MTL - Awakening Identification Technique, Found That the Daughter is From the Future-Chapter 97 The big demon washes the floor!

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A huge cow's hoof fell, and the snow-white wolf demon who had just rushed out to compete for fruit food was instantly stepped on into a meat pie, and the grass was stained red with blood.

Looking at this scene, Mo Fan was shocked.

The identification information of the snow-white wolf demon appeared in front of his eyes at this moment.

[Wasteland Snow Wolf, with the ninth level of foundation building, has agile action, lasting endurance, and astonishing explosive power. It has the noble bloodline of the ice wolf family, and is able to fight the enemy by leaps and bounds. 】

Yes, it was a demon wolf with the ninth level of foundation building.

As long as it goes further, it will be the pinnacle of foundation building.

After the peak of foundation establishment, as long as the bloodline shackles can be broken, the bloodline can return to the ancestors and be successfully promoted to extraordinary creatures.

The identification information shows that this snow wolf has the noble bloodline of the demon wolf family.

With such a bloodline in his body, it is only a matter of time before breaking the shackles of the bloodline and advancing to the extraordinary.

Its power is evident.


This snow wolf can't even stop the bull demon with a single hoof.

Even more outrageous is-

Whether it was the bull demon or the white snake, or the dazzling golden beast, Mo Fan had already identified them.

These three monsters are all at the pinnacle of foundation building!

in other words.

The Snow Wolf Demon, who has the ninth level of foundation building and is not weak, was trampled to death by that **** cow!

"What is the origin of this **** bull? Why is it so strong? This strength is afraid to be able to match the creatures who have just entered the supernatural realm!"

Thinking of this, Mo Fan quietly leaned back, completely hiding his body in the dense green leaves of the crooked neck tree.

He couldn't see the specific situation of the **** cow.

The identification information only shows that it has the noble bloodline of the demon bull family.

But there is no doubt that this **** bull is outrageously strong and extremely dangerous.

Mo Fan reckoned that even if he used the Golden Body Art with all his strength, he might not be able to block the giant hoof of the **** bull.

At this moment, he was a little closer to these monsters, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

"You can only run away when there is a lot of noise and no monsters notice here."

Mo Fan muttered in his heart and continued to stare at the canyon.

After the powerful Snow Wolf Demon was stomped on with one foot, the other beasts fell silent, shivering and crawling on the ground, not daring to move at all.

The coercion from the **** cow is too terrifying, and they have long lost their minds to compete for the fire spirit fruit.

In addition, there are monsters flatteringly helping to patrol the surroundings to prevent foreign enemies from sneaking in.

Mo Fan's direction is also the place to be concerned.

In this way, he did not dare to act rashly.

It made him want to scold his mother.

The expected chaos, far from appearing, is even more harmonious!

"Damn! These monsters are really spineless! Can't you resist? With so many monsters, you're afraid that you won't be able to handle a **** cow?!"

Mo Fan was powerless to complain.

But he had no choice but to wait patiently.

Now I can only expect the bull demon to take the spirit fruit and run away quickly, and then this group of demon beasts will go back and forth wherever they go.

However, at this moment, the fire spirit fruit does not seem to be fully mature, and it still glows brightly, bursting out with an alluring fragrance and terrifying spiritual energy fluctuations.


Another monster couldn't hold back, it ran on all fours, and charged towards Huo Lingguo like a madman.

This is a tiger giant monster with black and yellow patterns and a king character on its head.

The identification information shows that this tiger demon has a base-building pinnacle cultivation base, and its strength is stronger than that of the snow wolf demon just now.

Seeing the tiger demon rushing out, Mo Fan was instantly overjoyed.

"Rebellious, very good, go ahead and turn them over!"

Is the expected chaotic scene finally coming?

If really confused.

Can you rely on the Breath Conditioning Technique, sneak over quietly, and take away the Fire Spirit Fruit without a sound?

After all, it was a Grade 6 Spirit Fruit worth two thousand Spirit Stones, so Mo Fan still wanted to daydream.

However, before Mo Fan's dream began, his heart that had just warmed up instantly cooled down.


A shrill cry resounded through the canyon, and the tiger demon, who had just rushed out a few steps, was instantly entangled by a white phantom.

White python!

Before the screams fell, the tiger demon was cut off by the waist, blood spilled on the ground, and instantly died.

"Fuck, this white snake is too strong!"

Mo Fan looked at the sky speechless.


The big white snake and the **** bull are also at the same level of powerhouses, much stronger than the monsters present.

"Thinking that the demon bird in the sky won't be weak—"

Mo Fan secretly glanced at the demon bird that was still hovering in the air.

Its whole body is golden, and it looks a bit sacred under the scorching sun, as if it came from a divine bird from the nine heavens.

Sure enough, the demon bird did not disappoint Mo Fan.

A giant rhino with a dark body, a silver horn, and a body length of five meters rushed out of the chaos and went straight to the Fire Spirit Fruit.

It is a little far from the **** cow.

The White Snake just finished dealing with the tiger demon and didn't care about it for a while.


The ground trembled slightly, like an earthquake, and the silver-horned giant rhino was very fast.

It is huge, and every step leaves a deep footprint on the ground, and in the blink of an eye, it approaches the Fire Spirit Fruit.


It roared excitedly, opened its **** mouth, and spit out a tongue as big as a fan, trying to swallow the Fire Spirit Fruit in one bite.

However, just as its tongue was sticking out, there was a sharp hissing sound in the air.

A golden lightning appeared silently, and it landed on the head of the silver-horned giant rhino with a bang.


The thunder bloomed, bursting out with gorgeous sparks, and at the same time there was a burning smell.

The silver-horned giant rhino was struck by a terrifying golden lightning, and in an instant, it was tender on the outside, and its limbs froze to the ground.

At the same time, the golden demon bird fell in midair, and glanced sharply at the other demon beasts, as if warning of something.

Looking at this scene, Mo Fan licked his teeth.

This demon bird can unleash lightning strikes? !

As a result, Mo Fan became more cautious, and quietly hid behind the leaves.

At this moment, he has completely lost the idea of ​​catching up.

Fire spirit fruit is valuable.

But you have to live to get it.

At the same time, the sky gradually darkened.

The fire spirit fruit is bathed in golden light, but it no longer absorbs the sun's energy.

The more and more intense fragrance sprayed out and escaped into the air.

Soon, another monster couldn't hold back, and rushed out desperately.

Unfortunately, its ending was doomed, and it was suppressed in an instant, leaving only a cold corpse, proving that it had come to this world.

However, even so, there are still monsters running rampant one after another, fighting for their lives to rush to the Fire Spirit Fruit.

Soon, the **** bull, the golden eagle, and the big white snake seemed to have reached an agreement.

In an instant, the screams continued, and the monsters fell to the ground, and the canyon was instantly stained with blood, rippling with terrifying coercion.

For a time, the monsters around Huo Lingguo were cleaned up, and only three big monsters remained within a radius of three or four hundred meters.

Three or four hundred meters away, all the monsters shivered, staring at Huo Lingguo, still unwilling to leave.

This shows how terrifyingly attractive Huo Lingguo is to this group of monsters.

Looking at this scene, Mo Fan was inexplicably looking forward to it.