MTL - Back Off, Let Me Come-Chapter 719 : Royal Conquest (Part 1) [There are updates]

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  Chapter 719 Chapter 719: Royal Conquest (Part 1) [There are updates]

   "Look at my trick!"

  The person who came came said and swung a slash at Shen Tang.

  The huge and solid crimson light blade poured towards Shen Tang accompanied by the cries of thousands of falcons. The blade of light is wrapped in a layer of hazy flames. The temperature of the flame was extremely high. Wherever it passed, the hot tide not only distorted the air, but also distorted the dense faces in the light blade, and the scorching heat was mixed with the smell of gunpowder smoke. Naturally, Wei Shou would not just sit back and watch this scene happen, he dodged in front of Shen Tang without hesitation, and the huge ax in his hand was rapidly inflated and enlarged like a blown air under the mad force of martial energy, standing between the sky and the earth.


  The high temperature and the strong wind exploded.

   Wei Shou's beard was accidentally ignited by flying sparks, and he patted off the flames casually, and asked Shen Tang, "My lord, are you alright?"

  If something happens to Shen Tang right now, it will definitely be the shortest-lived boss in his career. Wei Shou's concern didn't get Shen Tang a response, and he was horrified to find that there was no aura of the lord behind him, and her aura had moved elsewhere at some point.

   Moreover, it is still behind the enemy.

  The long bow is full of the moon, and the rain of arrows is like the tide.

   "Hmph—" The enemy ignored this attack, and sneered, "It's the same trick again, it's flashy."

  He wanted to cut off the rain of arrows with a slash.

   Unexpectedly, the third wave of arrow rain poured from another direction.

  The fourth wave, the fifth wave, the sixth wave...

  Shen Tang changed places with every shot.

  In an instant, he was surrounded by 360 degrees without dead ends.

   "Noisy! Annoying!"

  The rain of arrows naturally couldn't break through his armor, even the qi barrier outside the armor, but wave after wave was as annoying as flies. He savagely opened a road, intending to slash out the light blade again, but the target was still Shen Tang.

   He was just blocked by a group of pink figures.

In order to protect his beloved beard, Wei Shou turned into a visor this time, which is still very fashionable rose gold, but the words he said are not so beautiful, and he still did not forget to provocatively say: "Your opponent is your old man and me, my good grandson!" Where do you want to go?"

  Hearing that Wei Shou dared to call himself "Lao Tzu", he was furious, and stormy attacks hit that foul mouth overwhelmingly. Each attack was accompanied by a crimson light blade, Wei Shou blocked it with a giant axe, and the dense jingling made one's teeth ache.

  One trick, five tricks, ten tricks, thirty tricks...

   In the blink of an eye, a hundred tricks are passed.

  The speed was so fast and there were so many afterimages that it was impossible to distinguish the positions of the two of them. In just a short while, Wei Shou traveled hundreds of times in life and death. Finally, he seized the opportunity to retreat with a reflexive blow.

   Temporarily distance the two of them.

  Looking down from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of bloodstains on the tiger's mouth, and strands of blood, like little red snakes, meandered along the knuckles and flowed to the handle of the axe.

  The enemy's weapon was unscathed, but the surface of the pink giant ax in his hand was covered with countless gaps. Every gap on it glowed with the luster of metal heated to its melting point, and there were dense cracks at the same time. It seems to be close to the critical point of scrapping.

  One more blow, this weapon will definitely crack!

   This is the best opportunity to kill!

  He understands, and his enemies will only understand better! Don't miss the fleeting opportunity! Take advantage of the victory to pursue and kill Wei Shou!


  Accompanied by the sound of metal cracking, Wei Shou thought something bad was going on in his heart. He wanted to dodge but found that his breath was completely locked, and the crimson light blade turned into a hundred-foot wave and drowned him instantly. Rui Ji, who was watching the battle, saw this scene, her pretty face turned pale.


   She couldn't help blurting out.

  Rui Ji's call was overwhelmed by the harsher thunder.

  The shadow of the arrow is entangled with the thunder, chopping the waves like a broken bamboo, and like a pair of white jade hands, tearing the wave from it, splitting it in two. At the same time, the whale sucked the cow to drink, frantically absorbing the remaining crimson martial energy on both sides, blending it into the cluster of arrows, and waiting to kill the enemy, it was more than twice as strong as it was at the beginning.


  The head of the enemy general!

   This blow made the enemy look serious for the first time tonight.

  He felt threatened in this blow!

   "Ghost tricks, break it for me—"

  He strikes hard.

  The crimson light blade rushed towards the oncoming silver and white arrowhead. The two confronted each other, and a huge explosion cloud intertwined with red and white rushed straight into the sky. A barrier lit up in the center of the explosion.

  Even though there was a blockage, objects such as tents were still burned and turned into dust under the ravages of the air waves. As for the ones that are a little farther away, they ignite spontaneously without fire, and the fire takes shape in an instant.

   Before it could spread in the future, it was frozen by an arrow.

  Yun Ce heaved a sigh of relief upon seeing this. But thinking about the battle situation in mid-air, those heroic sword eyebrows were hard to stretch, with puzzlement and vague disappointment in his eyes, he sighed: "My lord, why haven't you made a move yet? It's clearly at this time—"

  Just because he is obsessed with martial arts doesn't mean he has no mind. How can a real fool practice so fast? He just pays more attention to cultivation than intrigue, and he just pretends that he didn't see some twists and turns, and he doesn't want to delve into the intention behind it.

   For example, the lord makes him the main cavalry.

  The main cavalry is in charge of the cavalry. From the perspective of outsiders, this is full of trust, but Huang Lie's trump card is the heavy shield warrior.

  The so-called cavalry exists in name only, and it is dispensable.

  Huang Lie's trust is like a person who drinks water and knows whether he is warm or not.

  Yun Ce pretended not to know, and practiced diligently every day. One day, the lord will fully trust and reuse him, he can afford to wait.

   But he doesn't understand, when the allies are taking the lead and the enemy is attacking the base camp, as the leader of the alliance, he can still stand on the sidelines and watch coldly? If this is a trick, this is a strategy, Yun Ce understands rationally, but he cannot accept it emotionally.

   This move violated his consistent adherence.

   "Yuanyuan, are you okay?"

  Wei Shou cooperated with the arrow that seemed to come from a magic pen, and successfully broke through, but the flames were difficult to entangle, and his armor was on fire.

  Raising his hand to pat off the sparks on his body, he heard a familiar voice coming from above his head within a few clicks. He raised his head and saw that Shen Tang ran to a higher position at some point, and the original one-man longbow turned into a giant crossbow, no wonder that arrow was so powerful!

   "Cough, cough, cough—" He wanted to answer that nothing happened, but he coughed, "It's okay, it's okay, I'm still alive."

   At the critical moment of life and death, he heard his wife's voice in a trance.

  No matter what you say, you can't die in front of her eyes.

  The explosive air mass dissipated, revealing a ferocious animal head and heavy shield. There was a big gap in the middle of the heavy shield at the front, and through the hole, a smaller hole at the back could be seen. The arrow penetrated three times, and then pierced half of the fourth heavy shield, with cracks extending in all directions.

  This means that the arrow won the head-on blow just now, and as a last resort, it turned into several heavy shields to resist.

"A majestic 16th-class high-ranking student, after so long, can't take down two 15th-class junior high-ranking students. The surname is Qi, your methods are too soft! Could it be that you are getting old and unable to do what you want?" Wei Shou He spit out **** saliva, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, but his mood was very bright, and he grinned at the opposite side, not forgetting to run his martial energy to repair the damaged armor.

   "Hahaha, do you want me to teach you?"

"Yuan Yuan, you teach him to teach him, don't take me with you." Shen Tang's arrow just now has 90% of his literary and martial energy, and it is considered to be at the end of his strength at this time, but there is no sign of weakness on the surface, "Your martial arts Do brave warriors play like this?"

  The two sang together, making the opponent very angry.

  At this moment, a ray of golden light came, it was Chu Jie who was training outside and hurried back when he saw the movement. Seeing this posture on the other side, he sneered: "Here comes another one to die."

   "Look, what's that?"

   At this time, someone pointed to the distance and shouted.

  At the end of the horizon, dark light rushes towards the moon.

  There is a dragon chant under the sky.

  Looking closely, there is no black light there, it is clearly a dragon rising into the sky. This dragon shadow lasted for a very short time, but since it appeared, a vast and heavy coercion pressed on everyone with incomparable power. Meridian Wenqi/Martial Qi is like a quagmire, and those with weaker cultivation bases are even more overwhelmed, and at a certain moment, they even have the urge to surrender...

  Shen Tang didn't know what was going on at first, until she found that the cultural energy in her body was boiling strangely, and the inside of Dan's mansion was turbulent. But Shen Tang still clenched his right fist calmly and suppressed it with a lazy martial spirit. The scene was chaotic, and naturally no one noticed the flash of light in her palm.

"Hahahaha, your death is approaching." With a breath of wind in his palm, the commander-in-chief flag standing outside the main tent of the Chinese Army snapped off at the waist and flew straight into his hands, "Wei Yuanyuan, let you live on for a few more days. Yours Head, come and take it in a few days!"

  Chu Jie tried to stop him: "Who will allow you to go?"

   "Get out!"

   With a loud shout, the air wave broke through Chu Jie's path. The moment Chu Jie paused, he had already walked away carrying the handsome flag.

   Watching the flying handsome flag disappear into small dots in the blink of an eye, Shen Tang suppressed the strangeness in his heart, and asked tentatively: "Why did he run away suddenly? Didn't he threaten to take off our heads?"

   Wei Shou said solemnly: "Zheng Qiao is here."

  Shen Tang asked: "What's coming?"

  Chu Jie had obviously seen a similar posture before, and he was quite calm: "It's Zheng Qiao, the imperial conscript, he's here."

   After speaking, he went to see Shen Tang from the corner of his eye.

  Seeing that she has no special reaction, I feel a little relieved.

   What happened just now is too dangerous! It should be noted that within a certain range, the national seal and the national seal will interact with each other. As the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and one country cannot tolerate two masters. If it was revealed at this time that Shen Jun had a national seal in his hand, Zheng Qiao would not have to send troops to fight over, and his own people would find a way to tear her into pieces.

   Chu Jie's answer confirmed Shen Tang's guess.

   "Zheng Qiao is really the best, are you ready to fight here?" She knew that she and Zheng Qiao would face each other sooner or later, but she never thought that this would be the case.

   This means that Zheng Qiao intends to do his best when he comes up.

   "It seems to be true now, regardless of other things, his courage is worth a look." Chu Jie said this sincerely. I think that when Chu State was destroyed, the iron cavalry of Xin State set foot on the capital, but the lord of Chu State was still hiding in the palace.

  The size is also the lord of a country. In the end, he was dragged out of the palace like an animal by the enemy generals, his face was disgraced, and his majesty was gone.

  At the beginning of the war, how many civil and military counselors asked him to fight in person?

  If the Lord of the State of Chu was willing to go on a personal conquest and lead Chu Guoerlang to a battle to the death, even if the country was destroyed in the end, at least he could still have a good reputation. When outsiders mention him, no matter how bad they are, they can get a "hard" evaluation.

  Unexpectedly, he was timid and refused to stand out, and Chu Jie, as a son-in-law, was also reprimanded. After going back and forth, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty also completely saw his cowardly, greedy for life and fear of death nature, and they were completely chilled.

   In comparison, Zheng Qiao is at least not a coward.

  Shen Tang glanced at the reactions of Huang Lie and the others, and felt quite a headache: "He has courage, and we are afraid that we will be in trouble... I hope there will be no further complications. The grass-roots team can't stand the toss."

  The coalition forces of the Dragon Slaying Bureau, to put it bluntly, are a group of mobs with their own ghosts. Specialize in playing against the wind, once the headwinds, all kinds of accidents will happen frequently. They all said that they were at odds with Zheng Qiao, and if the battle did not go well, if Zheng Qiao showed tolerance and generosity, they might turn against him. In this world, some people are willing to die standing up, but some people can accept living on their knees.

  As soon as Shen Tangfu landed, Chu Yao and others surrounded him.

   Concerned: "My lord, is there any injury?"

  What they want to ask more is about Guoxi.

  Shen Tang understood, she waved her hands to comfort everyone: "I'm doing fine now, and I can fight him another 300 times!"

  Gu Chi, who is well aware of his lord's state at this time, gave her face and did not expose her, but silently applied a word spirit to restore her literary/martial energy. The Dan Mansion, which was on the verge of depletion, was like spring rain, and the paleness on his face was replaced by rosy within a few breaths.

   This night is destined to miss the word peace.

  The news of Zheng Qiao Yujia's personal conquest exploded like a thunder among the coalition forces of the Dragon Slaying Bureau. Shen Tang's side is no exception. They are in a meeting, but they are not discussing Zheng Qiao, but planning how to fight.

   Chu Yao's words are amazing.

  Because he suggested that he should "keep a low profile".

  Shen Tang was stunned: "Start paddling at this time?"

   Isn't this the same as the final boss coming out and then hanging up?

  She didn't veto Chu Yao's suggestion, but just asked him why. She needed a reason that could convince her. Chu Yao replied very rationally: "The fundamental purpose of the dragon slaying bureau was never Zheng Qiao's life, but the national seal in his hands. My lord, as long as this national seal does not fall into our hands, once the dragon slaying is over, we will The next dragon to be slain!"

  The particularity of the national seal is destined to be exposed by Shen Tang.

  If there is a rush to do everything first, resulting in the loss of soldiers and generals, and the vitality is greatly injured, at that time, people will be knifed and I will be fish and meat, and I will be really passive.


  Chu Yao knew what Shen Tang wanted to "but".

   "We must first see the true strength of our allies."

  Before Shen Tang joined, the Dragon Slaying Bureau had been fighting for two years and hadn't been killed by Zheng Qiao. Is it true that Zheng Qiao couldn't kill it?

  Among them, there are certainly those who are weak and fish in troubled waters, but there are also those who pretend to be fish in troubled waters. If the latter wants to retain their strength until the end to pick the fruit, they have to see if they agree. Gu Chi also persuaded Shen Tang: "My lord, watch with peace of mind, the real fun has just begun. They have sat on the Diaoyutai for a long time, and now it's our turn..."

  Furthermore, they are not completely bad, they just give up the stage and more performance opportunities to their allies.

  The moon in the water ripples in circles with the wind.

  Wait for the wind to calm down and the moon to be full again.

  A young man in Chinese clothes is boating on the river, wearing a bamboo hat.

  Behind the young man, a group of internal eunuchs waited with their heads bowed.

   After a long time, the fishing rod sank.

  The young man raised his eyebrows, and immediately pulled back the rod, catching a big fish. The nearest inner prisoner hurriedly sent the fish reel, and the young man took the hook from the mouth of the fish. The hook was actually straight and straight! With a flick of the fishing rod, the hook shatters the moon in the water.

  The ripples spread round and round until calm.

"came back?"

  I don't know when, a burly bearded military general appeared behind the young man, and he was carrying a handsome flag on his shoulder.

  The military general threw the commander-in-chief flag to the inner prisoner, and saluted with fists clasped.

   "I have seen the king."

  The young man looked back, revealing a moonlight-covered face full of romantic charm and beauty: "Is this trip going well?"

  The general's expression was not good: "It didn't go well. I saw the traitor general Wei Yuanyuan today, but it's a pity that he couldn't take off his head..." This was already a complete failure for him.

  Youth is not surprised.

  He even thought that the general would come back with injuries all over his body.

   The result was intact, a little better than expected.

   "How strong is that group?"

The general curled his lips in disdain: "It's just a group of cowards, there are only two or three who are barely considered men, and the rest can't shrink back. If it wasn't for the king's summoning, the last general must kill three people, and then give the last general a soldier. Can wipe them out!"

  The corners of the young man's lips curled up lightly, noncommittal, but concerned about Huang Lie: "When you went, what did Huang Lie say?"

  The general said: "It's just a quick talk."

   added another sentence: "It seems to be confident."

"Of course he is confident—" the young man looked down at the calm river, and a few sneers flashed in his eyes, but he didn't say where the capital of Huang Lie's confidence was. Tang's youth?"

  The general is no stranger to this name.

   It's just that he hasn't seen it before, so I don't know the number.

   "The king cares about this person?"

"If Shen Tang is here tonight, then that person should be him." The young man got up and handed the fishing rod to the inner prisoner, got up and entered the cabin, saying that the cabin is actually similar to a small palace. The interior is extremely spacious and luxuriously decorated. Opening the door, there was a warm feeling blowing towards the face with a fragrant wind, "I was only a little suspicious before, but now the more I think about it, the more suspicious this person is."

  The general followed the young man into the cabin.

   "The words of the lord will never be understood."

  Youth sneered: "National Seal."

  The military commander opened his eyes in astonishment: "National seal?"

The young man said to himself: "I also wondered why senior brother tried his best to promote this person to be transferred to Longwu County. He knew it early in the morning and kept it secret for so long." He suspected Shen Tang at that time, but Shen Tang honestly squatted He Yin does not seem to have a national seal.

   After that, she couldn't care about Shen Tang anymore.

   Now it is confirmed that this person is the most suspected.

  The military general had a plan: "If the news spreads out... hook them to fight among themselves, we will be able to reap the benefits of the fisherman!"

  The young man waved his hands and smiled slightly: "It's useless."

Shen Tang's performance in the battle of Chaoli Pass was really impressive, and he seemed to be the core force of the coalition forces of the Dragon Tuning Bureau. At this time, when such news came out, everyone would guess that it was his clumsy conspiracy to kill with a knife. Can't hurt Shen Tang.

  The general's eyes were fierce: "Then let him go like this?"

  The young man's rising tone carried a bit of sarcasm: "Let go? No one will be let go in this world. I'm looking forward to what kind of picture it will be like if this group of people bite dogs."

  He sits on the throne.

  Let's see how many people can challenge him!


   Hey, I made an aluminum keyboard today. It has a heavy feel, which is really different from the plastic keyboard. The sound is very concentrated, and it is very comfortable to listen to. The only downside is that it is expensive.

   Monthly tickets will be over in one hour, can we still get 153 monthly tickets, woo woo woo.

   PS: Guess Zheng Qiao's way of being a prince, this chapter should be easy to guess.



  (end of this chapter)