MTL - Arrival of the Wealthy Wife-Chapter 8 Men's Friendship]

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"Hahaha! You... what's going on with you?"

Following the poisonous bee incident last time, Chen Dasheng never encountered any interesting incidents. He went out to practice, lead troops, and patrol all day long.

The repeated days made him a little impatient. Just when he was feeling bored, the client from last time came to the door again to amuse him. When he saw the deformed face, he couldn't help laughing from his throat.



"Woman." The bite was really hard.

"It's your wife's masterpiece again?" he guessed.

Xiao Jingfeng nodded with a wry smile, "She doesn't like me."

"I don't think you are pleasing to the eye! But I never thought of making you shameless." This trick is brilliant, and I will borrow it someday.

He restrained his expression helplessly. "Stop talking sarcastic, it's called an accident, I don't think she bit this place on purpose, it's too conspicuous."

He said this so much that he didn't believe it himself, Li Jinger picked the right place to speak, confidently determined that he would not fight back, and bit him very hard.

"What have you guys done? It's too intense to do things between husband and wife. Be restrained, be measured, and don't play with your life." He said enviously and enviously, as if seeing the fierce battle between the two, the jealous man Be careful! Sour enough to make vinegar.

Chen Dasheng also married a wife, it's just that! It's hard to say.

At present, he has no wife. He has a good friend named Widow Xing, who is three years older than him, coquettish and provocative, but he will not marry her because she is not only him.

He would not be so depressed if he really wanted to do anything, at least he would be happy physically and mentally. "I'm here to ask if my leave can be extended, preferably until next spring."

"You're dreaming." Chen Dasheng flatly refused.

He thought what he was here for. Serving as a soldier is not about doing business. He can also divide it into off-season and peak season.

"Anyway, there is no war at the moment. I am a small family. I don't care. If you raise your hand with one eye closed, my business will be over?" Back in the guard house, it is also for exercise and exercise. It was no different from what he did on the mountain.

"If you had asked me for leave half a month ago, maybe I would have accommodated a little bit, but there is one thing that the guards don't know about. If it wasn't for my surname Chen, I'm afraid they wouldn't know anything about it."

Seeing his serious expression, Xiao Jingfeng's expression froze, "What's the matter?"

"General Zhen Rong was assassinated." He was almost succeeded.

"What?!" He was shocked.

"Don't panic, you only hurt your left shoulder, the injury is not serious, and you'll be fine after taking the medicine." Only the flesh was hurt, but no bones and muscles, which is a blessing in misfortune.

"That's good." He breathed a sigh of relief.

"The peace negotiation this time was not going well. There were two factions within Fengguo. One advocated peace and recuperated; people, seven people were not killed on the spot, and five people are at large..."

"Wait, they didn't just flee to the direction of Sanhe Weisuo, did they?" Then the situation was serious. Assassins were usually dead men, who regarded death as home and were fearless.

Chen Dasheng sighed heavily. "One of them is said to be A Gulie, the left-wing king of the Wind Country. He is a cruel man, and he will do anything to achieve his goal. If he really comes to our side, there will be casualties along the way."

"Then is it possible for him to hide in the mountains?" When Xiao Jingfeng said this, his hands were trembling, and his whole body felt as if he was in a thousand-year-old ice rock.

Seeing that his expression was wrong and his face was flustered, Chen Dasheng patted him on the shoulder amusedly. "Don't scare yourself, except for your weird lady, who would go up the mountain, no rice, no food, no flower wine to drink, only fools will go up the mountain."

"Really?" Maybe he really thought too much.

It's just that his heart is still uneasy, he can't settle down, he always wonders if the mother and son on the other side of the stone house will be okay, and worries that they will meet someone they shouldn't meet.

"Brother, don't embarrass me. Although my surname is Chen, I have Quanshi, Tongzhi, and Commander above me. It's not easy to fool me." Those people are from the original guard, and they are not the same way , If you really want to let it go, you have to rely on money to get through.

"I don't worry about Jing Niang and the children. It's almost winter, and the mountain wind is freezing. If it snows again, the road up and down the mountain will be even more difficult. If something happens, how will she take care of the three children as a woman?" No, the ground is not working well, and the city is trapped and sad.

Chen Dasheng curled his lips, revealing a little disdain, mocking his wife and slaves secretly, last year they had a different life, it didn't matter if he was there or not, the mother and daughter enjoy themselves, and their life is more nourishing than his. "You are mediocre, but a woman is strong as a mother. There is no difficulty that cannot be overcome."

As long as he was worrying about it blindly, he acted as if he had never seen a woman in his life, protecting it like eyeballs, afraid of falling if it was heavy, and afraid of melting if it was light.

It's too insane, it's just showing off, another day he will marry ten or eight wives, hugging from left to right, wives and concubines in groups, to see who is envious and who is beautiful.

He is heartbroken!

"No matter how strong it is, it can't match the heavy wind and rain in the mountains. Do you still remember the time when we were lurking in Niudu Mountain, when the snow fell straight down, making our limbs stiff from the cold, and it was Vice General Tian who sent troops to help us out of the snow?" I dug it out from the pile, and I still remember the coldness at that time." He thought he couldn't survive, and there was nothing but whiteness everywhere.

Because of that battle, Vice General Tian was promoted to rank five General Huaihua.

"Okay, okay, I'm convinced, you can take a bath once every five days at most, and you can take a two-day vacation once! Don't bother me anymore. You don't know our situation in the guard. Those people weren't happy with us taking their fat." There were skirmishes, but luckily they weren't bloody.

Originally, people were waiting to be promoted and get rich, climbing up step by step from the small soldiers, and finally it was their turn, but who would have thought that someone would **** away the position they had hoped for, the kind of hatred, resentment, loss, no one would feel good, looking for Take the opportunity to grab it back.

"Troubleshooting again?" They were already low-key enough, they didn't take the initiative to provoke troubles, and tried their best to maintain the discipline in the battalion. Could this be tolerated?

Xiao Jingfeng knew very well that they were outsiders and did not fit in well with the local soldiers, but they were all paid by the imperial court and served the imperial court, so why should they be divided into southerners and northerners? People cry bitterly.

"Fortunately, I'm not in charge of this matter. I'll let the commander above get burned. It was his people who provoked it first." Chen Dasheng's tone was foolish. Don't act when you see something, just stand by and watch.

"We can't ignore it completely. No matter how small things are, they can easily lead to big disasters. If our own people get into trouble first, we won't give the people of Fengguo a chance to sneak in." He was worried about A Gulie's whereabouts, and he didn't show up for a day. He couldn't feel at ease for a day.

"Come on, I'll make a note of it. Stop nagging and watch your wife and daughter, and... your nose." Seeing the obvious teeth marks, he wanted to laugh again. Whose wife has such good teeth? , Other places do not bite, but this place is the only place to bite.

With a swollen red nose, Dangjingfeng was not annoyed by being bitten, but kept smiling. "It doesn't hurt, it's a trivial matter, Jing Niang is having a temper tantrum."

"That's right! You don't feel any pain when she bites off a piece of your flesh, and you still look crazy. You see you have giggled a few times since you walked in. Even I feel ashamed of you when I see it." He almost flew up Yes, everyone says—

"My daughter is so cute. She has a small face with big glazed eyes, watery as if she can talk, a small mouth like rouge, ruddy, white and tender. The little girl is very attractive. Love…"

His daughter is unparalleled in the world, and he couldn't find a more lovely child than her.

Look, now it's up again.

"That's enough. Don't mention your wife and daughter anymore. You talk about it all the time. My ears are almost callused. Is it amazing to have a wife and daughter?"

But maybe he should also seriously ask for a wife, and don't expect other people's children to die for him.

Chen Dasheng has a younger sister named Chen Yulian, who took a son and a daughter back to live with his mother's parents. He thought that he might have no children in this life, and his nephew and niece are not outsiders. When they grow up, they will always be filial to their uncle who is good to them , he can die in peace.

But people don't know good or bad when they don't get along. One is seven years old and the other is ten years old. They actually imitate their mother's high-mindedness. The big and the small will only reach out for money.

Sometimes it’s really not worth it to think about it, why take them back, what’s wrong with feeding the whole family by yourself, but asking for trouble.

Speaking of his wife and daughter, Xiao Jingfeng had a lot to talk about, but then he thought of an extremely important matter that had to be resolved. "Master Zhenfu, I have something to discuss with you."

"No need to borrow money." He himself was so poor that he was afraid of ghosts.

He was startled, "I haven't spoken yet!"

He also said he was a brother, but none of what this man said was true.

"Nothing to be courteous, **** or steal, when have you been so low-key, a few days ago I heard you muttering that you don't have enough money, can I not guess?" His ears are sharp, and he listens to such things Be the most careful, lest people tell him that brothers have the meaning of making money.

"Then do you want to borrow it?"

"No money." He looked good on the surface, but his foundation was already empty.

The Chen family is a big family in the capital, a family of aristocratic families, but the tree has a lot of dead branches. Chen Dasheng's great-grandfather was the third son in the direct line, and after the separation, he became a collateral line. The collateral branch of the family, when it came to his father's generation, was still a step behind, ranking second, and the division was further and further apart.

The first line is very rich, with thousands of hectares of fertile land, so many Zhuangzi and shops, and the money is so soft, but the descendants of the collateral line are getting poorer and poorer. Chen Dasheng's family is not bad. The direct descendants in the family are mostly taken care of.

And it was because of this relationship that he was able to enlist in the army and have a good future. With the support of his family, he would be able to be a fourth-rank official in three or five years.

"How can you have no money? You pay twenty taels a month for the military, and you have various allowances. How can you be poor?" He didn't have to support his family, and he spent all he earned.

Chen Dasheng glared angrily. "I don't need to eat or drink, just listen to a ditty and have fun with a flower girl. You can't suffocate me to death."

"Not at all?" Xiao Jingfeng asked again in disbelief.

"I still want to ask you to borrow it!" He is the most honest, and it is rare to see him spending money.

"What... what should I do if I'm short of money?" He replied that Jing Niang's house had not been found, and now he was really ashamed to face others.

Is he stupid to ask a poor man how to get money in a hurry? If he has money, he will not make it himself. "Go to the miracle doctor! Maybe he has money."

Chen Dasheng was also a fool, he casually pointed out that he would have become a miracle doctor, there must be someone who came to seek medical treatment with a large sum of money and made a lot of money.

But I didn't expect that he was right by mistake. Zhou Jingyu was indeed a rich master, and he took a handful of bank notes with a denomination of one thousand taels of silver.

He sees a doctor according to his mood, not everyone is willing to make a move, those who are not pleasing to the eye come to ask him for a doctor, and those who are high-minded but low-handed and put on airs, he will not nod even if they offer a thousand taels of gold.

He works as a military doctor in the military camp not to show the benevolence of the doctor, but there will be many wounded patients here for him to practice knives and improve his medical skills. When he is free, he can plant poison on the dying prisoners of war to see how long they can live. What kind of demeanor is it when the poison occurs.

"Who is looking for me?"

When everyone arrived, Zhou Jingyu walked in calmly, followed by a soldier with a medicine box on his back, his expression was leisurely and self-satisfied.

"Me." Xiao Jingfeng stepped forward to greet him.

"Look at your nose?" He glanced lightly, the corners of his mouth curled up as if watching a joke, and there was a wicked smile of "you entertained me" in his tone.

"Borrow money." After saying it once, the second person spoke much more smoothly, without embarrassment or discomfort.

"No borrowing."

"Why not borrow?" There is always a reason.

"Why do you want to borrow it?" The money is his, and it's up to him whether he wants to distribute it or not.

Xiao Jingfeng was overwhelmed by the question, other people's money didn't come from a strong wind, so he could borrow it as he said. "I need a sum of money."

"When will you pay it back?"

"This..." Can he say two years later?

Zhou Jingyu, whose face was like a crown of jade, sneered, "Oh! I was wrong, why would I ask you when to pay it back? It should be said that you will never be able to pay it back for the rest of your life, so it would be better to go to Xiaoguanlou to sell it for more money, but you If you are old, you probably won't be able to sell it for a good price, at most you will serve a half-mature boudoir."

"Jingyu, you're being mean." Knowing that he has a poisonous mouth and spitting phlegm can poison a pond of fish, why bother to speak unforgivingly to his family.

"What I'm talking about is exactly his situation. He needs to miss his parents in his hometown, but also can't let go of his reconciled ex-wife. He has no skills at all. It's not easy to take care of both sides. He must let go." Live, one to the east, one to the west, let him know what to do.

"What's the best opinion of Dr. Zhou?"

"Tell me first what you want money for?" If he is happy with what he said, maybe he will consider doing a good deed, cultivating blessings and accumulating virtue in the next life.

This life is bad, and one cannot become a Bodhisattva.

Xiao Jingfeng talked about buying the house again. "I just want to settle their mother and child well, and don't stay in that desolate place."

"Have you asked her?" Ask yourself.

Is there even a need to say it? Xiao Jingfeng's expression has already answered.

"Xiao Jingfeng, how did you grow so big?" It's a pity that you have such a good physique, how good it is to refine poison for him, it is a good material for a medicine man.

"I grew up eating." He replied without thinking, unable to hear the sarcasm in other people's words.

Hearing this, Chen Dasheng on the side laughed so hard that he couldn't breathe.

"I mean whether your brain has been pinched by a door panel, or you have planted yourself when farming, have you heard of the mallet? You are just a mallet." There are other possibilities.

"Doctor Zhou, what exactly are you going to say?"

"Play the piano to a cow." Zhou Jingyu waved his hands.

"Haha... You also know that he is an honest and hard-working stupid cow. I didn't make it clear that if you draw a flower for him to see, he will only ask you what kind of fruit it bears, and he will never think that it is an orchid that does not bear fruit. .” Chen Dasheng teased with a smile.

Zhou Jingyu and Xiao Jingfeng are two people with very different personalities. One has a delicate heart, can think clearly about everything, and can turn a few more turns. No shame.

Men's friendship is also quite strange, and with Chen Dasheng, the three people who seem to have no alike in one place can actually get along with each other and develop a friendship that is close to brothers and friends. A little bit, but no one cares, because they all know that behind the bad words is caring.

"Master Zhenfu, I'm not that dull. I can clearly distinguish flowers from crops." Don't make him sound like a country boy who has never seen the world, although he is indeed a good hand in the field.

"If you're not slow, why can't you convince that woman on the mountain? Instead, she came to ask me for a fake. Do you know what a woman is thinking?" , thinking about the mother-in-law at home.

Chen Dasheng said this a little angrily, is it easy for him to use public affairs for personal gain? He was assigned all kinds of errands and idle errands, and he was asked to lead a team up the mountain to collect wild Sanqi. It took 15 days after seven days to collect wild notoginseng.

Isn't that generous enough? In order for the husband and wife to continue their relationship, he has spent so much effort to fulfill this selfish desire. If the two can walk together, he will be the greatest hero, and he has really done both for the brothers. the point.

"Xiao Jingfeng, go and ask that woman if she wants to live in the house with you. If she nods, I'll give you as much money as you want." Zhou Jingyu with a sarcastic face is not short of money, he just wants to see how much money Xiao Erlang has. stupid.

The woman was as thoughtful as a hair, and planned to reconcile from the beginning, and even took her daughter away smoothly with a piece of paper. It can be seen that this woman is not simple, but has a lot of tricks.

Last year, there was a catastrophe in the south of the Yangtze River. Even a big man might not be able to survive. A single woman with a child not only arrived in the north safely, but also found a place that was most beneficial to her. Such a woman would obey her "ex-husband" arrange?

It must be another idea, and it runs counter to what Xiao Erlang thought.

"Tsk! Zhou Jingyu, have you been kicked in the head by a donkey? When did you become so generous? Brother, I am also short of money. Why don't you borrow some money to make money." Seeing people has their own points, and we can't treat one more favorably than another. Not much oil and water.

General Chen Rong is upright by nature and never greedy for the people's stitches and threads, so the soldiers he brings out are as upright as he is. very poor.

"When you marry someone who won't give you a cuckold, I'll give you a big red envelope." Anyway, there is too much money to spend, so I don't mind giving it away.

Where did Zhou Jingyu hurt? Chen Dasheng's first wife was caught in bed for adultery. Because his wife came from a prominent family, this matter should not be publicized. He died suddenly a month later.

Afterwards, Chen Dasheng became a bit cynical, he didn't care about anything, even if he had no offspring, he didn't care about anyone except his brothers in the army.

"Which pot you don't open and which pot you carry, I almost forgot that I married a wife and you still remind me that I have enmity with you in this life, and we will discuss it in this life." When making friends, you must keep your eyes open. One mistake will last forever. hatred. "Forget it, go drink and treat yourself."

"My treat?" Zhou Jingyu raised his eyebrows.

"Haha... Who told you that your brothers are all poor, don't you ask us to **** horses and sell knives if you don't pay?" He laughed openly.

Zhou Jingyu was exposed. "How about Yulichun, old ones, whoever gets drunk first is not allowed to drink again for a year."

"Okay, refreshing." He can drink a thousand drinks without getting drunk.

The two who were talking happily looked at Xiao Jingfeng with a wry smile on his face at the same time. He is famous for pouring three cups, no matter whether it is spirits or transported wine, he must pour after three cups.

"Mom, there are so many people in the city, it's so lively, why do they keep walking around, aren't their feet sore? My eyes are dazzled..."

Shuang, who seldom talked so much, was really excited, chatting endlessly from the moment he entered the city, as happy as a bird released from its cage.

The New Year's Eve is approaching, and there are many times more pedestrians on the road than usual. Everyone is coming and going to prepare for the New Year. The big and small bags of dry goods, rice cakes, candies, etc. are bought so much that you can't even lift your hands, and you are shouting that this is missing, less After that, nothing is complete.

At this time last year, Li Jinger didn't have a lot of money, and the children were still young, and Sister Yue had only learned to sit. Therefore, she entrusted the three children to Mrs. Hu to take care of her, and went to the city alone with a bamboo basket on her back. Buy some things for the New Year, chop a few meat bones and go back to make soup.

Therefore, although the children have been to the county many times, they have not seen the scene before the New Year's Eve. They all felt strange when they saw it suddenly, and they had big smiles on their faces.

However, the more crowded the place, the more careful you should be to be careful about pickpockets and flower hunters. Li Jinger wrapped Sister Yue with a cloth, exposed her hands, feet and head, and bound her to her chest. She took a child with one hand and walked to the side of the road, not to squeeze into the crowd. As soon as you see a suspicious person approaching, walk away immediately, away from all dangers.

The older the child was, the more difficult it was for her to take care of the child, and she was worried all the time, suspicious of neighbors and stealing axes, seeing that everyone was a villain who wanted to kidnap the child, with bad intentions.

At this time, she regretted bringing her child to the city, because there were too many people, and she was afraid that she would not be able to take care of one of them, and if there was one less child, she would be crying without tears.

Most of the children who were lost during the holidays could not be found, and they were sold to some dark corner.

"Shuangzhen, watch the road carefully, don't look around, remember not to let go of mother's hand because of temporary curiosity, there are many bad people who kidnap and sell children here, once you let go, mother will never find you again." Shuang Zhen's personality She is more relaxed, doesn't pay much attention to anything, always enters the left ear and exits the right ear, which makes her feel uneasy.

She was once abandoned by her parents, which caused Shuangzhen to feel insecure now. When she heard that someone who took pictures of flowers would abduct children, the smile on her face disappeared, and she hugged her mother's hand in a panic, sticking to her lap A piece of meat has to be half dragged and half pulled away.


"Mother, you don't have to worry about me. I won't go with anyone casually. If someone touches me, I will yell. If anyone hugs me secretly, I will bite his ears, nose, neck, kick his chin and chest. I will remember everything my mother said. Stop it." The villain is also afraid of pain, so it is right to bite him.

Before Li Jinger could tell her, Shuangming had already recited all the ways she had explained to deal with traffickers.

From being approached by someone to being picked up by someone, and the solution after being taken away, Li Jinger explained one by one. She also embroidered a line of small words on the inside of each child's clothes - Yangliu County, Shuiyuan Village, as long as the clothes are still there, In case of being sold, there are still traces to be found.

She thinks a lot and does a lot. She is not afraid of losing everything, but she is afraid of a momentary negligence, so she is ready for something unexpected to happen.

"Okay, good boy, mother knows you are the most sensible, and you never make people worry about you." It's just that she was too eager to grow up, and always said that she was the only man in the family.

Hearing her mother's praise, Shuang Ming proudly raised her face. "I help my mother take care of my younger sister, and I also help my mother to carry New Year's goods, and post Spring Festival couplets."

"Paste Spring Festival couplets, post Spring Festival couplets, and post Spring Festival couplets every month." It's fun, posting, every month can do things, grow up, just like pots and pans.

Pasting Spring Festival couplets?

Hearing this, Li Jinger began to worry. The stone house they lived in was originally a cave without a square door frame. Where should the door link be posted?

"Okay, stick it, how about sticking it on Sister Yue's face?" She couldn't help laughing at the thought of putting the word "福" on her pink and tender face.

Sister Yue, who didn't know what the Spring Festival couplets looked like, clapped her hands and shouted, and pointed at her brothers and sisters, telling them to post them too, giggling to herself.

Li Jinger, who didn't buy anything, took the child to the fur shop first, took out the tanned fur and handed it to Lao Pan.

"Miss Li, your man didn't come with you this time!"

Li Jinger's eyelids twitched when he heard "Your man". "He is not my man, but the child's father. "

That guy Xiao Jingfeng is really lingering, he only went out with her once, and made friends with almost everyone who knew her, and asked them to take care of her more, saying that her man is back, and she is no longer a lonely person , He is her reliance.

"What is the difference between the child's father and your man? Don't be embarrassed by Mrs. Li. Your man looks very good and takes good care of you." The biggest destiny of a woman is not to get married. What's the matter?

It's very good, so good that she thinks it's just him! Just use it and see it, but... you know people, you know the face, but you don't know the heart, and the human face and animal heart also look like a human.

When Li Jinger thought of the Xiao family other than Xiao Jingfeng, she couldn't help backing down. Being relatives with that family was no different from cutting meat to feed tigers. Sooner or later, not even a bone was left.

"Really?" The boss smiled suspiciously, and picked up the fur to see if it was complete. "Based on the previous price, one piece of rabbit skin is 800 Wen, a total of ten pieces is eight taels, two fox skins, one half a tael, a total of three taels, twelve squirrel skins, a total of..."

After a calculation, the boss offered a price that both parties were satisfied with.

"Miss Li, when will you come back next time? The snow rabbit skins you brought last year are very popular. I hope there will be a few more this year." He sold well.

"It will probably be spring next year. I won't go to the city again until the end of the year. Today is the last time. I have to pat and clean the house, and the snow rabbits will not come out until after the snow has fallen. This year's winter snow has not yet fallen. Maybe The number of snow rabbits will decrease..."

There is a kind of gray rabbit on the mountain in order to adapt to the changes in the environment. When snowflakes float in the sky, the color of its fur also changes. People can't tell which is snow and which is rabbit.

Li Jinger doesn't look for rabbits, she looks for rabbit tracks, which are very obvious in the snow, then digs up the snow, puts it in a bamboo basket, places it in the path of the rabbit, covers the bamboo basket, covers a little snow, and then Cover it with hay.

The snow rabbits in winter are very fat, and the bamboo basket lid can’t bear the weight of the snow rabbits. When the snow rabbits come to eat grass, they will fall into the bamboo baskets.

Last year she used this method to catch more than a hundred snow rabbits, half of which were sold and the other half were kept for her own use. The fur mattress in the stone house was made of rabbit fur, and there were also rabbit fur slippers with short fur. Rabbit boots are versatile.

Because of those rabbits, they survived the severe winter.

"It will take so long!" It's a pity that we can't make a fortune before the year, and everyone will have to spend money after the year, and the supply of fur is in short supply.

"It's not that short of money." She was telling the truth. Compared with last year, this year, she really has a lot more money on hand. She doesn't panic if she has silver and food at hand.

The boss let out a self-conscious "Oh". "Your man is here."

It's really inexplicable that it has nothing to do with her man. All the money in her hand is earned by herself, and she has never spent a penny on a man. Li Jing'er, who was depressed, didn't explain much, so if you misunderstand, just misunderstand! It's good that she knows it well, but the next time she goes to the city, she will never go with Xiao Jingfeng.

Then she went to the pharmacy, because all the snakes hibernate in winter, she picked up five snake strips, which are also one of the medicinal materials, and it is not easy to pick them up. One piece of snake strips that is two feet long gets two taels of silver, and five strips get ten taels of silver.

The shopkeeper who knows how to be a man also gave each of the children a pack of hawthorn slices, which were sweet and sour, and quenched thirst; the children were very happy.

"Your man didn't come?"

It was this sentence again, and Li Jinger, who had lost his mind, said pretending to be lonely: "My man ran away with other women."

"Ah! This...uh, a person who seems quite real, why is he so uncertain..." The shopkeeper, who was embarrassed on his face, couldn't laugh, and couldn't think of words of comfort.

"There are too many duplicity people. Trusting other people's sincerity is not as good as trusting money. Next year I will sell centipedes and scorpions. You have to give me a good price. You can't cheat me. I have to raise children..." She It fully shows the misery of not having a man.

"Okay, definitely, I won't be greedy for your money. By the way, it's only worth living if you want to live. It will drop in value when it dies. Centipedes can live or die. We have pharmacists to concoct them." Poor! Lang's heart is like iron, he thinks he is a decent person, but he is a heartless person.

After ruining Xiao Jingfeng's reputation, Li Jing'er went to the grocery store with a happy expression, and bought five catties of white cakes, three catties of glutinous rice sticks, melon seeds, twist rolls, some fried peanuts, brown sugar and next year's rapeseed...

"Mother, candied haws, can I have one?" Shuangming licked his lips greedily.

At this time, the hawker selling candied haws was walking past the door of the grocery store with straw racks, shouting loudly, and many children surrounded him, looking at the brightly colored candied haws.

"One string per person, mother will buy it for you." The child's childhood is very short, and he grows up in no time, and it is only a moment to be pampered. "Wow! There are candied haws to eat."

"My mother is so nice, I like my mother the most..."

"Eat candied haws every month, eat, eat, eat..."

Looking at the joyful smiles on the three faces, Li Jinger felt that all the hard work was worth it, and their purest emotion was the best reward.

Each of the three children held a bunch of bright red candied haws, and Shuangming, who had lost a tooth, bit the whole one "Kazi Kazi", and soon one of the candied haws was gone, and Shuangzhen was more delicate, so she licked it first Drop the sugar coating on the outside and eat the fruit inside.

Sister Yue couldn't eat anything, she was too young to bite the hard candy, but she was happy to swallow half a candy at a time.

Thinking that Shuangming and Shuangzhen seemed to grow a little taller, Li Jinger went into the cloth shop by the way, and pulled a piece of azure cloth, a piece of pear yellow and rouge-colored cloth, she thought that these cloths would be enough for her and the children to make a few clothes. clothing…

Suddenly, a muscular figure flashed into her mind, and she pulled a piece of navy blue fine cloth with a little fever, and hid it under the three pieces of cloth.

"Ah! My dress...Mom, come and see, my hang silk dress is ruined, woohoo - I don't want it! I don't want it... This is my favorite dress, ruined, ruined, ruined It's... woo..."

A terrifying scream that almost pierced people's eardrums suddenly sounded, accompanied by a scream that tore the throat, the guest who picked the cloth in the cloth shop frowned and looked at the pink-green figure.

It was a little girl about ten years old, she was fairly pretty, with a small cherry mouth and willow-leaf eyebrows, a small nose, fair complexion, and slender phoenix eyes.

But this arrogant little temper! It's so frustrating that people don't dare to accept the teaching, and they wipe away tears and howl without caring about a little thing under the eyes of everyone.

As soon as the little girl cried, a woman in a dress with red embroidered ruyi pattern on the dark background came angrily, holding a seven-year-old boy who looked exactly like the little girl, and behind the woman was a helpless little servant girl with an expressionless expression on her face. Contemptuous mother-in-law.

"Who? Who did it? Whose scumbag, prodigal son of a bitch, **** old son of a bitch, stood up to Mrs. Ben and ruined my daughter's skirt. I must tear him to pieces... "Ouch! This dress is very expensive, it is a hang silk that costs two taels a foot, she begged her elder brother for a long time to buy a few feet of cloth.

She doesn't love her daughter, but Bu.

"Mother, it's him. Look, he still has the evidence." The little girl pointed at the little boy who stood aside with a dazed expression, full of anger.

"Okay! You little **** with a mother but no father, can you touch my Zhaohua's skirt? I don't even look at how dirty your hands are. You are born with a beggar face, with your forehead restraining your father and the back of your head. Kemu, you were born with an inauspicious horoscope, with your left foot stepping on dung and your right foot stepping on dung, and your luck will be so bad that anyone who touches you will be in bad luck."

"I'm not..." The little boy was obviously frightened, his face was as white as paper.

"You still dare to quibble, it seems that you are a worthless bastard. If your parents don't teach me to teach you, you will know the rules if you hurt you. If you don't beat you until you see blood today, my wife can't get rid of this..." It's easier to kill this little bastard.

The unreasonable woman didn't even look at how young the child was, she raised her arm and was about to slap her frightened little face fiercely. Suddenly, a honey-colored hand stretched out, took her hand and squeezed it sideways A fall.

The woman didn't expect that someone would make a move, and one of them fell to the side of the shelf where the fabric was placed. The person fell, and the shelf also fell, and the exquisite fabric was scattered all over the floor.

"Enough is enough! If I don't make a sound, I'm dead. It's not your turn to teach my children a lesson. Their mouths are full of feces, and their mouths are full of feces. Do your parents know that you have a hole in your brain? Are you sick? You need to get a doctor quickly, and treat your black heart and rotten intestines by the way. Hua Tuo has a laparotomy, and you also open your stomach to wash your heart and intestines. It stinks..." She didn't lose in the fight However, he used to be the president of the debating club.

"Mother..." Shuang Ming, who had been falsely accused, trembled her lips and had tears in her eyes.

"Good boy, mother is here, and mother will protect you." Li Jinger pushed his son and daughter behind him, and faced the vexatious mother and daughter calmly.

Sister Yue in the cloth bag also clenched her small fist angrily, as if to help her brother vent his anger.

" dare to push me?!" How could such a pariah dare to push even her?

"You dare to hit you, do you want to try?" She is not a man, and she doesn't mind beating women. If she doesn't hit the person who should be beaten, she is sorry for herself.

The woman gasped when she heard the words, and even more furiously rolled up the oil. "You guys are dead! Don't beat my wife until her parents can't recognize her. If something happens, I will take care of it. Hurry up and take your money lightly..."

The aunt and mother-in-law at the side looked at each other feebly, and walked forward pretendingly.

"Innocents are standing next to me. I don't want to hit the wrong person. Heaven has its own principles, and people are reasonable. If you have something to say, you have to fight fiercely. It hurts to throw your face on the ground and step on it." Humiliated her, She can bear it, but not bullying her child.

"You... do you know who I am? My wife is a dignified..." She had an arrogant attitude, as if "you can't offend me".