foam at the mouth, convulse all over the body, and finally choke on its own vomit and suffocate.”

Whether it is fatal or not depends on the improper handling, and such an amount is sure to kill the rat, and it will die from the **** in the body.

"You helped us solve a problem." The other party was not a good one, and if they really wanted to fight, their own side would inevitably suffer some casualties.

"But it also raises another question." She smiled wryly.

Xiao Jingfeng kissed her gorgeous lips, feeling satisfied in his heart. "Sooner or later, a battle is unavoidable. General Chen Rong has asked for food support."

"So you're leaving?" She grabbed his hand, reluctantly.

"...Hmm!" He responded with difficulty.

"I'll wait for you to come back." She spoke sourly.

The man didn't flick his tears lightly, but he didn't reach the point where he was sad. With tears in his eyes, he looked at the pupils reflecting his figure with a smile. "I'll be back, wait for me."

"Okay, wait for you." The only thing she can do is wait.

Three months later, everything was ready and the army set off.

It was March in Yangchun, peach blossoms were in full bloom, butterflies were flying, and bees were gathering honey.

Li Jinger didn't go up the mountain anymore, but she still couldn't forget the gushing spring in front of the stone house. Xiao Jingfeng took a thousand brothers to hunt in the name of practice, and he asked everyone to bring a bucket of water down the mountain and pour it into the small hole dug in front of the yard. In the pond, a lot of mountain birds and wild animals were hunted for money, leaving a considerable amount of money for the family.

Li Jinger, who was not used to idleness, used the money to buy ten acres of sandy land in the river. After hiring someone to tidy it up, she raised fish, shrimp, and crabs, and planted lotus roots. They swim up and down the water in groups and fertilize the lotus root fields.

When autumn is the harvest season, she harvests lotus root, sells fish, shrimp, and crabs and makes a fortune. The ducks are not sold when they grow up. She opens a winter roast duck restaurant, which only sells them in winter.

The plump roast duck was very popular, and she thought of rabbits again.

Xiao Jingfeng fought in the war for more than two years. When he came back, his family had a fat boy who could walk and run, and Li Jinger became a rabbit fur supplier and rabbit meat wholesaler.

twelve years later

"Li Jieyuan, why don't you go for the No. 1 Scholar Examination? With your aptitude, you will definitely be able to win the third prize. You will be favored by the emperor. In the future, high officials and rich salary will be indispensable."

The bright-eyed young man, as bright as the moon and shining brightly, cupped his hands politely and politely, and said with a smile: "My mother said why the merit test is for. One is to be a Jinshi, or to enter the Imperial Academy. In the future, I will fight all the way to sit on the first assistant seat." If you are lucky, you can go to a rich land. If you are not lucky, you can only pick poor counties. You will stay here for three years, and there for three years. Mix your experience and wait for promotion. If you are lucky, you will be a Beijing official. People work hard all the way to climb to a high position."

"What's wrong?" Not all scholars are like this. They first get their titles on the gold list and then enter the court to become an official, starting from a small official and then stepping up.

"It's nothing bad, but my mother said it's a waste of time, life is too short, there are too many things to do, why waste it in seeking fame and fame? I can do things for the court even if I don't take the number one exam. I don't have an official position. If you are so happy, you can do whatever you want, and no one restrains you." Officials should be managed by bigger officials, and high officials should be managed by the emperor.

"I don't understand." He said it too profoundly.

"If you don't understand, let me explain it to you. My mother has a good habit of storing grain. She can store food for one-third of the people in this dynasty for one year, and two-thirds of the people in two years can eat enough. Year food, everyone will not go hungry..."

"So?" Still didn't hear the point.

"Seven years ago, there was a severe drought in Wenzhou. The emperor jumped in a hurry and ordered officials from all states to collect food for disaster relief. However, the harvest in those years was not good. Many officials were convicted and demoted because of this. After copying and chopping, my mother took out one-tenth of the food for disaster relief and relieved the severe drought in Wenzhou. Later, the people of Wenzhou set up a longevity temple for my mother, calling it the Empress of Shengshui. My family and my mother were so beautiful back then, not even a first-rank official."

Not being an official is more airy than being an official, so what do you do as an official, you earn less than his mother's hairpin in a year, less money, more affairs, far away from home, and more troublesome people in poor villages.

Li Jieyuan has a deep admiration for his mother. He grew up under his mother's tricks when he was young. Even though he is well-educated and talented, he still believes in what his mother said.

To be the head of the house by yourself, you don't need to look at people's faces, this is what his mother often talks about.

In fact, Li Jieyuan's mother doesn't have much confidence in the bureaucratic system of the dynasty. If she does well, she should be beheaded. happy.

But she doesn't want to pay taxes, she wants to store more food, she would rather donate food to the poor people than raise court rice worms, why don't she fight for a good name, if it's cheaper, she just speaks out and doesn't do anything North Korean officials.

Instead of trying to build a canal in three years, it is better to raise funds from the people to dig the canal. Get involved in shipping.

So she asked her son to take the examination of scholar, examination of juren, examination... So far, the status of juren can save a lot of taxes, and there is no need to step up the promotion.

It's just that I didn't expect my son to be so talented. He was the top student in the exam, and he was also the top in the random exam. He was also quite ashamed to be called Master Xie Yuan at a young age.

"What about the two?"

"The second is to do things for the common people, but I'm already doing it, so it doesn't matter if I get the first prize or not. The emperor is still a guest of my house, and he will stay at my house for ten days and a half a month every year..." The emperor is so vicious, he actually wants him Be a prince and a tutor.

"Hey, the emperor came to your house?" Really?

"Brother, you are talking again. Mother said that you will spread her great achievements to everyone. She is considering marrying you a wife in advance. What do you think of Miss Zhao San from the Master Shangshu's family? She is proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and she is a good girl." , fine embroidery..." The standard ladies.

"Oh! Sister, I'll do everything you want. Don't hurt me. My mother said that our Li family's family motto is that men can only be married when they are 20 years old, and women can only discuss marriage when they are 17 years old. My brother is just 10 years old this year. Seven years old, we will discuss after three years." Alas! Sweating, his sister is born with a black belly, she is really calculating - the black belly is also what my mother said, and he thinks it makes sense.

This solution is the mother's treasure.

Mabao is also a mother cloud.

"Miss Zhao San will become a mother in three years, are you going to poison her father-in-law to become a stepfather?" Her brother is so serious that people want to draw a turtle on his face.

Another venomous one.

"Sister! Is Miss Zhao San the only choice for your elder brother? Why don't you look at the girls from the Li family, the younger sister from the Sun family, and the daughter from the Qian family? If you are a virtuous person, I might as well look at a painting of a lady." At least I won't play tricks behind my back, say one thing, do another, and make a difference.

"Brother! Which sister are you calling? There are two sisters in front of you. It's hard for us to distinguish between your sisters." The playful one blinked and smiled mischievously.

The first younger sister was born elegant and charming, wearing a light blue corset skirt with willow pattern, her eyes were charming, with slightly upward hooks, and she was charming when she smiled.

The second younger sister is beautiful Duanyan, who likes to dress up men's clothes. She wears a lotus-colored straight gown with lotus flowers, a belt and a scarf of the same color, but her round and smiling eyes betray her, making people know she is a naughty girl at a glance Baby, skin whiter than snow cherry mouth, soft and waxy voice.

One is about seventeen, one is fourteen, they are all born with bright eyes and bright teeth, beautiful eyes and hopeful eyes, the two sisters are beauties, there are many princes and dignitaries who come to ask for marriage, and the sons of high-ranking officials. Very much in demand.

"Xiaoyue, can't you tease my brother less? Every time I call my sister, some of you don't know who I'm calling." I came to make him happy.

"I don't know, we are stupid." The little girl named Xiaoyue shook her head playfully.

"Yes, so stupid that there is no cure." They had to poison people to death.

"You guys..." He is a fool! In front of his extremely intelligent younger sister, he was only hopelessly inferior.

"Shuangming, Shuangzhen, Shuangyue, are your parents at home? Uncle Chen is here to play!"

A tall horse stopped after shouting, and immediately came a middle-aged man with a beard, followed by twenty-four soldiers.

"Uncle Chen, why are you here again? My mother will definitely show you again when she sees you." Li Shuangming said helplessly.

Li Jing'er doesn't like to deal with people in the officialdom. She fought Fengguo for more than two years, and her child was born and could speak. The father of the child hadn't come home yet, so she almost took the child to the border to help men Go to war.

After returning to the imperial court, the class teacher was rewarded for his meritorious service. At that time, Xiao Jingfeng, who became famous in the first battle, was awarded the fourth rank of Zhongwu General, while Chen Dasheng was awarded the fourth rank of Mingwei General.

But Xiao Jingfeng actually "resisted the decree" in the Golden Luan Hall. He bargained with the emperor whether it could be changed into a real reward. He would not be a military general, but wanted to go home and farm.

The emperor was laughed at by him, and he really gave him four thousand taels of silver, two hundred hectares of fertile land, and a mountain designated by his wife. The emperor's grace is mighty!

Unexpectedly, this pair of thieves cheated the emperor. It turned out that there was a hot spring on that mountain. Li Jinger used the silver rewarded by the emperor to build a 500-acre hot spring village. , a full 500,000 trees, nearly a hundred kinds of fruit trees.

In the first three years, no one really knew about this small place. Everyone said that Xiao Jingfeng was crazy, and he let the fourth-rank official not work to farm, and this person was only so promising.

People only said that he was a wife slave, because he gave all the gold, silver, jewels, silver and land rewarded by the emperor to his second wife as dowry, and he was penniless. From mother's surname, all surnames are Li.

If he hadn't abandoned his official position at the beginning, he would still be a first-rank official today, and even Chen Dasheng, who accompanied the emperor to hunt all day, would have been promoted to a second-rank general.

But lost in the east, harvested in mulberry elm, many years later, "Chunlin Guiwan" has become the most prestigious forest garden in this dynasty. It has four seasons of beauty, which is amazing. Almost everyone who has been there lingers and forgets to return. go back.

Flower viewing in spring, landscape painting in summer, fruit picking in autumn, and wine tasting in winter. There are four four-season halls in the east, west, south, and north. Only twelve reservations are open each year. Welcome, please come to the small restaurant at the foot of the mountain.

And one of the places has been occupied by the emperor's power. He will come here to live for a few days every year, soak in the hot springs, drink plum wine, look at the sea of ​​clouds that changes according to the seasons, and listen to opera...

That's right, the emperor came to see the play.

"A Crooked Journey to the West", "Three Kingdoms", "A Dream of Red Mansions", "Jumping from a Building in the West Chamber", "Anecdotes Between the White Snake and Fahai", "Snow White Transposed Version"...Li Jinger adapted her according to her own taste Knowing the story, adding a bit of evil to make the drama more interesting, Bo Jun smiled, she didn’t care what the ending of the original version is, who said that monks can’t return to vulgarity, Monkey King beat the bone spirit three times to show the truth, and the master and apprentice competed for one The fight between the girls was bloody, and the white lady didn't love Xu Xian, but Xiaoqing. It turned out that Xiaoqing was a yin and yang snake.

She enjoyed watching it by herself, while others were at a loss, but a fellow fan came here, and the aloof emperor also liked it. Every time she came, she made it a point to watch the play. The whole troupe was taken away.

Li Jinger was so angry that he only adapted one play a year, and no more. The emperor came to remind him, saying that the inspiration was dead, and asked him to observe three years of silence.

Thus, Xiao Jingfeng and Li Jing'er and his wife became the emperor's folk friends, the kind of friends who can put on airs for the emperor. The emperor was often mad at these two ignorant people, but he didn't come and thought too hard, so he would find someone who would abuse him Come.

"Chen Dasheng, didn't I say that I didn't want to see you in my lifetime, why did you come looking for me again?" That beard looked like a bandit, and the more he looked at it, the more unpleasant it became.

"I'm sending a message on behalf of the emperor. He will come on the eighteenth day of next month. You should make preparations, as well as younger siblings. The emperor said that he wants to watch the scene where Ximen hanged himself. Can you make arrangements?" Oops! It's really fragrant, it's freshly brewed fruit wine, it's just matured, and it's out of the altar on the day.

How much fruit can a hundred thousand fruit trees bear! Li Jinger sells half of the money and half makes wine. There are 100 types of fruit wine alone.

This is also one of the reasons why she hates Chen Dasheng, who has always drank strong alcohol, he fell in love with the fruit wine brewed in the manor. At first, he was polite and only asked for one or two jars. Self-collection, the last two or three years have been packed in a car, and at least two hundred jars of wine have been sneaked away by him every year, and he also confidently said that if there is any wine, he should keep it for him to sacrifice to the spirit!

This person's shamelessness is invincible in the world.

As for his younger sister's two children who had been brought back by the Bai family, they were also named Bai, so he had to let people recognize their ancestors.

And he remarried when he was in his thirties. He married a sixteen-year-old girl. Her son was three years old and her daughter was one year old.

"Why is he here again? It's the second time this year." Do you want to let people live? With one less booker, how much less money would she earn, and the emperor's favor is so great that she can't do without crying and being poor.

"It's not that Princess An Le wanted to come to see her. The emperor got a headache because of her noise, so he nodded without paying attention." The emperor was also very annoyed, but there was no joke.

"Oh—Princess Anle!" Li Jinger said "Oh" and looked at someone.

There is also a Spring and Autumn House outside the Four Seasons Hall, which is specially reserved for the long-term residents. , Use the money from seeing a doctor as the library capital.

At the same time, Zhou Jingyu is also Shuangzhen's adoptive father and master. She learns medicine and poison from him, and both of them are very interested in medicine people.

But I don’t know if the genius doctor has secrets, what kind of rejuvenation pill he made, he looks less than twenty-five years old, and he has seduced some women who are dissatisfied, young girls with spring hearts, one or two votes Hugging her in her arms, threatening to marry no one in this life.

Princess Anle, who is seventeen years old this year, is one of them. She is the emperor's ninth sister.

"Jingniang, don't look, be careful that he poisons you." Xiao Jingfeng, the wife slave who has been pampering him for more than ten years, stretched out his hand to wrap his wife's waist.

"If he dares, I will ask Shuangzhen to play 'Dream Seventeen' for him." See who is ruthless.

"What is Dream Seventeen?" Chen Dasheng asked.

"Aphrodisiac." Meng Hui was seventeen years old, and her blood was vigorous.

"Pfft!" He spat out a mouthful of wine.

"Xiao Erlang, take care of your mother-in-law, she's becoming more and more informal." Zhou Jingyu's face darkened, mocking her for being too unscrupulous.

Xiao Jingfeng looked at his wife affectionately. "Doesn't she just make people feel that she is real? She doesn't value power or profit, and focuses on her husband and children. Who of you has her willingness to give up, and spreads blessings regardless of personal gains and losses."


No one can match the release of one million pebbles of white rice a year alone.

Li Jinger didn't do good deeds for the sake of doing good, but wanted to feed the elderly and children when they saw them hungry.

She now has 1,500 hectares of land, and she has successfully planted two crops of rice a year. Many years ago, she was not short of food.

"Mom! I'm back."

"Mom! I'm hungry."

"Mom, is dinner ready?"

Sanlang, Shiro, and Goro, who are eleven, nine, and six years old, plus the two little ones Qianjiao and Baimei, after Shuangming, Shuangzhen, and Shuangyue, Xiao Jingfeng and Li Jinger gave birth to five children. A total of eight children, children around the knee.

But there is no Erlang, Erlang is Xiao Jingfeng.

But those top-notch relatives in the Xiao family's old house were easy to get rid of. Li Jing'er directly bought 200 acres of land in Wolong Village, and threatened that if they didn't come to disturb them, the production of the 200 acres would belong to them. Otherwise, she would directly donate it to the village for the poor. People need.

For those two hundred acres, the Xiao family never showed up again.

Looking at the hungry children, Li Jinger felt that she was very happy and satisfied now.

[Postscript Strange Weather Sends Autumn]

Hello everyone, I am Jiqiu. Thanks for reading my work on

What's the weather now! It's getting weirder and weirder.

A few years ago, if the weather turned cooler, it would be a few degrees lower a day, so people could not feel the change of climate. When one day they suddenly felt that it was time to put on a coat, they would know that the season had changed.

However, in the past two or three years, the temperature has dropped directly. The day before, the high temperature was 36 degrees C, and it was impossible to sleep without blowing on the air conditioner.

Wow! The chilly air poured in all of a sudden, goosebumps arose on the arms in short sleeves, and the north wind blew straight.

But Qiu was unlucky and caught a cold.

If I don't have a fever, I just cough desperately, coughing until I can't stop eating throat lozenges.

After a little better, the nasal congestion and runny nose started again.

Have you ever seen an ad for toilet paper and throwing snot all over the floor? Qiu used a plastic bag to hold Qiu's "dumpling wrappers", and the bag was full.

Fortunately, on the third day, I was much better, no stuffy nose, less coughing, but occasionally I still need to blow twice, but Qiu is very grateful, and there is no dizziness.

Qiu didn't see a doctor, it didn't seem to work, it's self-healing!

The autumn wind is very annoying. When the place where autumn lives in autumn, the wind is rustling. When the wind comes, the autumn flowers and fruits will suffer. The autumn flowers are blown bare, leaving only the branches.

Last month, I planted a pepper tree, which is very cute. It bloomed a lot of small white flowers, produced small green fruits, and slowly turned red. I was about to pick it off to add vegetables in autumn, but after being blown by the wind all night, the whole thing withered, and the green leaves became old. , sparsely sparse.


【End of the book】