MTL - Arrival of the Wealthy Wife-Chapter 2 firefighter's skill]

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one year later-

"Mother, mother, come back for dinner!"

Echoing in the empty valley: I came back to eat, I came back to eat, I came back to eat... The echoes are full of funny children's voices.

There is no end to the mountains that stretch for hundreds of miles. The mountains are stacked one after another. There are hundreds of mountains, some of which are soaring into the sky. The ice and snow do not melt all the year round. , the rumors continue.

In the middle of a slightly lower hillside surrounded by emerald green, at the col where two mountains meet, there is a wave of cooking smoke wafting out, accompanied by a smell of rice.

But whether you look at it from a distance or close up, you can't see half of the houses where people live, and the white smoke seems to seep from the cracks in the stones, drifting away along the wind.

Hearing the cry of a child, a young woman with curly hair like a man emerged from the wild forest, carrying a bamboo basket full of wild fruits, mushrooms, and duck eggs on her back, and holding a cloth bag containing beehives in her hand , tempting yellow honey dripping from the bottom of the bag.

"Keep your voice down, you scare away the returning wild ducks and sparrows, and we won't be able to catch the prey that fell into the trap later." Animals are more sensitive than humans, and they panic at the slightest movement, but birds and beasts are also very sensitive. Slow, frightened and returned to the original place.

"Mom, are the persimmons ripe again? Are we going to make persimmons this year?" A five-year-old boy, wearing pea-green underwear that is resistant to dirt, ran towards the woman, knowing that he was weak, but insisted Taking the bamboo basket heavier than him means that he has grown up and is a little man who can be the pillar of the family.

"Be careful, Shuangming, you can't lift it, let mother come." This child! The old loves to do things beyond the scope of his ability, and always regards himself as the eldest son.

"Mother, I can do it, let me try." Xiaoxiao's body is not as tall as the bamboo basket, and she dragged and pulled vigorously, but the bamboo basket was still motionless.

"Okay, try it." She smiled and lifted a bamboo basket from behind, hooking it with two fingers, and moved the bamboo basket weighing three to forty catties forward a few steps.

"Mom, did you move?" Xiao Shuangming grinned in surprise.

"Yeah! It's moving, my son is really good, he can go up the mountain to fight tigers." She teasingly stroked his son's head and gave him encouragement.

"Okay, go up the mountain to fight tigers, and get a piece of tiger skin for my mother to make a cloak." The little chest straightened out, and he made his great wish with great air.

Hearing this, she chuckled lightly and said, "Can mother wear tiger skin? You should say that you can make a shawl from some snow foxes for mother, that will be beautiful and majestic."

He thought for a moment, his little face wrinkled like a little old man. "I've never seen a snow fox..." I've seen a few yellow-haired foxes, they are cunning and timid, and run very fast.

"Mother, brother, you are back."

The seam of the stone... No, it is a little girl with a beautiful face who came out from behind the stone. The clothes are 60% new. They are old dresses from last year. She hasn't grown any taller this year, so she will wear them and wait for the new year to make new ones. dress.

But if you take a closer look, there is no house anywhere, it is clearly a stone house, similar to a cave dwelling, the door is not big, adults who are taller have to bend over to get in and out, and there are four ventilation windows on the left and right, but they are all small, about A child's waist is wide.

This place is very secret and few people walk around, so it was meant to keep people out. The wooden door inside has three wooden bars, one in the upper, one in the middle, and the other in the middle. People from outside can't come in, and it's impossible to get through the window. The head is a little bigger. It's stuck, in a dilemma, and it's safe to live in it.

Li Jinger discovered this place by accident.

The little girl who just called her mother was the little girl who was abandoned by her parents at that time. She was just taking it with her and wanted to find a good family to adopt. Unexpectedly, she picked up a total of seven children along the way, including boys and girls. , the oldest is less than ten years old.

Later, four were adopted. The parents who lost their children in the disaster needed comfort. One was separated from his family, and the family found the child and went home for reunion.

Shuangming's parents died in the flood, and his grandfather escaped with him, but the grandparent and grandson were hungry and tired, and fell ill. Li Jinger slept in the same ruined temple with them, and the grandfather couldn't make it through. , entrusted his grandson to Li Jinger when he was dying.

But Shuangming's illness was also very serious. At one time, she had a high fever until she lost consciousness. The doctors shook their heads and asked her to prepare for the funeral. It was Li Jinger who didn't give up. The medicine finally saved his life.

At first, I thought that overheating would affect my intelligence, but I didn't expect that when Shuangming woke up, he would forget all about the past, hug Li Jinger and call his mother with tears in his eyes.

Seeing this, the little girl also called her mother, hugging her thigh tightly and not letting go.

Raising one bun is raising, and raising three buns is also raising. She gritted her teeth and recognized it. Could it be possible to throw the children on the side of the road?

After deciding to raise the two children, Li Jinger first went to the local county government to file a case, saying that the children were picked up, not kidnapped, and if relatives came to find them, they should return them.

It's just that no one came to the door after filing the case, so she set up a female household, put the children under her name, and took her surname Li as her surname. One was named Shuangming, the other was Shuangzhen, and they became siblings with their daughter Shuangyue.

The only embarrassment is that once the child has more expenses, the expenses will increase. In addition, Shuangming's silver taels for seeing a doctor and buying medicines, more than six taels is really not enough. Her hope of renting a small yard for a temporary stay fell through, and several adults and children crowded together. I lived in a cottage with a big hole in the roof, and the cold wind blew at night, making people almost freezing.

When she arrived at the northern mountain, it was late autumn, and with the few pennies she had left, she hired an old woman named Mrs. Hu to look after the child for her. She went up the mountain alone, looking for any valuable mountain goods that could be exchanged for silver. That is, the whole day, and did not return until the next morning.

The children hadn't eaten all day, and they were starving. She hurriedly cooked a pot of mushroom soup to fill their stomachs first, and then estimated how much a bamboo basket of mountain products could sell.

But seeing the child eating hungry, Li Jinger knew that this would not work. She had to accumulate more than five taels of silver in a short period of time and find a stable place to house the child.

So she thought of catching snakes.

During the eight or nine years of her career as a firefighter in her previous life, she went to residential houses, dormitories or factory buildings in mountainous areas to catch snakes at least ten times a year. Most of the snakes were non-venomous golden snakes. Belly snake, green bamboo silk, etc., she can easily grasp them.

Because she was already proficient at doing it, she used a self-made snake catcher to catch nearby. The first harvest was good. She caught ten snakes, seven of which were non-venomous and three were poisonous.

Seven taels of silver have arrived.

After a smooth first time, there will be a second and a third time. Her snake-catching skills become more and more proficient, and her understanding of the mountain topography becomes more and more ingenious. The more snakes she catches, the more courageous she becomes, and even The big snake with thick ankles dared to face it alone. If someone happened to pass by, she would feel that she was courting death!

Soon, she saved up to thirty taels, and planned to buy a Yijin yard, formally buy a property and set up a household, and settle in Shuiyuan Village outside Yangliu County.

Just as she was negotiating the price, she went to the mountains again. This time she encountered a thick-waisted boa constrictor, a snake that could swallow a person in one bite. He ran to the deep mountains, just to get rid of the big snake.

Unexpectedly, when she slipped and slid down, the person rolled down like a ball. She didn't know how long she had been rolling until she hit a bush and stopped. She was unconscious for about half an hour.

When he woke up again, the giant python’s body was hanging on the mountain wall. It probably chased her too fast and couldn’t hold back. The whole body of the snake was stuck in the sharp stone, motionless.

Li Jinger pushed through the bushes to find a way out, and accidentally found a cave that seemed to be inhabited by people. Inside, there was a huge stone bed that could accommodate a dozen people. Disgusting smell.

There are stoves, vents, simple pots and pans, as well as water tanks and stone urns for water. With a little tidying up, people can live.

She looked outside the cave again, and what surprised her even more was that not far from the cave, there was a spring with a large amount of water, which converged into a small clear pool. She could carry water without going far, and the water was sweet and clear. , drinking more can relieve cough and clear lung.

And there are two natural caves in the cave, one is very cold, as if it has been filled with ice for thousands of years, people will freeze into icemen after staying in it for a long time, which is suitable for refrigeration.

The other cave was extremely dry, and there was not even a drop of water on the ground. She used it as a storage room, where some food, dry goods, and even smoked products could be stored.

"Sister, didn't you look at Sister Yue?" Shuangming was very nervous, worried that the restless little girl would fall off the stone bed.

"Brother, my sister is asleep, and I can't wake up from the noise." Sister Yue is a pig, eats and sleeps, sleeps and eats, and loves to rob her brother.

When he heard it, he grinned, "That's good, we won't quarrel with her."

"Mother, brother warmed up the morning pancakes, we also cooked wild vegetable soup, and the snake soup that mother often cooks for us. Mother, when we grow up, we can help mother with work." Shuang Zhen's eyes sparkled, Looks like he's asking for a compliment.

"Okay, you're so good, Shuangming and Shuangzhen are both mother's darlings." Alas! The most troublesome things for her are the elderly and children, and the concept of respecting the elderly and selling children is deeply rooted in her mind.

Living in the mountains has little impact on Li Jinger. She loves this kind of life in the mountains, and enjoys being with the mountains and forests, and being a neighbor with Luyi.

When she was Li Shuangjing, her unit would arrange field survival training and field survival training camps about twice a year, as well as a yearly foreign observation and internship to strengthen their mobility and on-the-spot response during rescue, and she herself preferred She does outdoor sports and camps in the mountains whenever she has time, so living in a cave is exactly what she wants, a good opportunity that she can't even ask for, and she really treats the stone house as her own.

"Hmm! I'm good." Shuang Zhen squinted her eyes with a smile.

"Mother, I'm good too, listen to what mother says." Shuangming, who was afraid of falling out of favor, hurriedly stepped forward.

"Okay, be good." She stroked the heads of the children one by one to calm their anxiety. "But one thing must be remembered, do what you can, don't touch places that are too hot, don't hold things that are too heavy, stay away from hot soup and hot water, and..."

"If you get burned on your hands or other parts of your body, you should rinse, remove, soak, cover, and pour water from the spring on the wound." The two said in unison.

Li Jinger nodded in satisfaction, the education was successful. "Mother doesn't want you to get hurt. I'll wait for Mother to come back to do the cooking in the future. You are still young."

"We want to help." Shuangming pursed his lips. He didn't like being treated like a child. He was the only boy in the family. He wanted to protect his mother and sisters.

Forgetting the past, Shuangming regarded Li Jinger who treated him well as his own mother, while Shuangzhen and Shuangyue were his own younger sisters. They were a family without a father.

"Yes, help, so that mother won't be tired." Xuexue's Shuangzhen acted sweetly, thinking she was old enough to help mother with something.

The two children have gone through hardships, one was abandoned by their parents, afraid that no one would want her, she was very clingy to Li Jinger, and felt insecure in front and back, the other had a high fever for days, took a lot of bitter medicine, lost her memory, but still Remember the hard days of living in a dilapidated house.

In the past year, they have also experienced many things. From being looked down upon by others to gaining a foothold, the mentality of the two children has changed greatly.

The children of the so-called poor families are in charge of the family early. The mother and child are indeed poor. They are so poor that they have only forty or so coins left on them. They can’t even rent a house. Catch snakes to supplement the family.

It was midsummer when we set off from Minjiang County, and it was already late autumn when we arrived in Yangliu County. This section of the road took three months, and there were several children traveling with us during the journey. Waistless kid.

Only those who have suffered hardships know how to cherish, and know how to cherish blessings even more.

Fortunately, autumn is the harvest season. Even though it is late and it is almost winter, the mountains that have not been hit by drought and floods are full of edible wild fruits, wild vegetables, and chestnuts that have fallen all over the ground. , Little beasts busy storing food.

When Li Jing'er went, she carried the child on her back, carried a bamboo basket, and took two big ones to pick up chestnuts and walnuts. She put the child on her back on the ground, went up the tree to pick persimmons, sour pears and other fruits, and waited until the bamboo basket was full. Carry the child on the chest, carry the bamboo basket on the back, and lead one back to the cave with each hand.

On the way back, she saw a beehive. She was afraid that the bees would sting the child, so she secretly prepared hay to smoke the bees while the child was asleep in the afternoon. She is a professional at picking beehives. As a firefighter, this is a basic skill.

Generally speaking, firefighters only need to start fires to save people and extinguish the fire, but modern people regard them as omnipotent supermen, catching bees and snakes are still second, keys are dropped in the ditch, and feet are caught in the escalator , the elderly are inconvenient to move, and even couples have to go to stand by when they quarrel, so as not to set fire to the house if there is a disagreement...

Li Jinger has been trained to be calm in all kinds of emergencies, and she has also cultivated her skills in everything. She may not be specialized, but it is enough to cope with daily life.

Before the cold winter came, she had already arranged the cave into a stone house, and moved rice, flour, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea and other daily necessities into the mountain one after another. Quilts and some fabric, and whenever she has free time, she quickly makes a few changes of laundry.

She is well aware of the cold in winter. The cotton jacket alone may not be able to keep warm. It is not easy to dry if it is accidentally wet and it is very heavy. Therefore, she collects duck down, goose down, and wool in the village. in his coat.

But not much, just enough to make jackets for her and a few children, and at most a small cushion of one foot square for the youngest sister Yue.

There were a few unused stone urns in the cave before, so she thought not to waste them, and bought 40 to 50 Chinese cabbages, as well as common cowpeas, cucumbers, radishes, eggplants, and mustard greens from the farmers at the foot of the mountain... and made them. Korean kimchi and Japanese pickles marinated in rice bran. After the mountains are closed, there are also some vegetables for children to eat.

I didn't find chili peppers, but there were a lot of sansho peppers. She made two kinds of kimchi, spicy and non-spicy, which satisfied the appetite and supplemented the nutrition of vegetables.

"Help depends on the situation. Adults must be present when cooking and lighting the fire. The soup is too hot for the mother to serve. Your little hands are too delicate and easy to burn." She stretched out her hand and compared it with the two tender little hands. Small palms look pink and healthy.

It is difficult to find a doctor in the mountains. The temperature in the mountains is lower than that in the flatlands. In order to prevent the children from falling ill when they see the wind, Li Jinger picked a lot of wild chrysanthemums, honeysuckle, isatid roots, chrysanthemums and Houttuynia cordata, and boiled them into a pot for tea. .

Perhaps because of her care for the children, none of the children got sick throughout the winter. At most, they coughed twice, had some runny nose, and drank two bowls of brown sugar and **** water to make them sweat.

Li Jing'er, who was single in her previous life and had never raised a child, took care of her child very well. It can be said that she took care of her meticulously and conformed to the modern legal norms she knew.

In fact, she is a person who hates children. She is most afraid of noise. She doesn't even bother to look at the children of her relatives. She thinks that they are here to collect debts. Believe in instant love.

But when she saw the little girl who crawled out of her belly and looked like a wrinkled monkey, she fell in love with it immediately, and fed her like a pet.

Anyway, if there is one, there are two. Shuang is really pestering, and Shuangming is sensible, which makes raising a child less unacceptable. As long as she doesn't scream and make noise, she can bear other situations.

"Mother, I will be very careful not to hurt myself." Shuangming, who believes that he is the "head of the family", said very firmly. Boys should support the family, and should not let the "women's family" be busy. Mother Just embroider at home.

Seeing his stubborn little face, like a little grown-up, Li Jinger didn't correct his stubborn thinking anymore, a child's temper should be developed according to the flow, and cannot be suppressed. "Okay, then you have to be careful, have you practiced the calligraphy that mother asked you to practice?"

Shuangming is literate, and he was able to memorize "Three Character Classic" and "Hundred Family Surnames" in one breath. It can be seen that his family background was good in the past, and he had an environment for reading.

Could not bear to interrupt his study, Li Jinger made a sand board for him to write on the sand, she bought a copy of "Thousand Characters" to teach him to read, and planned to let him practice calligraphy with a brush when he was older, she always disapproved Children use their arms to forcefully write too early, and their bones are still developing, so prematurely lifting their arms in the air may cause permanent damage.

"I've written it a hundred times, and my hands are sore." Shuang Ming raised his little arm up in a cute manner, and it was rare to show the child's heart, so he wanted his mother to rub it.

He blushed, his eyes full of anticipation.

"Mom, I also wrote." Shuangzhen, who loves to follow suit, raised her chin.

Li Jinger smiled and rubbed her son's forearm first, and then pulled her daughter into the house. She dumped the basket full of harvest on the ground, and egg-sized sour pears rolled out, followed by huge chestnuts, dates, four or five Ten tomatoes, half a basket of mushrooms.

On the bottom of the basket was a dusty rabbit, which had been dead for a while, Li Jinger was the first to deal with the rabbit, skinned and boned neatly with a knife.

"Mom, I have some meat to eat. I want to eat stewed rabbit meat, the one with shredded potatoes." Drooling Shuang really couldn't see the pancakes pasted on the side of the pot.

"Stir-fried rabbit meat is more delicious. It needs to be spicy." Influenced by Li Jinger, Shuangming also likes spicy food, but he can't stand it if it's too spicy.

The plain hand lightly tapped the noses of the two greedy children. "Do we still eat less meat? The most indispensable thing in the mountains is meat. You ate a lot of snake meat last winter."

When snake meat is mentioned, two pairs of bright eyes look at the hot snake soup on the stove at the same time. They never get tired of eating it. Snake meat is the most common meat in their house, followed by rabbit meat, and pheasant meat. The pheasants are caught alive and kept in a chicken coop built with a grass shed next to the house, so that there are chickens to eat every day.

Occasionally, he would catch roe deer and gazelle, but they would sell them for money instead of eating them, because they were too dead to raise. In fact, Li Jinger really wanted to raise the first milking ewe, so that the milk would replenish his health.

"Mother." Sister Yue looked cute when she woke up, she rubbed her eyelids and climbed down from the stone bed. The one-and-a-half-year-old child loved to grind her teeth, and gnawed on any dates she picked up.

"No, sister, the fruit hasn't been washed yet, it's dirty." Shuang Ming snatched the fruit from his sister's hand with a big brother's air, scooped a ladle of water from the water tank to wash it, and returned it to her.

"Thank you, Guoguo." The little girl smiled sweetly, and she was cute enough to melt people.

"It's my brother, not the pot, come on, tell my brother again." The little brother who was very patient with his sister once again guided her to shout, but...

"Wok Guo." Sister Yue shouted happily, and Xiaomi gritted her teeth.

Dead wood cannot be carved.

Li Jing'er smiled, holding a daughter with one arm, smiling at his son's useless efforts, this child is destined to be a worry-loving master.

"Let's take a trip to the city in two days."

As soon as Li Jinger made the announcement, the two older ones shouted joyously, circling around the room like wild oxen, laughing happily, Sister Yue, who didn't know what they were laughing at, followed Shale, circling around behind her brother and sister, high-pitched Laughter is about to shake the stone house...

Shuiyuan Village is not far from the county seat. It takes half a day to walk, and it takes less than two hours to get there by ox cart. People in the village often go to the city to sell the crops in the field, and people in the city also like freshly picked fruits and vegetables. It is cheap and fresh, so there are often ox carts going back and forth between the two places. A trip in an ox cart costs one penny for children and two pennies for adults. If you bring more things, you will need to pay more.

These days, to open a female household, you must have real estate and land, such as a house or a field of more than one mu. When she first arrived, she had nothing, so she had to live with the village head. The village bought a small courtyard with three houses—the stone house on the mountain is not considered a house, at best it is a cave that can live in people, so the household registration is set here, but they rarely live here, at most they rest or pile up when they come down from the mountain. some sundries.

She went to the city three times in almost two months, one to sell the mountain products she collected and the herbs designated by the pharmacy, and the other to buy back the necessary rice grains and daily necessities.

Under Li Jinger's skillful arrangement bit by bit, the originally empty stone cave gradually looked like a home. The stone bed was covered with a thick layer of straw, and then compacted with quilts. Next to a pillow stuffed with rags.

Stone tables, wooden chairs, jigsaw puzzles and seesaws, dried bamboo as decorations on the wall, cloud blue floral curtains, and a rain shelter outside the house.

It didn't happen all at once, it was accumulated slowly. Li Jinger also transplanted two grapes and set up a small vegetable field to grow vegetables. This year's pickles don't need to be bought from the farmer anymore. , can marinate a few urns, and eat until next year.

"Ms. Li, take the child into the city!" The old man who drove the car greeted with a toothless mouth, helped move the seat, and carried the child into the car.

"That's right! The family is short of money, so I just collected some things and want to sell them, so that I can change a pair of shoes for the child." Li Jing'er left three points behind her words, and she never put on good clothes for the child when she went out, so as not to be missed by others.

"It's a blessing, the three children are very well-behaved, and they look happy and lovable." The children's clothes are a bit old, but they are clean and unpatched, and they look comfortable and refreshed.

"That's when you didn't see them being mischievous. If they really got angry, I wanted to whip them with a cane." Fortunately, they are very obedient and don't make troubles.

"Hehehe... What a child if you are not naughty. Those bullheads in my family are on the rampage all day long, and they are never quiet for a moment." Seeing other people's children are well-behaved and sensible, it is inevitable that there will be some comparisons, but people can't compare. too much.

Li Jinger smiled and counted five copper coins and handed them out.

"I'll just charge you three pennies. It's not easy to raise a child. The little one sits on your lap and doesn't take up space. You save it to buy sweets for the child." The old man refunded two pennies.

"Uncle Niu, the rules are the rules, otherwise you will not be a good person in the future." She insisted on paying, not wanting to be a special case, she has not yet reached the point where she needs sympathy from others.

"If you keep pushing and pushing, I won't carry it. It's just a few pennies. What's the point?" Uncle Niu pretended to be displeased and said in a rough voice with a stern face.

"Uncle Niu..." She didn't take advantage of others.

"These children are cute. I am happy to see you. Don't feel sorry for Mrs. Li. The four of you, mother and son, are not as big as Aunt Fu!" Auntie Fu only charged two pennies, and Mrs. Li three pennies. I feel embarrassed, a little bullied.

It is said that everyone is here, a huge monster... It is Aunt Fu who has a strong figure, and she holds two of them alone. As soon as she sat down with her fat buttocks, the bullock cart obviously tilted, plus the big and small bags on her hand, it took up a lot of space. One-third of the ox cart is enough for three or four adults. She still thinks the car is expensive, so she bargains with Uncle Niu. It is worth a penny less. It is better to save money and buy buns.

But in the end it was still two pennies. Aunt Fu threw herself up angrily, using the ox cart as a sleeping couch, and almost crushed Shuangming who was sitting in front of her.

She is a rascal, she loves petty things, and a bag of things is not heavy, but very light. She takes on the job of washing clothes for people in the city, collects them once every three days, sends them back after washing, and collects them. Silver will take over the next batch.

It's just that none of the clothes she took back had touched her hands, and they were all handed over to her two daughters-in-law. She was in charge of collecting the money and supervising whether the clothes were cleaned.

Aunt Fu often said that she was here to enjoy life. In the early years, her parents-in-law were soft-tempered and did not care about her. After she gave birth to three sons and two daughters, the daughter said she would marry her when she was thirteen years old. Married a wife early, Xiao Moer is only twelve years old now, there is no rush to get married, having a daughter-in-law is enough for her to act like a mother-in-law.

Because he is the only one at home, and he is domineering when he goes out. Uncle Niu can only be angry in his heart for being a hot-blooded guy who is known from all over the world, and he can't reason with her. .

Fortunately, there were not many people taking the bus this time, and everyone knew the basics from the village, so she was left alone, otherwise, no one would tolerate her vexatious temper.

There were seven or eight people on the bullock cart, most of them were women and children, and only one man accompanied his wife. Most of them were children and women, who had trouble walking or could not walk far, but they were actually not heavy. The bullock cart moved.

The bullock cart was moving very fast, and it took about an hour or so to arrive at the county seat. The towering city wall was gray and white.

"Let's go! Those who want to take my car back to the village will gather at the gate of the city in two hours, and we won't wait after the time limit." On the return trip, we will earn another round, so that we don't have to return with an empty car.

The bullock carts will stay in the city for several hours. There is a depository for bullock carts near the city gate, and they charge two renminbi a day. If they can carry fifteen people a day, including ten adults, the daily income will be twenty-five renminbi. , After deducting fodder and rent, I can earn five or six hundred cash a month, which is more cost-effective than farming.

Uncle Niu's family has a few acres of land, which are taken care of by his son and daughter-in-law, whether it is good or bad, he is happy driving the ox cart every day, and can earn seven or eight taels of silver a year!

"I'll see you later." Shuangming, who felt that he had grown up, jumped out of the car first, then led his younger sister out of the car, and waved at the old man.

"I'll see you later, Master Shu." Shuang Zhen also waved.

"See, see, Lord." Sister Yue drooled excitedly. She should be able to speak fluently at the age of more than one year old, but she was too lazy to speak, and she would not say more if she could save words.

Seeing the children calling grandpa familiarly, Niu Bo laughed happily, and said that he would buy sugar flowers for Tiantianzui later.

Going out early in the morning, she only drank a few mouthfuls of porridge. Not only Li Jinger was hungry, but the children also looked listless. Li Jinger carried the bamboo baskets and was not in a hurry to sell them. Rolling stalls to go.

"Boss, give me two bowls of wonton soup, a large bowl of wonton noodles, sprinkle pepper on the noodles, a little more, and give me three empty bowls."

The business at the stall was good. After Li Jinger finished shouting, she waited for a while for the food to be delivered. The soup was very hot. She picked up the wontons from the soup and put them in an empty bowl to let the children eat Wonton won't be hot while drinking soup.

She fished out some noodles from her own soup bowl and put them in two big bowls for children. Eating wontons alone is not enough, so she needs to add some noodles.

"Mother, you eat, I can't eat that much." Knowing that Mother eats a lot and is good at eating, Shuangming, who was afraid that Mother would be hungry, pushed the noodles back.

"Eat, eat more to grow taller. Don't you want to grow into a man so that you can protect your mother and sisters?" Li Jinger used chopsticks to split the wontons that were not hot, and fed them to my little daughter. With chopsticks, I can only dig rice with a spoon, and eat rice grains all over my face.

"But, mother will be hungry." He didn't want mother to starve.

Li Jinger tugged at his ears with emotion, and untied the purse to show him that there were still fifty copper coins inside. "Mother still has money, eat meat buns when you're hungry."

Seeing the jingling copper coins, he grinned. "Okay, Niang eats meat buns, and Shuangming eats noodles and wontons. I will soon be taller than Niang."

"Huh! Grow up quickly, so Mom won't have to worry about no one chopping wood." She hates chopping firewood the most, it's too strenuous, and her hands are so sore that she can't lift it up after work.

Because I live in the mountains, there are endless dead branches and fallen leaves around. It is very useful for cooking and cooking, but when it comes to winter, the weather is so cold that people shiver. When it's over, it can't stand the fire, so you have to keep adding firewood, back and forth, and you can't rest at night.

Therefore, after autumn, Li Jinger will start to prepare a large amount of wood, first dry it, then chop it into small pieces for lighting, and then carefully pile it up to avoid moisture.

She is a clean person. She takes a bath every day. She uses a piece of cloth to surround the washroom. She bought a half-person-high wooden bucket for bathing. The children love to play and play, so each of them has a small wooden basin for them to use. Take a bath, so the amount of hot water is more, and it is almost always on hand, just in case it is needed.

Therefore, the demand for firewood is very high. She chops and chops every day. She has been busy for a whole season, and she has just used it for one winter. If the spring is colder and longer, it will not be enough.

"Mother, give me the small axe, and I'll chop wood for you." His little arms are strong enough to do a lot of work.

"En! That's great, Shuangming is the big brother." Whether it's him chopping firewood or him, with his small stature, it's better to know the difference, and don't make trouble for her.

"Big pot, big pot..." Sister Yue, who was eating happily, clapped her little hands.

"It's the big brother." Shuangming blushed with a bit of pride, obviously happy to be able to help mother with things, and didn't realize that he was being fooled.

Did you promise to buy him an axe?


Let him chop wood?

talk later!

Li Jing'er had a way of coaxing children, coaxing them into a daze for a while, and they were all foolishly dazed, forgetting what to do.

After eating the wontons, the mother and son went to the pharmacy first. In the bamboo basket were some rare medicinal herb roots and two poisonous snakes with thick arms. It can take a year for ordinary people to live frugally.

There are still a lot of snakes in the mountains, but she didn’t plan to catch more. It would be bad if the ecological balance was broken. Back then, snakes were caught in urgent need of money to make a living. Before the snakes hibernated, she caught more than a hundred snakes. They sold them for money, some of them were kept at home to eat, and dried snakes were used as grain storage. After all, she had just arrived in Shuiyuan Village not long ago, so she didn’t know how long the winter would be here, how thick the snow would be, and whether the mountains would be blocked by heavy snow. It is always right to prepare more food and firewood.

So Li Jinger only sells poisonous snakes, and the price is high. She does not sell other pheasants, rabbits, etc. caught in traps. She peels those that can be skinned, and raises those that can be raised.

But the main reason is that her wealth is not revealed. She lives alone with three young children. She does not do things that are too conspicuous. There are good and bad people. There are also lazy people and idlers in the place. These are the people.

The money will be earned slowly, she is not in a hurry, if someone sneaks into the house at night, the gain will not be worth the loss, and she will plan other things after her foundation is stabilized.

"Miss Li, are you only catching two snakes today?" Compared with the past, she sent more than twenty snakes at a time.

"The snakes in the nearby mountains are almost caught, and I dare not go to places that are too deep in the mountains. If I encounter Xiong Xiazi, it will be impossible to go back. Moreover, it is autumn, and I have to start preparing food. Wild vegetables and wild vegetables in the mountains Hurry up and pick the fruits, dry the ones that should be dried, and pickle the ones that should be pickled, otherwise everything will be covered by the winter snow."

There is no need to worry about not having anything to eat while relying on the mountains, but there are too many things to do. As long as you work hard, you will usually gain a lot, and it will not be a problem to survive the winter.

Li Jing'er doesn't know how to hunt, but she can track animal tracks. Thanks to the field training in the wilderness survival camp, she digs holes and sets traps in places where animals are infested, and goes on patrol every few days. One, as many as four or five. Apart from the inconvenient transportation, living in caves is also pleasant.

She lived halfway up the mountain, and there were no ferocious beasts, most of them were weasels and foxes, who would leave after grabbing a chicken.

"Then you have dried a lot of mushrooms this year!" The shopkeeper was greedy, last time Mrs. Li gave him three catties, the stewed chicken with mushrooms was very delicious.

Li Jinger said without hiding: "Ten catties! But I don't plan to sell it. Children love to eat it. Stewed rice, roasted rice or soup are all very delicious. I brought you a few catties. Don't forget to take it later." , I always forget things with my children.”

When the child quarreled, she forgot.

"Oh! That's so embarrassing, you keep it for yourself..." This little lady knows how to be a human being, and she doesn't care about the morsel of food, she is a real person.

"That's a lot! It's enough to eat. It's just that living in the mountains is inconvenient. It's reassuring to prepare more food, so I don't plan to sell it." Everything is most afraid of accidents, so be prepared.

"That's the reason. The children are young, and you have worked hard. This time, the snakes are alive. Let's count them as before?" The shopkeeper saw the good medicinal materials in the bamboo basket, and was anxious to pay the money before testing. The quality of medicinal materials.

After exchanging pleasantries and getting to the point, Li Jinger didn't respond sloppily and said, "Sure, give me five taels of silver, some copper plates, and the rest in whole silver ingots."

"Okay, it's not good to carry too much money with you, Mrs. Li, your medicinal materials are of good quality, so I'll offer you a price..." There are a lot of good things in the mountains.

"Shopkeeper, do you have Sanqi? Give as much as you want, send it to the Sanhe Guard, hurry up, don't delay..."

The shopkeeper of the pharmacy was about to bid for wild cinnamon twigs, asarum, cocklebur, bupleurum, cohosh, pinellia, prunella, and other herbs, when suddenly a thunderous voice hit his ears, the voice was loud and far away I could hear it all, and scared the children to tears.

"Master Jun, please speak softly. I see you have startled the child. If you want to buy medicine, you can just order it. Why don't we sell it to you if we have medicine in the pharmacy?" Something against conscience.